就這么过了几个月,我实在忍无可忍,非出来不可了。这就是为什么我早了三个星期出生。不过被冷空气一吹,被产房的强光一照,我就发觉当初要是再忍一忍就好了。After a few months of living like this, I had to get out of there, and thats why I was born three weeks early. But after being hit by the cold air and the blinding lights of the delivery room, I wisheed Id just stayed put.
来到世上后,我严重睡眠不足,脾气暴躁。所以你要是见过新生儿照片的话,你就能理解为什么他们看上去都是气鼓鼓的了。By the time I came into the world, I was totally sleep deprived and in a really lousy mood. So if you ever see a picture of a newborn, now you know why they always look ticked off.
实际上,我到现在还没缓过劲来,一直需要补觉。In fact, I STILL havent caught up on the sleep I missed, and believe me, Ive been trying.
自从出生以来,我就一直想找回那种在黑暗中漂浮的感觉,真是爽翻了。Ever since I was born, Ive tried to re-create the felling I had way back when I was floating around in the dark, happy as could be.
我出生几天之后才见到哥哥罗德里克。在那之前我都一直以为自己是独生子,这个发现还真让我有点失望。I met my older brother, Rodrick, a few days after I was born. Up to that point I thought I was an only child, so I was pretty disappointed to find out I wasnt.
那时候我们一家住在一个很小的公寓里,我不得不跟罗德里克住一屋。儿童床被他占了,所以我人生的头几个月只好蜗居在衣柜的抽屉里。我很确定这是不合法的。My family was living in a really small apartment back then, and I had to share a room with Rodrick. He got the crib, so for the first few months of my life I had to sleep in the top dresser drawer, which Im pretty sure isnt even legal.