在Office dA几十年的成功基础上,2011年,纳德尔•特赫拉尼(Nader Tehrani)与合伙人凯瑟琳•福克纳 (Katherine Faulkner)和丹•加拉格尔(Dan Gallagher)共同创立了NADAAA事务所,不断拓展事务所业务的地理范围和规模。设计卓越是所有追求的核心。NADAAA事务所已获得18次“建筑进步奖”、“2014年霍西姆基金会可持续奖”、多次“芝加哥阿森纳姆绿色优秀奖”、“2012年霍布森奖”、“2007年库珀-休伊特国家建筑学设计奖”、“2007年美国艺术家奖”、“美国目标研究员奖”、“建筑与设计奖”、“2002年美国艺术与文学院建筑学院奖”和“2002年哈尔斯顿•帕克建筑奖”。过去五年,NADAAA事务所在《建筑师》杂志评选的“50强事务所”榜单排名中一直名列前三。另外,事务所的作品已在多个机构内展出,如现代艺术博物馆、波士顿当代艺术学院及洛杉矶当代艺术馆(LA MoCA);而且它的作品已在纳希尔和加拿大建筑中心永久展出。
NADAAA has evolved over three decades as a multi-disciplinary practice dedicated to bridging between design disciplines; from landscape to urbanism, architecture to interiors, and industrial design to furniture. The work of NADAAA demonstrates a commitment to new forms of knowledge through making. With an eye towards integrated thinking, we enter the discourse on technology, aesthetics,and building protocols as part of a holistic process. We have been able to build on a range of exemplary projects in collaboration with extraordinary clients, many of whom have the objective to maintain a standard of excellence that requires cross-disciplinary collaboration and flexibility for future modification.
Building upon the decades of Office dA’s success, Nader Tehrani launched NADAAA in 2011 with partners Katherine Faulkner and Dan Gallagher, expanding the firm’s geographic reach and capabilities. Design excellence is core to all pursuits and the firm boasts 18 Progressive Architecture Awards, the 2014 Holcim Foundation Sustainability Award, multiple Chicago Athenaeum Green Good Awards, the 2012 Hobson Award, the 2007 Cooper-Hewitt National Design Award in Architecture,the 2007 United States Artists Award, USA Target Fellows, Architecture and Design (AD) awards,the 2002 American Academy of Arts and Letters Architecture Award, and the 2002 Harleston Parker Award. For the past five years NADAAA has been placed in the top three design firms in the United States by Architect Magazine's Top 50 Firms ranking. The firm’s work has been exhibited at institutions including the Museum of Modern Art, the Boston Institute of Contemporary Art and LA MoCA, and is part of the permanent exhibit at the Nasher and the Canadian Center for Architecture.
Of the various investments in our thinking, much experimentation has been done with material properties and their potential to impact form. We seek to challenge the means and methods of fabrication/assembly, through innovative building strategies and the development of alternative tectonic approaches. We look at buildings with organic respect, reconciling part to whole relationships,and inventing key details that impact the intelligence of the overall design. Addressing program,budget, and schedule, our research aims to show the instrumentality of the art of construction as the central agent of the design process. Conceptual assemblies have been tested through a series of installations with several having found their way to complex architectural projects, requiring a more sophisticated approach towards integration.
The societal costs of a construction project are increasingly apparent, as are the increasing value of our natural resources. Therefore, one must consider the ultimate consumptive requirements of a building from the first moment of concept. If conventional design processes revolve primarily around the formal and spatial development of programs, NADAAA has shifted our focus to the examination of the structural, environmental, and technological infrastructures as the points of departure on all projects. We are keenly aware that mechanical and electrical components represent the lion’s share of a budget, as well as the bulk of the operating costs. Furthermore, there are schedule implications to value engineering when early choices are incorrect. We tend to pre-empt that diきcult process with intelligent design thinking, linking innovative systems to broader programmatic goals while creating inventive strategies to bridge the technical and aesthetic divide. An engagement with the environment is a deliberate effort, often involving varied disciplinary expertise, from landscape to urbanism and from passive sustainable strategies to smart technologies. Insofar as buildings sponsor human interaction, we look to program the paths of travel, engage the natural landscape,and (when appropriate) blur the boundaries between the inside and the outdoors. We are also mindful of the larger ecology that sustains the balance between the natural and domesticated terrain, understanding that much of what impacts the world today is a question of policy at the regional and environmental level. Working between the scale of architecture and the site landscape,we look to their mutual reinforcement.
Nader Tehrani
纳德尔•特赫拉尼 (Nader Tehrani)现任纽约库珀联盟欧文.S.钱宁学院的院长。他曾是麻省理工学院建筑系的一名教授,2010年至2014年,任该系系主任。同时,他也是NADAAA设计事务所的负责人。NADAAA事务所致力于推进设计创新、跨学科合作以及与建造行业的深入对话。
特赫拉尼曾在哈佛大学设计研究生院、罗德岛设计学院、佐治亚理工学院任教,担任托马斯•W•文图利特三世(Thomas W. Ventulett III)建筑设计特聘讲座教授,也是多伦多大学建筑景观和设计系的法兰克•O•盖瑞(Frank O. Gehry)国际客座讲座教授。
Nader Tehrani is the Dean of the Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture at the Cooper Union in New York.He was previously a professor of architecture at MIT, where he served as the Head of the Department from 2010-2014. He is also Principal of NADAAA, a practice dedicated to the advancement of design innovation,interdisciplinary collaboration, and an intensive dialogue with the construction industry.
a B.F.A. and a B.Arch from the Rhode Island School of Design in 1985 and 1986 respectively. He continued his studies at the Architectural Association, where he attended the Post-Graduate program in History and Theory. Upon his return to the United States, Tehrani
the M.A.U.D from the Harvard Graduate School of Design in 1991.
Tehrani has taught at the Harvard Graduate School of Design, Rhode Island School of Design, the Georgia Institute of Technology, where he served as the Thomas W. Ventulett III Distinguished Chair in Architectural Design, and the University of Toronto’s Department of Architecture, Landscape and Design as the Frank O.Gehry International Visiting Chair.
Tehrani’s work has been recognized with notable awards, including the Cooper Hewitt National Design Award in Architecture (2007), the United States Artists Fellowship in Architecture and Design (2007), and the American Academy of Arts and Letters Award in Architecture (2002). He has also received the Harleston Parker Award for the Northeastern University Multi-faith Spiritual Center (2002) and the Hobson Award for the Georgia Institute of Technology Hinman Research Building (2012). Throughout his career, Tehrani has received eighteen Progressive Architecture Awards as well as numerous AIA, Boston Society of Architects and ID awards.
Tehrani has lectured widely at institutions including the Guggenheim Museum in New York, Harvard University,Princeton University and the Architectural Association. Tehrani has participated in many symposia including the Monterey Design Conference (2009), the Buell Center ‘Contemporary Architecture and its Consequences’at Columbia University (2009), and the Graduate School of Design ‘Beyond the Harvard Box’ (2006). The works of Nader Tehrani have been widely exhibited at MOMA, LA MOCA and ICA Boston. His work is also part of the permanent collection of the Canadian Center for Architecture and the Nasher Sculpture Center.His work has been published in a variety of journals internationally which reflect his research on materiality,fabrication and tectonics. Selected articles include: ‘Versioning: Connubial Reciprocities of Surface and Space’ published in Architectural Design (Sep, Oct 2002), and ‘Aggregation’ and ‘Diきcult Synthesis’, featured in Material Design: Informing Architecture by Materiality, by Thomas Schroepfer (2011). He is the 2017/2018 William A. Bernoudy Architect in Residence at the American Academy in Rome.
As the principal-in-charge of three schools of Architecture, Georgia Institute of Technology, the MSD at the University of Melbourne, and the Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design at the University of Toronto, Tehrani has overseen how the various platforms of pedagogy come into conversation with the organization of spaces; as pedagogical building, they not only serve as new spatial models for learning, but as didactic instruments in terms of how they are built, what new technologies they incorporate and how they serve as paradigms for learning.
凯瑟琳•福克纳 (Katherine Faulkner):美国建筑师协会(AIA)、加拿大安大略建筑师协会(OAA)及 LEED AP会员,是NADAAA事务所的总裁和创始人。自2011以来,她一直致力于扩大事务所的机构项目、总体规划和国际项目;同时,她还扩大了事务所的原型设施,重点是与建筑业建立更好的对话关系。凭借二十年在大中型事务所工作的经验,她拓展了事务所的市场范围,同时确立了NADAAA事务所在国际上的知名设计公司地位。1987年,福克纳毕业于达特茅斯学院,并获得了哈佛大学设计研究生院建筑学硕士学位。2010年,福克纳获得了波士顿大学的工商管理学硕士学位,此后便寻找机会重新专注于设计业务,并与老同学纳德尔•特赫拉尼和丹•加拉格尔一起创办了NADAAA事务所。最近完工的项目包括墨尔本大学设计学院、房地产模型住宅展馆和坦德鲁姆人行桥。即将完工的项目是多伦多大学的丹尼尔斯建筑景观设计学院及毕弗尔国家走读学校的研究和设计中心。她目前正在马萨诸塞州剑桥市肯德尔广场为麻省理工学院设计一项大型综合用途项目,同时也在设计俄亥俄州克利夫兰市的一座住宅塔楼。
Katherine Faulkner, AIA, OAA, LEED AP, is president and a founding principal of NADAAA.Since 2011, she has directed eあorts to expand the firm’s institutional projects, master plans,and international projects; in tandem, she has also expanded the oきce’s prototyping facilities with a focus on creating a better dialogue with the building industry. With twenty years of mid and large firm experience, she has expanded the firm’s market reach while establishing NADAAA’s position as an internationally recognized design firm. A 1987 graduate of Dartmouth College, Faulkner received her MArch from Harvard’s Graduate School of Design. After receiving an MBA from Boston University in 2010, Faulkner looked for an opportunity to refocus the business of design and joined former schoolmates Nader Tehrani and Dan Gallagher in launching NADAAA. Recently completed projects include the Melbourne School of Design,the Raemian (Samsung) Model Home Gallery, and the Tanderrum Pedestrian Bridge. Soon to be completed are the Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design at the University of Toronto and the Research and Design Center at Beaver Country Day School. She is also currently working on a large mixed-use project for MIT in Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA as well as a housing tower in Cleveland, OH.
As principal of NADAAA, Faulkner has been recognized with notable awards, including the 2014 Holcim Award; three Green Good Design Awards; six Progressive Architecture Awards;as well as numerous AIA, Boston Society of Architects, and other international awards. For the past five years NADAAA has been placed in the top three design firms in the United States by Architect Magazine’s Top 50 Firms ranking.