

世界建筑 2018年2期


Architect: Corinna Menn

科恩观景台是科琳娜·梅恩早期负责实施的项目之一。该项目体现了她在静力学问题方面的兴趣,以及利用静力学的空间潜力形成建筑物并赋予其形态的可能性。方案是科琳娜·梅恩和叔叔克里斯蒂安·梅恩——一位优秀的结构工程师、桥梁建造者共同设计完成的。她对施工及其潜力很有兴趣。“Il Spir”在雷托罗曼语意为褐雨燕,形态来源于飞鸟站立时极具表现力的姿态。


该构筑物几乎没有触及地面,且无需对地形做任何处理。假如未来不再使用观景台或需要移除,岩石将好似未曾被碰触过一样。(黄华青 译)

1 外景/Exterior view

2 总平面/Site plan

The viewing platform at Conn was one of the first projects Corinna Menn was able to execute. It already shows her essential interest in questions of statics and the possibility to use this as a spatial potential to form the building and its shape. The design was developed together with her uncle a leading structural engineer and bridge builder Christian Menn. Her interest in construction in its potential. The name "Il Spir" comes from the bird swift and stands in relation to the expressive gesture of the upper platform.

3 与地面相连接的细部/A detail of connection to the ground

4 结构特点/Structural features

13,000 years ago, the retreat of the last ice age resulted in the massive collapse of the Flims mountain. The power of the Rhein began to erode the masses of stone and created the natural spectacle of the Ruin Aulta. The gorge is a region of national preservation that can be experienced by visitors from this precisely positioned outlook, without themselves stepping onto the location. Anchored to the outer edge of the forest, a viewing platform rises between the pines and extends towards the gorge without touching the lime formations that have evolved of thousands of years. Viewing from the footpath, the dark steel construction initially appears to be part of the forest among the tall tree trunks. Visitors climb the spiral staircase and walk out on the unfolded fan of the wooden platform. From a distance, the light larch wood of the beams, the unfolded double rafters and the conical floor segments appear like a floating sail. Detached from the main girder, the platform is suspended at its ends using steel cables. The basic elements and their linear connections create an inherent spatial figure describing a circular form. The structure is impressive through the reduction of the material to the static and constructive necessity.

5 观景平台/Viewing platform

The building almost does not touch the ground and does not need any manipulation of the terrain.If in the future the viewpoint will not be any more in use and needs to be removed, the rocks will remain almost untouched.

项目信息/Credits and Data

业主/Client: Municipality of Flims

结构工程/Structural Engineer: Christian Menn (concept)/Claudio Tschuor Bänziger Partner AG (execution)

建设周期/Building Year: 2005-2006

摄影/Photos: Franz Rindlisbacher




6 观景平台/Viewing platform

7.8 结构示意图/Structural schematic diagram


GUO Liaohui: This platform at the end of the forest provides a special location in the landscape, getting people completely away from the ground. The slanting of the two main steel columns guides people to follow the stairs and reach the triangular platform that spreads horizontally and floats over the natural ruins. The massive use of tensile components makes the size of the structural components small. The bulky concrete only appears in the foundation part. The wooden viewing platform both reduces the weight of the structures and indicates lightness, and in the mean time,brings a sense of stability to the people in the dangerous situation. How to relate to forests is another consideration besides structure. The clear structural logic presents the form of triangle, like a "sail" in the imagination of the architect, getting rid of the appearance of a pavilion. The size of the main components has a relationship with the tree trunk. Upwards and stretching are also the ways trees grow. (Translated by CHEN Yuxiao)

HU Heng: Technology-based projects, in essence, do not need written comments.However, here the dry-as-dust plan, elevation and sections have become poetic. This brings to mind Da Vinci's Flying Machine sketches. Indeed, there is only a fine line between technology and poetry. However, the poetry of this design is not formed by the scenery – it is quite horrific to stand beside the handrail of the platform – but, the feeling of flying. Clearly, the purpose of overhang of the platform is not simply to obtain a better view; more importantly, it demonstrates the impulsion of the engineer and the designer to jump and fly into the sky. This is an uncommon design that is based on the concept of the pursuit of freedom. The limit of the angle of the overhang is the origin of the project's concept and the boundary of its design. Therefore, this viewing platform does not rely on tourists to function, it functions well enough at the moment of its completion. (Translated by Dandan Wang)

