Dynamic Proofs of Retrievability Based on Partitioning-Based Square Root Oblivious RAM
Jian Xu ,Zhihao JiangAndi WangChen Wang and Fucai Zhou
1 Software College,Northeastern University,Shenyang,110169,China.
2 State Κey Laboratory of Information Security,Institute of Information Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing,100093,China.
Abstract:With the development of cloud storage,the problem of efficiently checking and proving data integrity needs more consideration.Therefore,much of growing interest has been pursed in the context of the integrity verification of cloud storage.Provable data possession(PDP)and Proofs of retrievablity(POR)are two kinds of important scheme which can guarantee the data integrity in the cloud storage environments.The main difference between them is that POR schemes store a redundant encoding of the client data on the server so as to she has the ability of retrievablity while PDP does not have.Unfortunately,most of POR schemes support only static data.Stefanov et al.proposed a dynamic POR,but their scheme need a large of amount of client storage and has a large audit cost.Cash et al.use Oblivious RAM(ORAM)to construct a fully dynamic POR scheme,but the cost of their scheme is also very heavy.Based on the idea which proposed by Cash,we propose dynamic proofs of retrievability via Partitioning-Based Square Root Oblivious RAM(DPoR-PSR-ORAM).Firstly,the notions used in our scheme are defined.The Partitioning-Based Square Root Oblivious RAM(PSR-ORAM)protocol is also proposed.The DPOR-PSR-ORAM Model which includes the formal definitions,security definitions and model construction methods are described in the paper.Finally,we give the security analysis and efficiency analysis.The analysis results show that our scheme not only has the property of correctness,authenticity,next-read pattern hiding and retrievabiltiy,but also has the high efficiency.
Keywords:Cloud storage,proofs of retrievability,partitioning framework,oblivious RAM.
1 Introduction
In recent years,cloud computing [Li,Chen,Chow et al.(2018); Shen,Gui,Ji et al.(2018); Zhang,Tan,Liang et al.(2018)] has been envisioned as the next generation architecture of the IT enterprise.It has a long list of unprecedented advantages:on demand self-service,ubiquitous network access,location-independent resource pooling,rapid resource elasticity,usage-based pricing,and et al.One fundamental aspect of this new computing model is data outsourcing,such as cloud storage [Tang,Wang,Hu et al.(2014); Li,Huang,Liu,et al.(2018)] which can store data reliably and make it easily accessible from any location.In cloud storage,the client wants to upload her data to a server and want to rest assured that her data remains intact.She may trust the server in terms of availability but does not necessarily trust him to keep her data intact.Although cloud storage provides many appealing benefits for users,it also prompts a number of security issues towards the outsourced data [Li,Li,Liu et al.(2018); Lin,Yan,Huang et al.(2018); Xu,Wei,Zhang et al.(2018)].For example,the storage server may try to hide data loss or corruption due the hardware or software failures.And the data in cloud storage is also too large then it is impossible to require the client to retrieve the whole file in order to validate it,due to this requires high time complexity and bandwidth.Thus,protecting the correctness and integrity of the data in the cloud is highly essential [Cash,Κüpçü,Wichs et al.(2013); Yu,Niu,Yang et al.(2014); Lin,Li,Huang et al.(2018)].
Much of interests have been pursued in creating a provable storage mechanism [Ateniese,Burns,Curtmola et al.(2011); Etemad and Κüpçü(2013); Peng,Zhou,Xu et al.(2016)],where an untrusted server can prove to a client that her data is keep intact.More exactly,the client can run an efficient audit protocol with the untrusted server,guaranteeing that the server can only pass the audit if it maintains full knowledge of the entire client data.Consider the large size of the outsourced electronic data and the client’s constrained resource capability,the core of the problem can be generalized as how can the client find an efficient way to perform periodical integrity verifications without local copy of data files.To achieve this goal,two novel approaches called provable data possession(PDP)[Ateniese,Burns,Curtmola et al.(2007)] and proofs of retrievability(POR)[Juels,Κaliski and Burton(2007)] were proposed.
In PDP model,the client can challenge the server on random blocks and verify the data integrity through a proof sent by the server.Therefore,PDP provides probabilistic guarantees of possession of the outsourced file.The same year,Juels et al proposed a“proofs of retrievablity”(POR)[Juels,Κaliski,and Burton(2007)] model which is based on the closely related notion called sublinear-authenticators [Naor and Rothblum(2005)]and gave a more rigorous proof of their scheme.In this model,spot-checking and errorcorrecting codes are used to guarantee both possession and retrievability of data files on archive service systems.This means POR can enable resilience against data loses at the server side:The client may reconstruct her data even if the server destroys(deletes or modifies)one portion of it.Therefore,the main difference between POR and PDP is that POR schemes store a redundant encoding of the client data on the server so as to she has the ability of retrievablity while PDP does not have.
Most of the later variants of PDP and POR support only static data [Ateniese,Κamra and Κatz(2009); Doids,Vadhan and Wichs(2009); Shaham and Waters(2008)].Atenises et al.proposed the scalable PDP [Ateniese,Pietro,Mancini et al.(2008)] for the dynamic scenario.Their scheme overcomes the problems of the prior schemes which only a predetermined number of operations are possible within a limited set of operations.Erway et al also proposed a dynamic PDP(DPDP)scheme [Erway,Κüpçü,Papamanthou et al.(2009)] in the standard model that support fully updates(modify,delete,and insert).The implementation of DPDP is based on rank-based authenticated skip list [Battista and Palazzi(2007)],in which,only the relative indexes of blocks are used,so it can efficiently support dynamic scenario.The works of Atenises et al and Erway et al show how to achieve PDP security for dynamic scenario [Ateniese,Pietro,Mancini et al.(2008); Erway,Κüpçü,Papamanthou et al.(2009)].However,these schemes cannot be used to achieve the stronger notion of POR security.But there are few POR schemes which can support dynamic scenario.A recent work of Stefanov et al.[Stefanov,Dijk,Oprea et al.(2012)] considers the dynamic POR,but their scheme need a more complex setting which may be not translated to the basic client/server setting.
Oblivious RAM(ORAM)is a notion first proposed by Goldreich and Ostro-vsky[Goldreich and Ostrovsky(1996)] in the context of protecting software from piracy.It allows a client to outsource her memory to a remote server while allowing the client to perform random-access reads and writes in private way.Cash et al.[Cash,Κüpçü,Wichs et al.(2013)] give the first solution providing proofs of retrievability for dynamic storage,where the client can perform arbitrary reads/writes on any location within her data by running an efficient protocol with the server.Their scheme is based on ORAM,and they call it PORAM.But the cost of PORAM is heavy.So based on the idea of PORAM,Xu et al.[Xu,Zhou,Jiang et al.(2016)] uses Square-Root Oblivious RAM(SR-ORAM)to construct a dynamic proofs of retrievability(DPOR-SRORAM).But the scheme is not efficient.When client need more efficiency,we use SRORAM into the partitioning framework and get a new ORAM called Partitioning-Based Square Root Oblivious RAM(PSRORAM),then we combine the PSRORAM and the PoR schema to achieve a new DPoR schema whose security is also guaranteed by the protocols.And it turns out that with a little cost of storage in client,this schema gets much more security.
In the rest of the paper,we will firstly give the notions which are used in our scheme.In Section 3,the Partitioning-Based Square Root Oblivious RAM(PSR-ORAM)protocol will be proposed.And we will also give the more details about the PSR-ORAM.In Section 4,we will give the DPOR-PSR-ORAM Model which includes the formal definitions,security definitions and model construction methods.The security analysis is given in Section 5.In this section,we will prove our model has the property of correctness,authenticity,next-read pattern hiding and retrievabiltiy.At Section 6,the efficiency analysis will be given.And the conclusions are given at Section 7.
2 Preliminaries
In this section,the notations used in this paper are given.Because the file encoding and decoding process is similar with the process in Xu’s paper [Xu,Zhou,Jiang et al.(2016)],we omit this part.And the partitioning-based square root oblivious ram is also described.
2.1 Notation
The notations used in this paper are given in Tab.1.
2.2 Partitioning-based square root oblivious RAM
The idea behind segmentation framework is to divide the original square root ORAM(SR-ORAM)which is a single N-block memory cell into an ORAM of P different N/P-block memory cells,so that dividing the original large ORAM into multiple sub-ORAMs(the segmentation algorithm only logically divides the original ORAM,not a physical implementation).For an ORAM,the biggest cost is to maintain independence from the server,that is,shuffling and sorting.To improve the efficiency and reduce the cost,based on segmentation framework,we have added the storage of the client to reduce the cost of shuffling and sorting.
1)Segmentation framework
In segmentation framework,each segmented ORAM will have an extension area in the client,so that it can dynamically adjust the costs and achieve the best efficiency; at the same time,the segmentation framework must guarantee that access to the storage space
which is made up of all segmented sub-ORAM,is completely random to the malicious server,and similarity ensure that the storage cost of the client is small enough.
The storage space of the segmentation framework can be broadly divided into two parts:server storage and client storage.The server storage is constructed by all sub-ORAM,while the client storage is constructed by three parts:Address Mapping Table,ORAM extension slot and Sort Buffer.Its framework is shown in Fig.1.
Figure 1:Segmentation framework
2)Square Root ORAM in Segmentation framework
In this section,we embed the SR-ORAM into the segmentation framework.
First,we divide the redundant encoded user dataintoblocks; the size is same as the file area,and then each block,together withdummy data to form a sub-ORAM.
Second,move the shelter data of original SR-ORAM to the client to formORAM extension slots,which are corresponding to each sub-ORAM and the data capacity of each ORAM extension slot,is 1-block.The data structure of PSR-ORAM,as shown in Fig.2.
The PSR-ORAM includes:
Extension slot:ORAM extension slot is used to buffer data blocks.There exists extension slots corresponding to the number of segmented square root sub-ORAM,and each extension slot can store a data block.
Address Mapping Table:Address Mapping Table is used to track the allocation of each storage block in ORAM.In this section,we define p as the index of the segmented sub-ORAM, p ∈ {1,......,P}and position [u]=pindicate that a storage block which logical address isuin address mapping tableF ,is located in pth sub-ORAM.
Other Storage space:it is used to store the state variables and related information for each phase of the server and client,such as encryption key,location and so on.
Figure 2:Partitioning-based square root oblivious RAM
3 PSR-ORAM protocol
3.1 Protocol overview
PSR-ORAM protocol is executed when external entities access PSR-ORAM storage space.It concludes four parts:(i)Initialization protocolP OInit(1λ,1w,lcode),(ii)Reading
protocolPORead(u),(iii)Writing protocolPOWrite(u,data*)and(v)background-evict protocol BackgroundEvict(n um).
2)DORead(u):u is the data location; the client first reads the extension slot in the PSRORAM storage space,if the server is not found,reading the data from the sub-ORAM and return.
3)POWrite(u,data*):u is the data location to be modified,data*is the data to be modified.It first calls the protocolPORead(u),and then the client writes data*to the PSR-ORAM extension slot.
4)BackgroundEvict(num)Protocol:num is the number of data blocks.It is a process happened in PSR-ORAM structure,where the client extension slot writes a fixed number of data blocks to the server’s sub-ORAM.
3.2 Protocol description
In segmentation framework,the actual interaction with the client is each segmented sub-ORAM.In the process of interaction,we have defined an identifier to give all blocks numbers,if it is dummy data,mark⊥,otherwise { 1,2,...,lcode}.
Step 1.Partition
First,the client randomly sorts the lcodelength data,then divides it intosubblock oflength.Second,send each sub-block to the server.Third,randomly selectnumber of dummy data to construct a sub-ORAM,and then empty the extension slot for each sub-ORAM which client corresponding,to construct a PSRORAM storage space extending to the client
Step 2.Fill address mapping table
During initialization,the idea is for client to write the logical address of all data blocks and the sub-ORAM numbers to table position in form of p osition [u]=p .Each mapping contains the offset of the logical address in its sub-ORAM,improving the efficiency of server lookup data.
The idea is for server to access parts of the PSR-ORAM storage space of the server at one time,as the access sequence is completely indistinguishable,the malicious server cannot know any effective information.The protocolP OReadis constructed by three steps:
Step 1.Looking for position mapping table
The client first search in the mapping table position to find the block position u,then find its corresponding index p in sub-ORAM
Step 2.Access extension slot and its sub-ORAM
If the data block with position u is found in the extension slot p of the client sub-ORAM,then read a dummy data from the sub-ORAM; if the data is not found in the extension slot,and then read a data block from the sub-ORAM which position is u.When the server has read a data block from the pth sub-ORAM in the PSR-ORAM storage space(The data can be either dummy data or data from,but it is indistinguishable to the server),the block will be deleted,and then clear both the data and position of the block.
Step 3.Redistribution
The client randomly selects a sub-ORAM extension slot p'and writes the data block u into the slot.If the slot p'has data,we should randomly select again.
At the same time,the client should update the position mapping table,associatep'andu,and save the association to the positionmapping table.When next time read data u,the location is p'th ORAM,which consists of sub-ORAM and extension slot.
The idea is firstly executing the protocolPORead(u)to read the variable data in position u,and then replacing the data with a new input variable d ata *.Finally write the updated data block in position u into the extension slot.
This protocol is completely independent of the data access request; it can be regarded as an autonomous process in the PSR-ORAM storage space.First,define a ratio rate to indicate that there may have n um = rate*Pdata in extension slots can be written to the corresponding sub-ORAM during each data access phase.
Generally,the process is that after each data access,the client will randomly choose num extension slots from P .Then the data in extension slot will be written to a random position in the spare position of the sub-ORAM(The probability of position overflow can be negligible),if there is no data in the extension slot,a dummy data will be written.
4 DPoR-PSR-ORAM model
4.1 Formal definition
Definition 1(DPoR-PSR-ORAM model):There are two parties in the model,remote server S(such as cloud storage provider)and client C,for transmitting messages by executing DPoR-PSR-ORAM protocol.Generally,the protocol includes four parts:DDPInit protocol,DDPRead protocol,DDPWrite protocol,and DDAudit protocol,which can be represented by ψ={DDPInit,DDPRead,DDPWrite,DDAudit}.
1)DDPInit protocol
DDPlnit(1λ,1w,l):λis the security parameter,w means byte unit in data space,and lis the length of data which unit is block.By this protocol,the client sends data to the server.
2)DDPRead protocol
DDPRead(i):i is the position of the data to be read in user dataF .By executing this protocol,the client can read the corresponding location data.
3)DDPWrite protocol
DDPWrite(i ,data*):i means the position of the data to be written in the user data F,and v'is the input value.By executing this protocol,the client can update the corresponding location data.
4)DDAudit protocol
DDAudit(P os):Pos is a predefined idataset.The data corresponding to the position in the set construct Messageand MAC(Message Authentication Code).By executing this protocol,the client can verify whether the data has been tampered or deleted.
4.2 Security definitions
In order to satisfy the security of the proposed DPoR-PSR-ORAM,and both supports four properties:accuracy,authenticity,access privacy,and data recoverability.As the security of DPoR-PSR-ORAM is almost the same as the security of DPoR-SRORAM proposed in Xu’s paper [Xu,Zhou,Jiang et al.(2016)],the only difference is ORAM.So,the way to implement the access patterns hiding features is different.Hence,we redefined the access privacy.Other security definitions are not described.
Definition 2(Access privacy):If DPoR-PSR-ORAM scheme has access privacy,the PSR-ORAM based on the PSR-ORAM scheme meets ORAM security.That is the hiding access patterns.
The access privacy of the DPoR-PSR-ORAM schema guarantees that the server could not receive any valid information when the client accesses user data.The access privacy of DPoR-PSR-ORAM is the same as the scheme in the previous chapter,which is defined and implemented based on the ORAM hiding access patterns.In this scheme,when client requests data,the server will send the requested location through the PSR-ORAM protocol to the PSR-ORAM storage space to preprocess.Hence,if the PSR-ORAM protocol used in this scheme can satisfy hiding access patterns,the DPoR-PSR-ORAM scheme also can satisfy access privacy.
4.3 Construction
1)DDPInit protocol
Step 1:The client generates a symmetric key and a MAC key mkey,etc.through key generation algorithm.
Step 2:The client executes Encode(F ;key,mkey)→(,Pos)and turns llength of user file Fto lcodelength of.
Step 3:Treat lcodelength ofas an input,and execute the protocolD OInit(1λ,1w,lcode).
2)DDPRead protocol
Step 1:The client selects a position i in the original data F,getting the variable v and through u =+1computing the v's corresponding position in.
Step 2:There are two parts in PSR-ORAM storage space,the sub-ORAM of the server and the extension slot of the client,for transmitting messages.By executing this protocol,the client gets the file content F [ i]= F [ u ]=vof the corresponding position it read.
During the DDPRead Protocol,the PSR-ORAM storage space is trusted and open to the client,but the server is a black box.As the writing and reviewing of protocol below are similar,no more details will be repeated here.
3)DDPWrite protocol
Step 1:The client selects the position i in original data F,geting the value data and throughcomputing all positions in the fileof.
Step 2:Execute D ORead(j + 1,… …,j +n)protocol and come back to file.
Step 3:The client uses the decoding algorithm Decode(;key)→fjto generate.
Step 4:The client updates the variable in position i to F[i]=data*,and rerun the encoding algorithm Encode(fj' ;key)→to generate
Step 5:The client executes D OWriteprotocol to write the values into the extension slot.By executing BackgroundEvict(num)protocol,the client and the server will regularly to write the data into the server.
4)DDAudit protocol
There have two functions in this protocol:(i)Review whether the user data is tampered,(ii)Recover data.
The description of first protocol is given as follows.
Step 1:Selects t-position(P os1,......,P ost)from lcodeas a subset of Poswhich is used to verify MAC information,and then execute D ORead(P os1,......,P ost).
Step 2:The client gets corresponding positions valuesVPos=(vPos1,......vPost)=(M essage,VM).Step 3:ExecuteVerify(VM,Message,k ey)→b algorithm to determine if the server has passed the review.If successes,b=1,otherwise,b=0.
The idea for second protocol is to use an extractor(here the client)to iterate review the server in order to recover user data F.The detail description is as follows:
Step 1:Randomly select t-position(P os1,......,P ost)from lcodeand then execute DORead(P os1,......,P ost)protocol.
Step 2:Iteratively repeat s = m ax(2lcode,λ)*p times.The client C saves all the data received from the server into an empty Vector to generate.After the decoding,if F'=F,the data recovery is successful; otherwise,F'≠F,return fail.
5 Security analysis
Since the safety,validity,authenticity and data recoverability definition of DPoR-PSRORAM is the same as the definition of DPoR-PSR-ORAM,and the verification process is similarly same.Hence,no more details would be repeated here.However,the DPoRPSR-ORAM project is based on a PSR-ORAM different from that of this one,and the way to hide the access mode is also differs.So,we will prove the access privacy of DPoR-PSR-ORAM by demonstrating the hidden access mode of PSR-ORAM.
Theorem 1:Suppose that the project meets access privacy only when PSR-ORAM meets a hidden access mode.
Proof:The access mode of PSR-ORAM includes three stages:accessing the data of extension slot,reading data from database and deleting that data,updating data of the extension slot,and doing behind-the-scenes eviction algorithm.
In the game of R eadGamesb(λ)in section 2,the trusted server accesses two sequences of PSR-ORAM protocol,Q0=(op0,...,opq)orQ1=(op0',...,opq'),while malicious server can know which one is executed according to the copies of the sequences.
When executing opjandopj'of the two sequences,the first phase is to access the data of the extension slot,no matter the corresponding protocol is read or written.Suppose that the probability of knowing a protocol in the first phase isPrphase1.According to PSRORAM,the data of extension slot is stored in the client,which is trusted.Hence,whether variable is found or not in the corresponding position,Prphase1=0.
No matter the executing protocol is read or write,in the second phase,the order is always firstly access the first position of server and then delete the data there.When it found a wanted value in the first stage,it will access π(lcode+count)thposition in the dummy data;otherwise,it will access π(u)thposition in.Suppose that the server could tell the difference between them,that isPrphase2=ρ(ρis no negligible),that means the π pseudorandom permutation is not random for the server.It can be concluded from the randomness of the pseudorandom permutation that πis completely random for the server.In this case,the hypothesis is untenable,soPrphase2=negl(λ).
The third stage is completely dependent from the first two stages.The BackgroundEvict protocol inside PSR-ORAM has written the updated data into the server,and its executing process and accessing process are totally independent from each other.Writing frequency only relates tonum ,which is relevant to security parameters,and during the writing process of the server,dummy data or user data is written according to the content of the extension slot,so it is also absolutely indistinguishable for the server.Hence,we have Prphase3=negl(λ).
As a conclusion,PSR-ORAM meets a hidden access mode,and DPoR-PSR-ORAM meets access privacy as well as validity,authenticity,and data recoverability.
6 Efficiency
The DPoR-PSR-ORAM scheme is compared with DPoR-SRORAM scheme and hierarchical PORAM scheme,and the results are shown in Tab.2 as follows:
Table 2:Comparisons of Performance
O(num)O(1)O(logN) O(1)O()O() Yes Yes Yes
As shown in Tab.2,the conclusion can be reached that:Firstly,compared with the SRORAM-DPoR scheme,the proposed scheme increases not only the storage capacity of the client but the storage capacity of the server.Unfortunately,it is far less than that required by the hierarchical PORAM scheme.Moreover,it greatly reduces the cost of access.In order to eliminate the shuffle time,it assigns the shuffle cost to the communication cost of the behind-the-scenes eviction after each visiting.Finally,the proposed scheme is more conducive to implement a dynamic PoR scheme when the client's storage is large enough.
7 Conclusions
In this paper,we use PSR-ORAM to construct a dynamic POR which is called DPoRPSR-ORAM.This scheme can be used for dynamic storage with high efficiency.The PSR-ORAM protocol which is the basis of our scheme is proposed in the paper.We combine the PSR-ORAM protocol and POR scheme to give the DPoR-PSR-ORAM scheme which the storage cost and shuffle cost is much reduced.Finally,the security and efficiency analysis show that our scheme is efficient in supporting data dynamics with provable verification and retrievability.Finally,in the future,we will give much attention to improve the efficiency and security of our scheme.
Acknowledgement:This work is supported,in part,by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant No.61872069,in part,by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(N171704005),in part,by the Shenyang Science and Technology Plan Projects(18-013-0-01).
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