All That Is Hot


疯狂英语·初中天地 2018年11期

◎供稿:天 晴

1 董卿携《朗读者》在德国开讲:向世界传播中国文学之美,让中德文化碰撞出火花

The dialogue took place in the form of a book reading held in a Berlin chain bookstore, Thalia.At the book reading, German writer David Wagner readexcerpts[摘录、节选]from hisautobiographical[自传体的]novel“Life”.“The fact that I am still able to be here, and even see the Chinese version of my novel published is amiracle[奇迹], a miracle of modern medicine, as well as a miracle of people. It is because of one person or his families’donation[捐献]that I survived,” Wagner told the audience, saying he kept wondering what this person is like. Dong Qing, renowned Chinese anchorwoman,the producer of the program“Readers” as well as the chief editor of the book“Readers”, told Wagner and the audience a story of a father of a Chineseorgan[器官]donator, a father among the many“Readers” invited to the program.


Fill in the blanks:

David Wagner is a writer from_______.

2 Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge港珠澳大桥(简称HZMB)

The world’s longest sea bridge opened on October 23, snaking 34 miles across China’s Pearl Riverestuary[河口,江口]to form apillar[柱子]of Beijing’s plan tomerge[合并,融合]11 cities in its southernregion[地区,范围]into one megalopolis[特大都市].

The links are part of a plan to create an integrated[整合的,互相协调的]region that officials havedubbed[把……称作]the “Greater Bay Area.” The bridge will put Hong Kong, Macao and Zhuhai within an hour of each other.



Fill in the blanks:

HZMB is going to put ________, ___________, and _________ within ______ hour.

3 3D-printed meat substitute 科学家3D打印“素食牛排”

Vegetarian[素食者]steaks and chicken produced by a 3D printer are on the menu in Barcelona thanks to the efforts of an Italian scientist—but he admits more work is needed to make them look tasty on the plate. Giuseppe Scionti, a researcher from Milan,has developed the meat—free food usingprotein[蛋白质]powder from rice or peas andcomponents[成分]ofseaweed[海草]. Using CAD software Scionti designed a program to turn the food products, which are inserted into a 3D printing machine using a syringe, into a long micro—filament , which is then shaped into a steak. The product, which begins life as a“strawcolored paste”, is said to have a similartexture[质地]togenuine[真正的]steaks. Scionti has also developed a chickensubstitute[替代品], using the 3D printer to create what he calls a“fibrous plant-based chicken”.Scionti said he had already approached restaurant owners about selling his vegetarian food to customers.


Fill in the blanks:

A 3D printer can produce vegetarian ______ and chicken.

4 Better readers & writers女孩读写能力强于男孩

Girls are better than boys at both reading and writing as early as age 10 —agap[差距]that only widens as they head towards adulthood, according to a new study. Researchers came to their conclusion after reviewing the test scores of 4 million American high school students,spanning[持续]a period of almost threedecades[十年]. Girls rankedsignificantly[显著的]better in both reading and writing in the fourth grade, a gap that only widened in the eighth and twelfth grades. They argue that expressive writing exercises should be pushed on boys earlier to help them catch up with the othersex[性别].


Fill in the blanks:

Boys should practice ______ writing earlier to help them catch up with _____.

