◎供稿:蒹 葭
So you've got a problem? That's good! Why? Because repeated victories over your problems are your ladder of success. With each victoryyou grow in wisdom and experience. Youbecome a better,bigger, more successful person eachtime you meet a problem and conquer itwith positive mental attitude.
Stop and think about it for a moment. Do youknow of a single instance where any real achievementwas made in your life, or in the life of any person inhistory, that was not due to a problem with which theindividual was faced?
Everyone has problems. This is because you andeverything in the universe are changing. Change is a natural law. Whatis important to you is that your success or failure tomeet the challenges of change are dependent upon your attitude
You can direct your thoughts and control yourfeelings, and thus regulate your attitude. Youcanchoose whether your attitude will be positive or negative. You can decide whether you will affect, useor control the changes in yourselfand your environment. When you meet the challengesof change with positive attitude, you can wisely solve each problem.