

中外医疗 2018年9期

黄修标 付昆

[摘要] 股骨髓内钉依据进钉点分为顺行和逆行,进钉点分别为梨状窝和髁间窝。逆行髓内钉在股骨干骨折治疗中处于替代技术。随着逆行髓内钉技术不断发展,该技术受到大多数学者的青睐。该项研究的目的主要是分析和总结逆行髓内钉现有的文献。该研究的结论是逆行髓内钉治疗股骨远端骨折是一项安全、可靠的技术,但在股骨干骨折中,逆行髓内钉作为替代技术。随着关节镜技术的不断发展,逆行髓内钉技术的潜在优势逐渐体现。

[关键词] 股骨骨折;逆行股骨锁定钉;髓内固定术

[中图分类号] R687.3 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2018)03(c)-0193-03

Research Progress of Femoral Retrograde Intramedullary Nail

HUANG Xiu-biao, FU Kun

Department of Joint Trauma Surgery, First Affiliated Hospital of Hainan Medical University, Haikou, Hainan Province, 570100 China

[Abstract] The femoral intramedullary nail is divided into the antegrade and retrograde, and the screw entrance point is respectively sinus piriformis and fossa intercondyloidea, and the retrograde intramedullary nail is an alternative technology in the treatment of fracture of femoral shaft, with the continuous development of retrograde intramedullary nail, the technology wins wide popularity in most scholars, and the major purpose of the study is to analyze and summarize the current literatures of retrograde intramedullary nail, and we know that it is a safe and reliable technology, and it can be used as an alternative technology in the fracture of femoral shaft, with the continuous development of arthroscope, the potential advantage of retrograde intramedullary nail is gradually reflected.

[Key words] Femoral fracture; Retrograde intramedullary nail; Intramedullary fixation


1 发展简史


2 扩髓


3 现状

3.1 适应症

主要包括[13]股骨髁关节外骨折、股骨干骨折、股骨远端1/3骨折、股骨关节内骨折、病理性骨折等;其他包括同侧髋臼、骨盆及股骨颈骨折、孕妇合并股骨骨折、合并多发伤和多发骨折[2,13-16];同侧股骨、胫骨骨折(浮膝损伤)[4,13];双侧股骨骨折、同侧转子周围骨折、过度肥胖合并股骨骨折[2,4,16];全膝关节置换术后[13,15,17];同侧髋关节置换术及截骨术后[15-16]等。其中全膝關节置换术后假体周围骨折并非绝对适应证,有文献报道[17],其经逆行髓内钉和微创内固定系统治疗,结果无差异,这与Jin Park等人[18]报道的结果相似。逆行髓内钉也用于骨不连的治疗,文献报道[19]42例动力髁螺钉术后股骨髁上骨不连经其治疗,平均骨愈合时间4.2个月,愈合率100%。

3.2 并发症


4 生物力学


5 总结



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