DFA 亚洲最具影响力设计奖2017


世界建筑导报 2018年2期

本报道将介绍部分DFA 亚洲最具影响力设计奖2017得奖作品

关于DFA 亚洲最具影响力设计奖



由公开征集参赛作品的“组别奖”以及由组别奖的金奖作品及由提名征集的出众设计角逐的“大奖”所组成。“组别奖”授予金、银、铜及优异奖,接受四大设计范畴 (服饰设计、传讯设计、环境设计、产品及工业设计) 的作品参赛;而“大奖”的杰出设计将被授予大奖、文化大奖、可持续发展大奖、科技大奖及大奖优异作品。




陈志毅Antony CHAN香港室内设计协会主席Hong Kong Interior Design Association Chairman中国香港Hong Kong, China

陈志毅先生毕业于英国University of Westminster 的建筑学系,为英国及法国注册建筑师。曾参与欧洲联盟议会大楼的建筑设计,并在德国议会大楼建筑设计比赛中获第五名。1998年回港成立CREAM设计事务所。2003年英国Andrew Martin将其列为全球最顶尖的50位室内设计师之一。

Antony CHAN, Founder and Creative Director of CREAM, is a registered architect in both the UK & France. He participated in the European Parliament building project and won the fifth prize in the International Competition for Urban Design Ideas for the German parliamentary quarters. After many years of experience abroad, Chan returned to Hong Kong in 1998 and established his own architecture and interior design firm, CREAM. In 2003, He was included in the list of the world’s Top 50 designers by the prestigious Andrew Martin International Interior Design Awards.

Brandon GIEN行政总裁参议员Good Design AustraliaWorld Design Organization (WDO)澳洲Australia

Gien为Good Design Australia的创办人及行政总裁,同时亦为Australia's Good Design Award的主席。自2015年,Gien便就任World Design Organization(WDO,前身为International Council of Societies of Industrial Design)的参议员,他亦是WDO自1957年成立以来首位澳洲藉人士担任此职。此外,他共同创办了World Design Impact Prize,以表彰对社会、经济、文化以及环境等方面有助改善生活质量的工业设计项目。

With a PhD in Environmental Design from the University of Canberra’s School of Art and Design, Dr. Brandon Gien is the Founder and CEO of Good Design Australia and Chair of Australia's Good Design. Dr. Gien became the first Australian Senator of the World Design Organization (WDO,formerly the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design) in 2015. Through his work with WDO, He also co-founded the World Design Impact Prize to honour industrial design driven projects that make a positive impact on our social, economic, cultural and environmental quality of life.

刘家宝Chelsia LAU福特汽车公司战略概念设计团队首席设计师Chief Designer, Global Strategic Design— Shanghai, Ford Motor Company中国China


Lau is an Automotive Designer with over 25 years of global design experience, and has worked in design studios around the globe including North America, Europe, and Asia. Her design philosophy is to imbue each design with a soul and personality that fuels the imagination, dreams and emotions. Drawing inspiration from Nature to achieve unique design elements, her expression of the modern aesthetic can be experienced through the blend of speed, timelessness and sophistication of her designs. Lau has earned professional recognition and praise for her business acumen and leadership in the field of design, including ‘Top 40 World’s Excellent Females’ in 2011 by U+ Weekly and New York Times, ‘25 of Hong Kong’s Most Inspiring and Influential Women’ by the South China Morning Post in 2012 and ‘World’s Outstanding Chinese Designer’ in 2006.

刘小康Freeman LAU香港设计中心董事会董事Director, Board of Directors Hong Kong Design Centre中国香港Hong Kong, China

著名设计师及艺术家刘小康, 生于1958年,现为靳刘高创意策略创办人, 身兼亚洲设计连副主席、香港设计中心董事会成员、香港设计总会秘书长等公职,一直致力于推动设计产业。刘氏的作品所牵涉的设计范畴十分广泛,包括书籍、平面设计、包装设计及海报等。自1984年起,获奖超过300项, 近年的奖项包括: 国际平面设计协会(ico-D)认受的韩国亚洲设计师邀请展“亚洲最佳设计师奖”(2014)、“DFA亚洲最具影响力设计奖 - 大奖”Grand Award of DFA Design for Asia Awards(2015)及“iF 设计奖”(2016)。

Born in 1958, Freeman Lau is a renowned artist and designer in Hong Kong. Freeman is currently the Founder of KL&K Creative Strategics, the Vice Chairman for the Design Alliance Asia (tDA Asia), a Director of the Board of Directors of the Hong Kong Design Centre (HKDC), and the Secretary General of Hong Kong Federation of Design Associations (FHKDA). These years, he is devoted in promoting the design industry. Since 1984,Freeman has won over 300 design awards and his design profession is developed in several fields including books, graphic design, packaging and poster design and so on. His most recent design achievements include “The Best Asian Designer” at the 2014 Asian Designers’ Invitational Exhibition in Korea endorsed by ico-D (2014), “Grand Award of DFA Design for Asia Awards” (2015), and “iF Design Award” (2016).


A Professor in the Department of Industrial Design at KAIST, in Korea, Director of the Human Centered Interaction Design Lab, and President Emeritus of the International Association of Societies of Design Research, Dr Kun-Pyo Lee is a former Executive Vice President and Head of the Corporate Design Center of LG Electronics. Lee studied design in Korea, the United States and Japan, with his research interests including user experience design, human centered design, design methodology, and open design with crowds. Lee has published over 350 articles, papers, and books in Korea and abroad, and has been a keynote speaker and lecturer at over 150 conferences and institutions globally.

梁志天Steve LEUNG梁志天设计师有限公司创始人FounderSteve Leung Designers Ltd.中国香港Hong Kong, China

梁氏生于香港,香港大学建筑学系毕业,以现代风格见称,善于将富亚洲文化及艺术的元素融入其建筑、室内及产品设计中,曾获得“第19届Andrew Martin国际室内设计大奖 — 全球年度大奖”等逾130项国际设计奖项及荣誉。他热心参与设计的公共服务,现为国际室内建筑师/设计师联盟 (IFI) 2015-2017年度候任主席、香港设计中心董事会董事,积极推动设计行业的发展。

Born in Hong Kong and graduated from the Faculty of Architecture in University of Hong Kong, Steve Leung is a dedicated contemporary-style advocate and has reflected a strong and unique character of minimalism, with skillful adoption of Asian culture and arts in his architectural, interior and product design. Steve is the winner of the Andrew Martin International Interior Designer of the Year Award and has won over 130 awards worldwide. He serves the design industry in many capacities with enthusiasm. As the President-elect in 2015-2017 of International Federation of Interior Architects/Designers (IFI) and Board of Directors of Hong Kong Design Centre, he actively promotes the education and the development of the design industry.

刘晓都Xiaodu LIUURBANUS 都市实践建筑设计事务所创建合伙人及主持建筑师Principal Architect and Co-founderURBANUS Architecture & Design Inc.中国China


With a Bachelor degree of Architecture from Tsinghua University and Master degree of Architecture from Miami University in Ohio, Liu Xiaodu cofounded URBANUS with partners MENG Yan and WANG Hui in 1999. Liu has designed various type of projects in architecture and Urban design like Bcn Re. Set-Identity Pavilion, OCT-LOFT Renovation and Beijing Preservation & Regeneration of Qianmen East Hutong Area. As the curator of China Pavilion for London Design Biennale 2016, he demonstrated his commitment to explore the future development of high-density cities through the work of “DenCity”. He is often invited to be one of the jury members for a number of international competitions and to give lectures at many influential academic institutions worldwide. LIU Xiaodu currently serves as the chairman for the first Shenzhen City of Design Promotion Association. He is appointed to be one of the chief curators for 2017 Shenzhen-Hong Kong Urbanism Architecture Bi-City Biennale (Shenzhen).

卢志荣Chi Wing LODIMENSIONE CHI WING LO Italia及《一方》创始人Founder, DIMENSIONE CHIWING LO Italia and 1ness意大利Italy

卢志荣的丰富创作涵盖了建筑、雕塑、室内与家具设计等领域,他一直以对理念的净化、诗意的诠释、细节的关注、备受意大利及国际设计界推崇。卢志荣创办的DIMENSIONE CHI WING LO Italia 及“一方”是他密切监督下在意大利生产的家具品牌,他活跃于意大利的设计领域已二十多年,他的《永恒的设计》得到国际广泛的关注,他许多早年的作品依然被继续追捧。

Encompassing the fields of architecture, sculpture, interior, furniture and object designs, Chi Wing Lo’s prolific output has long been recognised, in and beyond the eminent circle of contemporary Italian design, by his evocativeness in thought, gracefulness in form and meticulousness in every detail. Founder of DIMENSIONE CHI WING LO Italia and 1ness, a brand of furniture designed and made in Italy under his close direction. Lo has been actively pursuing design in Italy for more than two decades. His aspiration for timelessness has brought his designs to international attention and many of his earlier works continue to be much sought after today.

罗仲荣Victor LO香港设计中心董事会董事Director, Board of Directors Hong Kong Design Centre中国香港Hong Kong, China

罗氏为香港上市公司金山工业(集团)有限公司主席兼总裁。现为西九文化区管理局董事局成员及M Plus Museum Limited主席,并为元创方管理有限公司董事、香港理工大学教学酒店唯港荟有限公司董事会主席及香港理工大学设计学院荣誉教授、香港工业总会名誉会长与其辖下香港设计委员会名誉顾问。他亦获委任为创新及科技咨询委员会及经济发展委员会非官方委员,并为其辖下制造、高新科技及文化创意产业工作小组召集人。罗氏于2005年获颁香港杰出工业家奖。

Lo is Chairman and Chief Executive of the Hong Kong-listed Gold Peak Industries (Holdings) and currently a member of the Board of the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority and Chairman of M Plus Museum Limited. He is also Director of PMQ Management Company Ltd. and the Chairman of Board of Directors of The Hotel ICON Limited. In addition, he is an Honorary Professor of the School of Design of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University,an Honorary President of Federation of Hong Kong Industries, and an Honorary Advisor of its Advisory Committee of Design Council of Hong Kong.He has been appointed as a non-oきcial member of the Economic Development Commission and Convenor of its Working Group on Manufacturing Industries, Innovative Technology, and Cultural and Creative Industries. Lo received the Industrialist of the Year Award in 2005 in Hong Kong.

陈家毅Kay Ngee TAN陈家毅建筑事务所总建筑师Principal ArchitectKay Ngee Tan Architects新加坡Singapore



Kay Ngee Tan, Architect, started his education at National University of Singapore and graduated from the Architectural Association, London.He has received numerous awards including being selected as one of the World 581 Architects by Gallery MA Tokyo in 1996. Notable projects include: Commune by the Great Wall which won the Venice Biennale (joint) Silver Award, Singapore Management University, IHQ Building for BreadTalk Group and Singapore Pavilion in Shanghai World Expo. In 2017, he was awarded the Gallop Road Extension to the Singapore Botanic Gardens project.

严志明 太平绅士Eric C. YIM, JP香港设计中心董事会主席Chairman, Board of Directors Hong Kong Design Centre中国香港Hong Kong, China


Professor Eric C. Yim is a Cambridge-trained architect, freelance furniture designer, award-winning industrialist and a Professor in School of Design of Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Professor Yim serves as Chairman of Hong Kong Design Centre, Chairman of Design Council of Hong Kong, Chairman of Hong Kong Furniture & Decoration Trade Association, Chairman of Hong Kong Export Credit Insurance Corporation,Chairman of Hong Kong Technology Voucher Programme Committee, Deputy Chairman of Federation of Hong Kong Industries, Deputy Chairman of Vocational Training Council, Court Member of Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Adviser to Hong Kong Design Institute, Board Governor of Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong, Director of Ocean Park Corporation, Member of Consultation Panel of the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, Member of Museum Advisory Committee of Leisure and Cultural Services Department and Board Member of Zuni Icosahedron.

丹下宪孝Paul Noritaka TANGE丹下都市建筑设计董事长Chairman of TANGE ASSOCIATES日本Japan

丹下先生于1985年取得哈佛大学建筑硕士后,便加入其父-名满天下的丹下建三的事务所。并在1997年成为了该事务所的社长; 其后他在2003年创立了丹下都市建筑设计。丹下都市建筑设计分别在日本及其他国家设计了许多地标性的建筑物,目前也进行着2020年东京奥运会的水上运动中心的设计工作。丹下所设计的奥运场馆,将会成为建筑师父子为两届奥运会(1964年和2020年)在同一个城市设计的同一种设施的首例。

Upon receiving his master degree in Architecture from Harvard University, Graduate School of Design in 1985, Paul Tange joined the architectural firm headed by his father, renowned architect, Kenzo Tange. In 1997, Tange became President of Kenzo Tange Associates and in 2003, he founded Tange Associates. Tange Associates has designed landmark buildings both in Japan and abroad and is currently designing the Aquatics Centre for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Tange Associates' design of the Olympic gymnasiums will be the first time that father and son architects have designed the same facilities in the same city for two separate Olympics (Tokyo 1964 and 2020).


王氏为亚洲设计连的创办人与主席,亦为2014年亚洲最具影响力设计奖 - 文化奖项目--亚洲色彩的联合策展人。王氏得到的荣誉包括国际设计艺术成就奖(2010,中国)、马来西亚设计发展中心颁发的终身成就奖 (2011)、Designomics Leadership Award (2012,印度)及由中华名人录颁发的卓越华人(2013,中国)。王氏亦是2001-2013年国际平面设计协会副主席,并为马来西亚平面设计协会联合创办人。

William Harald-Wong is an urban identity designer, working at the intersection of brand, culture, city and community. He collaborates widely with architects and branding agencies on cultural research, wayfinding, signage and environmental graphics, infusing a distinctive Asian / Southeast Asian aesthetic to the project, and enhancing the human and cultural experience of a place.

Harald-Wong is the Founder and Chairman of The Design Alliance Asia and co-curator of Colours of Asia which won the Special Award for Culture at the Design for Asia Awards 2014. He was awarded the International Design Achievement Award, China (2010), the Lifetime Achievement Award by DDEC Malaysia (2011), Designomics Leadership Award, India (2012), and Distinguished Chinese Award by Chinese Who's Who Society,China (2013). He served as Vice-President of Icograda from 2001 to 2013 and co-founded wREGA, the Graphic Design Association of Malaysia.


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