LeBron James'road to king—Miserable childhood
陕西乾县第一中学 孔令珠
文章词数 9 7 9 建议用时 1 8′ 难度系数 ★★★
1.reveal v.透露;显示
2.uncertainty n.不确定性;不肯定
3.mysteriously adv.神秘地
4.ideal n.理想
5.pursuit n.追求
6.distribute v.分配;分发
7.fundamentally adv.从根本上;基础地;重要地
On his back was a huge tattoo, CHOSEN 1,which revealed that the boy was overbearing(专横的).It seemed as if God had set a terrific life for him.God threw him a basketball,which would serve as wealth and a weapon to change his life.
This boy was no other than LeBron James.
The story about James dates back to his fourth grade from 1993 to 1994.
At that time,James had so much doubt and so
many uncertainties about his future life that he had no plans for his life.At that time, he was in the fourth grade,and he had moved five or six times in total.The days of truancy (逃学)added up to more than 100 days,and his father was very mysteriously present in his life.Yes,this man who let Gloria give birth to James.He was now in prison.James was still very young,with no life ideal and pursuit.It was impossible for him to think that basketball would change his life because he had never even participated in a formal sports competition.
在他的背部,有一个巨大的文身:CHOSEN 1(天选之子)。这彰显着他的霸气,也像是上帝为他设定好了精彩的人生。上帝给他扔过来一个篮球,这将是改变他一生的财富和武器。
事实如此。在詹姆斯把“CHOSEN 1”这几个字母刺在后背之前的好多年里,他与阿克伦市很多迷失了生活方向的孩子几乎一样,他对生活充满了恐惧。未来?残酷的现实让他不得不低头。他靠领取救济金养活自己,孤独和恐惧经常占据他幼小的心灵。他在自己上课的本子上画了好多达拉斯牛仔队和洛杉矶湖人队的图画。他已经爱上了橄榄球和篮球吗?其实只是因为这两支球队在美国实在名气太大,家喻户晓。
This was the case.In the years before James stuck the letters “CHOSEN 1” on his back, he was almost the same as many children in Akron who lost their way of life.He was full of fear for life.The future? The cruel reality forced him to bow.He supported himself by receiving relief, and loneliness and fear often dominated (主宰)his young mind.He drew a lot of Dallas Cowboys and Los Angeles Lakers Logos on his class book.Did he fall in love with football and basketball? Just because the two teams in the United States were so famous as household names.
Every day at that time,James had no sense of security.It might even be said that it was an accident that he came to this world.
Little James started his fourth grade.But the situation remained almost the same—Gloria, well, his mother, the one who made trouble for him from time to time.She took James to a friend's apartment,a tiny room with only one bedroom,and James could only sleep on the sofa.But even so, the apartment was a regular place for partying,and because it was so noisy,the police often came to inspect.Gloria, 25, was not ready to be a mom.She quit her job at a shoe store called Payless,supporting herself and James on relief.Sometimes when she abandoned herself to partying,she left James alone.So little James had to figure out what to do on his own—for example,playing hooky to play video games,taking some convenience store coupons (优惠券)that the community distributed to Gloria and wandering around in the neighborhood for snacks.
From then on,James'life could be described as homelessness.It was very turbulent (动荡的).After living in one place for less than a few months,he had to move with Gloria elsewhere.Gloria seemed to be in need of care.She was 16 when she gave birth to James,when she lived with her mother, Freda, and her grandmother in Hickory Street.It was a local muddy road in Akron,which was muddy when it rained.Oak trees and railroads abounded(大量存在)by the roadside,and trains roared around their house.
Shortly after giving birth to James,Gloria returned to school and left James to her mother and grandmother.But it was not long before grandma died.Unfortunately,on Christmas Day in 1987,when James was only three years old,Gloria was apparently overwhelmed by the huge disaster of a sudden heart attack that hit Freda.She had a feeling that the sky would crumble(崩裂)down.She looked at the then three-year-old James,and it was hard to tell if she regretted having had that affair with the man in prison.
Fortunately,Gloria had two brothers:Curt and Terry.But they could not fundamentally change the tough situation of the mother Gloria and the son,who lived in a dilapidated(破旧的)house and were unable to pay for heating in winter when it was frigid(严寒的).
Once,a neighbor named Wanda Reaves went to their house and he was stunned the moment he walked into the house.It was cold,untidy and dirty,and many used plates and dishes had not yet been cleaned,piled up in a sink.There was a huge hole in the living room floor.Reaves felt it was not safe to live here, so he said, “it's too unsafe,would you mind staying at my house?”
It was just the lifestyle Gloria wanted.That night,she took James to Reaves'.There was nothing in their home except a suitcase and a blue stuffed elephant. “You can sleep on that couch,” Reaves said, adding that the house was not spacious (宽敞的), but at least it was not freezing or dirty.
从那时候开始,詹姆斯的生活就可以用无家可归来描述,非常动荡不安。在一个地方住不到几个月,就得跟着格洛里亚搬到其他地方去。格洛里亚看上去都需要人照顾,她生詹姆斯时才16岁,当时她和她妈妈弗蕾达、外婆一起住在Hickory Street,这条路是阿克伦当地的一条泥巴路,赶上下雨天就很泥泞,路边随处可见橡树和铁路,火车就从她们的房子周边呼啸而过。
Settled down? It looked like this, but actually it was not.This was actually the beginning of six years of wandering life for the mother and the son.
“I just picked up my bag, and I put the stuff I needed,and then I said to myself, ‘Let's go now,’” recalled James.
At that time,how could James think of his status as a proud son of heaven? Was this all too dreamy? So, back to that ruthless(残酷无情的)time when James lived with his mother at Reaves'for a few months,and then they moved to a cousin's house; and then, one of Gloria's so-called boyfriends took her and her son.But it did not last long before she took her son to her brother Terry.Can you believe that in the spring of 1993,she moved with James for five times in just three months.Many of her friends and neighbors stopped taking them in.But Gloria had no intention to go to work.She just relied on the government for relief.
Where was their tomorrow?
(To be continued)