Animal Camouflage
夏天供稿 翻译:远航
1)Camouflageis when animalsblend inwith their surroundings so they are not seen by other living things. There are many different ways an animal can camou fl age itself.
◆ Concealing Coloration
Imagine that you are walking through a snowy field.All of sudden, out of the corner of your eye, you see a white2)blurrun past you. It is a snow shoe hare, and you didn’t see it until it started moving. The snow shoe hare is one of many animals that use a form of camouflage calledconcealing coloration. Concealing coloration happens when an animal is colored so that it blends in with its background. In this case, the snow shoe hare is white to blend in with the snow on the ground.
By disappearing into their surroundings, animals are able to avoid attacks by3)predatorsif they remain still or move slowly. Owls are often colored like the bark of trees in their environment. In the ocean, seahorses often have the same coloring as the4)coralin which they make their homes. And in the5)rainforest, tree frogs are a brilliant green to match the leaves around them.
◆ Disruptive Coloration
Did you know that zebras can outsmart lions? When a herd of zebras realizes that a lion is about to attack,they all run together. To the lion, the zebra herd appears as one big black and white massdue totheir6)stripes.The lion just sees the black and white movement and can have a dif ficult time7)determiningwhere one zebra ends and another begins in order to8)pounce.
◆ 9)Disguise
Disguise is when animals blend in with their surroundings by looking like another object. An insect that looks like a branch or leaf is using a costume to hide from predators. Some10)katydidsand leaf insects use this type of camou fl age.
◆ 11)Mimicry
Mimicry is when animal or insects look like other dangerous or12)poisonousanimals or insects. They pretend to be what they are not. Some snakes and butter fl ies use this type of camou fl age.
◆ 体色隐藏
◆ 颜色干扰
◆ 掩饰
◆ 模拟
1) camou fl age ['kæmuflɑːʒ] n. 伪装
2) blur [bləː] n. 模糊不清的食物
3) predator ['predətə] n. 捕食其他动物的动物
4) coral ['kɒrəl] n. 珊瑚
5) rainforest ['reɪn'fɒrɪst] n. 热带雨林
6) stripe [straɪp] n. 条纹
7) determine [dɪ'təːmɪn] v. 决定
8) pounce [paʊns] v. 猛扑
9) disguise [dɪs'gaɪz] v. 假装
10) katydid ['keɪtɪdɪd] n. 蝈蝈儿
11) mimicry ['mɪmɪkrɪ] n. 模仿
12) poisonous ['pɔɪznəs] adj. 有毒的
★blend in与……和谐或协调
★concealing coloration隐匿色
★due to由于