Myths and legends –Caribbean (Haiti)
Voodoo comes from the Caribbean and includes gods and magic.
The snake god Damballah made the world. He used his long body to make the planets and the stars. When he changed his skin, like snakes do, this made all the waters of the world, all its seas, lakes and rivers. As Damballah moved through these waters, his snake body made all the mountains of the Earth.
Next, Damballah used lightning to make metals. Then, when the sun came through the clouds a rainbow was born. Damballah called the rainbow Ayida Wedo and he loved her, so he made her his wife. Perhaps he loved her because of her colours, because Damballah is also made of many colours, like a rainbow. They are still together today,the snake god and the rainbow. Damballah is the god of the Earth and Ayida Wedo is the god of the sky.
Together Damballah and Ayida Wedo made the first city and then the first of the other gods came down to live in it.
Damballah is the father of all the Caribbean voodoo gods. He is usually seen living in trees near water, such as lakes or rivers. In Haiti he is called the ‘good god’ because he is quiet and kind.
True or false (not true)?
1. Damballah used lightning to make the first rainbow.
2. Damballah made the waters before he made the mountains and valleys.
3. Damballah is the god of the Earth and Ayida Wedo is the god of the sky.
4. Damballah, Ayida Wedo and the first of the other gods made the great city together.
Look at the words in bold below. We use them so that we don’t repeat nouns that have already been used. Look at these words in the story. Which are the nouns that they describe?
1. He used his long body
2. His skin
3. He loved her
4. All its seas, lakes and rivers
5. This made all the waters
6. Came down to live in it
Now use the words in bold above to complete these gaps:1. My brother is older than me. ... is 23 years old.
2. My phone is new. I love ...!
3. The city is beautiful, especially ... old buildings.
4. ... is the real problem: all the wars in the world.
5. She loved him very much but he didn’t love ... .
6. He is nice but I don’t like ... sister.
Do you like this story? Why do you think stories like this are important for people?
Activity 1
1. d; 2. a; 3. e; 4. c; 5. b; 6. f
Activity 2
1. False; 2. True; 3. True; 4. False
Activity 3.1
1. Damballah; 2. Damballah’s; 3. Ayida
Wedo/the rainbow; 4. the world; 5. the
changing of Damballah’s skin; 6. the city
Activity 3.2
1. He; 2. it; 3. its; 4. This; 5. her; 6. his