The Story behind Subtitles on Your Screens
⊙ By Nina Porzucki ⊙ 翻译:丁一
英美发音 适合泛听语速:155词/分钟
subtitle n. 字幕 subtitle v. 翻译字幕
subtitler n. 字幕翻译者 sub v. 翻译字幕
subber n. 字幕翻译者
In the beginning there was light, a little music and subtitles, technically called1)intertitles. I’m talking the beginnings of the 20th century, during the silent era of moviemaking, when an image really spoke a thousand words and intertitles were used2)sparinglyto explain action, and dialogue,and3)exposition.
And then, the4)talkiescame. But while Al Jolson’s voice in The Jazz Singer did away with the need for the intertitle to do all of that explaining, The Jazz Singer became the first film to need translating. In fact, it was the first film to officially use foreign language subtitles when it opened in Paris in 1929.
And in the 80-plus years since, subtitling has gone from a necessity to an art.John Miller(Subtitler): People aren’t supposed to notice subtitles, if we’re doing our job properly. The ideal situation is when they are not even aware that they’re reading subtitles.
John Miller makes a living as a subtitler in Paris, where he went to school to learn the art of subtitling. And he’s been at it for 20 years translating French films into English.
1) intertitle [ɪntзː(r)΄taɪt(ə)l] n. 间幕
2) sparingly [΄speərɪŋlɪ] adv. 节俭地,保守地
3) exposition [ekspəʊ΄zɪʃ(ə)n] n. 说明,讲解
4) talkie [΄tɔːkɪ] n. <口>有声电影
“People can read an average of 12 characters a second,” says Miller. And a subtitler has about two or more seconds to5)relayeverything being said to the audience and within those 24 characters, the subtitler not only has to translate what’s being said, but all of the complexities of everyday speech:6)puns, jokes, word play.Sometimes you get lucky and expressions easily translate from one language to another. But sometimes, says Miller, an expression gets lost in translation. This happens all the time.
So like I said, subititling is an art and a profession, but increasingly this art is7)undergoinganother8)evolution,or should I say revolution, of its own. Just like when sound came and turned moviemaking upside down, the9)digitizationof film and TV has10)upendedthe subtitling industry. Digital media has allowed people from around the world to access more content, more quickly. And more content means more subtitles, right?
Enter VIKI, just one of several online11)crowd-sourcedsubtitling platforms.Subtitlers submit translations for12)peerreview, the crowd13)evaluates the translations,voting things up and down.
VIKI14)licensedTV shows and movies from around the world—Korean dramas,Colombian soaps, Japanese15)anime—and then put them online so fans from around the world can subtitle them.
Razmig Hovaghimian(VIKI CEO): I got now into 200 languages, about 700 million words translated by fans—for free.
16)Catchthat? Subtitles translated for free. So just who are these fan subbers doing the work for free? They’re teachers, doctors,lawyers, grandmothers, people like you and me, says Razmig.
Patricia Pon: My name is Patricia Pon. I am an early17)retiree.
And a Cantonese speaker and the translator of more than 200,000 subtitles.
“Why?” I asked Patricia. Because she got fed up with bad translations.
Would a retiree translate a Hong Kong18)gangster 19)flickthe same way a teenager?Does it matter? No, according to Razmig,that’s the beauty of the crowd. Subtitles are20)vettedand21)editedby many. And then the content can quickly be consumed by many more. And these22)rapidtranslations have led the globalization of film and TV at23)hyperspeed in rather unexpected places.
Razmig: We had Egyptian movies that were doing great in24)Dutch. We have Korean movies that are doing25)phenomenal in Saudi Arabia.It’s actually our number one country for it.
While professional subtitler John Miller isn’t worried about being “crowded out” of his profession26)per se,he and his fellow English-language subtitlers in Paris have felt the squeeze from27)studios.
John:It is a professional job. You wouldn’t necessarily want to have crowd-sourced28)surgeons or crowd-sourced29)mechanics.While what we do isn’t life or death, I think it is to the30)detrimentof the films that they’re being done by people who, they’re certainly not professionals.
Certainly, Patricia Pon and her fan-subbing31)palsaren’t claiming to be professionals. And the subtitles you’ll be reading at your local art house theatre aren’t the crowd-sourced kind—at least not yet.
5) relay [riː΄leɪ] v. 传递,传达
6) pun [pʌn] n. 双关语
7) undergo [ʌndə΄ɡəʊ] v. 经历,遭受
8) evolution [evə΄luːʃ(ə)n] n. 进化,演化
9) digitization [ˌdɪdʒɪtaɪ΄zeɪʃən] n. [计]数字化
10) upend [ʌp΄end] v. 颠倒
11) crowd-sourced [΄kraʊdˌsɔːsd] adj. 众包的
12) peer [pɪə(r)] n. 同辈,同行
13) evaluate [ɪ΄væljʊeɪt] v. 评价,评估
14) license [΄laɪsəns] v. 许可,准许
15) anime [΄ænɪmeɪ] n. (日本)动画片
16) catch [kætʃ] v. 听到,理解
17) retiree [rɪˌtaɪə΄riː] n. 退休人员
18) gangster [΄ɡæŋstə] n. 黑帮分子
19) flick [flɪk] n. <口>电影
20) vet [vet] v. 审查,修正
21) edit [΄edɪt] v. 编辑,剪辑
22) rapid [΄ræpɪd] adj. 迅速的
23) hyper [΄haɪpə(r)] adj. 过度的
24) Dutch [dʌtʃ] n. 荷兰语
25) phenomenal [fɪ΄nɒmɪnəl] adj. 出众的
26) per se 本身,本质上
27) studio [΄stuːdɪəʊ] n. 电影制片厂
28) surgeon [΄sзːdʒ(ə)n] n. 外科医生
29) mechanic [mɪ΄kænɪk] n. 机械工,机修工
30) detriment [΄detrɪmənt] n. 损害,伤害,破坏
31) pal [pæl] n. 伙伴参考译文