Wang Xiangrong
北宋画家张择端在 “清明上河图”中描绘了北宋都城东京汴梁的市井风俗,也向我们传达了古代城市的运河景象。画面以汴河为中心,从疏林薄雾、阡陌纵横的郊外逐渐过渡到屋宇错落、百肆杂陈、车水马龙的城市。汴河之上,舟船往复,飞虹卧波,一派漕运繁忙的景象。张择端的另一幅画作 “金明池夺标图”,展现的是位于汴河畔的金明池水上娱乐的盛况。金明池在北宋初年是一片用于水军训练的人工湖,后成为重要的皇家园林。湖为方形,湖边栽植柳树,尽管是皇家领地,但在每年特定的时间也向汴梁的百姓开放。
In his Guangzhi—Irrigated Land, Guanzi said: "What is water? The origin of all things."Water gives birth to life, and human civilization as well. Humans live by water, and establish settlements which develop into cities. Water is always the lifeblood of urban ecology, life and economy.
The Northern Song Dynasty painter Zhang Zeduan described the customs of the east capital Binliang in the Northern Song Dynasty in his painting The Riverside Scenes at the Qingming Festival, and also conveyed the canal scene of the ancient city to us. The scene is centered along Bian River, and it gradually transfer from the outskirts of woodland,forests, mists, and passes crisscrossed in the fields, to the cities of scattered and random houses, various shops, and crowded people and vehicles. Above Bian River, the boats and ships reciprocated and fluttered like rainbows, presenting a busy transporting scene. Zhang Zeduan's another painting, The Prize Capturing at Jinming Pool, shows the grand occasion of the water entertainment in Jinming Pool along Bian River. Jinming Pool was an artificial lake used for naval training in the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty and later became an important imperial garden. The lake is a square, planted with willows. Although a royal territory,it was open to the people of Bianliang during a specific period of time each year.
Both of Zhang Zeduan's paintings show the urban water landscape of Bianliang during the Northern Song Dynasty, but they reflect only a fragment of the urban water environment.In fact, there are four artificial canals in the city, including Cai River, Wuzhang River, and Jinshui River, and Bian River, running through the city. The city has three city walls, and there are moats around the city walls, one for each; there are Jinming Pool, Qionglin Court, Yujin Garden and Genyue Hill landscape inside and outside the city. The Yellow River and Luo River running through the north and west parts of the city provide whater for these water bodies. Outside the city, there are ponds and irrigation canal networks feeding the agricultural lands; inside the city, there are drainage ditches discharging flood. The east capital Bianliang was a metropolis with a population of more than one million, and these water networks shoulder such functions as water storage, water supply, flood distribution, water transfer, drainage, irrigation, goods and people transportation, and landscape. Water brings prosperity and vitality to Bianliang and it nourishes the splendid culture of Bianliang. Ouyang Xiu, Wang Anshi, and Su Shi all left landscape poems depicting Luo River, Cai River and Jinming Pool. Five out of the Eight Scenes of the East Capital Bianliang were related with water.
Bianliang city water network is just one example of urban water environment. Water is a natural resource on which mankind depends, but too much water can cause serious disasters. Therefore, when humans settle down, it will be necessary to sort out the water system, making winds and rains flow along the river network and keeping the river network safe, so that the agricultural production can be stabilized and settlements safe. China is an agricultural-oriented country, and due to the needs of agricultural irrigation, it began to open up canals and construct various water conservancy projects very early, while cities developed in certain agricultural economic units. The support systems for agricultural production that have been created based on different natural conditions, such as ponds, canals and irrigation channels, are actually the cities' environmental support systems. Ancient Chinese cities were often located on the edge of rivers but kept a certain distance from them. Then, by building these artificial water systems, they were connected with natural water systems to form safe and controllable water systems throughout cities. Therefore, the problem of urban water environment is actually an overall water environment problem inside and outside the city, and it is a human habitat water environment problem.
In ancient agricultural societies, our ancestors created an effective method of construction, use, and management of urban water systems, ensuring the safety and prosperity of cities in history. Today, the urban construction theory and experience after the industrial revolution followed by modern urban planning have made tremendous contributions to respond to the ever-expanding urban population and city scale, and the creation of modern urban civilization. However, modern cities decompose urban construction related contents into planning, water conservancy, municipal engineering, architecture, gardening and many other professions, rely too much on the use of engineering methods to solve urban problems.This has also resulted in the fragmentation of urban natural systems, disruption of natural processes, and damage of ecological conditions, and brings about very serious environmental problems, one of which is the deterioration of urban water environment.
In the process of rapid urbanization, the massive landfill and hardening of urban water systems not only weakened the city's ability to prevent floods, blocked the exchange of surface water and groundwater, but also caused the loss of habitats; a large amount of hardened ground in city hindered natural precipitation, and interrupted the upward and downward circulation of water, resulting in an increase in surface runoff and a decrease in underground water; a large amount of contaminated water was discharged to rivers and lakes,which deteriorated water quality and destroyed the habitat of living organisms. The shortage of urban water resources, the fragmentation of water systems, the pollution of water quality, and the destruction of aquatic habitat have caused the deterioration of urban water environment,bringing many hidden dangers to the safety and prosperity of city.
In his Guangzhi—Irrigated Land, Guanzi also said: "Water, the blood of the earth, is like the running flow in veins." Water is the link that connects everything on the earth. Water exists not only in various water bodies, but also in air, soil, plants and animals. The problem of urban water environment is not only confined to the urban water body itself, but also depends on the health and perfection of the regional water system. The construction of urban water environment needs not only to pay attention to the quality and quantity of water itself, but also to maintain the basic elements, such as mountains, forests, fields and grass, of regional natural ecological systems, to conserve water sources and protect habitats, so that a healthy urban water environment can be constructed.