摘 要 由于受到母语的影响,我们在使用英语时常常会出现一些中国式英语,俗称中式英语。为了使我们的英语表达更地道,本文探讨了中式英语中常常出现的一些错误,即中式英语表达中多余的名词和动词。
关键词 多余 名词 动词 中式英语
中图分类号:H319 文献标识码:A
众所周知,一篇好文章就是要简洁。谨慎的作家都认为应该用尽可能少的文字来表达他们的意思。William Strunk.Jr和E.B White 在他们的著作:the Elements of style一书中就说到:“一篇有生命力的文章应该是简洁的。句子不应该有多余的文字,段落里不应该有多余的的句子;就像一幅画不应该有多余的线条,机器里不应该有不必要的零件”。,也就是说,句子中任何没有用的成分,对表达主题毫无用处的成分都应该删除。
A:to accelerate the pace of economic reform
B:to accelerate economic reform
(“to accelerate”= “to increase the pace of”)
A:there have been good harvests in agriculture
B:there have been good harvests
(“harvests” implies agriculture because there are no harvests in industry.)
A:It is essential to strengthen the building of national defense.
B:It is essential to strengthen national defense.
A:Inner-Party democracy is subject that has been discussed in detail.
B:Inner-Party democracy has been discussed in detail.
有一类名词需要特别提到,因为这一类词在中式英语中非常普遍。这类名词通常用来引出一个特定的名词或动名词。如:“a serious mistake in the work of planning”。在这一结构中,第一个词已经表明了第二个词的类别。在这个例子中,它已经告诉读者“planning” 属于“ work”这一类别。这是读者已知的内容,因此第一个名词应该被删除,改为“a serious mistake in planning”。又如:
A:promoting the cause of peaceful reunification
B:promoting the peaceful reunification
A:reforms in the sphere of the economy
B:reforms in the economy
A:We must oppose the practice of extravagance.
B:We must oppose extravagance.
和多余的名词一样,在中式英语中大多数多余的动词也是出现在短语当中。通常他们连接名词,有时这些名词还会带一些冠词和介词。这些短语主要有两个类型:多余的动词加上名词(unnecessary verb plus noun)和多余的动词加上多余的名词加上第三个词(unnecessary verb plus unnecessary noun plus third word)。
2.1多余的动词加上名词(unnecessary verb plus noun)
这一类最常见的短语是“we must make an improvement in our work”。这里动词make是一个通用词,它本身没有特定的含义,而真正的动作表述在improvement这个词上。因为make这个词没有任何意义,所以可以把它删掉:“we must improve our work”。这个多余的动词加上名词的结构很容易被我们忽视掉,因为它们在语法上没有任何错误,而且大家也习惯了这种表述方式。但是只要我们警惕这种结构就很容易发现这种中式英语。如:
A:It is impossible for us to accomplish the transformation of the whole society overnight.
B:It is impossible for us to transform the whole society overnight.
A:to bring about a change in this state of affairs
B:to change this state of affairs
在这种结构中,最常见的动词就是“to make”, 如:to make an investigation of = to investigate; to make a careful study of = to study carefully; to make a decision to = to decide to; to make a proposal that = to propose that; to make efforts to = to try (or: attempt ) to; to make an analysis of = to analyze
另外一个常见的动词就是“to have”, 如:to have a dislike for = to dislike; to have trust in = to trust; to have the need for = to need; to have respect for = to respect
2.2多余的动词加上多余的名词加上第三个词(unnecessary verb plus unnecessary noun plus third word)
正如我们看到的,在第一种结构中,多余的动词并没有表示某种特定的动作,而是把这个功能转移到了一个名词上。然而在第二种结构中,这个名词也没有完成这一功能。如:“our efforts to reach the goal of modernization”,在这里名詞“goal”并不比“reach”更精确。这意味着动词的功能不得不由另外一个词,第二个名词“modernization”来完成。因此第一个名词在句子没有任何意义,它可以和动词一起删除。
[1] Pinkham,J.The translators guide to Chinglish[M].外语教学与研究出版社,2010.