How Retirement Systems Vary Among Major Nations
Retirement systems vary widely from country to country.Here’s a look at retirement systems in key nations:
United States
[2]The United States is struggling to finance its promises to future retirees.Social Security is the core of its system.Social Security payments are financed by a tax on both workers and employers1社会保障税是美仅次于个人所得税的第二大税种,由联邦政府按照一定工资比率在全国范围内统一征收,强制要求企业在每月发工资时按照雇员的社会保障号码(SSN)代扣代缴。社会保障税由美财政部国内工资局集中收缴后,专项进入美国社会保障署(Social Security Administration)设立的社会保障基金。.The payments average $1,269 a month.Two-thirds of retirees rely on Social Security for most of their income.Americans can collect as early as age 62 but don’t receive the full benefit unless they wait later to collect — until age 66 for those born from 1943 through 1959 and age 67 for those born after.Many also rely on corporate pensions.But companies have been replacing them with 401(k)-style plans2401(k),取自美国1978年《国内收入法》中的条款(section 401K),是美国一种特殊的退休储蓄计划,允许员工将一部分税前工资存入储蓄计划,积累至退休后使用。.These plans require employees to save and invest themselves.But many who are eligible for 401(k)or similar plans don’t enroll in them,contribute too little or raid their accounts before retirement.
[3]China’s population is aging rapidly.That has left a shortage of working-age people to pay into the pension system.For now,the retirement system remains generous for most city dwellers.Urban workers pay 8 percent of their income toward retirement;their employers add 20 percent.The pensions equal about half of pre-retirement income.Men are eligible for pensions at 60,women at 50 to 55.Policymakers are considering raising the retirement age for urban workers.The Rural Pension,begun in late 2009,allows rural workers to make voluntary contributions3contribution(给雇主或政府用作医疗保险、养老保险等的)定期缴款。to individual accounts that are subsidized by local and central governments.
[4]An aging Japan is struggling to finance the retirement of its baby boom generation.It has a three-part system4日本养老保险金的形式主要有三种:一是国民养老金,日本法律规定凡处于法定年龄段的国民均须加入国民养老金;二是与收入关联的厚生养老金和共济养老金,在参加国民养老金的基础上,企业雇员和公务员等依据身份不同分别加入厚生养老金和共济养老金;三是不同类型的企业养老金和商业养老保险,企业与个人可自由选择加入,属于私人养老金。:Workers receive a flat-rate5flat-rate统一价格;固定收费率。pension of about 66,000 yen ($657)a month from a fund partially financed by worker contributions.They also receive a second pension based on their earnings,financed entirely by their contributions.And they can contribute to additional plans that are voluntary.They can collect the flat-rate pension after contributing for 25 years;they become eligible for a full benefit after 40 years.The flat-rate and earningsbased pensions combined replace an average of only about 25 percent of preretirement income.Many older Japanese,who had lifetime jobs with good benefits,have accumulated hefty savings.But younger workers,who came of age amid a sluggish economy and corporate cutbacks6cutback减产。,are struggling to save.
[5]Germany’s retirement system is generous for many,but getting less so.The post-World War II economic boom financed comfortable retirements.The system still provides the bulk of income for retired people—about 70 percent as of 2010.Germans can retire with a full pension at 65,though the age is gradually rising.People born after 1964 face a retirement age of 67.The system replaces 58 percent of average take-home7take-home实得的。pay.The pensions are funded by a payroll tax with no investment assets backing the government’s promises—a so-called pay-as-yougo system.Pensions are tied to earnings during a person’s working years.But the formula now reduces pension levels as the ratio of retirees to workers rises.There’s an additional benefit that serves as a safety net for very low-income retirees.Many people who work for major employers also have company-based pensions.
[5]对许多人而言,德国的退休制度十分慷慨 但目前也在逐步收紧。二战后德国繁荣的经济为退休人员提供了良好的待遇,如今,退休金仍是退休人员收入的主要来源——截至2010年,约占收入的70%。德国人65周岁退休可领取全额退休金,但是这一年龄也在逐渐推迟。1964后出生的人退休年龄将为67周岁。该制度提供的退休金相当于人们退休前平均税后工资的58%。退休金来自工薪税,没有投资性资产来支撑政府承诺的养老保障,这即是所谓的现收现付制。养老金与个人工作期间的收入挂钩,但随着退休人口与劳动人口的比例不断上升,养老金水平会有所下降。低收入退休人群还可领取一份额外的津贴作为最低保障,许多在大企业工作的员工还有企业养老金。
[6]Older French workers who want to retire early have a good deal: The minimum age for a full pension for most of them is just 62 as long as they’ve contributed to the system for at least 41.5 years.France has a tax-funded pension and mandatory employer programs.A worker who earned France’s median wage receives 60.8 percent of pre-retirement take-home pay.In October 2013,France raised the contribution period to receive a full public pension from 41.5 to 43 years—but only after 2020.By then,most of France’s baby boomers will have retired.
[7]Britain’s government pension system is designed to protect retirees from misery,not make them comfortable.British retirees receive just 38 percent of their income from government pensions,far less than German and Italian retirees;British retirees get 26 percent from company pensions.The State Pension is a regular payment made by the government to people who have reached State Pension age.It is a “contributionbased” benefit,and depends on an individual’s National Insurance (NI)contribution history.For someone with the 30 qualifying years,it is payable at a flat rate of £125.95 a week (9 April 2018—7 April 2019).35 years contribution is needed to get the full new State Pension(nSP),which is currently £164.35 per week from 6 April 2016.
[8]Brazil is ranked second-best of 20 countries evaluated by the Center for Strategic and International Studies8美国国际战略研究中心于1962年成立,是现在美国国内规模最大的国际问题研究机构,总部设在华盛顿。for maintaining retirees’ incomes.But it’s only No.18 in its ability to pay for its retirement system over the long term.In the 1980s,Brazil introduced a generous government pension system before it became rich enough to afford one.The system is financed with a payroll tax;higher-paid workers contribute more.Brazilians need contribute for only 15 years to receive full benefits at age 65(for men)or 60 (or women).Men can retire at 53 if they’ve contributed to the system for 30 years,women at age 48 if they’ve contributed for 25 years.For Brazilians who earned average wages,Brazil’s pensions replace 97 percent of their old take-home pay,well above a 69 percent average for the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.Brazil will strain to pay those pensions as its population ages.
[9]Until a 2004 reform,Italians could retire with generous benefits as early as age 57.Austerity measures enacted in response to Italy’s debt crisis have raised retirement age to 66.Pensions,along with other programs like unemployment benefits,are funded by taxes.Despite the cutbacks that will reduce pensions for future retirees,Italians still rely mostly on the state pension.There’s been discussion of ways to prod9prod督促;鼓动。people to save more by encouraging or requiring company-based pensions or private savings.Only about a quarter of Italians are covered by a company pension.Italians get 72 percent of their retirement income from the government.
[10]Australia’s system is considered a model in ensuring that people save enough for retirement.A 1993 program requires employers to contribute an amount equal to 9.25 percent of a worker’s income into a retirement fund.(The required contributions will rise to 12 percent by 2020.)Australians can’t withdraw money in their accounts before retirement.Most Australians also receive a government pension financed from general tax revenue.In the Center for Strategic and International Studies’ rankings of 20 countries’ retirement systems,Australia is ranked fourthbest in ensuring comfortable incomes for its retirees.It is sixth-best in its ability to finance its system.
South Korea
[11]South Korea’s retirement system is stingy and getting stingier.A government program pays benefits depending on average income and years of contributions.Full pensions are available at age 60;the age will rise to 65 by 2033.In 2008,the typical retiree could expect a government pension equal to half of average pre-tax earnings.But that figure is being gradually lowered to 40 percent in 2028.Employees and employers must contribute 4.5 percent of wages each toward retirement.The self-employed can choose to pay up to 9 percent.Companies also offer 401(k)-style pensions,severance10severance解雇;辞退。packages or individual retirement accounts.Workers can receive both the government nd employer plans.But many elderly South Koreans are struggling: They are living longer than they had expected and didn’t save enough for old age.Many also counted on their children to care for them in retirement—a system that’s breaking down as younger workers prefer to live on their own.The country has the developed world’s highest poverty rate among the aged: 45.1 percent,compared with an average 13.5 percent for 30 countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
[11]韩国退休制度并不慷慨,如今愈发吝啬。政府根据平均收入和缴费年限发放养老金。年满60周岁时可领取全额养老金;到2033年,将延迟至65周岁。2008年,普通退休人员可领取的政府养老金相当于平均税前收入的50%,但到2028年将逐渐降至40%。员工和雇主必须分别缴纳工资的4.5%作为退休基金。自由职业者可以最高缴纳工资的9%作为退休基金。公司还提供401(k)式养老金、解雇补偿费或个人退休账户。劳动者可以同时领取政府计划和雇主计划两笔退休金。但是,许多韩国老人境况窘迫:寿命超出预期,养老储蓄不足。许多老人退休后依赖子女照料,但由于年轻人更喜欢独自生活,这一养老体系正日渐瓦解。韩国在发达国家中老龄贫困率最高,达到4 5.1%,而经合组织的3 0个国家中,平均老龄贫困率仅为1 3.5%。
[12]Denmark offers a basic government pension and a supplementary benefit in which people receive less as their income rises.Government pensions are funded on a pay-as-you-go basis from tax revenue.There’s also a government pension based on an individual’s contributions at work.Additionally,90 percent of full-time workers are covered by company pensions.The typical retiree receives nearly 95 percent of average pre-retirement,take-home pay.The poorest pensioners receive an annual payment of 7,800 kroner ($1,400).The retirement age is 65,rising to 67 starting in 2024.After 2025,the retirement age will be indexed11index将(工资等)与(物价水平等)挂钩;使指数化。to life expectancy to account for longer lifespans.■