田光兆,顾宝兴,Irshad Ali Mari,周 俊,王海青
田光兆1,顾宝兴1※,Irshad Ali Mari2,周 俊1,王海青1
(1. 南京农业大学工学院,南京 210031;2. 巴基斯坦信德农业大学凯尔布尔工程技术学院,凯尔布尔 66020)
为了实现自主导航拖拉机离开卫星定位系统时能够持续可靠工作,该文提出了基于三目视觉的拖拉机行驶轨迹预测方法。该方法将三目相机分解为长短基线2套双目视觉系统分时独立工作。通过检测相邻时刻农业环境中同一特征点的坐标变化反推拖拉机在水平方向上的运动矢量,并通过灰色模型预测未来时刻的运动矢量变化,最终建立不同速度下的前进方向误差模型。试验结果表明:拖拉机行驶速度为0.2 m/s时,46.5 s后前进方向误差超过0.1 m,对应行驶距离为9.3 m。行驶速度上升到0.5 m/s时,该时间和行驶距离分别降低到17.2 s和8.6 m。当行驶速度上升到0.8 m/s时,该时间和距离分别快速降低至8.5 s和6.8 m。行驶速度越高,前进方向误差增速越高。该方法可用于短时预测拖拉机的行驶轨迹,为自主导航控制提供依据。
0 引 言
1 视觉系统硬件组成
本研究中视觉系统由Point Gray公司BBX3三目相机、1394B采集卡和工控机组成。
三目相机由右、中、左3个子相机构成。其中右、中2个子相机构成短基线双目视觉系统,右、左2个子相机构成长基线双目视觉系统。三目视觉系统由长短基线2套双目视觉系统叠加而成。2套双目视觉系统空间坐标系原点和各轴正方向相同,原点在右相机光心,水平向右为轴正方向,垂直向下为轴正方向,水平向前为轴正方向。为了提高开发效率,Point Gray公司已经直接将双目系统的另外一个相机的抓图和系统的视觉测量功能固化到API[30]。使用者无需采用传统的双目抓图、图像特征点检测与匹配、视差法测距等一系列过程,只需根据单幅右相机图像即可获取环境深度信息。
图1 三目相机结构
2 拖拉机运动矢量检测与预测方法
2.1 拖拉机运动矢量检测
图2 拖拉机运动矢量检测流程
图3 特征点近似权值计算
2.2 拖拉机运动矢量预测
图4 通过滑动窗口获取预测数据
3 拖拉机行驶轨迹预测试验与结果分析
3.1 试验设计
以东方红SG250型拖拉机为试验平台,将BBX3型三目相机以水平姿态安装在拖拉机头部的配重梁前端,距离地面0.6 m,如图5所示。同时拖拉机顶部安装精度为厘米级的RTK-GPS系统。在光线条件良好的晴天上午,在具有大量砂石的硬路面开展试验。视觉检测和RTK-GPS检测同步,频率都是10 Hz。拖拉机分别以0.2、0.5、0.8 m/s的低速直线行驶。通过工控机采集GPS数据和视觉预测数据,绘制实测轨迹和预测轨迹,提取相同行驶距离内的有效数据,分析预测精度。所用工控机型号为研华ARK3500P,CPU型号为i7-3610,内存4 GB。由于GPS采用了载波相位实时差分技术,定位精度可达厘米级,因此可将GPS定位数据作为参考标准,以此验证三目视觉系统的运动检测与预测精度。
图5 三目相机安装位置
3.2 结果与分析
拖拉机分别在0.2、0.5、0.8 m/s的恒定速度下直线行驶,轨迹预测试验结果分别如图6~图7和表1所示。
图6b、6d、6f表明,方向的误差是导致预测轨迹和实测轨迹偏差越来越大的主要原因。方向误差在震荡中不断增大。根据试验数据,分别建立了不同速度下方向累积误差的2次多项式模型。当拖拉机行驶速度为分别0.2、0.5、0.8 m/s时,该模型分别如式(11)~(13)所示,对应2分别为0.93、0.97、0.98。式(11)~(13)中,对的一阶导数反映出方向累计误差的变化。由于二次项系数均大于0,故一阶导数均为递增函数,即方向误差的变化呈线性递增。通过计算,线性递增的斜率分别为0.000 2、0.002 6、0.005 0,表明拖拉机行驶速度越高,方向误差增速越高。该模型可以用来估计当前时刻误差状态。
图7反映出不同速度下方向的误差变化很小。主要原因是试验过程中拖拉机直线行驶,在方向上位移很小,因此累积误差也很小,在±5 cm以内。
图7 不同恒定速度下x方向累积误差
表1 x和z方向累积误差数据
表1定量分析了不同速度下,、方向累积误差变化。行驶速度越快,方向累积误差上升越快。速度为0.2 m/s时,需要46.5 s的时间方向累积误差超过0.1 m,当速度上升到0.8 m/s时,这个时间缩短到8.5 s。方向误差变化没有明显规律性。通过对表1的数据进行非线性拟合,得到方向累积误差变化速率(单位m/s)与行驶速度之间的关系
在国内外近期类似研究中,文献[32]中提到采用粒子滤波方式对改装的农业机器人进行了60 m的直线跟踪,横向偏差为4±0.7 cm。文献[33]中提到改装后的茂源250拖拉机以0.58 m/s速度视觉导航,最大误差18 cm,平均误差4.8 cm。这些关于机器视觉在农机导航上的最新研究成果与本文研究最大的区别在于研究内容的不同。上述研究均是以机器视觉和其他传感器联合,进行直线跟踪研究。而本文是研究预测轨迹与实际轨迹的偏差。由于本文是单独通过视觉传感器对运动轨迹进行检测,并在此基础上再次预测,那么累积误差将不可避免。
4 结 论
3)拖拉机行驶速度越高,前进方向累积误差增速越高。速度为0.2 m/s时,前进方向累积误差超过0.1 m的时间和行驶距离分别为46.5 s和9.3 m。速度上升到0.5 m/s时,该时间和行驶距离分别降低到17.2 s和8.6 m。当速度上升到0.8 m/s时,该时间和距离分别快速降低至8.5 s和6.8 m。
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Traveling trajectory prediction method and experiment of autonomous navigation tractor based on trinocular vision
Tian Guangzhao1, Gu Baoxing1※, Irshad Ali Mari2, Zhou Jun1, Wang Haiqing1
(1.210031,; 2.66020,)
In order to make the autonomous navigation tractors work steadily and continuously without the satellite positioning system, a traveling trajectory prediction system and method based on trinocular vision were designed in this paper. The system was composed of a trinocular vision camera, an IEEE 1394 acquisition card and an embedded industrial personal computer (IPC). The right and left sub cameras constituted a binocular vision system with a long base line. The right and middle sub cameras constituted another binocular vision system with a narrow base line. To obtain more precise measurement results, the two binocular vision systems worked independently and in time-sharing. Then the motion vectors of tractor, which were in presentation of horizontal direction data, were calculated by the feature point coordinate changing in the working environment of the tractor. Finally, the error models which were in the direction of heading were established at different velocities, and the motion vectors of tractor were predicted by the models based on grey method. The contrast experiments were completed with a modified tractor of Dongfanghong SG250 at the speed of 0.2, 0.5 and 0.8m/s. During the experiments, the IPC was used to collect RTK-GPS data and predict movement tracks. The RTK-GPS used in the experiments was a kind of high-precision measuring device, and the measuring precision can reach 1-2 cm. Therefore, the location data of RTK-GPS were supposed as the standard which was used to compare with the data from trinocular vision system. The experimental results showed that the method mentioned above could accurately predict the trajectory of the tractor on the plane with an inevitable error which was mainly caused by the visual measurement error of the forward direction (direction). When the tractor travelled at the speed of 0.2 m/s, the time and the distance that the error in forward direction exceeded 0.1 m equaled 46.5 s and 9.3 m, respectively. When the speed increased to 0.5 m/s, the time and the distance decreased to 17.2 s and 8.6 m, respectively. When the driving speed increased to 0.8 m/s, the time and distance quickly decreased to 8.5 s and 6.8 m, respectively. It showed that the higher the tractor traveling speed, the faster the error in forward direction increased. After that, the relationship between errors in forward direction and traveling time was acquired and analyzed by the way of nonlinear data fitting. In addition, the experimental results showed that the trend of lateral error (direction) which was perpendicular to forward direction was not regular. When the speed was 0.2 m/s, the average error was 0.002 5 m with a standard deviation (STD) of 0.003 9. When the speed increased to 0.5 m/s and 0.8 m/s, the average error in lateral direction was 0.008 2 m with an STD of 0.012 4 and 0.003 6 m with an STD of 0.006 4. The result showed that the lateral error was very small and almost invariable. Therefore, the errors of trinocular vision were mainly caused by the errors of the forward direction. The root causes of the error were the natural light and time-delay during the image processing. According to the experimental data and results, the system and method proposed in this paper could be used to measure and predict the traveling trajectory of a tractor in the dry agricultural environment with the sudden loss of the satellite signal in a short period of time. The measured and predicted data could provide temporary help for the operations of autonomous tractors.
tractor; automatic guidance; machine vision; trajectory prediction; gray model
田光兆,讲师,博士,主要从事农业机械导航与控制研究。 Email:tgz@njau.edu.cn
顾宝兴,讲师,博士,主要从事智能化农业装备研究。 Email:gbx@njau.edu.cn
田光兆,顾宝兴,Irshad Ali Mari,周 俊,王海青. 基于三目视觉的自主导航拖拉机行驶轨迹预测方法及试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(19):40-45. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.19.005 http://www.tcsae.org
Tian Guangzhao, Gu Baoxing, Irshad Ali Mari, Zhou Jun, Wang Haiqing. Traveling trajectory prediction method and experiment of autonomous navigation tractor based on trinocular vision [J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(19): 40-45. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.19.005 http://www.tcsae.org