The Wind of My Hometown
My father’s last wish was to visit his hometown—Qingdao in Shandong Province.I tried to help him make the trip over and over again,but it never came true.
[2]2007年欣闻有个山东文化旅游团,我报名参加,第一站是青岛。到了青岛,我们下巴士走到海边,我扶着栏杆,迎着风。这是我家乡的风啊!那风轻轻地吹拂着我的脸、我的发、我的衣衫,彷佛父亲化成了家乡的风包裹着他深爱的女儿。我闭着双眼倾听那风的话语3“话语”一词灵活译成what was in the wind,表达出作者不只在倾听,更是在用心灵感受:究竟是什么在故乡的风中摇曳?这种译法更贴切,也丰富了文章的内涵。,感受那风的抚慰。
[2]In 2007,I was pleased to know that there was a cultural tour to Shandong,so I signed up without hesitation.The first stop was Qingdao,and as soon as the bus arrived,I walked straight to the seaside.I leaned on the wooden rails to embrace the sea wind,the wind of my hometown that gently touched my face and blew through my hair and clothes as if my father held me in his arms.I closed my eyes to listen to what was in the wind and feel its tenderness.
[3]Qingdao,like other big cities,has experienced rapid development in recent decades,with skyscrapers and department stores springing up everywhere in the downtown.Local people spoke mandarin,but originally I would think that young and old people there would speak Shandong dialect in every corner of the city.
[4]On my way back to the bus,I saw a small grocery.In front of the door stood a low wooden table surrounded by a couple of elderly people sitting on the bench chatting over their tea.It was just like what I saw when I was a little girl:uncles in the neighborhood chitchatting with each other.Suddenly,I overheard one of them uttering a familiar pet phrase my father used to say in the local dialect.Tears sprung in my eyes.
[5]在山东那几天参观了许多城市和名胜,但最终没有找到我想找的感觉。到济南的最后一个下午,我和几位朋友到旧城去逛,终于找到了我想要找的东西。那一条窄巷子的水泥墙上,刻着毛笔写的诗词,因为岁月的洗礼斑斑驳驳很有味道。6这句话是作者对魂牵梦萦的故乡的环境描写,翻译时采取了“合译”的策略,将两个分句合成一个长句,并采用“倒装句式”,使译文结构清晰,重点突出。此外,在这句话中,虽然“斑斑驳驳”“有味道”两词并未直接译出,但原文中的意蕴和情感已在译文中得到完整地呈现。“岁月”和“洗礼”灵活转化为英语里常用的形容词archaic和weather-beaten,很有画面感。一家一家靠得很近7“靠得很近”是指院落与院落之间的距离很近,用英语里也有的常见表达shoulder to shoulder形象生动地传达出原文作者的意思。,巷子中间有一家小院落,院子里有一口古旧的抽水井,抽水井连着一根木棍,用两只手一上一下地压,就可抽出水来。我小学三年级住在台北县三重市的小巷子里,进门的小院里也有这么一口抽水井。抽水井旁靠墙处是煤球炉,路旁叠起一个个中间透着许多圆洞的圆形小煤球。在我更小的时候家里也用煤球和黑炭烧饭。这里就是他们的厨房。隔着纱窗的门往里看,房间里只有一张单人床,床上铺着粉红大花旧床单和枕头套,床边有两张藤椅和一张木质书桌。屋里有一位像是80多岁的老太太和一个妇人正说着话,我们要求进去看看。老太太坐在床沿上,我握着她的手跟她说起山东话:“大娘,您好!我也是山东人,我从香港来,我是林青霞。”老大娘以为我骗她,直说:“林青霞很老、很胖,你怎么会是她?”经我一再解释,老太太
拄着拐杖到书桌上找老花镜,我把脸凑上去让她看仔细,她像鉴定钻石一样,8原文该分句并没有动词,译文将前一个分句的“动词”移到该分句的主语前,使之更符合英语的表达习惯。scan一词有细看、审视之意,老人仔细打量林青霞的形象跃然纸上,如果译成see her carefully则不够传神。突然“哎哟来!青霞来了。”
[5]During my stay in Shandong,I visited many cities and scenic spots,and yet I could not find the feeling I was looking for.Luckily,on the afternoon of my last day in Jinan when I was rambling in the old town of the city,I finally found what I had dreamed of.On the cement walls of a narrow alley were some weather-beaten but archaic inscribed verses.Houses here were built shoulder to shoulder.A small courtyard was in the center of the alley and inside there was an old well with a hand pump.A wooden handle was attached to the pump so that water would gush out as you push it up and down.I used to live in a small alley in Sanchong,Taipei County when I was in Grade Three.Inside our courtyard there was a pumping well just like this.By the well and against the wall stood a stove that was fueled with briquettes.By the wayside dozens of round perforated briquettes were stacked.When I was a young child,my father cooked by burning briquettes and charcoals.It seemed that this was the kitchen.Looking into the door through a screen window,I saw a single bed covered by old pink sheets and pillowcase embroidered with large flowers.Beside the bed were two cane chairs and a wooden desk.I saw an old lady probably over eighty years old talking to a housewife.We were allowed to come in.The old lady was seated by the edge of the bed.Holding her hands,I spoke to her in Shandong dialect,“Auntie,nice to meet you! My father was born in Shandong,and I come here from Hong Kong,and my name is Lin Qingxia.” The old lady thought I was lying to her,so she asked,“Lin Qingxia? That old and fatty woman? How could you be her?” Hearing my sincere and repeated explanation,the old lady approached to the desk with the help of her walking stick and grabbed her glasses.I moved my face closer to her,and she scanned me as if identifying a diamond.All of a sudden,she cried out,“Oops,here comes Qingxia!”
[6]As dusk fell,we said farewell to the old lady,and came back to the hotel to rejoin the group for the dinner.Suddenly it occurred to me that I hadn’t given any present to the old lady.I asked my assistant to send my autographed photo and some money to her.Out of my expectation,she refused to open the door,and she called her son.At first he thought we were frauds,and it took us some time to convince him.After the mistake was untangled,they still didn’t accept the photo and money.Finally they took the photo,but returned the enveloped money.
[7]这就是我们家乡人的特质,直率,不贪小便宜。9文章结尾三言两语抒发作者心中的感情,道出了最让自己感动和割舍不下的便是山东人的“特质”,译文首先采用“省译法”省去抽象名词“特质”,用常见的英文动词represent代替,有助于英文受众理解原文作者的本意,其次,译者采用simple和not cheap,简洁、贴切,文章到此戛然而止,而原文作者的故乡情结却得到很好的诠释。□
[7]They represent my hometown folks: simple,but absolutely not cheap.■