环球时报 2018-04-17
“初衷”的意思是“本意”或“原意”,即“最初的意图或打算”,英语译为original intention, initial intent。例如:
1. 这个偏远村庄的村长带领穷苦村民种树的初衷是帮助他们脱贫。The original intention of the remote mountain⁃
ous village head to lead the poor villagers in planting trees was to helpthem shake off poverty.
2. 虽然经过百般挫折,我们创业的初衷未改。Our original intentions tostart up a business remain unchangeddespite many setbacks.
“ 初心” 的意思是“ 最初的心愿”,英语译为original aspiration。例如:
3. 这个来自山村的年轻人想当农村小学教师的初心可以追溯到他的青春岁月。The original aspiration of theyoung man from a mountainous villageto become a primary school teacher inthe rural area can be traced back tohis teenage years.
4. 由于多年辛勤工作,他想当科学家的初心最终实现了。Due to manyyears of hard work, his original aspiration to become a scientist has eventually come true.▲