

世界建筑 2018年9期

建筑设计:Mur Mur Lab

1 外景/Exterior view


得益于空间主人何老师的邀请和AmazonKids的资助,Mur Mur Lab有机会在“一个人的美术馆”实现一个临时的儿童户外游戏装置。


Mur Mur Lab延续了对简单几何形空间表现的探索。树屋骨架简洁清晰:3根垂直柱支撑着不同朝向的异形环,承担竖向荷载;3根水平杆在不同高度连接到树干,抵抗水平扰动。







项目信息/Credits and Data

设计团队/Designer Team: 李智,夏慕蓉,王雨斌,何晓雨/LI Zhi, XIA Murong, WANG Yubin, HE Xiaoyu

项目地点/Location: 上海市东湖路7 号 9 号楼

材料/Materials: 尼龙绳, 白色涂料, 钢管, 五金件/Nylon rope, Whitewash, Steel tube, Hardware

竣工日期/Completion Date: 2018.03

摄影/Photos: Hozi

Sponsored by AmazonKids, Mur Mur Lab got the opportunity to implement an interactive installation for kids.


In this project, Mur Mur lab continues to explore the spatial performance of simple geometries. Three perpendicular pillars support differently oriented rings and vertical load of the installation. Three horizontal poles are connected to the trunk on different levels to resist horizontal disturbances.

White strings interweave in space. The sun light and the green colour of trees render the site into an abstract painting.


It is a dress designed for the tree and also a gift for lovely kids. The tree house gently embraces the tree in the air, just like the one in kids' dream.It doesn't take up much compact outdoor space and doesn't block visitors' sight from looking towards other buildings. The tree house is light and transparent. It doesn't stop the summer rain from falling to the ground and shadow of trees in the sunlight.

Kids climb up and down in the tree house. The white string net would be their bed if they feel tired.Their laughter can reach the ground and we catch it with happiness.

Whisper of the site, this is Mur Mur Lab's gift for Children's day. □

2 外景/Exterior view

3 设计图/Plans

4 仰视/Look up


唐芃:正如这个作品的英文名字一样,这不是树上的一个建筑,这是树上的一顶帽子,是一个儿童游乐装置。它延续了对简单几何形空间的创新,以及对材料构造方式的探索。白色主体结构的支撑与悬挂的方式,在突破直角坐标体系对于构筑物的束缚,漂浮于空中。白色为主色调的各色绳索在空间中交错,映射在绿荫中撒下的光斑里,如影随形。这个作品更像一个小小的摇篮,为嬉戏的儿童提供梦想的场所。Mur Mur Lab由年轻的新锐建筑师组成,思维开放,其作品勇于或者说致力于突破传统建筑学的框架,不断地结合装置艺术、装饰艺术等的创作思维,创造出新鲜与轻快的作品,令人赏心悦目。

张昕楠:树屋的“源型”可以追溯到最早的巢居,是史前人类借助自然结构进行住居建构的方式之一。Mur Mur Lab设计的“树屋”,以钢构和绳索完成了结构和维护,围绕树干形成了一个悬浮和通透的空间。这一悬浮的空间为使用者提供了有趣的空间体验,其中的树干某种程度上成为了回避不去的视觉焦点。尽管此树屋采用了独立的支撑结构,但部分水平方向上和树干的交接,在后期特别是强风条件下,也许会形成水平扰动并带来对结构稳定的伤害。

5 外景/Exterior view

6 外景/Exterior view


TANG Peng: Just like this work's English name,it's not a building on the tree, but a hat on the tree,an entertainment device for children. It extends the innovation of simple geometrical space and the exploration of material construction methods. The white main structure breaks through the limitation of rectangular coordinate system on structures, and floats in the air in a way of support and suspension. Ropes of all colours of with a main tone of white interlace in the air, and look like shadows in the light spot cast through the green shades. This work is more like a little cradle, providing a dream place for playful kids. Mur Mur Lab is made of young, cutting-edge architects with open minds, and its work has the courage to, or was dedicated to, breaking through the frame of traditional architecture, continuously combining creative thinking such as installation art and decoration art, and creating fresh, light and pleasing works.(Translated by CHEN Yuxiao)

ZHANG Xinnan: The "architype" of treehouse can be traced back to the earliest stilt house which is one way that how prehistory human constructed houses relying on nature structure. The "Tree House" designed by Mur Mur Lab uses steel and cable as structure and enclosure, forming a floating transparent space around the trunk. The floating space provides an interesting spatial experience for the users, while the trunk itself becomes a focal point consequently. Though the"Tree House" employs an independent supporting system, the horizontal joints with the trunk might be disturbed horizontally during strong wind later,possibly bringing damage to the structure's stability.(Translated by ZHANG Jingqiu)

7 细部/Detail

8 外景/Exterior view

