

农业工程学报 2018年20期

周梅芳,徐建军,童俊华,俞高红,赵 雄,解 杰


周梅芳1,徐建军1,童俊华2,俞高红2※,赵 雄2,解 杰2

(1.金华职业技术学院,金华 321017; 2.浙江理工大学浙江省种植装备技术重点实验室,杭州 310018)

为得到一种高效简便、通用性好的花卉自动移栽机械,设计了一种取苗和栽苗一体式花卉自动移栽机构,通过夹苗针相对移栽臂的运动规律设计,实现“双尖嘴”工作轨迹,建立了该机构运动学模型,并应用自主开发的计算机分析和优化软件,分析了机构参数变化对“双尖嘴”轨迹和姿态的影响,优选出符合取栽一体式移栽要求的机构参数,并通过模型仿真和样机试验相结合的方法,对该机构进行了验证分析,结果表明:仿真轨迹、样机测试轨迹与理论轨迹三者基本一致,验证了该取栽一体式移栽机构设计的正确性和可行性。试验选用“万寿菊”花卉穴盘苗,苗龄35 d,平均苗高约10 cm,试验设定机构转速为35 r/min(移栽速度70株/min)时,平均取苗成功率为97.27%,平均栽苗成功率为77.62%,表明该取栽一体式移栽机构具有较好的实用性。该研究可为自动化移栽关键技术的研究提供参考。


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1 移栽机构组成与原理

1.1 花卉穴盘苗取栽一体式自动移栽机构设计要求







注:A0A1为取苗轨迹段;A1A2A3A4为持苗轨迹段;A4 A5栽苗轨迹段;A5A0回程轨迹段。


1.2 取栽一体式自动移栽机构的组成及原理



1.太阳轮 2.凸锁止弧 3, 3′.凹锁止弧 4, 4′.中间椭圆齿轮 5, 5′.行星椭圆齿轮 6, 6′.移栽臂 7.移栽轨迹 8.穴盘 9.花盆 10.传送带 11.行星架

1.Sun gear 2. Cam locking arc 3, 3′. Concave locking arc 4,4′. Middleellipse gears 5, 5′.Planetary ellipse gears 6, 6′. Transplanting arm 7. Transplanting trajectory 8. Plug tray 9. Flowerpot 10. Conveyor belt 11. Planetary carrier


Note:1is the rotation center of planetary ellipse gear 5′;1is the rotation center of middleellipse gear 4′;is the rotation center of central ellipse gear 1 (incomplete noncircular planetary gear);2is the rotation center of middleellipse gear 4;2is the rotation center of planetary ellipse gear 5.

图2 花卉穴盘苗取栽一体式自动移栽机构示意图

Fig.2 Schematic diagram of integrated automatic transplanting mechanism for taking and planting of flower plug seedlings



1.凸轮 2.拨叉 3.弹簧座 4.弹簧 5.推杆 6.夹苗针 7.苗爪

图4 夹苗针的工作状态

2 取栽一体式自动移栽机构运动学模型的建立





1.移栽臂 2.行星椭圆齿轮 3.中间椭圆齿轮 4.凹锁止弧 5.太阳轮 6.凸锁止弧 7.行星架

1.Transplanting arm 2.Planetary ellipse gear 3.Middleellipse gear 4.Concave locking arc 5.Sun gear 6.Cam locking arc 7.Planetary carrier

注:为行星架7回转中心;为中间椭圆齿轮3回转中心;1为行星椭圆齿轮2回转中心;1为中间椭圆齿轮回转中心从初始位置0转过角位移1后的位置;为太阳轮回转中心与中间椭圆齿轮回转中心的距离,mm;2为中间椭圆齿轮与行星椭圆齿轮中心距, mm;1太阳轮旋转中心到啮合点的距离,mm;2为中间椭圆齿轮旋转中心1到啮合点的距离,mm;′2为中间椭圆齿轮旋转中心1到啮合点的距离,mm;3为行星椭圆齿轮旋转中心1到啮合点的距离,mm;0为行星架(0线)初始角位移,(°);1为行星架从初始位置转过角位移,(°);2为中间椭圆齿轮相对与行星架转过的角位移,(°);3为行星椭圆齿轮相对于行星架转过角位移,(°);30为行星架相对于行星椭圆齿轮的初始角位移,(°);为不完全非圆齿轮有齿部分节曲线所对应的圆心角,0为行星架0与00的夹角,(°);0为夹苗针尖点与行星椭圆齿轮旋转中心0连线与行星椭圆齿轮轴线之间的夹角,(°);为行星架的角速度,rad/s。

Note:is the rotation center of planetary carrier 7;is the rotation center of middle ellipse gears 3;1is the rotation center of planet ellipse gears 2;1is the position of the middleellipse gears rotation center rotate angle1from the initial position;is the distance between the center of rotation of the sun gear and the center of rotation of the middle ellipse gears, mm; 2is center distance of middle ellipse gears and planetary ellipse gears, mm;1is the distance between the center of rotation of the sun gear and meshing point, mm;2is the distance between the center of rotation of the middle ellipse gears and meshing point, mm;′2is the distance between the center of rotation of the middle ellipse gear1and meshing point, mm;3is the distance between the center of rotation of the planetary ellipse gear1and meshing point, mm;0is initial angular displacement of planetary frame (0line), rad;1is angular displacement that is transferred of planetary frame form installation position, rad;2is transferred angular displacement of middleellipse gears relative to planetary frame, rad;3is transferred angular displacement of planetary ellipse gears relative to planetary frame, rad;30is initial angular displacement of planetary ellipse gears relative to planetary frame, rad;is center angle of the incomplete noncircular gear toothed part of section curve corresponding, rad;0is included angle between planetary frame00and0, rad;0is included angle between ligature from taking the tip of clamp needle to center of rotation0of planetary ellipse gears and axis of planetary ellipse gears,rad;angular velocity of planetary frame, rad.

图5 椭圆-不完全非圆齿轮行星轮系运动示意图

Fig.5 Movement diagram of planetary gear train with ellipse-incomplete noncircular gear






3 移栽机构参数优化

3.1 优化目标

基于文献[25-27]对优化目标的研究基础上,分析取栽一体式花卉移栽机构的运动过程和机理,基于花卉钵苗的物理性状、移栽机构的运动干涉、运动轨迹和移栽臂姿态及机构结构要求等确定了以下优化目标和约束条件:1)夹苗针在取苗阶段轨迹与穴盘接近垂直,即夹苗针从开始的取苗角度(01轨迹倾角)逐渐调整取苗姿态到与苗盘成90°(12轨迹)的退出角度,避免移栽臂与穴盘发生干涉;2)移栽轨迹在穴盘内深度达30 mm,才能顺利取出钵苗;3)栽苗角(移栽臂在把花卉钵苗栽入到花盆时,夹苗针与水平面之间的夹角)应在75°~90°之间,能使花卉钵苗能以较好的姿态竖直栽入到花盆中;4)移栽轨迹的高度达到300 mm左右,才能将所取钵苗输送到花盆底部;5)2个移栽臂之间不能发生干涉。

3.2 机构参数对优化目标的影响


基于上述各参数对移栽轨迹影响分析,通过人机交互方式优化目标,得到一组满足取栽一体式自动移栽轨迹的机构参数:=25.057 6 mm,=0.995,=275(为不完全非圆有齿部分对应的圆心角),0=30°,0=25°,0=−60°,=160 mm,1=276(1为夹苗针回缩的时间)。该组参数对应的夹苗针尖点运动轨迹如图7所示,轨迹形成了“双尖嘴”形状,满足取苗和栽植时夹苗针垂直进出要求;取苗段轨迹与穴盘近似垂直,且在穴盘内长度为33 mm,取苗角度约为33.88°;栽苗角度约为80°;轨迹的总高度为247.88 mm,满足优化目标。通过优化软件的图形显示区观察花卉移栽机构的相对运动模拟如图8所示,显示整个移栽过程2个移栽臂之间、夹苗针与穴盘之间均未发生干涉现象,符合约束条件。

图7 优化后的移栽机构运动轨迹

图8 移栽机构相对运动模拟界面

4 机构仿真分析与试验

4.1 移栽机构仿真分析


4.2 样机运动轨迹测试

为验证移栽机构夹苗针尖点的实际工作轨迹是否与仿真轨迹一致,将取栽一体式自动移栽机构安装在试验台上进行空转试验。试验方法:1)安装移栽机构,调整机构至运转自如;2)将高速摄像机安装在合适位置,使机构完整显示在屏幕中,调节灯光位置和强度,使机构夹苗片尖点清晰可见;3)调节电机转速为40 r/min,开始空转试验,待运转平稳后采集图像(采集2至3个周期即可);4)利用Bestcam图像分析软件进行描点,得到移栽机构夹苗针尖点的运动轨迹如图10所示。

图9 ADAMS仿真轨迹

图10 样机试验轨迹


4.3 移栽试验

试验选用万寿菊花卉穴盘苗,穴盘育苗基质采用珍珠岩和泥炭土混合而成,含水率为46%,穴盘规格为8(列)×16(行),穴口长×宽为31 mm×31 mm,深度为43 mm,穴盘数量为10盘,苗龄为35 d,平均苗高约10 cm。移栽机构转速设定为35 r/min(移栽速度70株/min)。进行连续移栽试验如图11所示。

图11 样机移栽试验

移栽试验结果及性能参数如表1所示,去除空穴,共连续取栽1 225株,取出1 192株,栽植961株,平均取出成功率达到97.27%,平均栽植成功率为77.62%,表明该取栽一体式自动移栽机构满足顺利从钵盘取出钵苗的要求,但栽植效果相对偏低,通过试验视频分析发现,主要原因在于选用的花卉苗叶子伸展距离大于苗爪间的距离,在基质不饱满的情况下,钵苗栽入花盆后夹苗针释放钵苗并往上运动时,易把钵苗带出花盆[30],增加移栽失败概率。

表1 移栽试验参数

5 结论与讨论

1)设计了一种花卉穴盘苗取栽一体式自动移栽机构,分析了该移栽机构的设计要求、工作原理,建立了机构的运动学模型。基于VB可视化平台开发该机构的计算机辅助分析与优化软件,运用软件分析机构参数变化对移栽轨迹和姿态的影响,优选出1组符合取栽一体式自动移栽要求的机构参数,椭圆长半轴为25.057 6 mm,椭圆短轴与长轴之比为0.995,移栽臂的初始安装角为30°,行星架拐角为25°,行星架初始始角位移为−60°,行星齿轮回转中心到夹苗针尖点的距离为160 mm。




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Design and experiment of integrated automatic transplanting mechanism for taking and planting of flower plug seedlings

Zhou Meifang1, Xu Jianjun1, Tong Junhua2, Yu Gaohong2※, Zhao Xiong2, Xie Jie2

(1.,321017,; 2.,,310018,)

In order to develop a more efficient and universal flower auto-transplantation technique, an auto-transplantation mechanism with the integrated function of seedling pick-up and transplanting has been designed. This mechanism involves gear driving and two transplanting arms of the same structure. The gear driving system is made up of one semi-circle gear, four oval planet gears and concave-convex lock-up arc. It aims to move with the non uniform speed through the operation of planet gears and pulling and imbedding of concave-convex lock-up arc. The auto-transplantation arm includes the transplanting claw, convex gear and removing gear-gap parts. It transfers the whirling operation of planet gear into straight-line operation of pick-up seedling. The manual finger scratching and planting were simulated by two pins at the end of the seedling arm. The auto-transplantation mechanism combines the pick-up and planting. The transplanting trajectory and the location of pick-up and planting were special. Thus, it is essential to design new mechanism accordance with the movement of pick-up clip and achieve “Double beak sharp” trajectory. In this paper, we designed a device of bouncing clip to lengthen the trajectory to realize the function of pick-up and planting, and it could facilitate the integration of the planting. At the same time, when the claw moves nearly to the pot seedling, the seedling needle was inserted into the soil with a certain angle of inclination, which could effectively avoid the injury of the seedlings and the interference with the seedling box. Based on the kinematics characteristics of the mechanism, a corresponding mathematic model was established, and the Visual Basic 6.0 software was used to optimize the mechanism parameters. The program was used to analyze the influence of the parameters of mechanism on the trajectory and attitude of the “Double beak sharp". Finally, the best group of mechanism parameters was selected, and then the 3D design and components assembly were carried out based on SolidWorks 2015 software. Importing the 3D model to Adams, the trajectories of seedling needle could be obtained by the kinematics simulation. Finally, the prototype test was carried out and the test trajectory of the prototype was obtained by the test platform. Through the platform, the operation process was recorded by high-speed camera. Therefore, the trajectories of seedling needle could be tracked through the Bestcam picture analysis software. The results were basically the same among the simulation trajectory, the test trajectory of the prototype and the theoretical trajectory, which verified the correctness and feasibility of the design in this paper. Experimental research was carried out using the prototype, “Marigold chrysanthemum” seedlings were selected in the experiment, the basic composition of the pot seedling combines the pearl cave and peat mud, with the water component of 46%, the seedling tray were eight lines and 16 rows, both the length and width of seedling were 31 mm, and depth was 43 mm, and the test seedlings of marigold were 35 days, with the average height of 10 cm. The rotation speed of the mechanism was set as 35 r/min, its mean efficiency was 70 stems per minute. The obtained seedling success rate was 97.27%, while the transplanting success rate was 77.62%. It reflected the practicality of the integrated transplanting mechanism; the research could provide a reference for the key technology of automatic transplanting.

agricultural machinery; transplants; design; flowers; integration of taking and planting










周梅芳,徐建军,童俊华,俞高红,赵 雄,解 杰. 花卉穴盘苗取栽一体式自动移栽机构设计与试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(20):44-51. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.20.006

Zhou Meifang, Xu Jianjun, Tong Junhua, Yu Gaohong, Zhao Xiong, Xie Jie. Design and experiment of integrated automatic transplanting mechanism for taking and planting of flower plug seedlings[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(20): 44-51. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.20.006

