Nothing stops determination


疯狂英语·新悦读 2018年12期

甘肃嘉峪关市第二中学 张银花


翅膀折断了,心可以飞翔;脊柱分裂了,新闻工作者的梦想还可以继续。美国人Jack Rummler的追梦故事将给我们带来不一样的感动。

体裁 记叙文 文章词数 3 6 3 难度指数 ★★★题材 励志故事 建议用时 6′

Jack Rummler was in hospital,but he kept emailing his journalism teacher and classmates at Boone High School in the US.He wanted to stay on top of his newspaper work and didn't want anyone else to be stuck with the tasks he'd taken on.

“He would be in hospital writing stories,”said Renee Burke,his teacher at the time,“He wouldn't stop worrying about us.”

Rummler,18,said he did this because he enjoyed high school journalism so much.“Every little aspect of it.”

“He is a student with mercy,”Burke said,“who always seems to be thinking about others,even when he faces his own challenges.”Born with spina bifida(脊柱分裂),he walks with a limp(跛行)and has had about 12 operations.Two years ago,medical problems kept him out of school for weeks.

“Yet,he never wanted to be treated differently,”Burke said,“nor did he avoid doing anything that might be physically challenging for him,such as filming football games.”During his high school life,he worked his way up from staff member to editorin-chief of the Boone paper.

And last month,he won the“Student Journalist of the Year”award from the Florida Scholastic Press Association.

The contest required student journalists to put together examples of their work and their ability to be“backpack journalists”who could take on many types of assignments.

Rummler's examples included stories and opinion pieces,a graphic(图 表)he'd designed about school construction,and a TV advertisement for the paper's online site.

“I think one of the things that journalism taught me is to always be aware of what's going on in the world,”he said.

His school paper publishes in print four times a year,as well as online.The last issue he worked on was about graduation,showcasing the achievements of top students and athletes,among other soon-to-be graduates.

In August,Rummler will start at the University of Florida,where he plans to study environmental sustainability(可持续性)and communications.

“Whatever he does,he's going to be great at it,”said Bridgette Norris,the current journalism teacher at Boone,who taught him this past school year.

Reading check

What good qualities should we learn from Jack Rummler?

Language study


“Yet,he never wanted to be treated differently,”Burke said,“nor did he avoid doing anything that might be physically challenging for him,such as filming football games.”



If you don't go swimming tomorrow,neither/nor will I.如果你明天不去游泳,我也不会去。

If you go swimming tomorrow,so will I.如果你明天去游泳,我也会去。


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