Information for Authors - Clinical Trials in Orthopedic Disorders (CTOD)



About the Journal

Founded in January 2016, Clinical Trials in Orthopedic Disorders (CTOD; ISSN: Print -2542-4157, Online - 2542-4165) is a peer-reviewed, open-access international journal( with quarterly print on demand compilation of issues published, with its mission focused on reporting creative clinical and translational advancements on the subject of orthopedic disorders.

Aims and Scopes

The journal publishes papers on a broad range of the latest clinicalfindings of orthopedic disorders. The journal is also committed to publishing articles on general trial methodology as well as protocols, commentaries and traditional results papers - regardless of outcome or significance offindings. The topics include but are not limited to the following:

• Orthopedic Trauma

• Spine Surgery

• Joint Surgery

• Hand and Ankle Surgery

• Microsurgery

• Pediatric Orthopaedics

• Bone Tumor

• Sports Medicine

• Orthopedic Pain

• Orthopedic Rehabilitation

• Orthopedic Imaging

CTOD uses a rigorous and timely peer-review process that ensures the highest quality for publication. The journal ensures the accuracy, timeliness and completeness of the database’s content. CTOD is dedicated to disseminating each published article to achieve the largest display through the most influential international journal platform.


CTOD has emerged as an important forum for the experts from the following disciplines including medicine, biostatistics,epidemiology, computer science, management science,pharmaceutical science, and bioethics.

Abstracting and Indexing

• Baidu Scholar

• CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure)

• EBSCO Publishing's Electronic Databases

• Exlibris – Primo Central

• Google Scholar

• Hinari

• Infotrieve

• Journal Guide

• National Science Library

• Netherlands ISSN center

• OpenJGate

• ProQuest

• TdNet

Editorial Board

The editorial board comprises over 100 members who are dedicated to developing a journal presenting outstanding peerreviewed, evidence-based scholarly research in orthopedic disorders. Recruitment of new editorial board members is ongoing.

Criteria for Publication

• The study presents the novel results of primary scientific research.

• Experiments, statistics, and other analyses are performed to a

high technical standard and are described in sufficient detail.• Results reported have not been published elsewhere.

• Conclusions are presented in an appropriate fashion and are supported by the data.

• The research meets all applicable standards for the ethics of experimentation and research integrity.

• The article adheres to appropriate reporting guidelines and community standards for data availability.

• The article is presented in an intelligible fashion and is written in American English.

Trial Registration

CTOD supports initiatives to improve reporting of clinical trials. In line with ICMJE guidelines, the journal requires registration of all clinical trials that are reported in manuscripts submitted to CTOD. Prospective registration is mandatory for any clinical trials. For clinical trials that have not been registered prospectively, CTOD encourages retrospective registration to ensure the complete publication of all results. The journal accepts publicly accessible registration in ( or in any registry that is a primary register of the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) (

• Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR)

• Chinese Clinical Trial Registry (ChiCTR)

• Clinical Research Information Service (CRiS), Republic of Korea

• Clinical Trials Registry - India (CTRI)

• Cuban Public Registry of Clinical Trials (RPCEC)

• EU Clinical Trials Register (EU-CTR)

• German Clinical Trials Register (DRKS)

• Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials (IRCT)

• ISRCTN Registry


• Japan Primary Registries Network (JPRN)

• Thai Clinical Trials Registry (TCTR)

• The Netherlands National Trial Register (NTR)

• Pan African Clinical Trial Registry (PACTR)

• Peruvian Clinical Trial Registry (REPEC)

• Sri Lanka Clinical Trials Registry (SLCTR)

Rigorous Peer Review

Referees of CTOD are asked to evaluate the manuscript of technically sound. Judgments about the significance of any particular paper are made after publication by the readership,who are the most qualified to determine what is of interest to them.

Editorial process

Each submission to CTOD passes through a quality control check and peer-review evaluation process before receiving a decision. The initial in-house quality control check deals with issues such as plagiarism check, competing interests,ethical requirements for studies involving human participants or animals,financial disclosures, in full compliance with CTOD’s data availability policy. Submissions may be returned to authors for queries, and will not be assigned to our Editorial Board or peer reviewers until they pass the quality control check.

Peer review process

Once the manuscript has passed quality control check, it is assigned to the strict double-blinded peer review process for a decision, either to accept, revise, or reject the article. Before manuscripts are sent for review, invited peer reviewers are confirmed regarding their availability, conflicts of interest with the manuscript, their agreements to have their names and comments published afterwords. A peer review report together with the reviewer’s name, if permitted, will be posted at the end of the article. Only 15–20% of submitted manuscripts are published in CTOD. Most manuscripts will be evaluated by 3–5 external reviewers. Average time from the submission to thefirst editorial decision is 1 month. The review time could be shortened to 7 days for the paper with sophisticated review comments from other recognized journals in thefield. According to these comments, the academic editors will make a decision as to accept, reject, request a revision or send to another peer review.

Authors who receive a decision of minor revision or major revision have 21 days to resubmit the revised manuscript.

If you are submitting a revised manuscript, the following items with your revised submission are required:

• Response to reviewers form: Address the specific points made by each reviewer.

• Revised manuscript (traced copy): Include a traced copy of your manuscriptfile showing the changes you have made on the original submission.

• Revised manuscript (clean copy): Upload a clean copy of your revised manuscript that does not show your changes.

Reviewer recognition

The quality of CTOD depends on the effort that is generously contributed by our reviewers who have dedicated their expertise and time helping to ensure we publish great science.

CTOD will provide a certification of review for those who make general comments with more than 150 words and complete the peer-review process within 14 days.

We encourage the reviewers to share and discuss their review comments on Publons ( CTOD will also give credit to registered reviewers on Publons.

Submission Guidelines

Manuscripts should be submitted online at

Cover letter

Authors are required to declare the following statements,including:

• The manuscript is original, has not been submitted to or is not under consideration by another publication and has not been previously published in any language or any form,including electronic.

• All authors approve thefinal version of the manuscript and of its submission to CTOD.

• Recommending 3–5 scientists as peer reviewers for your manuscript, including their contact information. The suggested reviewers should be in the samefield of your study,from different institutions and have not copublished articles previously.

• Once submitted to CTOD, the manuscript should not be submitted to other journals within 1 month, whether it is undergoing or awaiting the paper review process.

Update your ORCID record after publication

Thefirst author or the corresponding author should provide ORCID upon manuscript submission. CTOD also helps authors to register a unique ORCID identifier to uniquely identify author’s publication.

Transfer of copyright agreement

Once your paper is successfully submitted, publishing agreements should be signed by all authors and uploaded to the editorial system.

Article type

•Study Protocol:Study protocol articles will only be considered for proposed or ongoing trials that have not completed patient recruitment at the time of submission.Please confirm the status of your study at submission. If the study has already undergone full external peer review as part of the ethics approval or funding process, the study protocol will usually only undergo editorial peer review by the handling editor. Proof of both ethics and funding will be required and we recommend that authors provide the relevant documentation on submission. Study protocols without major external funding will undergo full, external peer review. Study protocols without ethical approval will generally not be considered.

•Research Article:CTOD will consider manuscripts on any clinical topic that is relevant to all aspects of orthopedic disorders, including brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerve, and cranial nerve diseases, sympathetic and parasympathetic neuropathy, psychiatric and psychological disorders.

•Invited Reviews:Invited reviews are topical reviews,generally 6,000 words in length, which cover a current topic of interest in orthopedic disorders.

•Invited perspectives:Authors with outstanding achievements in thefield from international renowned laboratories are invited to write a short paper that has not been previously published, introducing their scientific hypothesis, specific animal models or patients as participants,a novel technique or method, materials, or cell type. The invited perspectives should introduce compelling new stories about how scientists or laboratories yield their striking thoughts or achievements, rather than simply describe their research progress. These papers will provide readers with novel thoughts and insights.

• Hypotheses:Describe a hot topic in the researchfield of clinical trial protocols or clinical and translational medicine on orthopedic disorders or psychiatric or psychological disorders. Present author’s viewpoints and the recognition and summary of this scientific process as well as future hypotheses. Highlight translational application of novel techniques and methods described in preclinical basic studies to clinical practice.

•Methodology:Methodologies should present a new experimental or computational method, test or procedure.The method described may either be completely new,or may offer a better version of an existing method. The article must describe a demonstrable advance on what is currently available. The method needs to have been well tested and ideally, but not necessarily used in a way that proves its value.

•Letters to the Editor:Brief communications and case reports should offer an important new observation and not simply review the literature. In rare instances, we will consider case reports for this article type, but only if the topic is extraordinarily novel.

Templates of Study Protocol, Invited Reviews, Invited Perspectives, Research Articles, Hypotheses and Methodology are shown in Additionalfiles 1–5.

Reporting Guidance

Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with ICMJE Recommendation for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly work in Medical Journals. The following guidelines should be followed when writing an article:

CONSORT StatementFor reporting of randomized controlled trials, please use the appropriate extension to the CONSORT statement, including the extension for writing abstracts.

SPIRITFor reporting clinical trial protocols

STARDFor reporting of diagnostic accuracy studies

STROBEFor reporting of observational studies in epidemiology

PRISMAFor reporting of systematic reviews

PRISMA-PFor reporting of systematic review and meta analysis protocols

MOOSEFor reporting of meta-analyses of observational studies

STREGAFor reporting of gene-disease association studies

Acceptance and Publication

After acceptance, the authors are free inquiry regarding the progress of their manuscript online using the account number assigned to the corresponding author at any time. Generally,manuscripts will be published within 3 months after acceptance.

Ethical Guidance

According to ICMJE recommendations, the authors should follow all ethical principles for medical research involving humans and experimental animals.

Requirements for ethical issues related to clinical trials

• All studies performed involving human should be registered in clinical trials registry platform, such as,prior to participant recruitment. The registry platform and register identifier should be provided upon submission and included in the abstract of the manuscript.

• The ethics committee and the approval number(s) should be stated in papers. Prospective clinical studies with no registration will not be accepted by CTOD. In addition,informed consent of study and protocol version should be indicated.

• Clinical manuscripts should be written according to the reporting guidelines at Additionally, checklists and aflow chart should be provided upon submission.

Patient consent privacy

Identifying information should not be published in written descriptions, photographs, sonograms, CT scans, etc., and pedigrees unless the information is essential for scientific purposes and the patient (or parent or guardian, wherever applicable) gives informed consent for publication. Authors should remove patients’ names fromfigures unless they have obtained informed consent from the patients. The journal abides by ICMJE guidelines: i. Authors, not the journals nor the publisher, need to obtain the patient consent form before the publication and have the form properly archived. The consent forms are not to be uploaded with the cover letter or sent through email to editorial or publisher offices. ii. If the manuscript contains patient images that preclude anonymity, or a description that has obvious indication to the identity of the patient, a statement about obtaining informed patient consent should be indicated in the manuscript.


• Each CTOD paper will be checked twice, using Crosscheck to verify originality after submission and prior to publication. The check report will be sent to the authors.

• The similarity of any CTOD paper should not be over 5%against one single published paper, not over 20% against all published papers.

• Similarity between new submitted manuscript and the published by the same research team or author should be not over 30%.

• No retracted articles should be cited.

• For dishonorable events including redundant (duplicate)publication, suspected plagiarism, and undisclosed conflicts of interest, CTOD will abide by COPE guidelines (

Corrections and Retractions

CTOD publishes corrections, retractions, and expressions of concern as appropriate, and as quickly as possible. We follow the ICMJE and COPE guidelines where applicable.

•Correction:A notice of correction will be issued by CTOD to correct substantial errors that appear in published articles when these errors significantly affect the content or understanding of the work (e.g., error in data presentation or analysis) or when the error affects the publication’s metadata (e.g., misspelling of an author’s name). In these cases, CTOD will publish a correction that will be linked to the original article. In very rare cases, we may choose to correct the article itself and repost it online. If that course is taken, a correction notice will also be created to document the changes to the original article.

•Author-Initiated Retractions:CTOD will retract an article at the authors’ request at any time unless it is under review for a possible violation of Responsible Conduct Regarding Scientific Communications. At the authors’ option, the retraction notice may simply state that the article has been retracted at the authors’ request. Alternatively, the authors may provide a brief explanation of the error(s) prompting the retraction. However, statements of retraction may not assign blame to specific authors or laboratories.

•Retractions:The editors reserve the right to retract an article at any time after publication without the consent of the authors if an investigation by an appropriate authority reveals a violation of CTOD’s ethics policy.

To request a correction/retraction, please contact the editorial office directly at

Data Availability

CTOD encourages authors to upload original experimental data on journal website or Figshare prior to or after publication, including original data, images, or tables. Open access of data will increase study transparency, accelerate the scientific research pace, and establish credibility of scientific research.

Figshare is an internationally respected data repository that can upload, store, and share original data of the study. With the permission of open-access copyright, the authors can display and share their data, which facilitates retrieval, reading,download, and sharing.

Data Sharing Statement in Clinical Trials

As of 1 January 2018, manuscripts submitted to CTOD that report the results of clinical trials must contain a data-sharing statement as described in Table 1. We would like to bring this to your attention and the editorial office can decide whether to add any policy statement on Author Instruction page (

Open Access Publication

CTOD is co-published by Wolters Kluwer-MedKnow, a global open access medical publisher. Therefore, CTOD applies the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License to works we publish. This license allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work noncommercially, as long as the author is credited and the new creations are licensed under identical terms.

Anyone interested in reading your research can get free access to your paper at our official website (

Open Access Fees

Authors of invited papers will be granted complete waiver for the open-access fee.

When a paper is accepted for publication, the authors will be issued an invoice of the open-access fee. The open-access fee is used for online open access, development and maintenance of editorial system, and data processing for better exposure on Google Scholar, iPhone, iPad and Android smartphones, as well as for PubMed indexing and CrossRef registration. The open-access fee will, at the discretion of the editorial committee based on the quality of manuscript, be reduced or waived for manuscripts from low-income countries. Articles decision making is not associated with author’s ability to pay. The cost for language polishing is not covered in open-access fee.

Copyright/Permissions after Publication

• The publisher retains all rights concerning assembling,printing, reproducing, translating, disseminating, exhibiting, publishing, retrieving and indexing part or of all the contents of the article.

• After signing transfer of copyright with the journal, the authors still retain the rights.

• In not-for-profit circumstances, the use, dissemination and reproduction of part or of all contents of the article is permitted when cited properly.


We are committed to providing two hard copies andfive highquality reprints to authors for free. Reprints can be purchased as print or electronic reprints and as translated articles, and will be customized to your specific requirements and shrinkwrapped.

Dissemination after Publication

Once the paper is published, it will be scheduled for dissemination via e-Newslettter.

After publication, CTOD provides articles more visibility on the social network, e.g., Mendeley, Facebook, Twitter,LinkedIn. We also recommend authors link your paper from as many websites as possible using citation and social book marking tools such as,

Table 1: Examples of Data Sharing Statements That Fulfill These ICMJE Requirements*


• ResearchGate,

• Kudos,

• Mendeley,

• Figshare,

• DataCite,

• Google+,

• Facebook,

• Twitter,

• LinkedIn,

• Wikipedia,

Contact Us


Submission website:


LinkedIn Account:CTOD Zhao

Mendeley Account:Clinical Trials in Orthopedic Diseases

Facebook Account:CTOD Zhao

Twitter Account:CTOD@ctod_editor


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