【摘 要】口語测试是最典型的一种主观语言测试。它的可信性、有效性和测试目的、原则、形式紧密相连,这些都能直接反映出被测试者的语言能力。口语测试的目的并不只是评估被测试者的语言知识,重点的是测出被测试者能否利用所学的知识完成既定任务和解决实际问题的能力及适当性。因此,口语测试需要达到熟练掌握语言知识和适当应用语言技巧的有效结合。本文从交际型口语测试的角度,介绍口语测试在实际中的应用。
Language testing varies with the change of approaches to language learning. Both testing and learning are so closely interrelated that it is virtually impossible to work in either field without being constantly concerned with the other.
1.Feathers of Communicative Language Test
Communicative oral testing is more concern about language social intercourse ability, appropriacy and validity. The remarkable features are as below:
Oral testing shows what are really need in a communicative circumstance. If we want to reflect this, there must be an information gap between both sides, what A knows, B doesnt know; what B knows, A doesnt know. Also the two parties all have the wishes to get information through communication.
Oral testing is task oriented, that is to complete a whole task. For instance, ask for suggestions, complaint about power cut in dormitory. Testers would judge the efficiency of the use of language.
Oral testing is emphasis on interaction that between examinee and examiner, or between two or some examinee. They communicate around several subjects.
2.Formats of Communicative Language Test
Many previous oral tests include a test of reading aloud in which the student is given a Short time to glance through an extract before being required to read it aloud.
The most obvious format for the testing of the oral interaction is the interview. Most of the time, interview is between examinee and examiner. Different from structuralism oral test, the oral questions are unrelated from one to another.
2.2Role play
Role-play activities can be used successfully to test oral communicative ability. The students involves are assigned fictitious roles and are required to improvise in language and behavior.
2.3Group discussion
Discussion between candidates can be a valuable source of information. These may be discussions of a topic or in order to come to a decision. Testers will assess their performances according their communicative competence.
3.Difficulties in testing the speaking skills in practical aspects
Testing the ability to speak is most important aspect of language testing. However, at all stages beyond elementary levels of mimicry and repetition it is an extremely difficult skill to test, as it is far too complex a skill to permit any reliable analysis to be made for the purpose of objective testing.
In many tests of oral production it is neither possible nor desirable to separate the speaking skills from the listening skills. Clearly, in normal speech situations the two skills are interdependent.
4.Suggestions as to how to administer communicative tests
Tests should therefore assess the examinees communicative behavior and not be based on linguistic items alone. In taking communicative tests, students performance should be measured not only in terms of formal correctness, but also primarily in terms of interaction, for the concern is not how much the students know, but how well they can perform.
A language test which seeks to find out what candidates can do with language provides a focus for purposeful, everyday communication activities. Such a test will have a more useful effect on the learning of a particular language than a mechanical test of structure. Communicative competence is “the knowledge that users of a language have internalized to enable them to understand and produce messages in the language”. A test which sets out to measure students performances as fairly as possible without in any way setting traps for them can be effectively used to motivate them. A well-constructed test will provide the students with an opportunity to show their ability to perform certain tasks in the language. Provided that details of their performance are given as soon as possible after the test, the students should be able to learn from their weakness.
[1]Deruing,T.&Munro;,M.2001.What speaking rates do non-native prefer [J].Applied Linguistics 22:324-337
[2]Fulcher,G.et al.2003.Task difficulty in speaking tests[J].Language Testing 20:321-344