

世界建筑 2018年2期


Architects: Oslo School of Architecture with Raphael Zuber, Kengo Kuma and Associates

1 外景/Exterior views





颠倒住宅是许多片段的巧妙组合,而非任何一个统领性的设计概念。每一片墙体、地板、屋顶、柱子和台阶的比例及关系都经过仔细推敲——尤其是每个元素与建筑整体以及所在环境的关系。(黄华青 译)

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: LIXIL JS Foundation

类别/Object: 旅馆/Guest house

地点/Location: 158-1 Memu, Taiki-cho, Hiroo-gun, Hokkaido,Japan

设计团队/Design Team: 奥斯陆建筑与设计学院/AHO (The Oslo School of Architecture and Design) 学生/Students:Laura Cristea, Mari Hellum, Stefan Hurrell, Niklas Lenander导师/Tutors: Neven Fuchs-Mikac, Thomas McQuillan,Raphael Zuber

本地建筑师/Local Architects: 隈研吾事务所/Kengo Kuma and Associates (Takumi Saikawa, Katsuhito Komatsu)

结构工程/Structural Engineer: Oak Structural Design Office(Masato Araya)

总承建商/General Constructor: Takahashi Construction Company (Hideyuki Hirakawa)

面积/Area: 140 m2

建设周期/Construction: 2015.09 – 2016.02

摄影/Photos: Shinkenchiku-sha

线图/Drawings: AHO Team

2 外景/Exterior views

Today the architect Raphael Zuber is much more interested in the architectural space and the meaning of the space. He focuses on the specific essence each space has to give the building its character and individual expression. Never the less, the structure is an important part to organize and order the building.Even this project was developed in a large team at the AHO with students and professors, among them Raphael Zuber–his influence remains strong and obvious. And still today he designs in this essential spatial way.

In April of 2015, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO) was awarded the first prize in the LIXIL International University Architectural Competition. During the following summer, they developed the project in detail and made construction drawings, supervised by architects from Kengo Kuma and Associates. In winter 2015-2016 the Inverted House was built in Taiki-cho, Hokkaido, and the students from AHO were working closely on site with the local contractor throughout the process. Now the house is awaiting its new life as the 5th competition house on the open fields of Memu Meadows.

The theme of the competition was atypical: "House for Enjoying the Harsh Cold". Traditionally, architecture has created a strong division between inside and outside,keeping the cold at bay while preserving heat within.The Inverted House seeks to challenge this idea and to bring the "harshness" of the world into the house itself.By minimalising heated interior spaces and creating a series of sheltered exterior spaces, the building reads the legacy of traditional Japanese Sukiya-zukuri in the light of Scandinavian frugality. Its rough walls create a clear division in the landscape, holding together precisely articulated wooden roofs and floors. The resulting unity becomes an instrument, using wind, snow and sun to change the feeling of the world for its inhabitants.

The house is approached through the first space defined by the cross-wall: the Garden Room, that gathers snow in winter and keeps it until late spring in the shadow of the high walls. From here, the Outside Living Room is entered through the main entrance,where a series of elevated wooden floors leads to the fireplace, while a large, gently sloping roof extends toward the surroundings and the sunset. Adjacent, the Room for Cooking is protected from the strong winds by a very steep roof. A passage around the cross wall leads to a protected interior, an Inside Room, a narrow,dark space heated by an open fireplace. A long, low window focuses the view on winter snow or summer flowers in the Garden Room outside. At the other end,one finds the most intimate spaces: a bathtub is hidden beyond the wall, closely under the roof, and a sleeping platform floats above the snow, facing the sunrise,with a roof opening towards Memu's full sky.

The Inverted House is a delicate instrumentation of many pieces, rather than one dominating concept.Each wall, floor, roof, pillar, and step, has been carefully considered in proportion and relation to the building as a whole and to the world in which it is built.

3 平面图/Plan

4 远眺/Overlook




5 内景/Interior view


JIA Lian'na: This is a house built for enjoying the harsh coldness, which is an interesting topic. Seen from a distance, the light tone concrete walls form a shelter like nature rocks. At a closer look, this house has a rather different facade from each side. There's a fire place at the side with the big eave,telling the story of food-sharing and reunions. There's an open bedroom at the concrete rock-like side.The narrow and dim interior space is hidden behind the concrete walls. It looks like a very comforting big sloped roof from the outside. The vertical concrete and horizontal timber components, the light tone walls and dark color eaves, are in contrast with each other. At the ends of the longest concrete wall there is water and fire. Cold and hot, outside and inside, light and dark – each quality highlights its opposite, and coexists in dependence. This house seems to be a design driven by the place. Rocks,roof eave, fireplace, chimney... perhaps living in here can make people experience the life that is more primitive and closer to the essence. The separated "rooms" look like an expanded arrangement of a common house. The integrity of usage scenario and inherent logics, e.g. chimney vs. fire, are more important here, rather than the exterior look of the house. It is a house inside out. (Translated by WANG Xinxin)ZOU Huan: Just like the theme the architect set – to experience the harsh cold, this house that is located in Hokkaido, Japan let people genuinely feel the sensory stimulation brought by the howling north wind and the pure white snow. The mass that spread horizontally kept the building and the snow together. The low striped windows give people the feeling of being in the snow even more. The dramatic fragmentation processing of the body elements creates massive shadows on horizontal facades, and forms rich outer disheartened space in the meantime, which makes the contact between the occupants and the outside world more diverse, strengthens the living experience, or the dance with the cold. The plain concrete appearance of the building conveys the Japanese feeling as always. The gray and black concrete and the vast snowfield together composed a cold and lonely picture. (Translated by CHEN Yuxiao)

