桂婷婷执教绘本课“The Day Without the Morning Call”赏析
英语绘本图文并茂、内容丰富,有助于激发学生的阅读兴趣,培养学生的阅读能力和思维品质。在近期“现代与经典”全国小学英语教学观摩研讨会中,桂婷婷老师执教的绘本课“The Day Without the Morning Call”堪称绘本教学的典范。笔者听后深受启发,现撷取片断与同仁们共赏。
T:(呈现图1)This is the cover of the story.The picture can tell you a lot of information.What do you know from the picture?
S1:The title of the story is The Day Without the Morning Call.
S2:I can see a sun.
T:How’s the sun?
S2:It looks sad.
S2:Because the animals are all sleeping.
T:How do you know that?
S2:There are many Zs.
T:Good!What else do you know?
S3:There is a rooster in front of the house.It is sleeping.
T:Look at the title.What does“without”mean?
S1:It means no.
T:Right.Is there any morning call on that day?
T:Look at the title and cover.What do you want to know about the story?You can ask some questions(教师给出疑问词提示).
S2:Why is everyone sleeping?
S3:Why is the sun unhappy?
T:So you want to know what happened in the story.
S4:Who makes the morning call?
S5:Who is sleeping in the house?
T:So we have the“who”question and the“what”question.
T:First,let’s focus on the“who”question.Please go through the picture book quick ly,and find out who are in the story and who makes the morning call.
Ss:(翻看绘本后回答)A donkey/rooster/hen/cow.
T:We know the hen and rooster are chickens.But what’s the difference?
S1:The hen can lay eggs,but the rooster can’t.
T:So the hen is a...(教师挥动自己的长发,启发学生说出girl一词)
S1:Girl,and the rooster is a boy.
T:Good.Who makes the morning call?
Ss:The rooster.
T:How does he make the morning call?Who can show us?
S2:Cock-a-dood le-doo!
T:Does a Chinese rooster call like this?
T:How does a Chinese rooster call?
T:That’s right.So the rooster in the story is from...
Ss:America or England.
T:Now,let’s try to solve the“what”question.What happened in the story?(呈现图2)Here are some p lots about the story.Some of them are right,and some of them are wrong.Your job is to read the story again and find out the answers.(学生自读绘本,选出相应情节)
T:(呈现图3)The rooster isn’t busy,but the others are.What do they do?Please read P1-P3 and find out.Here’s a tip for you.The pictures can help you understand some difficult words.(学生扫读绘本P1-P3,找出关键词)
【教学赏析】在学生整体感知绘本后,教师应引导学生关注绘本中的细节信息,推动学生对绘本的深度感悟。桂老师借助问题“What do they do?”,引导学生扫读绘本,找出关键词,帮助学生把握故事的矛盾冲突点。同时,桂老师提供了根据图片猜测词义的阅读策略,充分体现了绘本图片的价值。
T:They’re frozen,but they’re thinking.Let’s ask them.Hello,rooster!What were you doing?How do you feel?
S1:I was walking around.I feel relaxed and free.
T:Hi,donkey!What were you doing?
S2:I was making bean curd.
T:Look at the rooster.He was walking around.Are you happy with that?
S2:No!I’m very angry.
T:What about you,hen?
S3:I was laying eggs.I feel tired.
T:How about you,cow?
S4:I was giving milk.I feel tired and angry.
T:(对台下学生说)The donkey,cow and hen are angry.What do they say?Can you guess?
S5:Look at the lazy rooster!
S6:Come and help us!
T:Let’s read P4-P7,and find out.
【教学赏析】角色扮演有助于学生自然地进入角色,在建构故事的同时体验人物情感。在阅读绘本的过程中,桂老师选取故事情节的矛盾冲突点,带领学生进行角色扮演。同时,借助戏剧教学策略Still image,让扮演者突然定格于当时的动作,并采访其感受。该活动使绘本中的文字和图片变得直观和丰满,让学生真切体验到其他动物对公鸡无所事事的不满与愤怒,增强了学生的感性认识,激发了他们继续阅读绘本的欲望。
T:(呈现图4)Now,what will they say to the rooster?
S1:I’m sorry.
S2:Your job is also very important.
T:What do you learn from the story?
S3:Everyone’s job is important.
S4:We should work hard.
S5:We shouldn’t be lazy.