宜都市第一人民医院消化内科,湖北 宜都 443300
【Abstract】ObjectiveTo investigate the risk factors of the recurrence after interventional treatment of intestinal polys.MethodsOne hundred and thirty-six cases of adenomatous polyps were selected, all taken the endoscopic intestinal polyps electrocoagulation surgery. Patients were divided into relapse group (n=52) and non-recurrence group (n=84) according to the results of the follow-up. The general data (gender, age, the number of intestinal polyps, the size of intestinal polyps, the location of intestinal polyps, histological types) of the relapse group and non-recurrence group were compared, and multivariate Logistic regression analysis was performed. TheROCcurve was used to predict the value of the above factors in predicting the risk of the recurrence after interventional treatment of intestinal polys.ResultsThere was no significant difference in the location of intestinal polyps between two groups (P>0.05). In the relapse group, the proportion of male, age ≥60 years old, the number of intestinal polyps ≥3, the size of intestinal polyps ≥2 cm, villous adenoma or villous tubular adenoma (67.31%, 69.23%, 63.46%, 59.62%, 46.15%) were significantly higher than those in the non-recurrence group (48.81%, 45.24%, 44.05%, 35.71%, 21.43%) (P<0.05). Male, age ≥60 years old, the number of intestinal polyps ≥3, the size of intestinal polyps ≥2 cm, villous adenoma or villous tubular adenoma were the risk factors for relapse after interventional treatment of intestinal polyps (P<0.05). The sensitivity of sex, age, number of intestinal polyps, size of intestinal polyps, and histological types to predict postoperative recurrence were 0.467, 0.538, 0.515, 0.610 and 0.563, while the specificity were 0.643, 0.714, 0.750, 0.786 and 0.857.ConclusionMale, age ≥60 years old, the number of intestinal polyps ≥3, the size of intestinal polyps ≥2 cm, histological type of villous adenoma or villous tubular adenoma of the intestinal polyps have higher risk of recurrence after interventional treatment. It can adjust the follow-up program combined with the actual situation of patients to reduce the recurrence rate.
【Keywords】 Intestinal polyps; Interventional treatment; Recurrence; Risk factors; Logistic regression analysis
1 资料与方法
1.2 方法
1.2.1 治疗方法:所有患者均行内镜下肠息肉电凝电切术:手术前1 d的夜间进流食,手术当天禁食,肠镜操作前6 h左右让患者服用复方聚乙二醇电解质散(加2 000 ml温水,分4次服用,每次间隔30 min)。用药前可应用开塞露,必要时行清洁灌肠,至排出清水样便为止。进镜至回盲部,退镜过程中观察全结肠及直肠,明确息肉数量、大小、位置、表面、基底等。于基底部注射肾上腺素5 mg至息肉基底部隆起,将圈套器置于息肉基底部,慢慢将圈套器钢丝收紧,混合凝切22~30 U。对于基底部创面较大者,用钛夹对创面进行封堵。息肉组织送检。术后对患者进行随访,2年内返院进行结肠镜检查。
1.2.2 研究方法:根据随访的复发结果将患者分为复发组(n=52)与未复发组(n=84)。比较复发组与未复发组患者的一般资料,包括:(1)性别;(2)年龄:分为<60岁与≥60岁;(3)肠息肉数目:分为<3枚与≥3枚;(4)肠息肉大小:分为<2 cm与≥2 cm(多发肠息肉者以最大息肉的直径为准);(5)肠息肉位置:分为近端结肠(包括盲肠、升结肠、横结肠、结肠肝区、结肠脾区)与远端结肠(包括直肠、乙状结肠、降结肠),多发肠息肉者的位置以所有肠息肉中最接近回盲部者为准;(6)组织学类型:分为管状腺瘤与绒毛腺瘤或绒毛管状腺瘤(多发性肠息肉者以分化程度最差的息肉为准)。比较两组患者的一般情况并进行术后复发的多因素Logistic回归分析,通过ROC曲线对以上因素预测肠息肉介入治疗后复发风险的价值进行预测。
1.3统计学方法采用SPSS 19.0统计软件处理数据,计数资料用例数/%表示,采用χ2检验;危险因素分析采用多因素Logistic回归分析,用ROC曲线评估有关因素对肠息肉介入治疗后复发风险的预测价值。P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
2 结果
2.1复发组与未复发组一般情况的比较两组患者肠息肉位置占比相比,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);复发组患者中男性、≥60岁、肠息肉数目≥3枚、肠息肉大小≥2 cm、绒毛腺瘤或绒毛管状腺瘤的占比明显高于未复发组(P<0.05)(见表1)。
表1 复发组与未复发组一般情况的比较Tab 1 Comparison of general conditions between relapse group and non-recurrence group 比例/%
2.2肠息肉介入治疗后复发的多因素Logistic回归分析将有统计学意义的变量纳入多因素Logistic回归分析,结果显示,男性、年龄≥60岁、肠息肉数目≥3枚、肠息肉大小≥2 cm、绒毛腺瘤或绒毛管状腺瘤为肠息肉介入治疗后复发危险因素(P<0.05)(见表2)。
表2 肠息肉介入治疗后复发的多因素Logistic回归分析Tab 2 Multivariate Logistic regression analysis of recurrence after interventional treatment of intestinal polyps
图1 肠息肉介入治疗后复发的ROC曲线Fig 1 The ROC curve of recurrence after interventional treatment of intestinal polyps
3 讨论
3.2肠息肉数目、大小及组织学类型对肠息肉复发的影响多发性息肉术后复发风险更大的观念已被较多学者认可。肠息肉数量的增加为息肉的进一步生长提供了条件。有研究[12]显示,肠息肉癌变风险随息肉数量增加而增大。也有研究[13]证实,息肉数目与复发有关而与癌变无关。研究[14]则多支持息肉数目与术后复发有关,与癌变的关系还有待进一步研究。本研究复发组中肠息肉数目≥3枚患者的占比为63.46%,明显高于未复发组的44.05%,多因素Logistic回归分析证实,肠息肉数目≥3枚为术后复发危险因素之一。与肠息肉数目类似,直径大小也与肠息肉癌变有一定关联。本研究复发组中息肉大小≥2 cm患者的占比为59.62%,高于未复发组的35.71%。多因素Logistic回归分析证实,息肉大小≥2 cm为术后复发的危险因素。也有研究[15]表明,肠息肉大小与术后复发之间无明显相关性,与本研究结论存在较大差异,推测可能与肠息肉的漏诊有关。复查时部分患者息肉视为复发息肉,导致息肉大小对术后复发影响的结果被误判。另外,国外研究[16]显示,肠息肉大小影响术后复发的临界值为10 mm,小于本研究中的划分界限2 cm,推测其中息肉大小的测量操作不可忽视,测量结果的精确度对临界值的影响较大,还可能与样本量、种族有关,有待进一步确认。本研究中,复发组患者中绒毛腺瘤或绒毛管状腺瘤的占比为46.15%,显著高于未复发组的21.43%。多因素Logistic回归分析证实,绒毛腺瘤或绒毛管状腺瘤为术后复发的危险因素之一。组织学类型对术后复发的影响主要与异型增生有关,有研究[17]发现,异型增生可被视为腺瘤性肠息肉到肠癌的发展过度阶段。管状腺瘤较少发展至重度异型增生,而绒毛管状腺瘤或绒毛腺瘤多伴上皮或腺体异型增生,增加了复发风险。也有研究[18]认为,组织学类型对术后复发风险的影响与绒毛组织有关。绒毛组织恶性程度高,组织细胞分裂与生长速度更快,故绒毛管状腺瘤或绒毛腺瘤患者的复发率更高。
综上所述,男性、年龄≥60岁、肠息肉数量≥3枚、息肉大小≥2 cm、病理类型为绒毛腺瘤或绒毛管状腺瘤的患者肠息肉介入治疗后的复发率更高。肠息肉患者介入治疗后的随访可结合实际情况进行适当调整以降低复发率。
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