

当代舞蹈艺术研究 2018年3期





世界杯赛事正酣,2018“舞蹈研究协会”(the Dance Studies Association,DSA)的国际会议亦在马耳他拉开帷幕。这次会议在一个特别的家园举行带着某种深意—在二战中,马耳他经常遭到轰炸而被迫将地下墓穴改造成防空洞;而古代马耳他骑士建造的堡垒亦用来防御入侵者。最近,一些堡垒已经从武装之地改为文化中心,防空洞也成为独特的表演场所。正如此次会议主席、马耳他大学舞蹈研究学院的布兰登所说,“舞蹈与冲突”的会议主题让舞蹈研究领域对于自身内部和跨学科展开审视,并对社会问题和身体表现做出反应;通过准确地指出所存在的性别歧视和种族主义的身体方式,认识到通过策略和身体冲击、理论探讨和头脑风暴,以及传播意识,获得力量和凝聚力;舞蹈研究具有不可估量的力量,为正在进行的、日益激烈的当代社会斗争做出贡献。




The world was eventful in July before the deadline of the paper call for this issue.

The threat of war is still troubling the world.Wars in the Middle East have kept erupting from time to time.Civil war has made Syria the bloodiest battle field in the Middle East.The war killed four hundred and forty thousand people in Syria and forced more than five million Syrians away from their homeland, which triggered a refugee crisis in Europe.Meanwhile, another war, the trade world dispute, is getting worse.According to the general definition, a war is “the highest form of violence...Because it is often caused by politicians rather than soldiers, warfare is also seen as an extreme means of politics and diplomacy.War is an extreme act, an act initiated by political leaders for their own individual or group benefits.Their benefits, however, are obtained at the expense oflives.” Although a trade war does not involve armed struggle, the initiator is still a politician and it is still an extreme political means to gain benefits.

World peace and the wellbeing of people are challenged!

In this context, 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia is far more than football games.Every player is proud of fighting for their motherland while aspirations for world peace are flapping along with the flags of all colors.The outcome of matches depends on power,speed, endurance, perseverance, physical strength, solidarity and wisdom, but unfair play is rejected.The runner-up Croatia amazed the world, not only because it is a small nation with a population of only 4 million, but also the players are burning with the desire to overcome the trauma of war, which has fueled their desire to win.As the pianist Maksim Mrvica who played the Croatian Rhapsody said: There are guns everywhere in our hometown, but we can’t stop because of this—we must continue to fight! The FIFA World Cup allows sportsmanship to shine and inspire the world.

While the FIFA World Cup was in full swing, the 2018 conference of the Dance Studies Association (DSA) kicked offin Malta.The venue was chosen with a special purpose.During World War II, Malta was routinely bombed and forced to adapt underground catacombs into bomb shelters, while bastions and fortresses built by the Knights of Malte served to guard against the invaders.Recently, some fortresses have been de-weaponized into cultural centers, and bomb shelters also function as unique performance venues.As Brandon Shaw, the conference chair from the Department of Dance Studies at the univer sity of Malta said, the theme “Contra: Dance and Conflict”invites the dance avtists and scholars to look inward and outward and respond to social concerns and bodily manifestations.Pinpointing the bodily representations of sexism and racism, recognizing the strength and cohesion acquired through strategizing and body-storming, as well as theoretical discussions and brainstorming, and spreading the awareness that there is no cohesion without friction,dance studies have invaluable strengths to contribute to the ongoing, intensifying contemporary social struggles.

Therefore, dance studies can be compared to a battle to dispel the destructive power of “conflicts” and to harness its creativity to realize world peace and boost human progress.


