数据来源:Web of Science 文献出版时间:2016-01—2017-12 检索时间:2018-01-11
Materials Science, Composites 复合材料学
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物A novel five-variable refined plate theory for Bennoun, Mohammed;Mechanics of Advanced 144 vibration analysis of functionally graded Houari, Mohammed Sid Materials and Structures sandwich plates Ahmed; Tounsi,2016, 23(4): 423-431 Abdelouahed A nonlocal zeroth-order shear deformation Bounouara, Fatima;121theory for free vibration of functionally Benrahou, Kouider Halim;Steel and Composite Structures graded nanoscale plates resting on elastic Belkorissat, Ismahene;2016, 20(2): 227-249 foundation et al.101 A review of recent developments in natural fibre composites and their mechanical performance Pickering, K. L.;Efendy, M. G. Aruan;Le, T. M.Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing 2016, 83: 98-112Size-dependent mechanical behavior of Ahouel, Mama;71functionally graded trigonometric shear Houari, Mohammed Sid Steel and Composite Structures 2016, 20(5): 963-981 deformable nanobeams including neutral Ahmed; Bedia, E. A.surface position concept Adda; et al.68 Effect of agglomeration on the natural frequencies of functionally graded carbon nanotube-reinforced laminated composite doubly-curved shells Tornabene, Francesco;Fantuzzi, Nicholas;Bacciocchi, Michele; et al.Composites Part B-Engineering 2016, 89: 187-218Thermo-mechanical buckling analysis of embedded nanosize FG plates in thermal Barati, Mohammad Reza;59 Composite Structures environments via an inverse cotangential Zenkour, Ashraf M.;2016, 141: 203-212 theory Shahverdi, Hossein 56 A new simple three-unknown sinusoidal shear deformation theory for functionally graded plates Houari, Mohammed Sid Ahmed; Tounsi,Abdelouahed; Bessaim,Aicha; et al.Steel and Composite Structures 2016, 22(2): 257-276Functionally graded Timoshenko nanobeams:Barretta, Raffaele;55 Composites Part B-Engineering A novel nonlocal gradient formulation Feo, Luciano;2016, 100: 208-219 Luciano, Raimondo; et al.55 Review of the recent developments in cellulose nanocomposite processing Oksman, Kristiina;Aitomaki, Yvonne;Mathew, Aji P.; et al.Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing 2016, 83: 2-18Conducting polymer/carbon particle thermoelectric composites: Emerging green energy materials Composites Science and 54 Gao, Caiyan;Technology Chen, Guangming 2016, 124: 52-70
Materials Science, Multidisciplinary 综合材料科学
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Efficient organic solar cells processed from Zhao, Jingbo;Nature Energy 570 hydrocarbon solvents Li, Yunke;Yang, Guofang; et al.2016, 1: 15027 Fullerene-free polymer solar cells with over Zhao, Wenchao;Advanced Materials 465 11% efficiency and excellent thermal stability Qian, Deping;Zhang, Shaoqing; et al.2016, 28(23): 4734-4739 414 Improved air stability of perovskite solar cells via solution-processed metal oxide transport layers You, Jingbi;Meng, Lei;Song, Tze-Bin;Nature Nanotechnology 2016, 11(1): 75 Green, Martin A.;Progress in Photovoltaics 2016, 24(1): 3-11 Advanced Materials 2016, 28(42): 9423 337 Solar cell efficiency tables (version 47)Emery, Keith;Hishikawa, Yoshihiro;et al.316 Energy-level modulation of small-molecule electron acceptors to achieve over 12%efficiency in polymer solar cells Li, Sunsun;Ye, Long;Zhao, Wenchao; et al.Recent progress in cobalt-based heterogeneous Wang, Jiahai;Advanced Materials 316 catalysts for electrochemical water splitting Cui, Wei;Liu, Qian; et al.2016, 28(2): 215-230 285 Solar cell efficiency tables (version 48)Green, Martin A.;Emery, Keith;Hishikawa, Yoshihiro;et al.Progress in Photovoltaics 2016, 24(7): 905-913 A metal-organic framework-derived Xia, Bao Yu;Nature Energy 282 bifunctional oxygen electrocatalyst Yan, Ya;Li, Nan; et al.2016, 1: 15006 259 Analysis of nanoparticle delivery to tumours Wilhelm, Stefan;Tavares, Anthony J.;Dai, Qin; et al.Nature Reviews Materials 2016, 1(5): 16014 Activating and optimizing MoS2 basal planes Li, Hong;Nature Materials 2016, 15(1): 48 252 for hydrogen evolution through the formation Tsai, Charlie;of strained sulphur vacancies Koh, Ai Leen; et al.
Materials Science, Paper & Wood 材料科学,造纸材
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Typical conversion of lignocellulosic biomass Loow, Yu-Loong;Wu, Ta Yeong;Cellulose 29into reducing sugars using dilute acidhydrolysis and alkaline pretreatment Jahim, Jamaliah Md.;2016, 23(3): 1491-1520 et al.Processing of wood-based microfibrillated Osong, Sinke H.;Cellulose 29cellulose and nanofibrillated cellulose, and Norgren, Sven;applications relating to papermaking: A review Engstrand, Per 2016, 23(1): 93-123 21 Synthesis of zero-valent Cu nanoparticles in the chitosan coating layer on cellulose microfibers:Evaluation of azo dyes catalytic reduction Kamal, Tahseen;Khan, Sher Bahadar;Asiri, Abdullah M.Cellulose 2016, 23(3): 1911-1923Suitability of wheat straw semichemical pulp Espinosa, E.;Cellulose 21for the fabrication of lignocellulosic nanofibres Tarres, Q.;and their application to papermaking slurries Delgado-Aguilar, M.;2016, 23(1): 837-852et al.19 Comparison of sample crystallinity determination methods by X-ray diffraction for challenging cellulose I materials Ahvenainen, Patrik;Kontro, Inkeri;Svedstrom, Kirsi Cellulose 2016, 23(2): 1073-1086Probingcrystallinityofnever-driedwoodAgarwal,UmeshP.;Cellulose 18cellulose with Raman spectroscopy Ralph, Sally A.;Reiner, Richard S.; et al.2016, 23(1): 125-14418 Cellulose in NaOH-water based solvents:A review Budtova, Tatiana;Navard, Patrick Cellulose 2016, 23(1): 5-55Ching, Yern Chee;Cellulose 17Rheological properties of cellulose nanocrystal-Ali, Md. Ershad;embedded polymer composites: A review Abdullah, Luqman2016, 23(2): 1011-1030Chuah; et al.15 Solvent screening for the fractionation of industrial kraft lignin Duval, Antoine;Vilaplana, Francisco;Crestini, Claudia; et al.Holzforschung 2016, 70(1): 11-20Wood quality in complex forests versus Wood Science and Technology 14even-aged monocultures: Review and Pretzsch, Hans;perspectives Rais, Andreas 2016, 50(4): 845-880
Materials Science, Textiles 材料科学,纺织
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Synthesis, electronic structure and photo-Zhao, Jin;Dyes and Pigments 33Guo, Chongfeng;luminescence properties of Ba2BiV3O11: Eu3+red phosphorLi, Ting; et al.2016, 132: 159-166Typical conversion of lignocellulosic biomass into Loow, Yu-Loong;Cellulose 29reducing sugars using dilute acid hydrolysis and Wu, Ta Yeong;alkaline pretreatment Jahim, Jamaliah Md.; et al.2016, 23(3): 1491-1520 29 Processing of wood-based microfibrillated cellulose and nanofibrillated cellulose, and applications relating to papermaking: A review Osong, Sinke H.;Norgren, Sven;Engstrand, Per Cellulose 2016, 23(1): 93-123Trilateral pi-conjugation extensions of phenothiazine-Iqbal, Zafar;Dyes and Pigments 28based dyes enhance the photovoltaic performance of Wu, Wuqiang;the dye-sensitized solar cells Huang, Zusheng; et al.2016, 124: 63-71 23 White luminescence in Dy3+ doped BiOCl phosphors and their Judd-Ofelt analysis Shivakumara, C.;Saraf, Rohit;Halappa, Pramod Dyes and Pigments 2016, 126: 154-164Zhang, Fei;Dyes and Pigments 22Dopant-free star-shaped hole-transport materials forefficient and stable perovskite solar cells Zhao, Xiaoming;Yi, Chenyi; et al.2017, 136: 273-27721 Synthesis of zero-valent Cu nanoparticles in the chitosan coating layer on cellulose microfibers:Evaluation of azo dyes catalytic reduction Kamal, Tahseen;Khan, Sher Bahadar;Asiri, Abdullah M.Cellulose 2016, 23(3): 1911-1923Suitability of wheat straw semichemical pulp for the Espinosa, E.;Cellulose 21fabrication of lignocellulosic nanofibres and their Tarres, Q.;application to papermaking slurries Delgado-Aguilar, M.; et al.2016, 23(1): 837-852 21 A carbazole-based “turn-on” two-photon fluorescent probe for biological Cu2+ detection vis Cu2+-promoted hydrolysis Li, Daoxue;Sun, Xin;Huang, Jianmin; et al.Dyes and Pigments 2016, 125: 185-191A phenothiazine-based “naked-eye” fluorescent Kaur, Matinder;Dyes and Pigments 20probe for the dual detection of Hg2+ and Cu2+:Cho, Min Ju;Application as a solid state sensorChoi, Dong Hoon2016, 125: 1-7
Mathematical & Computational Biology 数学计算生物学
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物iEnhancer-2L: A two-layer predictor for Liu, Bin;Bioinformatics 108identifying enhancers and their strength by Fang, Longyun;pseudo k-tuple nucleotide composition Long, Ren; et al.2016, 32(3): 362-369pSuc-Lys: Predict lysine succinylation sites in Jia, Jianhua;Journal of Theoretical Biology 83proteins with PseAAC and ensemble random Liu, Zi;forest approach Xiao, Xuan; et al.2016, 394: 223-230 79 Consistent estimation in mendelian randomization with some invalid instruments using a weighted median estimator Bowden, Jack;Smith, George Davey;Haycock, Philip C.;et al.Genetic Epidemiology 2016, 40(4): 304-314Integrative approaches for predicting microRNA function and prioritizing Zeng, Xiangxiang;Briefings in Bioinformatics 79disease-related microRNA using biological Zhang, Xuan;2016, 17(2): 193-203 interaction networks Zou, Quan 68 UniProtKB/Swiss-prot, the manually annotated section of the uniProt KnowledgeBase: How to use the entry view Boutet, Emmanuel;Lieberherr, Damien;Tognolli, Michael;et al.Methods in Molecular Biology 2016, 1374: 23-54iDHS-EL: Identifying DNase I hypersensitive sitesbyfusingthreedifferentmodesofpseudoLiu,Bin;Bioinformatics 61nucleotide composition into an ensemble Long, Ren;2016, 32(16): 2411-2418 learning framework Chou, Kuochen 56 iPTM-mLys: Identifying multiple lysine PTM sites and their different types Qiu, Wangren;Sun, Biqian;Xiao, Xuan; et al.Bioinformatics 2016, 32(20): 3116-3123MEGAN community edition: Interactive Huson, Daniel H.;Plos Computational Biology 56exploration and analysis of large-scale Beier, Sina;microbiome sequencing data Flade, Isabell; et al.2016, 12(6): e1004957 55 Gapped sequence alignment using artificial neural networks: Application to the MHC class I system Andreatta, Massimo;Nielsen, Morten Bioinformatics 2016, 32(4): 511-517AsurveyofcurrenttrendsincomputationalLi,Jiao;Briefings in Bioinformatics 46drugrepositioningZheng,Si;Chen, Bin; et al.2016, 17(1): 2-12
Mathematics 数学
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Hesitant fuzzy linguistic arithmetic Wei, G.;Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems 48aggregation operators in multiple Alsaadi, F. E.;attribute decision making Hayat, T.; et al.2016, 13(4): 1-16Existence and multiplicity of entire Pucci, Patrizia;Advances in Nonlinear Analysis 46solutions for fractional p-Kirchhoff Xiang, Mingqi;equations Zhang, Binlin 2016, 5(1): 27-55 44 An effective approach for evaluation of the optimal convergence control parameter in the homotopy analysis method Turkyilmazoglu,Mustafa Filomat 2016, 30(6): 1633-1650Revista Matematica Iberoamericana 38Critical stationary Kirchhoff equations in Pucci, Patrizia;R-N involving nonlocal operators Saldi, Sara 2016, 32(1): 1-2237 Existence results for fractional p-Laplacian problems via Morse theory Iannizzotto, Antonio;Liu, Shibo; Perera,Kanishka; et al.Advances in Calculus of Variations 2016, 9(2): 101-125Boundary Value Problems 35Existence of periodic solutions of Li, Hengyan;Boussinesq system Gu, Liuxin 2016, 3935 Dynamics of a novel nonlinear stochastic SIS epidemic model with double epidemic hypothesis Meng, Xinzhu;Zhao, Shengnan;Feng, Tao; et al.Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2016, 433(1): 227-242A numerical technique based on the shifted Bhrawy, A. H.;Calcolo 33Legendre polynomials for solving the Doha, E. H.;time-fractional coupled KdV equations Ezz-Eldien, S. S.; et al.2016, 53(1): 1-17 32 A survey on impulsive fractional differential equations Wang, JinRong;Feckan, Michal;Zhou, Yong Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis 2016, 19(4): 806-831Initial-boundary value problems for the Journal of Differential Equations 31general coupled nonlinear Schrodingerequation on the interval via the Fokas Tian, Shoufu2017, 262(1): 506-558 method
Mathematics, Applied 应用数学
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物On the new fractional derivative and Applied Mathematics and 80application to nonlinear Fisher’s Atangana, Abdon Computationreaction-diffusion equation 2016, 273: 948-956The direct extension of ADMM for multi-block Chen, Caihua;Mathematical Programming 59convex minimization problems is not He, Bingsheng;necessarily convergentYe, Yinyu; et al.2016, 155(1-2): 57-79 54 A new numerical technique for solving the local fractional diffusion equation:Two-dimensional extended differential transform approach Yang, Xiaojun;Tenreiro Machado, J. A.;Srivastava, H. M.Applied Mathematics and Computation 2016, 274: 143-151Di Castro, Agnese;Annales de l’ Institut Henri 53Local behavior of fractional p-minimizers Kuusi, Tuomo;Poincare-Analyse non LineairePalatucci, Giampiero 2016, 33(5): 1279-129948 Hesitant fuzzy linguistic arithmetic aggregation operators in multiple attribute decision making Wei, G.;Alsaadi, F. E.;Hayat, T.; et al.Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems 2016, 13(4): 1-16Applied Mathematics and 46Nanofluid flow and heat transfer in a cavity Sheikholeslami, M.;Computation with variable magnetic field Vajravelu, K.2017, 298: 272-282 46 Existence and multiplicity of entire solutions for fractional p-Kirchhoff equations Pucci, Patrizia;Xiang, Mingqi;Zhang, Binlin Advances in Nonlinear Analysis 2016, 5(1): 27-55An effective approach for evaluation of the Filomat 44optimal convergence control parameter in the Turkyilmazoglu, Mustafahomotopy analysis method2016, 30(6): 1633-1650 42 Finite-time H-infinity fuzzy control of nonlinear Markovian jump delayed systems with partly uncertain transition descriptions Cheng, Jun;Park, Ju H.;Liu, Yajuan; et al.Fuzzy Sets and Systems 2017, 314: 99-115Yang, Xiaojun;Chaos 42On exact traveling-wave solutions for localfractional Korteweg-de Vries equation Tenreiro Machado, J. A.;Baleanu, Dumitru; et al.2016, 26(8): 084312
Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications 数学,综合应用
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Roy,Kunal;Chemometrics and Intelligent 86Be aware of error measures. Further studies on Das, Rudra Narayan;Laboratory Systems validation of predictive QSAR models Ambure, Pravin;et al.2016, 152: 18-33Chaos Solitons & Fractals 64Chaos in a simple nonlinear system with Atangana, Abdon;Atangana-Baleanu derivatives with fractional order Koca, Ilknur 2016, 89(SI): 447-45457 Isogeometric analysis of plane-curved beams Cazzani, Antonio;Malagu, Marcello;Turco, Emilio Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 2016, 21(5): 562-577A bifactor exploratory structural equation modeling Morin, Alexandre J.Structural Equation Modeling-A 52framework for the identification of distinct sourcesMultidisciplinary Journal of construct-relevant psychometric S.; Arens, A. Katrin;multidimensionality Marsh, Herbert W.2016, 23(1): 116-13949 Postbuckling of carbon nanotube reinforced functionally graded plates with edges elastically restrained against translation and rotation under axial compression Zhang, L. W.;Liew, K. M.;Reddy, J. N.Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2016, 298: 1-28A review on nonlocal elastic models for bending,Eltaher, M. A.;Applied Mathematical 47buckling, vibrations, and wave propagation of Khater, M. E.;Modellingnanoscale beams Emam, Samir A.2016, 40: 5-646 Asymptotic ruin probabilities for a discrete-time risk model with dependent insurance and financial risks Yang, Haizhong;Gao, Wei;Li, Jinzhu Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 2016, 1: 1-17Numerical modeling of nanofluid natural Computer Methods in Applied 45convection in a semi annulus in existence of Sheikholeslami, M.;Mechanics and EngineeringLorentzforceRokni,HoumanB.2017, 317: 419-43045 OpenMx 2.0: Extended structural equation and statistical modeling Neale, Michael C.;Hunter, Michael D.;Pritikin, Joshua N.;et al.Psychometrika 2016, 81(2): 535-549Cazzani, Antonio;Mathematics and Mechanics of 45Constitutive models for strongly curved beams inSolids the frame of isogeometric analysis Malagu, Marcello;Turco, Emilio; et al.2016, 21(2): 182-209
Mechanics 力学
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Sheikholeslami,Mohsen;International Journal of Heat 170Forced convection heat transfer in a semi annulus Vajravelu, Kuppalapalle;and Mass Transfer under the influence of a variable magnetic field Rashidi, Mohammad Mehdi 2016, 92: 339-348International Journal of Heat 154Sheikholeslami, M.;MHD free convection of Al2O3-water nanofluid andMassTransfer considering thermal radiation: A numerical study Hayat, T.; Alsaedi, A.2016, 96: 513-524 144 A novel five-variable refined plate theory for vibration analysis of functionally graded sandwich plates Bennoun, Mohammed;Houari, Mohammed Sid Ahmed; Tounsi,Abdelouahed Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 2016, 23(4): 423-431Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) mixed convection Waqas, Muhammad;International Journal of Heat 136flow of micropolar liquid due to nonlinear stretched Farooq, Muhammad;and Mass Transfersheet with convective condition Khan, Muhammad Ijaz;2016, 102: 766-772et al.110 Impact of Cattaneo-Christov heat flux model in flow of variable thermal conductivity fluid over a variable thicked surface Hayat, T.;Khan, M. Ijaz;Farooq, M.; et al.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2016, 99: 702-710Annual Review of Fluid 108Drop impact on a solid surface Josserand, C.;Mechanics Thoroddsen, S. T.2016, 48: 365-391 102 Functionalized graphite nanoplatelets/epoxy resin nanocomposites with high thermal conductivity Gu, Junwei;Yang, Xutong;Lv, Zhaoyuan; et al.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2016, 92: 15-22Analysis of thixotropic nanomaterial in a doubly Hayat, Tasawar;International Journal of Heat 100stratified medium considering magnetic field Waqas, Muhammad;and Mass TransfereffectsKhan, Muhammad Ijaz;2016, 102: 1123-1129et al.88 Magnetohydrodynamic nanofluid convection in a porous enclosure considering heat flux boundary condition Sheikholeslami, M.;Shehzad, S. A.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2017, 106: 1261-1269International Journal of Heat Nanofluid two phase model analysis in existence of Sheikholeslami, M.;and Mass Transfer induced magnetic field Rokni, Houman B.2017, 107: 288-299
Medical Ethics 医学伦理
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Neuroethics 17Addiction and the brain: Development, notdisease Lewis, Marc 2017, 10(1): 7-18Fins, Joseph J.;American Journal of Bioethics 17A pilot evaluation of portfolios for quality Kodish, Eric;attestation of clinical ethics consultants Cohn, Felicia;2016, 16(3): 15-24et al.16 Bioethicists can and should contribute to addressing racism Danis, Marion;Wilson, Yolonda;White, Amina American Journal of Bioethics 2016, 16(4): 3-12Introduction: Transforming the future of public Journal of Law Medicine &16health law education through a faculty Scott, Charity Ethicsfellowship program 2016, 44(1): 6-1716 Fetal risks, relative risks, and relatives’ risks Minkoff, Howard;Marshall, Mary Faith American Journal of Bioethics 2016, 16(2): 3-11A framework for unrestricted prenatal whole-American Journal of Bioethics 15genome sequencing: Respecting and enhancing Chen, Stephanie C.;the autonomy of prospective parentsWasserman,DavidT.2017,17(1):3-1815 Saving or creating: Which are we doing when we resuscitate extremely preterm infants? Rieder, Travis N.American Journal of Bioethics 2017, 17(8): 4-12Irrational exuberance: Cardiopulmonary Rosoff, Philip M.;American Journal of Bioethics 15resuscitationasfetishSchneiderman,Lawrence J.2017, 17(2): 26-3415 The ethics of organ donor registration policies:Nudges and respect for autonomy MacKay, Douglas;Robinson, Alexandra American Journal of Bioethics 2016, 16(1): 3-12The practices of do-it-yourself brain Journal of Medical Ethics 15stimulation: Implications for ethical Wexler, Annaconsiderations and regulatory proposals2016, 42(4): 211-215
Medical Informatics 医学信息
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Copper oxide nanoparticles analysis with Computer Methods and 38water as base fluid for peristaltic flow in Akbar, Noreen Sher; Raza,Programs in Biomedicinepermeable tube with heat transfer M.;Ellahi,R.2016, 130: 22-30IEEE International Conference Identifying protein complexes method based Yang, Cuicui;on Bioinformatics and 38on time-sequenced association and ant colony Ji, Junzhong;Bioengineering clustering in dynamic PPI networks Lv, Jiawei 2016: 21-27 34 Combining information on multiple instrumental variables in Mendelian randomization: Comparison of allele score and summarized data methods Burgess, Stephen;Dudbridge, Frank;Thompson, Simon G.Statistics in Medicine 2016, 35(11): 1880-1906Sample size considerations for the external Collins, Gary S.;Statistics in Medicine 33validation of a multivariable prognostic Ogundimu, Emmanuel O.;model: A resampling study Altman, Douglas G.2016, 35(2): 214-22630 Statistical methods for studying disease subtype heterogeneity Wang, Molin;Spiegelman, Donna;Kuchiba, Aya; et al.Statistics in Medicine 2016, 35(5): 782-800Althoff, Tim;Journal of Medical Internet 29Influence of pokemon go on physical activity:Research Study and implications White, Ryen W.;Horvitz, Eric2016, 18(12): e31527 Misunderstandings about Q and ‘Cochran’s Q test’ in meta-analysis Hoaglin, David C.Statistics in Medicine 2016, 35(4): 485-495Statistical Methods in Medical 27A comparison of two methods of estimating Mitra, Robin;Research propensity scores after multiple imputation Reiter, Jerome P.2016, 25(1): 188-204 23 Smart homes and home health monitoring technologies for older adults: A systematic review Liu, Lili;Stroulia, Eleni;Nikolaidis, Ioanis; et al.International Journal of Medical Informatics 2016, 91: 44-59Bigdata oriented multimedia mobile health Lv, Zhihan;Journal of Medical Systems 22applicationsChirivella,Javier;Gagliardo, Pablo 2016, 40(5): 120
Medical Laboratory Technology 医学实验室技术
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Khodabandehloo,Molecular and cellular mechanisms linking Hadi; Gorgani-Translational Research 51inflammation to insulin resistance and beta-cell Firuzjaee, Sattar;dysfunction Panahi, Ghodratollah;2016, 167(1): 228-256et al.Critical Reviews in Clinical 48Sugar consumption, metabolic disease andLaboratory Sciences obesity:ThestateofthecontroversyStanhope,KimberL.2016, 53(1): 52-67 42 Targeting inflammation in metabolic syndrome Welty, Francine K.;Alfaddagh,Abdulhamied;Elajami, Tarec K.Translational Research 2016, 167(1): 257-280Sampling and definitions of placental lesions Khong, T. Yee;Archives of Pathology &39amsterdam placental workshop group consensus Mooney, Eoghan E.;Laboratory Medicinestatement Ariel, Ilana; et al.2016, 140(7): 698-713 37 Ambient ionization mass spectrometry for point-of-care diagnostics and other clinical measurements Ferreira, Christina R.;Yanne, Karen E.;Jarmusch, Alan K.;et al.Clinical Chemistry 2016, 62(1): 99-110Targeting heme oxygenase-1 and carbon Translational Research 36monoxide for therapeutic modulation of Ryter, Stefan W.;inflammation Choi, Augustine M. K.2016, 167(1): 7-3434 Computer-aided sleep staging using complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition with adaptive noise and bootstrap aggregating Hassan, Ahnaf Rashik;Bhuiyan, Mohammed Imamul Hassan Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 2016, 24: 1-10Measurement by a novel LC-MS/MS methodology Henderson, Clark M.;Clinical Chemistry 34reveals similar serum concentrations of vitamin Lutsey, Pamela L.;d-binding protein in blacks and whites Misialek, Jeffrey R.;2016, 62(1): 179-187et al.34 Recommendations for the generation, quantification, storage, and handling of peptides used for mass spectrometry-based assays Hoofnagle, Andrew N.;Whiteaker, Jeffrey R.;Carr, Steven A.; et al.Clinical Chemistry 2016, 62(1): 48-69Programmed death ligand-1 immunohisto-Sholl, Lynette M.;Archives of Pathology &33chemistry-a new challenge for pathologists aLaboratory Medicine perspective from members of the pulmonary Aisner, Dara L.; Allen,pathology society Timothy Craig; et al.2016, 140(4): 341-344
Medicine, General & Internal 内科学
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Singer,Mervyn;Jama-Journal of the American 1134The third international consensus definitions for Deutschman, Clifford S.;sepsis and septic shock (Sepsis-3)Seymour, Christopher Medical AssociationWarren; et al.2016, 315(8): 801-810Pembrolizumab versus docetaxel for previously treated, PD-L1-positive, advanced non-small-cell Herbst,RoyS.;642Baas,Paul;Lancetlung cancer (KEYNOTE-010): A randomised2016, 387(10027): 1540-1550 controlled trial Kim, Dong-Wan; et al.626 Zika virus associated with microcephaly Mlakar, Jernej;Korva, Misa;Tul, Natasa; et al.New England Journal of Medicine 2016, 374(10): 951-958Marso,StevenP.;NewEnglandJournalof 619Liraglutide and cardiovascular outcomes in type Daniels, Gilbert H.;2 diabetes Brown-Frandsen,MedicineKirstine; et al.2016, 375(4): 311-322518 Transcatheter or surgical aortic-valve replacement in intermediate-risk patients Leon, Martin B.;Smith, Craig R.;Mack, Michael J.; et al.New England Journal of Medicine 2016, 374(17): 1609-1620Reck,Martin;NewEnglandJournalof 504Pembrolizumab versus chemotherapy for Rodriguez-Abreu,PD-L1-positive non-small-cell lung cancer Delvys; Robinson,MedicineAndrew G.; et al.2016, 375(19): 1823-1833499 Guillain-Barre Syndrome outbreak associated with Zika virus infection in French Polynesia:A case-control study Cao-Lormeau, Van-Mai;Blake, Alexandre; Mons,Sandrine; et al.Lancet 2016, 387(10027): 1531-1539Atezolizumab in patients with locally advanced and metastatic urothelial carcinoma who have Rosenberg, Jonathan E.;496progressed following treatment with platinum-Hoffman-Censits, Jean;Lancetbased chemotherapy: A single-arm, multicentre,Powles, Tom; et al.2016, 387(10031): 1909-1920phase 2 trial 458 Zika virus and birth defects—reviewing the evidence for causality Rasmussen, Sonja A.;Jamieson, Denise J.;Honein, Margaret A.;et al.New England Journal of Medicine 2016, 374(20): 1981-1987Victora, Cesar G.;343Breastfeeding in the 21st century: Epidemiology,Bahl, Rajiv;Lancetmechanisms, and lifelong effect Barros, Aluisio J. D.;2016, 387(10017): 475-490et al.
Medicine, Legal 法医学
Medicine, Research & Experimental 医学实验研究
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Embo Molecular Medicine 328The amyloid hypothesis of Alzheimer’s disease Selkoe, Dennis J.;at 25years Hardy, John 2016,8(6):595-608PD-L1 (B7-H1) and PD-1 pathway blockade Zou, Weiping;Science Translational 163for cancer therapy: Mechanisms, response Wolchok, Jedd D.;Medicinebiomarkers, and combinations Chen, Lieping 2016, 8(328): 328rv4149 CD19 CAR-T cells of defined CD4+: CD8+composition in adult B cell ALL patients Turtle, Cameron J.;Hanafi, Laila-Aicha;Berger, Carolina; et al.Journal of Clinical Investigation 2016, 126(6): 2123-2138Nature Medicine 148Targeting EZH2 in cancer Kim, Kimberly H.;Roberts, Charles W. M.2016, 22(2): 128-134138 Immunometabolism governs dendritic cell and macrophage function O’Neill, Luke A. J.;Pearce, Edward J.Journal of Experimental Medicine 2016, 213(1): 15-23Partial restoration of the microbiota of Dominguez-Bello, Maria Nature Medicine 131cesarean-born infants via vaginal microbial G.; De Jesus-Laboy,transfer Kassandra M.; Shen,2016, 22(3): 250-253Nan; et al.126 Divergent clonal evolution of castration-resistant neuroendocrine prostate cancer Beltran, Himisha; Prandi,Davide; Mosquera, Juan Miguel; et al.Nature Medicine 2016, 22(3): 298-305Clearance of senescent cells by ABT263Chang, Jianhui;Nature Medicine 124rejuvenates aged hematopoietic stem cells Wang, Yingying;in mice Shao, Lijian; et al.2016, 22(1): 78118 Neutrophil extracellular traps enriched in oxidized mitochondrial DNA are interferogenic and contribute to lupus-like disease Lood, Christian;Blanco, Luz P.;Purmalek, Monica M.;et al.Nature Medicine 2016, 22(2): 146-153Tumor cells can follow distinct evolutionary Hata, Aaron N.;Nature Medicine 117paths to become resistant to epidermal growth Niederst, Matthew J.;factor receptor inhibition Archibald, Hannah L.;2016, 22(3): 262-269et al.
Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering 冶金和冶金工程
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Acta Materialia A precipitation-hardened high-entropy alloy withHe, J. Y.;104outstanding tensile properties Wang, H.;2016, 102: 187-196Huang, H. L.; et al.Acta Materialia 92A critical review of high entropy alloys and related Miracle, D. B.;concepts Senkov, O. N.2017, 122: 448-511 75 Laser powder-bed fusion additive manufacturing:Physics of complex melt flow and formation mechanisms of pores, spatter, and denudation zones Khairallah, Saad A.;Anderson, Andrew T.;Rubenchik, Alexander;et al.Acta Materialia 2016, 108: 36-45Herzog, Dirk;Acta Materialia 64Additive manufacturing of metals Seyda, Vanessa;Wycisk, Eric; et al.2016, 117: 371-39261 Enhancement of barrier and corrosion protection performance of an epoxy coating through wet transfer of amino functionalized graphene oxide Ramezanzadeh, B.;Niroumandrad, S.;Ahmadi, A.; et al.Corrosion Science 2016, 103: 283-304Materials Science andEngineering A-Structural Materials Properties 60Mechanical behavior of additive manufactured,Mower, Todd M.;powder-bed laser-fused materials Long, Michael J.Microstructure andProcessing2016, 651: 198-213 58 Decomposition of the single-phase high-entropy alloy CrMnFeCoNi after prolonged anneals at intermediate temperatures Otto, F.;Dlouhy, A.;Pradeep, K. G.; et al.Acta Materialia 2016, 112: 40-52Pineau, A.;Acta Materialia 57Failure of metals I: Brittle and ductile fracture Benzerga, A. A.;Pardoen, T.2016, 107: 424-48356 Precipitation in the equiatomic high-entropy alloy CrMnFeCoNi Pickering, E. J.;Munoz-Moreno, R.;Stone, H. J.; et al.Acta Materialia 2016, 113: 106-109Calphad-ComputerCoupling of Phase 54FactSage thermochemical software and databases,Bale,C.W.;Diagrams and 2010-2016Belisle, E.;ThermochemistryChartrand, P.; et al.2016, 54: 35-53
Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences 气象学和大气科学
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Optimization of neural networks for Meteorological Applications 174precipitation analysis in a humid region Valipour, Mohammadto detect drought and wet year alarms2016, 23(1): 91-100Accelerated dryland expansion under Huang, Jianping;Nature Climate Change 125climatechangeYu,Haipeng;Guan, Xiaodan; et al.2016, 6(2): 166108 Biophysical and economic limits to negative CO2 emissions Smith, Pete; Davis,Steven J.; Creutzig,Felix; et al.Nature Climate Change 2016, 6(1): 42-50Le Quere, Corinne;Earth System Science Data 91Global carbon budget 2016Andrew, Robbie M.;Canadell, Josep G.; et al.2016, 8(2): 605-649 84 Greening of the earth and its drivers Zhu, Zaichun;Piao, Shilong;Myneni, Ranga B.; et al.Nature Climate Change 2016, 6(8): 791Li, Chaochao;A three-parameter S-shaped function ofAdvances in Meteorology 78flood return period and damage Cheng, Xiaotao;Li, Na; et al.2016, 658390676 Making sense of the early-2000s warming slowdown Fyfe, John C.;Meehl, Gerald A.;England, Matthew H.;et al.Nature Climate Change 2016, 6(3): 224-228Newman, Matthew;Journal of Climate 75The pacific decadal oscillation, revisited Alexander, Michael A.;Ault, Toby R.; et al.2016, 29(12): 4399-4427 68 MIX: A mosaic Asian anthropogenic emission inventory under the international collaboration framework of the MICS-Asia and HTAP Li, Meng;Zhang, Qiang;Kurokawa, Jun-ichi;et al.Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2017, 17(2): 935-963Krotkov, Nickolay A.;Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics63Aura OMI observations of regional SO2 and NO2 pollution changes from 2005 to 2015McLinden, Chris A.;Li, Can; et al.2016, 16(7): 4605-4629
Microbiology 微生物学
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Clinical Microbiology Reviews 259Zika virus Musso, Didier;Gubler, Duane J.2016, 29(3): 487-524Clinical practice guideline for the management Pappas, Peter G.;Clinical Infectious Diseases 243of candidiasis: 2016 update by the Infectious Kauffman, Carol A.;Diseases Society of America Andes, David R.; et al.2016, 62(4): E1-E50211 Introducing EzBioCloud: A taxonomically united database of 16S rRNA gene sequences and whole-genome assemblies Yoon, Seok-Hwan;Ha, Sung-Min;Kwon, Soonjae; et al.International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2017, 67(5): 1613-1617Lazear, Helen M.;Cell Host & Microbe 209A mouse model of Zika virus pathogenesis Govero, Jennifer; Smith,Amber M.; et al.2016, 19(5): 720-730200 Implementing an antibiotic stewardship program: Guidelines by the Infectious Diseases Society of America and the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America Barlam, Tamar F.;Cosgrove, Sara E.;Abbo, Lilian M.; et al.Clinical Infectious Diseases 2016, 62(10): E51-E77Donaldson, Gregory P.;Nature Reviews Microbiology 160Gut biogeography of the bacterial microbiota Lee, S. Melanie;Mazmanian, Sarkis K.2016, 14(1): 20-32153 A new view of the tree of life Hug, Laura A.; Baker,Brett J.; Anantharaman,Karthik; et al.Nature Microbiology 2016, 1(5): 16048Management of adults with hospital-acquired and ventilator-associated pneumonia: 2016Kalil, Andre C.;Clinical Infectious Diseases 152clinical practice guidelines by the Infectious Metersky, Mark L.;Diseases Society of America and the American Klompas, Michael; et al.2016, 63(5): E61-E111Thoracic Society 139 Practice guidelines for the diagnosis and management of aspergillosis: 2016 update by the Infectious Diseases Society of America Patterson, Thomas F.;Thompson, George R.,III; Denning, David W.;et al.Clinical Infectious Diseases 2016, 63(4): E1-E60Flemming, Hans-Curt;Nature Reviews Microbiology 118Biofilms: An emergent form of bacterial life Wingender, Jost;Szewzyk, Ulrich; et al.2016, 14(9): 563-575
Microscopy 显微镜
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Resolution Revolution: Recent 27Processing of structurally heterogeneousAdvances in Cryoem Cryo-EMdatainRELIONScheres,S.H.W.2016, 579: 125-157Correcting nonlinear drift distortion of scanning probeandscanningtransmissionelectronOphus,Colin;Ultramicroscopy 23microscopies from image pairs with orthogonal Ciston, Jim;2016, 162: 1-9 scan directions Nelson, Chris T.22 High dynamic range pixel array detector for scanning transmission electron microscopy Tate, Mark W.;Purohit, Prafull;Chamberlain, Darol;et al.Microscopy and Microanalysis 2016, 22(1): 237-249Resolution Revolution: Recent 22Frealign: An exploratory tool for single-particleAdvances in Cryoem cryo-EMGrigorieff,N.2016, 579: 191-226 18 Large volume serial section tomography by Xe Plasma FIB dual beam microscopy Burnett, T. L.;Kelley, R.;Winiarski, B.; et al.Ultramicroscopy 2016, 161: 119-129ElectronEnergyLossSpectroscopyimagingof Colliex, Christian;Ultramicroscopy 16surface plasmons at the nanometer scale Kociak, Mathieu;2016, 162: A1-A24Stephan, Odile 15 An introduction to the sugar code Gabius,Hans-Joachim;Roth, Jurgen Histochemistry and Cell Biology 2017, 147(2): 111-117Kaltner, Herbert;Histochemistry and Cell Biology 15Galectins: Their network and roles in Toegel, Stefan;immunity/tumor growth control Caballero, Gabriel 2017, 147(2): 239-256Garcia; et al.15 Pixelated detectors and improved efficiency for magnetic imaging in STEM differential phase contrast Krajnak, Matus;McGrouther,Damien; Maneuski,Dzmitry; et al.Ultramicroscopy 2016, 165: 42-50Uchihashi, Takayuki;Ultramicroscopy 15Functional extension of high-speed AFM for Watanabe, Hiroki;wider biological applications Fukuda, Shingo;2016, 160: 182-196et al.
Mineralogy 矿物学
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Zhang, Yi;Applied Clay Science 52Applications and interfaces of halloysitenanocompositesTang,Aidong;Yang, Huaming; et al.2016, 119(SI): 8-17Chang, Jiali;Applied Clay Science 39Adsorption of methylene blue onto Fe3O4/activatedmontmorillonitenanocompositeMa, Jianchao;Ma, Qingliang; et al.2016, 119(SI): 132-14037 Producing bulk ultrafine-grained materials by severe plastic deformation: Ten years later Valiev, Ruslan Z.;Estrin, Yuri;Horita, Zenji; et al.Jom 2016, 68(4): 1216-1226Zhu, Runliang;Applied Clay Science 34Adsorbents based on montmorillonite forcontaminant removal from water: A review Chen, Qingze;Zhou, Qing; et al.2016, 123: 239-25832 Highly siderophile elements in earth, mars, the moon, and asteroids Day, James M. D.;Brandon, Alan D.;Walker, Richard J.Reviews in Mineralogy &Geochemistry 2016, 81: 161-238Zhu, Dicheng;Lithos 30Assembly of the Lhasa and Qiangtang terranes in Li, Shimin;central Tibet by divergent double subduction Cawood, Peter A.;2016, 245(SI): 7-17et al.29 Overview of materials qualification needs for metal additive manufacturing Seifi, Mohsen;Salem, Ayman;Beuth, Jack; et al.Jom 2016, 68(3): 747-764Li, Xiaoyu;Applied Clay Science 28Chitosan modified halloysite nanotubes asemerging porous microspheres for drug carrier QianYang;Ouyang, Jing; et al.2016, 126: 306-31228 Mechanochemical approaches to synthesize layered double hydroxides: A review Qu, Jun;Zhang, Qiwu;Li, Xuewei; et al.Applied Clay Science 2016, 119: 185-192Chinoune, Kheira;Applied Clay Science 27Adsorption of reactive dyes from aqueous solutionbydirtybentoniteBentaleb,Kahina;Bouberka, Zohra; et al.2016, 123: 64-75
Mining & Mineral Processing 矿业与矿物加工
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Producing bulk ultrafine-grained materials by Valiev, Ruslan Z.;Jom 37severe plastic deformation: Ten years later Estrin,Yuri;Horita, Zenji; et al.2016, 68(4): 1216-1226Overview of materials qualification needs for Seifi,Mohsen;Jom 29metaladditivemanufacturingSalem,Ayman;Beuth, Jack; et al.2016, 68(3): 747-76426 Thermochronologic constraints on evolution of the Linglong Metamorphic Core Complex and implications for gold mineralization: A case study from the Xiadian gold deposit, Jiaodong Peninsula, eastern China Yang, Liqiang;Deng, Jun;Wang, Zhongliang; et al.Ore Geology Reviews 2016, 72: 165-178Gao, Yuesheng;International Journal of Mineral 25Selective flotation of scheelite from calcite: AProcessing novel reagent scheme Gao, Zhiyong;Sun, Wei; et al.2016, 154: 10-1524 Europe’s rare earth element resource potential:An overview of REE metallogenetic provinces and their geodynamic setting Goodenough, K. M.;Schilling, J.;Jonsson, E.; et al.Ore Geology Reviews 2016, 72: 838-856Dong, Longjun;International Journal of Rock 23Discriminant models of blasts and seismic eventsMechanics and Mining Sciences in mine seismology Wesseloo, Johan;Potvin, Yves; et al.2016, 86: 282-29119 Origin and evolution of ore fluid, and gold-deposition processes at the giant Taishang gold deposit, Jiaodong Peninsula, eastern China Yang, Liqiang;Deng, Jun;Guo, Linnan; et al.Ore Geology Reviews 2016, 72: 585-602Enrichment of U-Re-V-Cr-Se and rare earth elements in the Late Permian coals of the Moxinpo Dai, Shifeng;Ore Geology Reviews 17Coalfield, Chongqing, China: Genetic implications Xie, Panpan;2017, 80: 1-17 from geochemical and mineralogical data Jia, Shaohui; et al.16 The collision-type porphyry Mo deposits in Dabie Shan, China Chen, Yanjing;Wang, Pin;Li, Nuo; et al.Ore Geology Reviews 2017, 81(SI): 405-430Cryptic sediment-hosted critical element mineralization from eastern Yunnan Province,Zhao, Lixin;Ore Geology Reviews 16southwestern China: Mineralogy, geochemistry,Dai, Shifeng;relationship to Emeishan alkaline magmatism and Graham, Ian T.; et al.2017, 80: 116-140possible origin
Multidisciplinary Sciences 综合科学
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Analysis of protein-coding genetic variation in Lek,Monkol;Nature 94560706humansKarczewski,KonradJ.;Minikel, Eric V.; et al.2016, 536(7616): 285Amixed-cationleadmixed-halideperovskiteMcMeekin,DavidP.;Science 476absorberfortandemsolarcellsSadoughi,Golnaz;Rehman, Waqaas; et al.2016, 351(6269): 151-155462 Active sites of nitrogen-doped carbon materials for oxygen reduction reaction clarified using model catalysts Guo, Donghui;Shibuya, Riku;Akiba, Chisato; et al.Science 2016, 351(6271): 361-365MasteringthegameofGowithdeepneuralSilver,David;Nature 423networksandtreesearchHuang,Aja;Maddison, Chris J.; et al.2016, 529(7587): 484402 Cluster failure: Why fMRI inferences for spatial extent have inflated false-positive rates Eklund, Anders;Nichols, Thomas E.;Knutsson, Hans Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2016, 113(28): 7900-7905A vacuum flash-assisted solution process for Li, Xiong;Science 394high-efficiency large-area perovskite solar cells Bi, Dongqin;Yi, Chenyi; et al.2016, 353(6294): 58-62382 Rationally engineered Cas9 nucleases with improved specificity Slaymaker, Ian M.;Gao, Linyi;Zetsche, Bernd; et al.Science 2016, 351(6268): 84-88High-fidelityCRISPR-Cas9nucleaseswithnoKleinstiver,BenjaminP.;Nature 366detectable genome-wide off-target effects Pattanayak, Vikram;Prew, Michelle S.; et al.2016, 529(7587): 490355 Cell-cell signaling in Xanthomonas campestris involves an HD-GYP domain protein that functions in cyclic diGMP turnover Ryan, Robert P.;Fouhy, Yvonne;Lucey, Jean F.; et al.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2017, 114(33): E7031-E7031Incorporation of rubidium cations into Saliba, Michael;Science 353perovskite solar cells improves photovoltaic Matsui, Taisuke;performance Domanski, Konrad; et al.2016, 354(6309): 206-209
Mycology 真菌学
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Nguyen, Nhu H.;Fungal Ecology 75 FUNGuild: An open annotation tool for parsing Song, Zewei;fungal community datasets by ecological guild Bates, Scott T.;2016, 20: 241-248 et al.Fungal diversity notes 253-366: Taxonomic and Li, Guojie;Fungal Diversity 61 phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa Hyde, Kevin D.;Zhao, Rui Lin; et al.2016, 78(1): 1-237 58 Fungal diversity notes 367-490: Taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa Hyde, Kevin D.;Hongsanan, Sinang;Jeewon, Rajesh; et al.Fungal Diversity 2016, 80(1): 1-270A phylum-level phylogenetic classification of Spatafora, Joseph W.;Mycologia 56zygomycete fungi based on genome-scale data Chang, Ying;Benny, Gerald L.; et al.2016, 108(5): 1028-1046 53 Families of sordariomycetes Maharachchikumbura,Sajeewa S. N.;Hyde, Kevin D.;Jones, E. B. Gareth;et al.Fungal Diversity 2016, 79(1): 1-317Global diversity and molecular systematics of Chen, J. J.;Persoonia 42Wrightoporia s.l. (Russulales, Basidiomycota)Cui, B. K.;Dai, Y. C.2016, 37: 21-36 33 Mycosphere Essays 7. Ganoderma lucidum - Are the beneficial anti-cancer properties substantiated?Hapuarachchi, K. K.;Wen, T. C.;Jeewon, R.; et al.Mycosphere 2016, 7(3): 305-332Crous, P. W.;Persoonia 31Fungal Planet description sheets: 400-468 Wingfield, M. J.;Richardson, D. M.;2016, 36(SI): 316-458 et al.30 Taxonomy and phylogeny of dematiaceous coelomycetes Wijayawardene, Nalin N.; Hyde, Kevin D.;Wanasinghe, Dhanushka N.; et al.Fungal Diversity 2016, 77(1): 1-316Highly efficient CRISPR mutagenesis by Zhang, Chi;Fungal Genetics and 30microhomology-mediated end joining in Meng, Xiuhua;Biology Aspergillus fumigatus Wei, Xiaolei; et al.2016, 86: 47-57
Nanoscience & Nanotechnology 纳米科学和纳米技术
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Fullerene-freepolymersolarcellswithover11%Zhao, Wenchao;Advanced Materials 465efficiency and excellent thermal stability Qian, Deping;Zhang, Shaoqing; et al.2016, 28(23): 4734-4739ImprovedairstabilityofperovskitesolarcellsviaYou,Jingbi;Nature Nanotechnology 414solution-processed metal oxide transport layers Meng, Lei;Song, Tze-Bin; et al.2016, 11(1): 75316 Energy-level modulation of small-molecule electron acceptors to achieve over 12% efficiency in polymer solar cells Li, Sunsun;Ye, Long;Zhao, Wenchao;et al.Advanced Materials 2016, 28(42): 9423Recentprogressincobalt-basedheterogeneousWang,Jiahai;Advanced Materials 316catalysts for electrochemical water splitting Cui, Wei;Liu, Qian; et al.2016, 28(2): 215-230259 Analysis of nanoparticle delivery to tumours Wilhelm, Stefan;Tavares, Anthony J.;Dai, Qin; et al.Nature Reviews Materials 2016, 1(5): 16014Nature Nanotechnology 241All-dielectric metamaterials Jahani, Saman;Jacob, Zubin 2016, 11(1): 23-36228 All-polymer solar cells based on absorptioncomplementary polymer donor and acceptor with high power conversion efficiency of 8.27%Gao, Liang;Zhang, Zhiguo;Xue, Lingwei; et al.Advanced Materials 2016, 28(9): 1884-1890Hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites: Low-cost Brenner, Thomas M.;Nature Reviews Materials 211semiconductors with intriguing charge-transport Egger, David A.;properties Kronik, Leeor; et al.2016, 1(1): 15007207 CsPbX3 quantum dots for lighting and displays:Room-temperature synthesis, photoluminescence superiorities, underlying origins and white light-emitting diodes Li, Xiaoming;Wu, Ye;Zhang, Shengli; et al.Advanced Functional Materials 2016, 26(15): 2435-2445Catalysiswithtwo-dimensionalmaterialsandDeng,Dehui;Nature Nanotechnology 199theirheterostructuresNovoselov,K.S.;Fu, Qiang; et al.2016, 11(3): 218-230
Neuroimaging 神经影像学
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物An integrated approach to correction for Neuroimage 88off-resonance effects and subject movement Andersson, Jesper L. R.;in diffusion MR imaging Sotiropoulos, Stamatios N.2016, 125: 1063-1078Can sliding-window correlations reveal Neuroimage 58dynamic functional connectivity in Hindriks, R.; Adhikari, M.resting-state fMRIH.; Murayama, Y.; et al.2016, 127: 242-25646 Gadolinium-based contrast agent accumulation and toxicity: An update Ramalho, J.;Semelka, R. C.;Ramalho, M.; et al.American Journal of Neuroradiology 2016, 37(7): 1192-1198Dynamic fluctuations coincide with periods Betzel, Richard F.;Neuroimage 35of high and low modularity in resting-state Fukushima, Makoto;functional brain networks He, Ye; et al.2016, 127: 287-297 35 Generative models of the human connectome Betzel, Richard F.;Avena-Koenigsberger,Andrea; Goni, Joaquin; et al.Neuroimage 2016, 124: 1054-1064Translating state-of-the-art spinal cord MRI techniquestoclinicaluse:Asystematicreview Martin, Allan R.;Neuroimage-Clinical 34of clinical studies utilizing DTI, MT, MWF,Aleksanderek, Izabela;2016, 10: 192-238 MRS, and fMRI Cohen-Adad, Julien; et al.33 Gadolinium deposition within the dentate nucleus and globus pallidus after repeated administrations of gadolinium-based contrast agents-current status Stojanov, Dragan;Aracki-Trenkic, Aleksandra;Benedeto-Stojanov, Daniela Neuroradiology 2016, 58(5): 433-441Revised recommendations of the consortium of Traboulsee, A.;American Journal of 31MS centers task force for a standardized MRINeuroradiology Protocol and clinical guidelines for the Simon, J. H.;diagnosis and follow-up of multiple sclerosis Stone, L.; et al.2016, 37(3): 394-40130 Trajectories of cortical thickness maturation in normal brain development: The importance of quality control procedures Ducharme, Simon;Albaugh, Matthew D.;Tuong-Vi Nguyen; et al.Neuroimage 2016, 125: 267-279Neuroimage 27Single subject prediction of brain disorders in Arbabshirani, Mohammad R.;neuroimaging: Promises and pitfalls Plis, Sergey; Sui, Jing; et al.2017, 145(SI): 137-165
Neurosciences 神经科学
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物The 2016 world health organization Louis, David N.;Acta Neuropathologica 734classification of tumors of the central nervous Perry, Arie;system: A summary Reifenberger, Guido;2016, 131(6): 803-820et al.Melatonin as an antioxidant: Under promises Reiter, Russel J.;Journal of Pineal Research 133butoverdeliversMayo,JuanC.;2016, 61(3): 253-278Tan, Dunxian; et al.133 Adult mouse cortical cell taxonomy revealed by single cell transcriptomics Tasic, Bosiljka;Menon, Vilas;Thuc Nghi Nguyen; et al.Nature Neuroscience 2016, 19(2): 335Molecular Neurobiology 126Differential roles of M1 and M2 microglia in Tang, Yu;neurodegenerative diseases Le, Weidong 2016, 53(2): 1181-1194123 Purification and characterization of progenitor and mature human astrocytes reveals transcriptional and functional differences with mouse Zhang, Ye;Sloan, Steven A.;Clarke, Laura E.; et al.Neuron 2016, 89(1): 37-53Management of postoperative pain: A clinicalpractice guideline from the american painsociety, the american society of regional Chou, Roger;Journal of Pain 121anesthesia and pain medicine, and the american Gordon, Debra B.;society of anesthesiologists’ committee on de Leon-Casasola, Oscar 2016, 17(2): 131-157regional anesthesia, executive committee,A.; et al.and administrative council 121 Tau positron emission tomographic imaging in aging and early alzheimer disease Johnson, Keith A.;Schultz, Aaron;Betensky, Rebecca A.;et al.Annals of Neurology 2016, 79(1): 110-119Sub-chronic psychotomimetic phencyclidine induces deficits in reversal learning and Abdul-Monim, Z.;Journal of Psychopharmacology 119alterations in parvalbumin-immunoreactive Neill, J. C.;2016, 30(11): 198-205 expression in the rat Reynolds, G. P.114 Intranasal oxytocin: Myths and delusions Leng, Gareth;Ludwig, Mike Biological Psychiatry 2016, 79(3): 243-250From prediction error to psychosis: Ketamine Corlett, P. R.;Journal of Psychopharmacology 101as a pharmacological model of delusions Honey, G. D.;2016, 30(11): 238-252Fletcher, P. C.
Nuclear Science & Technology 核科学与技术
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Nuclear Instruments & MethodsAllison, J.;in Physics Research Section 78Recent developments in GEANT4Amako, K.;A-Accelerators SpectrometersApostolakis, J.; et al.Detectors and AssociatedEquipment2016, 835: 186-225Materials and processes for the effective Riley, Brian J.;35capture and immobilization of radioiodine:Vienna, John D.;Journal of Nuclear MaterialsA review Strachan, Denis M.;2016, 470: 307-326et al.34 Irradiation treatment of pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) in water and wastewater: An overview Wang, Jianlong;Chu, Libing Radiation Physics and Chemistry 2016, 125: 56-64Nuclear Instruments & MethodsAdamson, P.;in Physics Research Section 34The NuMI neutrino beam Andersonc, K.;A-Accelerators SpectrometersAndrewsc, M.; et al.Detectors and AssociatedEquipment2016, 806: 279-306 27 The gas electron multiplier (GEM):Operating principles and applications Sauli, Fabio Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment 2016, 805(SI): 2-24Nuclear Instruments & MethodsHORACE: Software for the analysis of data Ewings, R. A.;in Physics Research Section 24from single crystal spectroscopy experiments Buts, A.;A-Accelerators Spectrometersat time-of-flight neutron instruments Le, M. D.; et al.Detectors and AssociatedEquipment2016, 834: 132-142 23 U(VI) capture from aqueous solution by highly porous and stable MOFs: UiO-66 and its amine derivative Luo, Baicheng;Yuan, Liyong;Chai, Zhifang; et al.Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 2016, 307(1): 269-276Intragranular cellular segregation network Zhong, Yuan;21structure strengthening 316L stainless steel Liu, Leifeng;Journal of Nuclear Materialsprepared by selective laser melting Wikman, Stefan; et al.2016, 470: 170-17821 Development strategy and conceptual design of China Lead-based Research Reactor Wu, Yican;Bai, Yunqing;Song, Yong; et al.Annals of Nuclear Energy 2016, 87: 511-516Variation of energy absorption and exposure Radiation Physics and 20buildup factors with incident photon energy Sayyed, M. I.;and penetration depth for boro-tellurite Elhouichet, H.Chemistry(B2O3-TeO2) glasses 2017, 130: 335-342
Nursing 护理学
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物The evidence for ‘flipping out’: A systematic Betihavas, Vasiliki;Nurse Education Today 25review of the flipped classroom in nursing Bridgman, Heather;education Kornhaber, Rachel; et al.2016, 38: 15-21Teenagers and young adults with cancer in Stark, D.;European Journal of Cancer 23Europe: From national programmes to a Bielack, S.;CareEuropean integrated coordinated project Brugieres, L.; et al.2016, 25(3): 419-42721 The situation-specific theory of heart failure self-care revised and updated Riegel, Barbara;Dickson, Victoria Vaughan; Faulkner,Kenneth M.Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 2016, 31(3): 226-235Revised national pressure ulcer advisory Edsberg, Laura E.;Journal of Wound Ostomy and 20panel pressure injury staging system revised Black, Joyce M.;Continence Nursingpressure injury staging system Goldberg, Margaret; et al.2016, 43(6): 585-59719 What is resilience? An integrative review of the empirical literature Aburn, Gemma;Gott, Merryn;Hoare, Karen Journal of Advanced Nursing 2016, 72(5): 980-1000Biological properties and therapeutic Oryan, Ahmad;Journal of Tissue Viability 16activities of honey in wound healing:Alemzadeh, Esmat;A narrative review and meta-analysis Moshiri, Ali 2016, 25(2): 98-118 16 Bullying among nurses and its relationship with burnout and organizational climate Giorgi, Gabriele;Mancuso, Serena;Perez, Francisco Fiz; et al.International Journal of Nursing Practice 2016, 22(2): 160-168Journal of the AmericanCharacteristics of nurse practitioners andHooker, Roderick S.;Association of Nurse 16physician assistants in the United States Brock, Douglas M.;PractitionersCook, Michelle L.2016, 28(1): 39-46 16 Interventions to prevent and manage overweight or obesity in preschool children:A systematic review Ling, Jiying;Robbins, Lorraine B.;Wen, Fujun International Journal of Nursing Studies 2016, 53: 270-289Saunders, Hannele;International Journal of Nursing 15The state of readiness for evidence-basedStudies practice among nurses: An integrative review Vehvilainen-Julkunen,Katri2016, 56: 128-140
Nutrition & Dietetics 营养学
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Guidelines for the provision and assessment of nutrition support therapy in the adult McClave, Stephen A.;Journal of Parenteral and Enteral 176critically Ill patient: Society of Critical Care Taylor, Beth E.;NutritionMedicine(SCCM)andAmericanSocietyforMartindale,RobertG.;2016, 40(2): 159-211 Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN)et al.Cashman, Kevin D.;American Journal of Clinical 110Vitamin D deficiency in Europe: PandemicDowling, Kirsten G.;NutritionSkrabakova, Zuzana; et al.2016,103(4):1033-104496 World cancer report 2014. Geneva,switzerland: World Health Organization,international agency for research on cancer,WHO press, 2015 McGuire, Shelley Advances in Nutrition 2016, 7(2): 418-419Persistentmetabolicadaptation6yearsafterFothergill,Erin;Obesity 64“The Biggest Loser” competition Guo,Juen;Howard, Lilian; et al.2016, 24(8): 1612-161961 Position of the academy of nutrition and dietetics, dietitians of canada, and the american college of sports medicine:Nutrition and athletic performance Thomas, D. Travis;Erdman, Kelly Anne;Burke, Louise M.Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 2016, 116(3): 501-528Honey: Chemical composition, stability and da Silva, Priscila Missio;Food Chemistry 60authenticityGauche,Cony;Gonzaga,Luciano Valdemiro; et al.2016, 196: 309-32355 An increase in the omega-6/omega-3 fatty acid ratio increases the risk for obesity Simopoulos, Artemis P.Nutrients 2016, 8(3): 128Systematic review of the relationships between Poitras, Veronica Joan;Applied Physiology Nutrition 52objectively measured physical activity and Gray, Casey Ellen;and Metabolism health indicators in school-aged children Borghese, Michael M.;and youth et al.2016, 41(6): S197-S239 52 Prevalence of obesity and severe obesity in US children, 1999-2014 Skinner, Asheley Cockrell;Perrin, Eliana M.;Skelton, Joseph A.Obesity 2016, 24(5): 1116-1123MicroRNAs as regulators of metabolic International Journal of Obesity 50disease: Pathophysiologic significance and Deiuliis, J. A.emerging role as biomarkers and therapeutics2016, 40(1): 88-101
Obstetrics & Gynecology 妇产科学
被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Zika virus intrauterine infection causes fetal Melo, A. S. Oliveira;Ultrasound in Obstetrics &133brain abnormality and microcephaly: Tip of Malinger, G.;Gynecologythe icebergXimenes, R.; et al.2016,47(1):6-7Assisted reproductive technology in Europe,Kupka, M. S.;Human Reproduction 612011: Results generated from European D’ Hooghe, T.;registers by ESHREaEuro Ferraretti, A. P.; et al.2016, 31(2): 233-248 58 2016 IMS Recommendations on women’s midlife health and menopause hormone therapy Baber, R. J.;Panay, N.;Fenton, A.Climacteric 2016, 19(2): 109-150Introducing precise genetic modifications Kang, Xiangjin;Journal of Assisted Reproduction 52into human 3PN embryos by He, Wenyin;and GeneticsCRISPR/Cas-mediated genome editing Huang, Yuling; et al.2016, 33(5): 581-58850 Should we evaluate and treat sperm DNA fragmentation?Agarwal, Ashok;Cho, Chak-Lam;Esteves, Sandro C.Current Opinion in Obstetrics &Gynecology 2016, 28(3): 164-171Competing risks model in screening for O’Gorman, Neil;American Journal of Obstetrics 50preeclampsia by maternal factors and Wright, David;and Gynecologybiomarkers at 11-13 weeks gestation Syngelaki, Argyro; et al.2016, 214(1): e1-e1249 ESMO-ESGO-ESTRO consensus conference on endometrial cancer diagnosis, treatment and follow-up Colombo, Nicoletta;Creutzberg, Carien;Amant, Frederic; et al.International Journal of Gynecological Cancer 2016, 26(1): 2-30Impact of maternal intrapartum antibiotics,Azad, M. B.;Bjog-An International Journal of 47method of birth and breastfeeding on gutObstetrics and Gynaecology microbiota during the first year of life: A Konya, T.;prospective cohort study Persaud, R. R.; et al.2016, 123(6): 983-99346 Evaluation and management of women and newborns with a maternal diagnosis of chorioamnionitis summary of a workshop Higgins, Rosemary D.;Saade, George; Polin,Richard A.; et al.Obstetrics and Gynecology 2016, 127(3): 426-436International committee for monitoring assistedreproductivetechnologiesworldDyer,S.;Human Reproduction 45report: Assisted reproductive technology Chambers, G. M.;2016, 31(7): 1588-1609 2008, 2009 and 2010de Mouzon, J.; et al.