

世界建筑 2018年2期

丹尼尔·瓦尔泽/Daniel A. Walser

黄华青 译/Translated by HUANG Huaqing


结构工程是建筑的必要部分。结构是建筑的骨架,是建筑所有部分中最持久的;它如同城市肌理一样,能够经手数个世纪的时间洗礼。而建筑立面、建造技术及表皮皆需不时更新或重修。在帕特里克·加特曼看来,结构应是建筑最耐久的部分,或者用他的话说,“成为一处优美的遗迹”。他对于预制结构装配、或仅仅为了造价控制而寻求简化结构方案的做法皆不感兴趣。他在项目中寻求的结构,不仅在经济上对客户很有吸引力,而且对建筑及建造来说也是高效的。最便捷的方案往往在空间上是乏味的,很少能为项目增添价值。而一个聪明的建造方案,往往要经历更艰苦的思考过程,但到了工地现场总是更为高效、节约建筑材料。这就是为什么他常能赢得建筑竞标。他的事务所目前在设计苏黎世的两座体育场馆:与Pool Architects事务所合作的哈德图姆足球场 (2016-2021/22)以及与卡鲁索·圣约翰建筑事务所合作的ZSCLV冰球馆(2010-2022)。两个项目的结构设计都很经济,但却表达了清晰的态度和空间概念。



1 一个实验性的、垂直的红色塔楼被用作剧院空间。由朱丽艾尔·帕斯,剧院院长及建筑师乔凡尼·纳兹尔和结构工程师瓦尔特·比勒在2017年设计。这座29.10m高的临时性建筑,作为剧院的使用年限是5年,后期将会被拆除/An experimental, vertical theatre space for Origen as a Red Theatre Tower, on top of the Julier Pass (Switzerland), Giovanni Netzer (theatre director for Origen and architecture), Walter Bieler (structural engineering), 2017. It is a temporary, 29.10m high building, which functions as a theatre for 5 years. Afterwards, it needs to be removed. (摄影/Photo: Daniel A. Walser)

Structural engineering is an essential aspect in the design process for all presented offices. The engineers Patrick Gartmann, Emanuela Ferrari,Lorenz Kocher and Andrea Pedrazzini are in Grisons a younger generation, who at present are key-figures in the development of spatial building structures.Besides them, several projects are developed with Walter Bieler, who works with plain wood. These engineers give the architecture a meaning and a clear attitude with their structural engineering.Architecture and the structure work hand in hand.

Structural engineering is an essential part in architecture. The structure is the skeleton, which will last longest of all building layers and which, besides urban layout, is the part that is the most durable for centuries.From time to time facade, building services engineering or surfaces need to be renewed or redone. For Patrick Gartmann the structure should be the most durable or as he underlines: "should be a beautiful ruin". He is neither interested in assembling prefabricated elements to do a structure, nor in doing a simplified structural concept just to be cost effective for his office. He triggers a project to get an efficient structure, which is financially interesting for the client and for the building and its construction. The fastest solution often is spatially boring and often does not bring any extra value to a project. But with a clever construction the thinking process needs probably more effort but on the building site one is more efficient and does need less building material. This is probably why he is often able to win architecture competitions. His office is at the moment building two stadiums in Zurich: Hardturm for soccer with Pool Architects (2016-2021/22) and ZSCLV Arenafor hockey with Caruso St John Architects (2010-2022).Both projects are highly efficient but still offer a clear attitude and a spatial idea.





2 哈德图姆足球场(2016-2022)结构工程师费拉里-加特曼/Hardturm Stadium for soccer with Pool Architects (2016-2022).Ferrari Gartmann AG (structural engineering)




其中,罗伯特·迈雅(1872-1940)是一位杰出的结构工程师,他设计了希尔斯的塞金纳特伯大桥(1930)。这座混凝土桥梁是一座非常优雅的三铰框架。迈雅赢得这项竞标,是因为他设计的桥梁方案是最高效、最经济的。理查德·科瑞(1869-1946)为塞金纳特伯大桥这样的桥梁建造过程设计了近乎艺术品的木脚手架支撑结构。克里斯蒂安·梅恩(1927- )曾在苏黎世联邦理工学院教书,他是最有趣的桥梁设计师之一。他的桥梁设计作品根植于迈雅及当代结构工程学,但始终将美学作为桥梁设计的要素。正是因为梅恩,圣地亚哥·卡拉特拉瓦才来到苏黎世学习结构工程。

结构工程师尤格·布赫利(1944-2010)在一定程度上说是彼得·卒姆托的建造大脑。正是他的结构发明,使圣本尼迪克特教堂这样的项目成为可能——在这座教堂中,他采用铁水带将木构件锚固在一个中间点。尤格·康策特(1956- )毕业后曾在彼得·卒姆托的事务所工作(1981-1987),他用睿智的结构设计融合了建筑与工程设计,使建筑师的设计理念成为可能。他对于建筑、历史和理论都极感兴趣,并试图将这些思索融入一个清晰、抽象的概念。很多年轻工程师都曾在他的事务所工作,加特曼甚至当过合伙人(1997-2015)。




3.4巴西巴罗斯帕克办公楼,建筑师瓦勒里欧·奥加提,结构工程师费拉里·加特曼,2020,建筑立面反映了建筑的结构力量/Office Building Baloisepark, Basel, Valerio Olgiati(architect), Ferrari Gartmann AG (structural engineering),2020, the facade mirrors in its construction the forces in the building.

Building knowledge based on practice, not in norms

When Patrick Gartmann talks about his work,he underlines his fascination of building sites and the importance of practice. He wants to know how something works. He wants to know the essence of a construction and how one builds it. Already during his studies he used every free minute to sneak together with a study friend of his to building sites. It is not just that one can learn from books or building sites: one can learn as much from existing structures and see how they work, move, bend over time. This gives a basic knowledge of what is possible, and not about what norms might allow.This opens possibilities to experiment.

This building knowledge of how to build is on one hand part of the office structure, they really control what they build themselves on site and are responsible for the quality of the construction. And of course the local presence of architects like Peter Zumthor, Valerio Olgiati or Bearth and Deplazes give as well the local structural engineers a different spin and challenge their work.

Architects and structural engineers are apart of the same coin

The mentioned structural engineers have a direct relation with architecture. Most of them even hold a second degree in architecture. Patrick Gartmann studied architecture after his civil engineering degree at the University of Applied Sciences HTW Chur. His partner Emanuela Ferrari did the same. After his degree in civil engineering Walter Bieler took further education at the ETH Zurich in architecture and landscape, architecture and supporting structure, and wooden bridge constructions. Lorenz Kocher studied first architecture at ETH Lausanne and Zurich and then, as a second-degree civil engineering at the ETH in Zurich. Andrea Pedrazzini worked after his studies at the office of Santiago Calatrava in Zurich.

The structural engineers' work is very close with the work of the architects. It is less a fulfilling of the given tasks as the ambition to find the right solution. And because one is not in a big urbancentre the people have more time to focus on their work and interact to work at a project. Architects,but as well engineers dream of a simplicity that one can find in traditional houses. This dream is reflected in the purity of the constructions.

5.钢结构住房研究项目由建筑师帕斯卡·弗莱墨和结构工程师洛伦茨·科赫主持。该项目利用材料的可能性来定义空间,且仍然将由混合元素组成的极薄结构层应用于地板和墙壁。利用钢的机械性能及建筑材料的可能性,共同创造出一个空间/Pascal Flamer (architect) and Lorenz Kocher (structural engineer): Research project for a steel construction for housing. The proposed project uses the possibilities of the material to define the space with the material and still have extremely thin construction layers out of hybrid elements for the floors slabs and steel plates for the walls. The space is created through the use of the possibilities of the construction material by using the mechanical properties of steel.

6 钢结构住房研究项目由建筑师帕斯卡·弗莱墨和结构工程师洛伦茨·科赫主持。该项目利用材料的可能性来定义空间,且仍 然将 由混 合元 素组 成的 极薄 结构 层应 用于 地板 和墙 壁。 利用 钢的 机械 性能 及建 筑材 料的 可能 性, 共同 创造 出一个空 间/Pascal Flamer (architect) and Lorenz Kocher (structural engineer): Research project for a steel construction for housing. The proposed project uses the possibilities of the material to define the space with the material and still have extremely thin construction layers out of hybrid elements for the floors slabs and steel plates for the walls. The space is created through the use of the possibilities of the construction material by using the mechanical properties of steel.




7.82011年,结构工程师安德利亚·佩德拉奇尼与建筑师尼古拉·巴塞加,克里斯蒂安·莫赛迪在基亚索携手合作的体育馆项目/The structural engineer Andrea Pedrazzini works hand in hand with the architects Nicola Baserga and Christian Mozzetti: "to design with friends". Double gym, Chiasso, 2011, Baserga Mozzetti Architects, structural engineer Andrea Pedrazzini (Ingegneri Pedrazzini Guidotti). (摄影/Photos: Filippo Simonetti)

9将现有结构重建,使其满足今日的需求很困难,需要就结构、材料、结构以及其历史进行特定的了解。2008年在马兰斯完成的凡·默思住宅项目尽最大可能保留了16世纪的痕迹。项目由建筑师米夏埃尔·海米,米歇尔·瓦塞拉与马塞尔·普拉合作/To rebuild an existing structure and update it todays needs is difficult and needs a specific knowledge about structure, materials, constructions and how they age. A house and keep as much as possible is not just a Renovation of house von Moos from the 16th century, Malans, 2008, Michael Hemmi from Haldenstein and Michele Vassella from Chur in collaboration with Marcel Pola (architects), Walter Bieler (structural engineer). (摄影/Photo: Ralph Feiner)

The importance of structural engineering has a historical dimension

Because of the mountains and the specific geological conditions in Grisons structural engineering was always a big issue. Passages to the other side of the Alps were only possible with bridges and other structural work. Therefore engineering was always important.Historical figures such as the civil engineer Richard La Nicca (1794-1883) were important figures to secured roads, drained rivers and built bridges to the south.

The design relation of infrastructure and built technologies for railway system or hydro electric power plants was important to form from the clients but as well from engineers an respect towards the landscape.During the construction of the railway system RhB around 1900 there were introduced impressive stone bridges instead of iron constructions.

An exceptional structural engineer was Robert Mailart (1872-1940) who built the Salginatobel-bridge at Schiers (1930). The concrete bridge has a very elegant three-hinged frame. Mailart won the competition because his bridge was the most efficient and less costly construction. Richard Coray (1869-1946) built almost artistic wooden scaffold sub-structures to be used to build bridges as the Salginatobel-bridge. Christian Menn (1927-) taught at the ETH in Zurich, is one of the most interesting bridge designers. His work as a bridge designer is rooted in Maillart and contemporary engineering but always considered aesthetics as an important element in bridge design. Because of Menn Santiago Calatrava came to Zurich to study structural engineering.

The structural engineer Jürg Buchli (1944-2010) was a kind of master brain for Peter Zumthor constructions. His inventions made projects as the chapel San Benedict possible where he worked with a hot iron belt to tighten together the wooden elements at a central piece. Jürg Conzett (1956-), who worked after his studies at the office of Peter Zumthor (1981-1987),architects and engineers with his clear engineering,which supports the design idea of the architect. He is extremely interested in architecture, history and theory and tries to link these elements to a clear and abstract thought. Many young engineers worked in his office;Gartmann was even a partner (1997-2015).

Structure is a kind of essence

The structure is a kind of essence, an abstraction of the inner spatial thought of the building, and purifies with the work of natural building material.It's an escape from design formalism, as we can find it in more urban projects.

An increasingly important issue in Switzerland is the earthquake security. For the school and kindergarten in Grono by the architect Raphael Zuber(2011) the structural engineer was an important help to design the expression of the building: it follows the needs of today's earthquake regulations.The schoolhouse and kindergarten at Buchen in Thal (2013) by architect Angela Deuber and the engineering of Patrick Gartmann is a playful way to build an open school for kids that is intimate too.

Walter Bieler uses wooden constructions with no reinforcing most of time. He connects plain wood, which is efficient and one knows and sees what one does. His structures are straight forward and elegant. Communal work place for the two villages in Rhäzüns (2010), Camping Ogna in Trun by Iso Huonder (2016) or the Raiffeisen Arena"Crap Gries" in Schluein by Jan Berni and Georg Krähenbühl (2015) are some examples of many.

With Corinna Menn and Mark Ammann in their office building in St. Gallen (2017) the structure and the way one brings the weight of a building down is the main thing. Arquint's library Chesa Platz in Ardez (2011), or the housing area Böschengut in Chur(2018) are other examples, where the space is defined out of a spatial idea of the hanging volumes in the library or the intimacy space of the houses.The space is the key element.

Lorenz Kocher is the intellectual, who crosses from architecture to engineering. The interaction between the two professions is the real power. It is less about who contributed with which idea to a project. It is about the final result. The engineer can contribute with a clear and spatial building structure. For Andrea Pedrazzini phrased it once like this: "building with friends". That is what he does. It is less about who does what in a building,but about the final result which in any case will be a collaborative work.


1)2017年12月20日采访帕特里克·加特曼/Interview with Patrick Gartmann 20. December 2017, Chur.

