Reconciliation through Restored Marriage
By Chen Mandong
In September 2018 I received from Xu Lan a copy of her latest novel titled Lets Remarry. The novel caught my fascination not because the novelist, a few years senior, and I are from the same middle school, but also because life, marriage, love, etc, are hot topics that have caught my concerns in recent years. Just the other day, Yao Chen, a film and television celebrity, talked about her understanding of mid-age life in a television program. She talked about the mid-age crisis, commenting that “taking care of family and career at the same time is an arduous challenge. Failure is a normalcy and success is rare and accidental.”
I did not meet Xu Lan until we were both middle-age persons. We have chatted on social media infrequently. I know she is busy: her identity bespeaks the challenges she faces: she is a journalist, novelist, publisher, wife, and mother, among other roles she plays in her life.
I had no idea why I put novel into the suitcase when I packed for the golden-week holiday in early October. But I did read it during the holiday to see how it addresses social realities. It is known that many middle-aged women get divorced and their attitude toward their failed marriage is something one hears now and then. I devoured the novel.
The novel is the second of a trilogy titled Time and Love. The characters of the novel are the authors contemporaries: they graduated from college in the 1990s and some have worked as white-collar workers and some went abroad to try their luck. Personalities, marriages, life stories are set in the society where great changes have been taking place.
I devoured the novel because I got a new perspective to look at myself through reading about these characters in the same age bracket. I am one of them. The novel gave me an opportunity to examine myself and people and things around me. The well-known social events and familiar details in everyday life come together to weave the foreground and background of the fiction: the stock market catastrophe that wreaked havoc across the world, the plane crash and disappearance, the names and places that are no more. The fiction reads like something real. Whether the reader has the final say on which is fictitious and which is real is open to discussion.
“Lets restore our broken marriage” sounds like willful and idealistic, but it is a pragmatic call for reconciliation with reality and life.
The other day I chatted with Xu Lan on social media and asked if she could sign the copy she gave me. She declined in her quick response: “Signing my name makes me uncomfortable. You can give it away after you read it or just throw it away.”
The undertone of the novel, it seems, is like the details. “The more we know about life, the more we understand individuals and the more we respect rules and care for other people,” said Xu Lan in a WeChat message to me. She describes her attitude as “慫”, a Chinese word that refers to ones resignation and surrender. But in Chinese, the word is composed of two parts: follow the heart. In Xus opinion, the word carries a positive significance: You follow your heart and assume an attitude not to fight a meaningless fight but lead a fearless life.
“Writing a novel is a kind of resistance. It cant change the world, but I hope it may make some change in a reader. I hope my novels present a way out,” commented Xu Lan.