环球时报 2018-05-29
“打卡”的意思是工作人员上下班时记录到达和离开单位的时间。最初人们在磁卡机(magnetic card machine)上拍考勤卡(to punch the attendance card)以记录信息。现在普遍使用指纹识别(fingerprintidentification/ recognition)或面部识别(facial identification/recognition)等方法。
“ 打卡上班”, 英语译为to clockin , to punch in, to ring in。例如:1. 这个工厂所有的工人都在今天上午八点之前打卡上班了。All the workers in this factory clocked in before eight this morning.
2. 这个公司的员工应该到八点半为止打卡上班。The staff members of this company are supposed to punch in by 8:30.
“ 打卡下班”, 英语译为to clock out, to punch out。例如:
3. 这个工厂的工人离厂时必须打卡。The workers in this factory must clock out when they leave.
4. 根据该公司《考勤规范》,所有员工上下班时必须打卡。According to the Norm of Attendance of this company, all
its staff must punch in and punch out when on and off duty.▲