编辑_方凤燕 图片提供_东方IC
You believe in fate while I doubt life.
一飞冲天 飞行出租车了解一下
Soar up into the sky—Care for a ride in flying taxi?
According to New York Times, Rolls-Royce, the British engine manufacturer designed a propelling system for a flying taxi and is now looking for cooperation partner. The flying taxi is expected to launch in the next ten years. This vehicle is able to carry 4-5 people and flies at 250miles per hour for 500 miles. By the way, do I still need to pay by the meter in the air?
一言难尽 4天工作制你想要吗
ong Story—Do you want a four-workday week?
Green Book of China’s Leisure-Annual Report on China’s Leisure Development 2017-2018 recently published in Beijing suggests carrying out fourwork day week in 2030. That means to work 9 hours a day and 4 days a week. Then, the golden week formed by moving the closest holidays and the minor vacation system can be canceled. Do you want the four-workday week?
一去不返 再见纸质火车票
Gone are the paper train tickets.
China Railway has declared recently e-ticket will be promoted throughout the country in 2019. At that time, passengers will be able to access to the station and take the train by“scanning their phone or ID card” instead of exchanging for paper tickets. It is said as soon as in the fourth quarter of this year, pilot run for e-ticket service will be carried out. Do you remember those paper tickets that gave you great memories?
一夜惊喜 政府催生二胎政策多
What a surprise—multiple policies for second child.
Liaoning Province has become the second province that awards those couple who have the second child recently. At the same time, many areas nationwide have introduced award policies for second child.Policies such as prolonging the maternity leave, giving allowance for delivery and milk powder and so on are introduced. The welfare policies “urging” for the second child in different local government receive wide attention. Netizens: when will I get a house when I have a second child?
一路高歌 丹东房价涨幅又领衔
Rise and Rise—House price increase in Dandong tops the list again.
NBS recently released the prices of new commodity housing in 70 medium-large cities. According to the data, the YOY increase in first and second tier cities rises while that in the third tier cities are restrained. Among them, the prices in Dandong, Liaoning records a 15% increase, the highest in the list,topping the 70 cities again after May. A hard question: when can I afford to buy a house?
一锤定音 沙特开放女性驾车
Final decision—Saudi Arabia lifts the ban on women driving.
Recently Saudi Arabia officially lifts the ban on women driving, making the only ban on women driving worldwide history. For a long time, Saudi Arabia’s religious authorities had been against women driving and transport department had never issued licenses women. In September last year, King of Saudi Arabia issued an order which announced that women would be allowed to drive since June, 2018. Glad that I didn’t give up!