范文思 岳东林 凌爱芬 刘挺 叶协锋 武云杰 陈宇 廖红蕖 于建军
摘 要:为了改善会理县因烟草连作造成的土壤营养失衡和烟叶品质下降等问题,研究了不同腐熟农家肥用量对土壤养分和烟叶品质的影响。结果表明,烟株生长期内,施用农家肥处理的土壤碱解氮、速效钾和速效磷含量均较CK有所提高。施用农家肥可显著提高土壤胡敏酸(HA)和富里酸(FA)含量,移栽110 d时,常规施肥+15 000 kg/hm2农家肥处理的胡敏酸含量最高达到4.34 g/kg,较CK增加了36.61%,差异显著,且HA/FA也达到最高(0.73)。施用农家肥可显著降低烟叶两糖含量,提高糖碱比、钾氯比。其中常规施肥+7500 kg/hm2农家肥处理的C2F和B2F糖碱比较CK显著降低了23.85%和24.34%,而钾氯比较CK显著提高了1.67和3.34。常规施肥+7500 kg/hm2农家肥处理的C3F和B2F中性致香物质总量最高为1 163.50、683.24 μg/g,较CK增加了15.71%、60.00%,且差异显著。常规施肥+7500 kg/hm2农家肥处理对改善烤烟化学成分协调性和增加致香物质含量有显著效果。
中图分类号:S572.062 文章编号:1007-5119(2018)05-0071-08 DOI:10.13496/j.issn.1007-5119.2018.05.010
Abstract: In order to improve the imbalance of soil nutrients and the decline in quality of tobacco leaves caused by continuous cropping of tobacco in Huili County, the effects of different well-rotted farmyard manure application rates on tobacco quality and soil nutrients were studied. The results showed that the contents of available nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus in soils treated with farm manure were higher than those in CK. Well-rotted farmyard manure could increase the content of humic acid and fulvic acid in soil. 110 d after transplanting, the content of humic acid was up to 4.34 g/kg, which was 36.61% higher than that of CK, and the difference reached a significant level. HA/FA is also up to 0.73. The well-rotted farmyard manure could significantly reduce the content of sugars and increase the ratio of sugar to alkali and the ratio of potassium to chlorine. Compared with CK, the ratio of sugar and alkali decreased by 23.85% and 24.34% in C2F and B2F under 7500 kg/ha well-rotted farmyard manure, while the ratio of potassium to chlorine increased by 1.67 and 3.34. For C2F and B2F, the total amount of neutral substances treated by 7500 kg/ha well-rotted farmyard manure was also the highest, reaching 1163.50 and 683.24 μg/g, which was 15.71% and 60.00% higher than CK. A significant effect on improving the chemical composition coordination and increasing the aroma content of flue-cured tobacco was observed in the treatment of 7500 kg/ha well-rotted farmyard manure.
Keywords: well-rotted farmyard manure; flue-cured tobacco; humus acid; tobacco quality
4 结 论
对于土壤环境的改善效果而言,施用农家肥可显著提高土壤胡敏酸、富里酸含量和HA/FA,常规施肥+15 000 kg/hm2农家肥效果最好。对于提升烟叶品质而言,常规施肥+7500 kg/hm2农家肥对烤烟化学成分协调性和中性致香物质含量的提升效果最好。因此,综合土壤环境和烟叶品质的考虑,常规施肥+7500 kg/hm2农家肥的施肥措施可用于改善会理县植烟土壤状况和烟叶品质。
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