(铜仁学院 大数据学院,贵州 铜仁 554300 )
半导体量子点; 隧穿诱导透明
半导体量子点(SQD)具有类似超冷原子的分立能级结构、较大的电偶极矩、较长的退相干时间, 同时其相干演化可控、易于集成等优势,在光量子信息通信中具有广泛的应用潜力,因而引起了研究者的极大关注。不同于传统光学介质,在SQD系统中,只需要弱光激发能得到如光学孤子,交叉相位调制,光学双稳等显著的非线性光学效应[1-6]。Hao等[7]在环形四能级的量子点中,通过相位调制抑制线性吸收及双光子吸收的同时实现大的交叉相位调制非线性效应。Yang等[8]研究四能级双激子-激子级联型量子点中基于色散效应与非线性效应相平衡从而形成超慢光孤子对。这些研究大都只是单量子点体系,很少涉及其中的点间耦合。而将来应用中,更可能的是多量子点构成的量子点分子或者量子点阵列,其中点间耦合效应将变得不可忽略。基于此,我们在本文中构建由三个量子点分子通过两隧穿效应耦合形成三量子点分子,探究其中线性光学吸收特性。
图1 三量子点分子的能级结构
Fig. 1 the energy-level arrangement ofthree quantum dot molecule
图2 探测光线性吸收系数Im( K )和相移Re( K )在不同的隧穿耦合强度下随探测光失谐量的变化关系
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Steady-state Linear Optical Properties of Three Quantum Dotmolecule
SHE Yanchao, WANG Qiyuan, XU Xiaofeng, ZHENG Weixian
( Big Date Institute, Tongren University, Tongren 554300, Guizhou, China )
The linear optical properties in a GaAs/AlGaAssemiconductor quantum dot molecule are analytically studied with the tuning effect. It is shown that the change among a single tuning induced transparency (TIT) window, a double TIT window and amplify of the probe field in the absorption curves can be controlled by varying strength of tuning effect T.Meanwhile, double switching from the anomalous dispersion regime to the normal dispersion regime can likely be achieved by increasing the strength of tuning effect. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the group velocity of probe field can be practical regulated.
semiconductor quantum dotmolecule, tuning induced transparency
1673-9639 (2018) 09-0033-03
国家自然科学基金项目(11747168);贵州省教育厅科研项目(KY[2015]384);贵州省科技厅联合基金项目 (LH[2015]7228)。
(责任编辑 谢 勇)(责任校对 杨凯旭)