

农业工程学报 2018年22期

刘金成,冯仲科,杨立岩,Abdul Mannan


刘金成1,2,冯仲科1,2※,杨立岩3,Abdul Mannan1

(1. 北京林业大学精准林业北京市重点实验室,北京 100083; 2. 北京林业大学测绘与3S技术中心,北京 100083;3. 河北地质大学土地资源与城乡规划学院,石家庄 050031)

为了实现林木精准实时定位,满足森林资源调查中多因子精准计测的需求,研发了一种集单木像对解算和林分点云测量于一体的多功能、高精度、实时定位的实时动态(real - time kinematic, RTK)双目立体摄影测树仪。该仪器以摄影测量和全球导航卫星系统(global navigation satellite system, GNSS)空间定位技术为基础,利用三角函数原理、双目摄影测量解算原理和基于运动结构(structure from motion, SfM)视觉算法,通过内嵌操作软件,实现了林木位置实时定位及林分样木还原、胸径测量、树高测量、株树密度测量、林分空间结构参数测量等功能。通过试验验证,在单木测量模式下,能快速实现林木定位,其胸径测量精度为97.11%,树高测量精度为94.72%;在林分测量模式下,依“仿航线法”观测,能快速建立林分点云模型,并实现了林分调查因子和林分空间结构参数的高效提取,其中林分胸径提取精度达到97.18%。该仪器测量精度符合林业调查的精度要求,可在森林资源调查及精准林业工作中推广使用。


0 引 言



针对上述情况,为了更好地满足森林资源调查的需求,本文综合分析传统森林计测技术和现有多功能综合测树仪的基础上,利用摄影测量和全球导航卫星系统(global navigation satellite system, GNSS)定位技术,基于三角函数原理、双目摄影测量解算原理和运动恢复结构(structure from motion, SfM)视觉算法,旨在设计一种实时动态、多功能、高精度的非接触式测树仪器——RTK双目立体摄影测树仪,并提出利用该仪器实现单木和林分参数高效、精准提取的方法。

1 RTK双目立体摄影测树仪仪器构成

1.1 硬件构成

实时动态(real-time kinematic, RTK)双目立体摄影测树仪(以下简称“RTK测树仪”)是由RTK模块(GNSS接收机)、影像获取模块(双CCD镜头)、姿态模块(MEMS传感器)、主控存储模块-便携掌上电脑(personal digital assistant, PDA)等主要部件及固定云台、锂电池和可伸缩天线杆等辅助部件构成,其整体构成框架如图1所示。其中,便携PDA作为主控操作模块,通过短距离无线收发芯片nRF24L01与模块间进行通讯和传输。仪器上2个CCD镜头竖直基线固定,且基线长为25 cm,为了保证影像的高重叠度,上下2个CCD镜头保持水平向前且相互之间严格平行。根据测量需求和仪器使用习惯,将仪器各组成部件高度集成,设计便携式仪器硬件和易操作性仪器外观。仪器在工作前需要严格检校,RTK模块、摄影获取模块和姿态模块的相对空间位置关系需要固定不变,其相关位置和偏移参数需要检校和确定。


其中,RTK模块选用定制的支持L1、L2载波的GNSS接收机开发板(南方测绘SOUTH,中国),经过后期二次开发,集成内置测量天线、三星六频高精度定位模块、蓝牙模块及其他模块一体的高增益信号接收机,用于获取高精度WGS-84坐标系绝对点位坐标,并将坐标信息传输到主控模块,获取的真实点位坐标作为后期影像解算的外方位线量元素;影像获取模块选用2个同类型CCD镜头(SONY ILCE-QX1,日本),均为定焦光学镜头(已获取检校报告),背照式CMOS(Exmor R CMOS)传感器,6组7片(4片非球面镜片/其中含AA镜片)的镜头结构,F1.8-F4.9最大光圈,支持WiFi和NFC功能,LED补光灯,NP-BN/NP-BN1锂电池,440幅续航能力,用于获取待测样木立体像对,并将影像信息传输到主控模块,用于兴趣点解算;姿态模块选用JY901型号高集成MEMS(microelectro-mechanical systems)传感器,集成三轴加速计、三轴陀螺仪、三轴角度测量功能,用于即时获取仪器本身的姿态信息,保证摄影瞬间两CCD镜头的最佳姿态,此时的姿态信息作为后期影像解算的外方位角量元素;主控存储模块选用高通骁龙617处理器(MSM8952)、Adreno 530 GPU、双通道LPDDR4X RAM、陀螺仪、电子罗盘、数据传输模块、彩色触控显示屏以及1 200 mAh 聚合物锂电池集成,其中,CPU为1.5 GHz核心频率,八核cortex-a53,GPU为高通64位,RAM内存为2 GB,用于坐标信息/影像信息的分类存储以及单木测量模块的实时解算及存储。

1.2 软件构成

软件部分主要涉及个人掌上电脑开发设计,采用模块化结构处理,其内嵌软件基于Java语言在Android Studio2.2开发环境下编译,主要包括单木测量模块和林分测量模块。图2为程序整体控制框图,用户根据实际的测量环境和测量工作需求,选择进入不同的测量模块,通过模块间的信息传输和集成,将立体影像数据、点位数据和角度数据进行匹配和分类,为后期模块解算做好准备。针对单木测量模块,可直接在PDA主控模块上通过点选对应的特征点进行参数解算,获取样木地理位置、胸径、树高等特征参数;针对林分测量模块,首先将利用PDA主控模块将获取影像和对应的外方位元素信息进行匹配和分类存储,便于后期软件的批量处理和解算,从而实现林木测量的目的。测量结果数据均可通过SQLite数据库进行操作,存储数据最终通过USB接口与处理终端进行传输。

图2 PDA整体控制框图

1.3 功能及参数


两CCD镜头有效像素为2 020万,最大分辨率为5 472 pix×3 648 pix,APS画幅为23.2 mm×15.4 mm,GNSS接收机定点增益≥5 dBi,水平面覆盖角度为360º,相位中心误差为±2 mm,天线头尺寸为150 mm×23.7 mm,PDA外观尺寸为239 mm×172 mm×8 mm,水平定位精度(root mean square, RMS)为(10+10-6) mm,垂直定位精度(RMS)为(15+10-6) mm,仪器可连续工作时间为5 h,工作环境温度为−10~55 ℃。

2 测量原理

2.1 单木测量原理


注:S01、S02为2个放置仪器的站点,S1、S2分别表示2个CCD镜头的位置,B为2个CCD镜头在竖直方向固定基线长,A1、A2分别表示目标树树根地表位置点和树顶位置点,A3、A4分别表示目标树胸高(1.3 m)位置左右沿两点,d1.3表示目标树的胸径,cm。







2.2 林分测量原理


注:(1,2,…,n)为林分观测放置仪器的站点,1 m表示两站点间距为1 m。

1)选定待测区域,并根据待测区域形状设计行进路线(包括区域边界、路线转角和行进路径等),最佳测站点间距为1 m左右。



4)在完成特征点匹配之后,采用BA(bundle adjustment)模型自动解算相机位置和场景几何形态信息,这些特征从一幅图像追踪到另一幅图像,初步估计相机位置和目标物的空间坐标,借助实时采集的“类似POS”点位坐标数据,采用非线性最小二乘算法不断优化得到最值,最终得到特征点的空间坐标[26]。


3 试验结果与分析

3.1 单木测量试验验证


3.2 林分测量试验验证

林分测量受地形地势条件影响较大,而对观测季节和气候条件要求不高,只要保证林分环境林冠下灌木及草本不存在遮挡情况即可。为了验证RTK测树仪的各项林分测量功能及其可行性,试验地点选择在北京市海淀区一片地势较为平坦的人工林,试验时间为2018年1月,其地理坐标为40°00′29.620″N、116°19′52.030″E。按照3.2小节的林分测量方法,根据林分地形及林木生长状况,利用RTK测树仪参考设计的“仿航线法”观测路径对待测林分进行“多航线”摄影,并利用PDA对影像数据和点位坐标数据(“类似POS”)分别存储。利用商业软件Pix4Dmapper(Pix4D公司,瑞士)对获取的影像和点位坐标进行处理[28-29],生成在WGS-84坐标系下的可量测三维点云模型。针对点云模型,截取距地面1.25~1.35 m的点云位置,自动测算出所有样木的胸径值,林分样木位置分布以及胸径测算结果如图6所示。

从图6中可以清晰地看出样地内样木之间的相对位置分布及每棵样木对应的胸径值,每棵样木也可以提取其精确的实际地理坐标。为了检验胸径测算精度,同样以胸径尺测量的胸径作为胸径标准值,比较结果如图7所示,经计算分析,林分胸径点云测算结果与标准值基本一致,胸径测算的绝对误差最大值为0.9 cm,相对误差绝对值的平均值为2.82%,其林分胸径提取精度为97.18%。

表1 RTK双目立体摄影测树仪单木测量结果对比分析


图7 RTK双目立体摄影测树仪胸径测量值与标准值比较


表2 RTK双目立体摄影测树仪林分因子测量结果

3.3 结果与分析




4 结 论



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Design of real - time kinematic multi-functional binocular stereo-photogrammetric dendrometer

Liu Jincheng1,2, Feng Zhongke1,2※, Yang Liyan3, Abdul Mannan1

(1.100083; 2.3100083,; 3.,050031,)

The construction of green ecological civilization is the key to ecologically sustainable development. The quick and accurate acquisition of multivariate forest resource factors is of great significance for the prompt understanding of forest ecosystem and its changing patterns. With the development of science and technology in the forestry survey, a variety of multifunctional dendrometers have been constructed, which basically solved the technical problems of forestry observation. However, there are still many deficiencies in existing forestry equipment, such as low integration degree, insufficient functions, high cost and low measurement accuracy. Currently, there is no dendrometer capable of obtaining accurate geographic location of trees. In this research, we designed a multi-function, high-precision and real-time positioning RTK (Real-Time Kinematic) binocular photogrammetric dendrometer. The main hardware components of the equipment included RTK module, CCD (Charge Coupled Device) image acquisition module, MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical System) sensor position module, main control storage module-portable PDA (Personal Digital Assistant), while the auxiliary components included fixed cloud platform, lithium battery, and telescoping mast. The software was developed by a modular structure compiled in Android Studio 2.2 development environment based on the Java language. The equipment’s basic operating principle was based on multifunctional photogrammetry, GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) spatial positioning technology, trigonometric function principle, binocular photogrammetry principle and SfM (Structure from Motion) vision algorithm. The equipment had the capability to perform many functions such as the real-time position of trees, downsizing of sample trees in a forest stand, DBH (Diameter at Breast Height) measurement, tree height measurement, tree density measurement, and forest stand spatial structure parameter measurement. For the single tree measurement model, the real-time positioning of single trees, tree DBH and tree height measurement function was designed and implemented. And for forest stand measurement model, we proposed and implemented the “imitation route method”. The experiment was carried out on 30 test trees (including both coniferous and broad-leaved trees) of 4 different tree species we selected in Haidian district, Beijing, with single tree measurement mode. Our equipment measured the real-time tree position, DBH, and height of trees in the study area. This equipment had an advantage in measuring ancient trees, precious tree species, or trees that were difficult to measure manually. The results showed the accuracy of DBH measurement was 97.11%, and the accuracy of tree height measurement was 94.72%. To find the forest stand measurement, a relatively flat artificial forest in Haidian district of Beijing was selected as the experimental area, after considering the influence of topographic factors on measurement results. According to the terrain conditions, growth and distribution of trees, the scheme of “imitation route” was designed to obtain forest stand images. The pix4D commercial software was used for quick and accurate establishment of the three-dimensional point cloud model of the forest stand. Our results showed that the average DBH was 17.9 cm, while the average tree height was 18.26 m, density was 928 trees/hm2, angular scale was 0.675, size ratio was 0.625, and mingling intensity was 0.200. The accuracy in the measurement of the forest stand DBH was 97.18%, which was consistent with the measurement accuracy of 97.11% of the single tree measurement mode. The preliminary test verified that the RTK tree-meter had unique advantages in real-time measurement of the sample tree position and three-dimensional point cloud restoration of the stand. The forest stands investigation factors such as the position of trees, average DBH, average height, tree density and the spatial structure parameters of forest stand such as angle scale, size ratio and mixed degree were extracted efficiently, which had a positive effect on the research of small and medium-sized forest plots. The precision of this equipment was in the range specified in China's national forest resources continuous inventory technical regulations (2014 edition) and meets with the requirements of forest survey.

forestry; measurements; design; RTK (real-time kinematic) tree measuring instrument; stereo-photogrammetry; point cloud; forest measurement; spatial positioning

刘金成,冯仲科,杨立岩,Abdul Mannan. 实时动态多功能双目立体摄影测树仪设计[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(22):61-68. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.22.008

Liu Jincheng, Feng Zhongke, Yang Liyan, Abdul Mannan. Design of real-time kinematic multi-functional binocular stereo-photogrammetric dendrometer[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(22): 61-68. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.22.008










