Born in 1966, Dao Jinping graduated from Northwest Normal University and further studied at Chinese National Academy of Arts and China Tropical Rainforest Institute of Arts. He is the Deputy Secretary General of Enterprise Artists Working Committee of China Enterprise Culture Improvement Association, Deputy Secretary General of Painting and Calligraphy Art Committee of National Architecture Institute of China, National first-class artist, calligrapher and painter of National Painting Institute, painter of Zhongguancun Art Academy, and painter of China Tropical Rainforest Institute of Arts. He is good at calligraphy and painting flowers and birds and has engaged in art education, and protection and research of the intangible cultural heritage for many years. In recent years, his works of painting and calligraphy have been displayed at national and provincial exhibitions and won many awards.
曾师从靳鉴、杨国光、郭怡孮、张鉴等名师,擅书法、花鸟。多年从事教育和非物质文化遗产保护与研究工作,参与编輯出版了《环县道情皮影志》《环县道情皮影》等著作。近年书画作品多次入选国家省市以上展览并获奖。《沙漠之春》《绿水光中古木清》《天生名品高》《丽日千层艳》《新绿园林晓气凉》《瓜是老来红》《天香幽幽芬芳溢》《汉殿凝香》等代表作品入编《中外文化交流艺术大使》《中华文化大使》《中国梦·人民艺术家》系列画册。2013年获庆阳市第10届精神文明建设“五个一工程”奖暨第5届梦阳文艺奖。2016年参加“当代书画传承代表人物作品展”, 2017年参加由中国艺术报社、中国企业文化促进会、企业家日报社、中企报盟信息科学研究院共同在中国文联艺术家之家展览馆举办的“庆祝十九大·不忘初心跟党走”企业优秀书画作品展。