

世界建筑 2018年2期


Architects: Gordian Blumenthal, Ramun Capaul





而现在,我们可以在一段假期当中租下这些房子,以一种彻底的方式享受建筑的文化,同时还能享受我们所需的舒适度。(陈雨潇 译)

1 有餐厅和"Am Brunnen"酒店的主广场,建筑师吉翁·卡米纳达设计,右后侧是特雷胡斯/Main square with the retaurant and hotel "Am Brunnen" by the architect Gion A.Caminada and the Türalihuus on the right side in the back.

2 有塔楼的西立面街景/Street view with staircase tower at the western facade.

3 仿制的圆窗,修补的痕迹清晰可见/Imitated oculus, traces of repaired spots are kept visible.

4 不同时期的建筑碎片:15世纪的山墙以及18世纪的窗户装饰/Fragments from different building phases:Gable painting from 15th century and window decoration from 18th century.

The architects believe in the power of architecture and the possibility to be able to influence society with a good building.

In 2007 the Foundation Valendas Impuls asked the architects to do a study about the possibility to reactivate the centre of the village of Valendas by remodelling the buildings around the core of the village around the central square. The result was, that several architects took care about specific buildings with specific functions: Gion A. Caminada remodelled the "Engihuus" dated 1517 to a restaurant and hotel complex, Nickisch Walder remodelled the old school to a museum and Blumenthal Capaul remodelled the Türalihuus to a holiday house for two families.

The house was sold by the architect Valerio Olgitai to the Foundation for Holidays in Historic Buildings, which buys historic houses to preserve them and use them as holiday houses, which one can rent. The "Türalihuus" stood empty for more than 60 years. Water was dripping through the roof and snow falling from the roof. The reawakening of the house was done in the most radical way: the aim of the architects was to keep as much as possible of the old building substance. Even marks caused by the water entering the roof they kept. The aim was,that if one started redoing one wall, one needed to touch everything and the budget was a minimal one.More or less all signs of time are still visible. Behind this there is an enormous trust in handcraft and traditional building techniques. For example in the living room of the lower apartment they researched about the history of the colours of the wall ceiling.Finally the architects decided to keep all layers and fixed the colour with linseed oil and ironed it to secure it for the next decades.

On the facade they found fragments from 1485 to the 18th century over different centuries.It was decided to keep only larger fragments and show all centuries as a collage to show there is a large history.

And now one can rent the houses for a period for holidays and enjoy building culture in a very radical way with all the comfort we ask today.




5 特雷胡斯平面图,项目靠近主广场,位于村落的中心/Site plan with Türalihuus in the heart of the village close to the main square.

6 有砖木火炉的客厅/Living room with a brick wood stove

7 在底层公寓的木隔板上可以看到明显的修复痕迹/View towards the alcove with visible signs of reparations on the wood paneling in the lower apartment.

8 粉刷成白色的楼梯塔/View to whitewashed stair tower

9 上层公寓的“绿色”餐厅/The "green" dining room in the upper appartment


JIA Lian'na: This house at the corner of the street is old aged and complicated. The elevation drawings indicate the traces left during five phases from 1485 to 1775. The cautious treatments of the architects, sensitivity towards the atmosphere, affections towards history, enabled this ancient building to revive. The original walls and floor slabs must be so tough to remain, and the maximum action of renovation is about rebuilding the roof. The red parts of the drawings in the plans and sections are of enough weight. The newly added partitions, facilities and objects into the house are like organic parts grown from the original building. The boundaries of rooms are clear while the space is fluid. The senses of boundary of the stairs, and the openings on the thick walls, are both very impressive.The kitchens and toilets also act as circulation spaces. In this house, the stairs and chimneys are the definite part of existence, still playing their initial roles – they helped the users, as well as the air, to move vertically. All the other functional rooms radiate from them, and change over time.The interpretation of this historic building renovation gives us a perspective with depth in terms of time. It inspires us to examine our values towards architecture that seem so common to us. (Translated by WANG Xinxin)

GUO Liaohui: Before the renovation, architects and antiquarys jointly decided the parts to retain and repaint, removed the paints from the 20th Century,and reconstructed the facade fragments from five periods. Most of the new renovation activities are in the form of furnitures. The new things are not completely subservient to the atmosphere of the existing space, but are carefully coordinated with the old building. From the doors to the windows, from the stove to the pegs,the precise, geometric, and small scaled new parts and the rough and fuzzy old building parts present through each other. The changes in the functions of rooms and the newly added bathrooms and kitchens will certainly pose great challenges for the old building in terms of dealing with the equipments and climate boundary.Even the size changes of the window frames will affect the relationships between the whole space. This part of the work that is not easy to detect deserves much more appreciation. (Translated by CHEN Yuxiao)

10 首层平面/1st floor plan

11 一层平面/2nd floor plan

12 屋顶平面/Roof floor plan

13 横剖面/Cross section

14 纵剖面/Longitudinal section

15 底层公寓已被烟熏黑的厨房/Soot-blackened kitchen in the lower apartment

16 底层公寓的浴室/Bathroom in the lower apartment

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: 瑞士遗产协会历史建筑假日基金会/Foundation for Holidays in Historic Buildings (Ferienim Baudenkmal) from Swiss Heritage Society

结构工程/Structural Engineer: Giachen Blumenthal

建造周期/Building Year: 2010-2014

摄影/Photos: Ralph Feiner (fig. 1,2) Laura Egger (fig. 3,4,6-9,15,16)

