1 没有护栏的台阶/De-parapet stairs
这座图书馆是一座缘起之地,而不是一半寺庙一半超市的庞然巨物——请参考巴黎东区。图书馆的所在地位于塞纳河沿岸,是协和广场、战神广场和荣誉军人院等一系列连续场地中的一块。塞纳河沿岸的场地,是区域活化的决定性因素。第十三区的山岗朝向塞纳河,身后是Porte de Choisy和Porte d'Ivry大厦。法国国家图书馆无私地用自己的影响力和光彩推动了区域性保护与复兴。为了对开放空间进行整合,国家图书馆以4个“坐标塔”的形式在场地伸展开来。竖直和水平方向的内在张力,对场地间的虚拟空间进行了界定,并将综合体的诗意幻化成为有形。
一座花园让大自然从树木的枝叶中展现出来。“林海涛涛,叶浪滚滚”。甫一踏上悬在树枝间的步行桥,便令人仿佛置身天地间。灌木以它的芬芳和沙沙声形成一种温柔的庇护,沁人心脾,有如走进另一个世界。夜幕降临:法国图书馆将笼罩在由花园和后勤部射出的光环之中。一道若隐若现的光将从玻璃塔楼中升起,在4个制高点上达到顶峰,如4座灯塔般闪耀。这流动的光将洒满广场,座座塔楼倒映在塞纳河中。□(撰文:多米尼克·佩罗,选自1989年6月竞赛说明;尚晋 译)
2 草图/Sketch
3 外景/Exterior view
A square for Paris, A library for France
An initiatory place and not some monster of a building, part-temple and part-supermarket. A place of reference for the East End of Paris. A place that is part and parcel of the continuity of the sequence of large empty spaces along the Seine, like the place de la Concorde, the Champ de Mars, and the Invalides.In this way the site beside the Seine becomes one of major importance with the activation of this place;the hill in the 13th Arrondissement gives on to the Seine, and turns its back on the disgrace of the sad Porte de Choisy and Porte d'Ivry high-rise towerblocks. In an operation designed to save and redeem the place, the institution introduces its generosity,while the Bibliothèque de France contributes its influence and radiance. With this combination of a free and open space, built to the scale of the capital and horizontality, the Bibliothèque de France unfurls its breadth and volume by way of its four"beacons" – like markers, akin to tension – rods or braces for the flat area between them, offering a verticality that defines a virtual volume, which, in turn, crystallizes all the magic, presence and poetry of the complex.
A magic place
4.5 平面/Plans
6 外景/Exterior view
This project is a piece of urban art, a minimalist installation, "less is more", where objects and the materials of which they are made count for nothing without the lights which transcend them. Towers,case – or sheath – like structures of glass, with a double skin and sun filters which multiply the ref lections and highlights, and magnify the shadows:the absolute magic of the diffraction of light by means of these crystalline prisms.
Nature offsets with a garden the foliage of the trees. "A sea of trees, a froth of leaves". An initiatory walk across footbridges slung among the branches of the trees, somewhere between sky and earth. Last of ail, the soft protection of undergrowth, with its aromas and rustling sounds,reunions with oneself, and with another world.Night vision: the Bibliothèque de France will be set in a halo of light, emanating from the garden and the service. A diaphanous light will rise up through the interiors of the glass towers, culminating in four topmost points, which will shimmer like four lighthouse beacons. This liquid light will spread over the square, while the towers will be reflected in the Seine."□(Text by Dominique Perrault,excerpt from the text of the competition, June 1989)
项目信息/Credits and Data
客户/Client: 法国文化部/Ministry of Culture of France
建筑设计/Architecture Design: Dominique Perrault Architecte
室内设计/Interior designer: Gaëlle Lauriot-Prévost
建筑工程/Architectural Engineering: Perrault Associés SA
结构/Structure: Séchaud & Bossuyt
集中式技术管理/Centralized Technical Management: HGM Guy Huguet SA
安保与通讯/Security and Telecommunications: Syseca
水体/Fluids: Technip Seri Construction
声学/Acoustics: ACV
经济/Economy: Pieffet, Corbin and Tomasina
农业工程/Agricultural Engineer: Éric Jacobsen (Sauveterre)
基地面积/Site Area: 65,300m2
基底面积/Built Area: 365,178m2
建筑容积/Built Volume: 1,500,000m3
景观/Landscape: 10,782m², 250 trees (oak trees, wild pine trees, birches)
广场步道/Esplanade: 58,811m²
开始概念设计/Beginning of Conceptual Design: 1989.08
开始建造/Beginning of Construction: 1992.03.23
建设周期/Construction Period: 3 years
公共空间/Public Spaces:公共阅览室1556间,研究阅览室2034间,共计容纳3590名读者,总面积59,070m2/Public reading rooms 1556 places, research reading rooms 2034 places for a total of 3590 readers for 59,070m2
接待及公共服务区/Reception and Public Services Area:23,000m2
会议室/Conference Rooms: 3000m2
书库/Stock Rooms: 71,000m2, ca. 400km of shelves, 20 million volumes
行政管理/Administration: 36,000m²,其中办公空间16,000m2/16,000m2is office space in the towers
技术用房/Technical Space: 35,000m2
地下停车场/Underground Car Park: 车位700个,20,500m2/700 cars, 20,500m2
摄影/Photos: Georges Fessy
7.8 外景/Exterior views
9.10 草图/Sketchs
HU Heng: The editor has briefed me that the reason why this project is fitted into the special issue of "Parapet" is due to its concept of "de-parapet". This allows me to review such a building that I have known about for a long time from a new angle. In effect, the parapets of this architecture do exist and it is merely a new approach, using planes and masses of building design, instead of the common practice, metal bars and glass walls. Such a method has also been applied to its escalator rails. This can be regarded as the inevitable result of the concept "Integrated Space."According to the designer's conception, this architectural complex is considered as an integrated geometry rather than a simple addition using four towers to form an internal courtyard. Therefore, although parapets can be deemed as small elements, they would affect the integrality and would transform the inner-cut geometric cavity into a separate internal courtyard. Such, the concept of "Integrality"becomes the core design principle. It represents a pure,future and cosmopolitan plaza space. Just like the parapets for the Place de la Concorde and the Champ de Mars as necessities, there must not be any parapets in this new plaza. (Translated by Dandan Wang)
FAN Lu: In the project of National Library of France, the strategy of "hiding" is adopted for the balustrade design in outdoor open space. Four tower blocks sit on the high platform which is surrounded uninterruptedly by steps. The minimum number of handrails are set on these big steps and they are composed of minimum number of steel bars.In the center of platform, there is a sunken courtyard. The courtyard is surrounded by balustrades made of T-shaped trellises, which emphasizes the giant horizontal part and hides the vertical fencing. The escalators leading to entrance floor are clamped by huge inclined walls from both sides,and several footbridges on the platform have wall fencing on one side of the balustrade and T-shape trellises on the other side. In summary, all those styles of balustrade design are intended to hide the essential human-scale elements and express the monumentality of the library building.
11-13 内景/Interior views