

风景园林 2018年12期

著:(美)埃里克·鲁索 (美)蒂姆·阿格内洛 译:张文正 胡一可 校:李正


辛辛那提山体的主要基岩地层是科佩组(Kope Formation)和费尔维尤组(Fairview Formation)。这些地层易与水反应,促使页岩迅速崩解。科佩组页岩的破坏会产生一种叫崩积层(colluvium)的物质,因此问题最为严重。辛辛那提地区最常见、最具破坏性的滑坡就是由崩积层形成的。





1 研究区域

辛辛那提市是美国俄亥俄州的一个城市,人口301 301[1]。从美国东海岸到辛辛那提市的距离,占到整个美国东西海岸距离的1/3。该市的中央商务区建于一个约10.05km2的半圆形高地上,高出河漫滩,地势安全[2]。



辛辛那提核心区对面的俄亥俄河南岸地区主要由肯塔基州(与俄亥俄州南部交界)的科文顿市和纽波特市组成。 这些城市位于另一个较小的高位盆地上,盆地之上的坡地同样陡峭。该地区与辛辛那提市和俄亥俄州西南部具有相似的地质条件和山体滑坡易发性。本文作者将聚焦辛辛那提市。


1 辛辛那提盆地的示意图Schematic of Cincinnati basin

辛辛那提坡地的主要基岩地层是科佩组和费尔维尤组。 科佩组由约80%的页岩和20%的石灰岩组成。费尔维尤组位于科佩组上方,由约50%的页岩和50%的石灰岩组成。在盆地附近,这些地层分布于海拔400~850英尺(约121~260m)处。辛辛那提大学地质学教授保罗·波特认为,“辛辛那提地区的所有页岩都容易与水发生强烈反应,因为它们很容易迅速分解(或崩解)”。科佩组地层问题最严重,因为它主要是由崩积层生成的基岩单元[5]。崩积层是一个地质学术语,指主要由黏土颗粒组成的土壤,由科佩组页岩风化分解而来,在基岩上或沿着山谷两侧发育。辛辛那提地区最常见和最具破坏性的滑坡即发生在崩积层[5]。


2 早期土地利用与定居的影响



2 从普莱斯山向东远眺辛辛那提市的盆地。注意那些环绕盆地背景的山坡,其形成一条几乎相同的地平线View of Cincinnati basin looking east from Price Hill. Note hillsides in the background that encircle the basin and form a nearly uniform horizon line

在1794年和1811年美国政府对美国土著民的决定性战役胜利之后,辛辛那提的人口开始迅速增长[2]。辛辛那提位于一条主要内陆河畔,既是进入美国西部边疆的一个门户,也是那些希望在新土地上开始新生活的人们的一个目的地。 美国人口普查数据显示,辛辛那提的人口在1810——1850年间每10年至少增加1倍。至1850年,它已成为美国第六大城市,人口数量达115 435[2]。






3 人类与山地互动的影响



·1926年,市中心盆地以西发生一起大面积基础坍塌型山体滑坡,原因是坡脚挖方[17]。该斜坡底部的挖方达到600m宽和12m高,导致其上450多m山坡发生移位,并导致梯形切割面以下的地面被扰动而隆起约4.5m。该滑坡的总体表面积超过350 000m2。



·1973年,俄亥俄州交通部在亚当斯山山脚下进行了2m高的垂直开挖,为跨俄亥俄河的新471号州际公路大桥建造进出坡道。当天然气管道和水管开始破裂时,该市下令让该山地住区的15家住户永久撤离[19]。7年后,政府官员批准了一项解决方案,即建造一面长390m、深30m的混凝土墙,使用一种钻墩和电缆系统来挡住巨大的山坡。在这堵墙的施工期间,打桩引起的震荡引发了另一起滑坡,导致大约30家住户永久撤离[19]。当该混凝土墙在8年后的1981年竣工时,其耗资高达2 220万美元[20]。当时,这是美国有史以来损失最严重的山体滑坡之一。

每年仅因山地滑坡破坏公共基础设施而付出的代价就已惊人。由辛辛那提大学师生进行的一项滑坡修复研究发现,辛辛那提市各街道紧急维修的直接费用约为每年50万美元[5]。1987年辛辛那提各街道滑坡破坏的延期维修费用约为1 850万美元[21]。这些调查结果是一个更大范围特别任务的组成部分,该任务于1985年启动,旨在调查并主动解决辛辛那提基础设施的维护和保养问题,下文将对此进行更全面的讨论。值得注意的是,这些数字不包括城市内私人财产因滑坡而造成的损失,后者的损失数字更难量化和获取。斜坡不稳定性及其对辛辛那提山地住宅建设的破坏是普遍存在的问题。

4 激进主义、行动与山地信托基金会的建立





在科尔曼教皇的领导下,辛辛那提研究所与辛辛那提规划委员会密切合作,开展山地研究和保护工作。1973年,国家艺术基金会在“城市边缘”计划下授予辛辛那提研究所40 000美元,以帮助后者保护和改善该市的山地。辛辛那提是367个申请者中获得这项拨款资助的37个城市之一[3]。该拨款部分被用于分析研究以确定辛辛那提的山地特征及制定设计导则。



5 山地保护措施建立






3 1848年亚当斯山的毁林区域(7号底片)。俄亥俄河位于前景Deforested hillsides - Mt. Adams, 1848 (Plate No. 7). Ohio River is in the foreground

4 1900年前后的贝尔维尤住宅及斜坡(克利夫顿)。注意建筑群下面的因采石活动而形成的高耸悬崖Bellevue House and incline (Clifton) circa 1900. Note the high vertical cliffs below the complex from quarrying activity


6 山地信托基金会确立其山地倡导角色

当1976年山地信托基金会成立时,人们就清楚该基金会缺乏资金来实施其纲领中的一个目标,即成为一个购买并持有山地的土地银行,然后以负责任的方式监督其未来发展。于是该基金会只能强调其纲领中的其他目标:1)研究和教育; 2)土地资源保护;3)倡导负责任的土地利用。




HOD分区包括一系列基础开发要求,根据这些要求,必须满足任何建筑许可证的请求。《辛辛那提区划法》第1433-19节列出了这些要求:1)任何新建筑或旧建筑改造必须限制在最大建筑围护结构之内(相关参数由城市定义);2)山顶上的建筑物高度必须长于宽度,以强调垂直维度;3)位于山脊之下或之上的建筑必须在进深和面宽上采用交错或阶梯式布局,以符合地形;4)屋顶公用设施和机械设备要么完全不用,要么采取屏蔽和声控措施;5) 建筑竣工后剩下的所有透水面必须用乔木、灌木、草本或其他地被植物进行绿化,以稳固坡地和减少过多径流;6)挖填方的累积高度不超过8英尺(约2.4m),明确禁止与特定开发无关的任何高度或累积量的挖填方;7)一个初步地质技术评估应考虑相对的山地稳定性。

这些基本要求中如有任何一项没有被满足,申请人必须在一个市政府所指定的听审员面前说明为何其应该被豁免1项或多项要求。在2004——2014年间,听审员是从城市规划部门的不同等级人员中选出的。自2014年起,听审员改从市法务局挑选。山地信托基金会认为,来自市法务局的代表会对HOD条款进行更为严格的解读。自2004年HOD被立法以来,山地信托基金会已就至少43个山地开发案例表达了意见 。

7 总结和结论










图1由科尔曼教皇提供;图2、7、8由埃里克·鲁索提供;图3为1948年Charles Fontayne和William Porter拍摄的《银版摄影术记录的辛辛那提》,由辛辛那提和哈密尔顿公共图书馆提供;图4~6由辛辛那提大学图书馆提供。


Cincinnati is a city of hillsides with a history of slope instability. Of the 207 square kilometers that comprise the incorporated area of the city, 39 square kilometers consist of hillsides defined by slopes of 20 percent or greater.

The predominant bedrock strata underlying Cincinnati’s hillsides are the Kope and Fairview Formations. These formations are known to be very reactive to water whereby the shale disintegrates and weakens quickly. It is the Kope Formation that is the most problematic, because the breakdown of its shale results in a material called colluvium. The most common and most destructive landslides in the Cincinnati area are those formed in colluvium.

Cincinnati was settled in 1788 and began to grow rapidly after 1810. By 1850, it was the sixth largest city in the United States. During this growth spurt, many of its hillsides were stripped bare for lumber, and quarried for buildings, foundations,and other related uses. These activities exacerbated natural slope instability problems. As Cincinnati continued growing and expanding into the 20th century, large-scale infrastructure and private development projects increased. When these developments located in zones of colluvium,catastrophic landslides often resulted.

During the late 1960s, public awareness of the problems and complexities of Cincinnati’s hillsides led to concrete action steps that resulted in quantitative and qualitative analyses over the next several years. By 1976, these studies provided a basis for Cincinnati legislating development controls on nearly half of its hillsides.

In 1998, Robert Olshansky published a paper entitled Regulation of Hillside Development in the United States. The paper discusses hillside development from a historical perspective, and it explores how different points of view among design disciplines are likely to approach this type of development in different ways. Notably,his paper concludes with a summary of hillside regulations and ordinances gathered from 190 local governments across the United States, including the City of Cincinnati.

This paper will explore in greater depth,Cincinnati’s hillside regulations from a historical and chronological view point. It will begin with an overview of the study area, illustrating the city’s physical geography and its geology. It will continue with a history of Cincinnati’s settlement and the destructive impacts of human interaction on its hillsides, especially as the city’s population went through initial stages of rapid expansion. Much of this geographical, geological and historical information are referenced from Ph.D. dissertations and thesis research stored in the offices of The Hillside Trust. This historical overview provides context for the following sections of the paper which chronicle the emergence of activism that lead to the establishment of municipal hillside regulations, and to the creation of The Hillside Trust, a non-profit hillside advocacy organization.Much of the information collected in this section is derived from archived newspaper and magazine articles spanning 50 years that are stored with The Hillside Trust. In conclusion, the paper summarizes where Cincinnati has made strides in its hillside regulations, and where it still has room for improving upon them. These conclusions are based on the anecdotal experiences of The Hillside Trust interacting professionally with the city and its hillside zoning regulations since 1976.

1 Study Area

Cincinnati, Ohio is a city in the United States,with a population of 301,301[1]. It is located along the northern banks of the Ohio River in the eastern third of the country. Its central business district (CBD) is built upon an approximately 10.05 square-kilometer, semi-circular plateau elevated safely above the river’s flood plain[2].

This central core (or downtown) is commonly known as the basin (Fig. 1). It is flanked on three sides by steep slopes towering well-over 70 meters above the basin floor (Fig. 2). Secondary valleys,including those belonging to the Mill Creek and the Deer Creek cut through the basin hillsides on the west and east, respectively. Other secondary valleys cut directly into the Ohio River valley. These secondary valleys lead to smaller and shallower troughs on the way up to a plateau, forming a continuous horizon line above the basin.

Of the 207 square kilometers that comprise the incorporated area of Cincinnati, 39 square kilometers consist of hillsides defined by slopes of 20 percent or greater[3]. Generally, these hillsides are wooded with secondary and tertiary forest cover,interspersed with pockets of development, forming a green mosaic during the months of spring and summer.

The region opposite the central core of Cincinnati, along the southern banks of the Ohio River, is comprised principally of the cities Covington and Newport, in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, which is a state directly south of Ohio.These cities are located upon a smaller elevated basin of their own, with hillsides that rise no less dramatically above the basin. This region shares a similar geology and landslide susceptibility to that of Cincinnati and southwestern Ohio. This paper will focus exclusively on the City of Cincinnati.

Cincinnati’s hillside landscape is the result of continental glaciation, which began approximately two million years ago. The last glacial advance began receding just north of Cincinnati around 19,700 years ago[4].

5 哥伦比亚林荫大道工程所导致的1930年滑坡
Landslide in 1930 resulting from development of Columbia Parkway

The predominant bedrock strata underlying Cincinnati’s hillsides are the Kope and Fairview Formations. The Kope Formation is comprised of approximately 80 percent shale and 20 percent limestone. The Fairview Formation is located above the Kope Formation and is comprised of approximately 50 percent shale and the remainder limestone. Around the basin, these formations are located between elevations that are 400 and 850 feet above sea level. University of Cincinnati Geology professor, Paul Potter explains that “all of the shales of these Cincinnati Series are very reactive to water, as they are prone to disintegrating(or slaking) quickly.” It is the Kope Formation that is the most problematic, because it is the principal colluvium-producing bedrock unit[5]. Colluvium is the geologic term for soil, that is composed primarily of clay particles. It develops on top of bedrock, along valley walls, from Kope shale that breaks down from weathering. The most common and most destructive landslides in the Cincinnati area are those formed in colluvium[5].

In addition to colluvium, glacial deposits are scattered throughout the Cincinnati region,including unstable lake clays. These clays are remnant deposits from lakes that formed from glacial melt water. Lake clays are problematic in that they are also highly susceptible to landslides[6].Unlike other parts of the United States, such as California, where landslides are often swift,dramatic, and can result in sudden loss of life,Cincinnati’s landslides are usually slower moving.Often, they creep at a rate of a few centimeters per year but are no less significant when it comes to structural damages and economic losses over time.

Following American’s war for independence from Britain (1775——1783), the newly-formed United States was determined to settle lands west of the Allegheny Mountains[2]. These lands, including what are now known as southwestern Ohio and northern Kentucky, possessed an abundance of resources, including virgin timber, fertile soil, fresh water, and a rich population of game animals.

2 Impacts of Early Land Use and Settlement

People of European descent settled the land which is now Cincinnati in 1788. After establishing three different camps along the Ohio River, they eventually settled on the higher elevation and relatively expansive opening offered by the basin area[2]. The population was slow to expand due to ongoing skirmishes with indigenous tribes such as the Miami, Shawnee, Wyandot and Delaware, who fiercely defended their homelands[2].

Following the U.S. government’s decisive victories against the Native Americans in 1794 and again in 1811, the population of Cincinnati began to grow rapidly[2]. With its location along a major inland river, Cincinnati was both a gateway to the western frontiers of the United States, as well as a destination for those seeking new beginnings in a new land. U.S. Census figures show that Cincinnati’s population at least doubled every ten years between 1810 and 1850. By 1850, it was the sixth largest city in the United States with a population of 115,435[2].

The rapid increase in population exerted an increased demand for natural resources, particularly lumber. In 1815, Daniel Drake, a prominent doctor and a naturalist wrote that wood was the “chief article of fuel and that it was obtained from the“surrounding hills.”[7]In addition, the hillsides were used for agriculture, plowed for crops, and terraced for vineyards[8]. Livestock grazing on the “sloping hills of Cincinnati was common in the 1800s”[9]and may have been a factor in the destruction of vegetation, the formation of terraces, and accelerated erosion. A rare mid-nineteenth century panoramic series of daguerreotype photographs by Fontayne and Porter preserved in the main branch of the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton,portrays the Cincinnati hillsides modified and stripped of vegetation (Fig. 3).

Quarrying was another industry by which the hillsides were significantly impacted.Limestone was a preferred construction material for buildings, foundations and retaining walls[10],and to a lesser extent for lime mortar, roadbeds,and pavements[11-12]. Besides river quarry beds,hill quarry beds were another primary source of Cincinnati limestone[11-12]. The most desirable section of the hill quarry beds was the upper 50 feet (about 15m) of the Fairview Formation[13].This formation underlies the uppermost portion of the hillside valley walls. In 1826, Drake described the area near the summit of Cincinnati’s hillsides as “naked perpendicular cliffs,” where the upper Fairview limestone stood in vertical relief from quarrying activity (Fig. 4). Early land use, including deforestation and quarrying activity initiated largescale landslides in Cincinnati[14-15].

During the last third of the 1800s, the advent of inclined railroads (inclines), trolleys and railroad lines made it possible for large numbers of people to “escape the dirty, crowded basin” and live some distance from their work[2]. Beginning in the 1870’s,a total of five inclines would be built on various hillsides rimming the downtown basin (see example Fig.4). These inclines traversed the steep slopes with passengers, building materials, and commercial goods on a scale by which horse-drawn carriages were incapable of matching. New neighborhoods developed around and beyond the hillsides in communities such as Mt. Adams, Mt. Auburn,Clifton and Price Hill.

These inclines revolutionized the city’s growth by providing Cincinnati with cheap and convenient access between the basin and the hillsides for the first time in its history[2]. It also led to the city’s greatest expansion in land area. Between 1869 and 1918, Cincinnati reached out and annexed more than 168 square kilometers of land, and the population of the entire city approached one half million people[2]. The construction and ongoing operation of the inclines also resulted in landslides.

In the late 1920s, construction began on a modern roadway for automobiles that would become known as Columbia Parkway. A forerunner of America’s interstate highway system, Columbia Parkway’s purpose was to create a major caroriented transportation corridor to connect downtown with the eastern suburbs. It required significant engineering and earthworks along the mid-slope of a steep and sprawling hillside system that runs parallel to the Ohio River. The geological impacts of this roadway are still being felt well into this century, as discussed below.

3 Impacts of Human Interactions on the Hillsides

There were mass slope movements in the Greater Cincinnati region, long before humans arrived[16]. However, it is the intensive land use of Cincinnati’s hillsides following its settlement in 1788, that exacerbated slope instability. There is historical evidence that widespread deforestation,farming, quarrying, and livestock grazing all negatively impacted the natural slope and drainage patterns of the region’s hillsides. Landslides have been a problem in Cincinnati since the early to mid-1800’s, with deep landsliding (greater than five feet in depth) probably going unrecognized[14-15].

Large-scale infrastructure and private development projects increased as the city grew and matured. Many of these involved hillside areas. When these developments located in zones of weak substrate (colluvium), the results were often catastrophic. The following summary highlights some of these disasters[14-15].

·In 1926, an extensive base-failure landslide occurred west of the downtown basin from removal of the toe of the slope[17]. A massive cut measuring 600 meters wide by 12 meters high was made into the bottom of a slope. The hillside moved, extending more than 450 meters upslope. Ground disturbance extended below the terraced cut face, as the ground bulged up some four and a half meters. The total surface area of this landslide was over 350,000 square meters.

6 1972年克利夫顿高地滑坡,描绘了滑坡的巨大体积
Clifton Heights landslide in 1972, depicting the shear volume of hillside that failed

·In 1930, a large landslide occurred during construction of Columbia Parkway. This was the result of widening narrow Columbia Road,by cutting the hillside above the roadway and dumping cut material below it. Columbia Parkway has experienced continued landslides since its completion. It is a major arterial roadway, carrying thousands of vehicles per day. Annually, the oversteepened slopes above the Parkway breach the retaining walls that attempt to hold it back. These landslides are significant enough at times to close some (or all) of the eastbound and westbound traffic lanes for several hours at a time (Fig. 5).

·In 1972, a large landslide resulting from the construction of an apartment building and adjoining parking lot several years earlier, created a head scarp 55 meters long and nine meters high in Clifton Heights immediately north of the basin(Fig. 6). About 12 apartment units were temporarily vacated, as were a gas station and manufacturing facility downhill from the slide[18]. The right and left flank of the landslide are still visible today from one of downtown’s tallest buildings, the Carew Tower.

·In 1973, the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) made a two meter vertical cut into the toe of the Mt. Adams hillside, to build entrance and exit ramps for the new Interstate 471 bridge spanning the Ohio River. When gas and water lines began rupturing, the city ordered the permanent evacuation of 15 families in this hillside neighborhood[19]. Seven years later, government officials approved a solution which was to build a concrete wall 390 meters long and 30 meters deep,using a system of drilled piers and cables to retain the massive hillside. During construction of this wall, concussions from pile driving triggered another slope failure, leading to the permanent evacuation of approximately 30 more families[19]. When the wall was finally completed eight years later in 1981, it was at a cost of $22.2 million[20]. At the time, this was one of the costliest landslides in the history of the United States.

The annual costs from landslide damage to public infrastructure alone can be staggering. A study of landslide repairs compiled by students and faculty of the University of Cincinnati, found that the annual direct cost of emergency repairs to local streets in the City of Cincinnati is about $500,000 annually[5]. Deferred repairs of landslide damage to Cincinnati streets amounted to approximately$18.5 million in 1987[21]. These findings were part of a larger special commission established in 1985 to investigate and proactively address the care and maintenance of Cincinnati’s infrastructure,discussed more fully below. It is important to note that these figures do not include the costs of landslide damage to private property within the city, the figures of which are much more difficult to quantify and obtain. Slope instability and damages to residential construction on Cincinnati’s hillsides are widespread problems.

4 Activism, Action and Founding of The Hillside Trust

May 4, 1967 is a benchmark in Cincinnati’s history for establishing hillside protection measures.On that date, a “Hillside Forum” was convened at the Cincinnati Art Museum in Mt. Adams.Presumably, this site was chosen because of its picturesque hilltop location, and its commanding view of the downtown basin.

A flyer advertising the Forum, urged interested citizens to attend to “discuss the FUTURE of Cincinnati’s hillsides.” The Forum’s speakers included City of Cincinnati Department directors, and other professionals representing housing, development, the arts, and the environment. This daylong event produced various action steps, including plans to conduct quantitative and qualitative analyses of the city’s hillsides.

In 1969, the Cincinnati Planning Commission published a “Hillside Study.” It identified 23 hillsides within the city possessing such qualities as natural community dividers, backdrops of vegetated greenery, and focal points for housing areas[22]. Three years later, the Cincinnati Planning Commission hired Richard A. Gardiner &Associates to produce “The Cincinnati Hillsides:Recommended Design Process and Action Program.” The main theme of this report included a step-by-step process to be followed in the next several years to insure proper hillside development[22]. A noteworthy recommendation in the report included the establishment of a nonprofit organization that would buy up undeveloped hillside land and impose design controls when the land was sold for redevelopment[23].

During the late 1960s to 1970s, Pope Coleman was known in city and community circles as an advocate for the arts, the environment, and urban issues. He was one of nine speakers at the 1967 Hillside Forum. He also served as chairman of the Cincinnati Planning Commission’s Hillside Advisory Committee, and in 1971 he established the non-profit Cincinnati Institute, whose mission was to enhance urban quality-of-life issues.

Under Coleman’s leadership, the Cincinnati Institute worked closely with the Cincinnati Planning Commission on hillside research and preservation efforts. In 1973, the National Endowment for the Arts awarded the Cincinnati Institute a $40,000 grant, under its “City Edges”Program, to help preserve and enhance the city’s hillsides. Cincinnati was one of only 37 applicants out of 367 to receive this funding[3]. A portion of this grant went towards analytical research to define the characteristics of Cincinnati’s hillsides, and to create design guidelines.

The Institute hired legal counsel to establish interim control measures and to draft language for eventual zoning ordinances dealing with this issue. Grant funding was used to interview 100 Cincinnatians to record their impressions of the city’s hillsides. The transcripts of these interviews provided invaluable insights into the positive impact that hillsides have upon the psychological wellbeing of the city’s residents[24]. The remainder of the grant served as seed money to establish a non-profit hillside organization, as recommended in the 1971 study by Gardiner & Associates. This non-profit was founded in October, 1976 as “The Hillside Trust.”

The Cincinnati Institute organized and summarized the multitude of hillside research conducted in 1973 and 1974. In 1975, it contracted with San Francisco planner, Rai Y. Okamoto to perform final field surveys, photographic documentation, and additional hillside analysis.This work culminated in a seminal report,“Cincinnati Hillsides: Development Guidelines”prepared for the Cincinnati City Planning Commission in late 1975. The document provided detailed research into geology, soil characteristics,vegetation, tree patterns, public and private uses,visual characteristics and other urban planning considerations. By the late 1970s, the Cincinnati Institute ceased operations as The Hillside Trust began to grow.

5 Hillside Protection Measures Established

In June, 1976, the Cincinnati Planning Commission formally adopted a document known as “Cincinnati Hillsides: Development Guidelines.”At the time, the Planning Commission was finalizing special regulations called Environmental Quality Districts (EQD). EQD was an overlay zoning designed to “assist the development of land and structures in order to be compatible with the environment, and to protect the quality of the urban environment in those locations where the characteristics of the environment are of significant public value and are vulnerable to damage by development permitted under conventional zoning and building regulations”[25]. EQD classified four categories: public investment areas, urban design,community revitalization, and hillsides.

It is the hillside component of these special zoning overlay districts, however, that was the driving force behind drafting EQD in the first place.The city recognized the landslide-prone nature of its hillsides and understood that hillside regulations were needed to prevent unregulated development from exacerbating this problem. All 23 hillsides identified in the 1969 “Hillside Study” were designated as Environmental Quality-Hillside Districts (EQ-HS).The “Hillside Study” had considered these hillsides critically important based on having at least 50 percent of their area within one or more of the 23 designated hillsides, and containing at least four of the following six elements: 1) Slopes of 20 percent or greater; 2) Existence of Kope formation;3) Prominent hillsides viewable from a public thoroughfare located in a valley below a hillside identified within the Cincinnati Hillside System;4) Hillsides that possess views of a major stream or valley; 5) Hillsides that function as community separators or community boundaries as identified in a community plan accepted and approved by the City Planning Commission; and 6) Hillsides which support a substantial wooded cover.

Despite years of effort, less than half of the 23 hillsides designated under the EQ-HS were legislated under city zoning. Individual community councils had the responsibility of recommending to City Council the adoption of established EQ-HS districts within their own neighborhoods. Perhaps a lack of urgency led to the failure to adopt EQHS districts in these neighborhoods. Nevertheless,all basin hillside communities including East Price Hill, Mt. Auburn, Clifton and Mt. Adams adopted and legislated EQ-HS zoning, beginning as early as 1976. Not only do these hillside communities possess commanding views of the downtown basin, they also provide striking natural landmarks when viewed from the basin floor (Fig.7). Ironically,at the same time the City began enacting measures to proactively manage its hillsides, landslide losses in the Cincinnati area during the 1970s, were the highest per capita ever documented for a U.S. urban area[26].

In the mid-1980s, a blue-ribbon group of Cincinnati business and academic leaders was formed to recommend ways to improve and protect the city’s assets, including measures needed to finance the suggested improvements. In 1987,this committee produced what is known as the Smale Infrastructure Commission Report, headed by John Smale, then chairman and chief executive officer of the Proctor & Gamble Company. More than 100 recommendations were listed in the report, four of which pertained to hillsides. The most important of these hillside recommendations were adopted by Cincinnati in 1989.

The first recommendation involved funding an initial inventory of all the city’s retaining walls,including future budget allocations to keep the inventory current. As of 2018, nearly 80 linear kilometers of retaining walls were documented within the city[27]. The success of this original effort has grown into the Retaining Wall and Landslide Stabilization Program, which has the goal of“bringing all existing walls into good condition,and stabilizing landslides that impact the City’s roadways”[27].

Each City wall is inspected on a six-year cycle, which assists in determining whether a wall needs to be replaced or rehabilitated, if necessary.Funding for this program is carefully allocated each year with a focus on addressing the most urgent needs first, to prevent serious damage to city streets and utilities. Of note, this program has not curtailed landslides either above or below the City’s retaining walls. It has simply slowed and lessened immediate impacts closest to city streets and utilities.

7 从盆地向北仰望克利夫顿山坡的主要街道
Main Street from the basin floor looking north towards the Clifton hillside

The second recommendation implemented was the establishment of a Geo-Technical Office within the City’s Department of Transportation and Engineering. Since 1989, the City has maintained a full-time engineering geologist (a geologist trained with an engineering background),and a full-time geo-technical engineer. Together,the primary duties of these positions are to provide geo-technical expertise concerning landslide stabilization and prevention within the public rightof-way, and on any other property controlled by the city. The geo-technical staff also consult with all other city departments, including the Departments of City Planning and Buildings and Inspections.Specifically, they assist building plan examiners in their review of projects in landslide-sensitive areas.The Smale Report originally recommended that a geologist be one of the two professionals employed within the Geo-Technical Office. A geologist is more inclined to recognize pre-existing landslide conditions, and to reference the historical record of local landsliding, which otherwise is more easily ignored or forgotten. For its part, The Hillside Trust serves as a valuable check on this issue and provides an institutional record of memory for historical landslides, hillside use, and advocacy.

6 The Hillside Trust Establishes its Hillside Advocacy Role

8 2012年普赖斯山某区域的修复工作,该区域在邻近盆地西边公寓的位置发生严重塌方
Remediation work on a hillside in 2012 that collapsed perilously close to condominiums west of the basin in Price Hill

When The Hillside Trust was formed in 1976,it became clear early on that it lacked the financial resources to implement one of its charter purposes,which was to be a land bank that purchased and held hillside land, then supervised its future development in a responsible manner. Instead, The Hillside Trust emphasized its other charter purposes of: 1) research and education; 2) land conservation; and 3) advocacy of responsible land use.

Following the 1987 Smale Infrastructure Commission Report, and a 1988 Conference hosted by The Hillside Trust entitled, “Dollars and Sense: The Economic Impact of Landslides in Cincinnati and Hamilton County”, The Hillside Trust embarked upon an ambitious research effort in 1989. Completed in 1991, this research was published as “A Hillside Protection Strategy for Greater Cincinnati.” Volume 2 of the research included detailed hillside analyses and a series of maps pertaining to visual quality,landslide susceptibility, environmental-ecological quality, development susceptibility, visual and environmental sensitivities, and hillsides prioritized for protection. Volume 3 of the research included 145 hillside-specific development guidelines,drawing from the information and analyses produced in Volume 2. Volume 1 consisted of a short introduction to the study.

More than 300 copies of this research were sold (at cost) to various municipal planning departments and private planning and design firms across the United States and Canada. The Hillside Trust hosted a workshop in 1992 and directed communications to local governments within the metropolitan region, recommending that they adopt the hillside development guidelines.Ultimately, neither the City of Cincinnati nor any other local jurisdiction adopted the guidelines.However, in 1997, Cincinnati recognized The Hillside Trust’s growing professional reputation within the region as an expert on hillside and landslide issues. The city began notifying the organization about hillside developments proposed within its EQ-HS districts and invited it to publicly comment on them. Between 1997 and 2003, The Hillside Trust provided either written or oral testimony on at least 28 development proposals within these districts. While The Hillside Trust is not opposed to development, it will cooperate with local residents, when necessary, to expose plans that it believes will have a negative impact on the surrounding environment, or to highlight any plans that lack engineering foresight. The Hillside Trust can undertake this role because of the expertise of its trustees, technical advisors, and its executive director.

In early 2004, Cincinnati unveiled a new zoning code. All EQ-HS zoning was replaced with a new classification called Hillside Overlay Districts(HOD). Whereas less than half of the former EQHS districts were codified into law, the new Hillside Overlay Districts provide city-wide application.Property is zoned under an HOD classification if any portion of it contains a slope of 20 percent or greater, and/or any part of it is designated as moderately high or high in landslide susceptibility,according to a 1980 “Landslide Susceptibility Map produced by Sowers and Dalrymple for the city. Both the 1969 “Hillside Study” and the 1975“Cincinnati Hillsides Development Guidelines”report were incorporated in the Hillside Overlay District zoning as supporting documentation.

Hillside Overlay District zoning includes a set of base development requirements, under which any application seeking a building permit is obligated to meet. Section 1433-19 of the Cincinnati Zoning Code lists these requirements:1) Any new building or building alteration must be contained within the maximum building envelope(the parameters of which are defined by the City);2) Buildings proposed on top of the hillside must be taller than wider to accentuate the vertical dimension; 3) Buildings proposed below or above the brow of the hill must be staggered or stepped in depth and width to match the topography;4) Rooftop utilities and mechanical equipment are either to be avoided altogether, or screened and sound controlled; 5) All pervious surfaces remaining after completion of construction must be landscaped in trees, shrubs, grass, or other ground covers to promote hillside stability and reduce excessive water runoff; 6) Excavation and fills should not exceed eight feet in cumulative height. Excavation and/or fill of any height or cumulative amount that is not tied to a specific development is expressly prohibited; 7) A preliminary geo-technical evaluation should address relative hillside stability.

If any one of these base requirements is not met, the applicant is required to appear before a city-appointed hearing examiner to testify as to why a variance should be granted to exempt one or more of the requirements. Between 2004 and 2014,the hearing examiner was selected from the ranks of the city’s Planning Department. Since 2014, the hearing examiner has been selected from the city’s Law Department. It is The Hillside Trust’s opinion that representation from the city’s Law Department has resulted in stricter interpretation of the HOD language. Since the HOD was legislated in 2004,The Hillside Trust has publicly commented on at least 43 hillside development cases.

7 Summary and Conclusions

Cincinnati of the early 21st century is a city that has inherited various hillside liabilities extending beyond the natural instability of its slopes. Exploitive and detrimental land-use practices from previous centuries, and negligent engineering solutions, many of which pre-date the original EQ-HS zoning, have created a legacy of long-term (if not perpetual) responsibilities for the city and its residents.

Cincinnati has evolved to a point of being more proactive in the protection of its public infrastructure in recent years, but more could and should be done to strengthen oversight of hillside development on private property. Pressures from the private sector to build on hillsides are strong and will only grow stronger in the generations to come. In highly desirable neighborhoods, often the only undeveloped lands remaining are those occupied by slopes. Many hillsides also possess spectacular views of the basin and/or the Ohio River, and are highly prized for their profit-making potential. These hillsides often carry an even higher development risk, because of significantly steeper grades.

While the former EQ-HS zoning was a step in the right direction, it was not foolproof. Anecdotally, at least one private hillside development approved under the former EQ-HS in 2003, failed in 2012 when a massive section of hillside collapsed, resulting in a repair bill in the hundreds of thousands of dollars (see Figure 8).Fortunately, condominium owners were able to sue the developer under the State of Ohio’s 10-year statute of limitations pertaining to developer liability. The Hillside Trust had publicly commented on this case during the zoning approval process.When the failure occurred, it discovered at least one of its recommendations, siting the building further away from the brow of the hill, was not followed by the developer. To date, no known slope failures have occurred involving development projects approved under the current HOD zoning.

That said, the city would be wise to strengthen the delivery and effectiveness of its hillside development requirements with the following improvements. One, within the real estate community, many real estate agents are unaware of Cincinnati’s Hillside Overlay Districts, especially as they relate to existing housing or new construction.The city could remedy this problem by providing a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) parcelspecific boundary map on its municipal website,highlighting the areas covered by HOD zoning.Whenever a cursor goes over an HOD parcel on the computer screen, a drop-down box could appear explaining the nature and expectations of the HOD. This would serve to notify various professionals and the public at-large about the risks associated with hillside development and hillside living in these areas.

Two, the city also could implement stronger enforcement of its HOD zoning by requiring developers to pay for a geo-technical engineer to be on-site during all grading and earthworks stages of the development, ensuring that the engineering report is being followed as advised. The preliminary geo-technical engineering report already mandated by the City, could be strengthened by requiring developers to engage the services of a geologist,who is trained to observe and document any preexisting landslide conditions on site that might otherwise go unnoticed by civil or geo-technical engineers.

Three, the city could add legislation fining any HOD applicant (developer, designer or homeowner) who knowingly submits false or misleading information to the city concerning building permits and variances. The Hillside Trust has witnessed several situations where an applicant either built the project larger than submitted in the design plans or failed to implement appropriate storm water control measures as promised.

Finally, the city could close any loopholes that allow hillside developers to navigate around the HOD process altogether. In 2016, an applicant for a 19-home development found a way to legally maneuver around HOD zoning requirements by gaining project approval directly from the City Planning Commission under its subdivision regulations. Ultimately, there was no public hearing under the HOD, in which The Hillside Trust or others could ask questions, raise concerns, or discuss details of the case. Problems arose during the grading and earthworks phase of the project when residential properties were flooded downhill following a torrential rainstorm.

In closing, Cincinnati is built upon a spectacularly beautiful yet sensitive landscape, with a long and expensive history of landslide damages,repairs and mitigation. This paper highlights the liability side of interacting with these hillsides, and what Cincinnati has done to begin minimizing its exposure to further damages and costs.


Fig.1 courtesy of Pope Coleman, Fig.2,7-8 courtesy of Eric Russo, Fig.3 © Charles Fontayne and William Porter’s Daguerreotype View of Cincinnati, The Cincinnati Panorama of 1848 in the Collection of the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County, Fig.4-6 courtesy of University of Cincinnati Library.

