

当代舞蹈艺术研究 2018年3期









































好一个响亮的宣言!这如同“革命”浪涛中喷涌而出的舞者的呐喊!它无疑针对的是西方哲学史上一个回荡了几个世纪的哲学命题,即“我思,故我在”。其通俗的含义可以译为“我存在,因为我会思考”。不论它的对与错,这是法国哲学家笛卡儿深深影响了几代欧洲人的哲学思想。他否定人的感性经验,认为人只有理性思考才能获得存在的意义。而今, 这批年轻的舞者传出了一句与之截然相悖的自我认知方法:我舞,故我在!其叛逆、自我、果敢、生猛可见一斑!实际上,他们就是想以异乎寻常、振聋发聩的方式警醒民众:要行动起来,相互交流,解放身体,健康地、感知丰富地生活,以此来实现舞蹈启蒙,争取社会的支持。



结 语


Jasmine of Contemporary Dance Growing after the Fire of Revolution The Rise of Tunisian Contemporary Dance

Wang Hongchuan


Tunisia is a small Arab country in northern Africa on the southern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, known as the “Peace Oasis” of Africa.However, in the late 2010, a populist movement triggered by an unemployed college student, a street vendor, who protested illegitimate enforcement attracted the attention of the entire world.The death of the vendor ignited people’s discontent with a series of social problems such as government corruption, the widening gap between the rich and the poor, and the high unemployment rate.As the resentment boiled, people went to the streets in anger, and a largescale protest broke out.About a month later, President Ben Ali, who had ruled the country for 23 years, was forced to flee to Saudi Arabia.The regime collapsed, and the country has undergone tremendous changes since then.This is the so-called “Jasmine (Tunisian National Flower) Revolution.”

As the revolution went on, dance that had been marginalized in the society appeared frequently in newspaper headlines and became a public topic: a group of young contemporary dancers used dance as a tool to assert their existence and value to the world.They performed in theaters, bravely expressing their views and feelings about the society through dance; or performed on streets to popularize the art of dance.While the destiny of the country was under test, dance played its part rather than hiding in the corner.Instead of mere selfappreciation or complaint, dance delivered the positive message to the society: “I dance, therefore I am”.

In a country where the art of dance is relatively weak, and the human body is a taboo, the sudden rise of contemporary dance has a special significance in the national revolution.

l.Characteristics of the secular culture and preliminary growth of contemporary dance

1.Secularization of Tunisian culture

In the 9th century BC, the Phoenicians established the Carthage Empire, a historically famous slavery state.Due to its geographical importance, in its history of about 3 000 years, Tunisia was successively invaded by Rome, Turkey, Arabia, Spain, Italy and France.In 703 AD, it was conquered by the Moss from the Arabian Peninsula and gradually became an Arab state for which Islam is the soul of culture.Its history as a French colony from 1881 to 1956 fostered the inclusiveness of the Tunisian culture.After independence, the founding President Habib Bourguiba implemented the policy of cultural liberalization and repressed Islamist forces in political activities.Thus, the Tunisian culture was gradually secularized.Reforms in culture and education are particularly remarkable: First, during his office, the President invested 40% of the GDP in education, thereby cultivating a generation of high-quality nationals; and second, the Constitution gave women in Tunisia the right to vote in the 1960s.This is unique in the Arab world and Africa.At present, Tunisian women enjoy a high social status.It is precisely because Tunisia has pursued the liberalization policy since its independence.Its secularization is very high in the Islamic world.The concept of a modern country is deep in the minds of the people, so the Tunisian culture and art are open, secular and diversified.

2.Weak foundation for contemporary dance before the revolution

The Arab-Islamic culture excels in mathematics,philosophy, calligraphy and architecture, but it has no written history of dance that expresses emotions through the body.Dance was a taboo in the Arab world, to some extent.In a relatively open cultural context, in the early 1980s, the government began to support contemporary dance.In 1980, the Ministry of Culture appointed Ms.Nawel Skandrani, who had completed her studies in Switzerland, to form a contemporary dance company consisting of 11 members.The company was later invited to participate in the Carthage International Art Festival in Tunisia, which marked a breakthrough for contemporary dance in Tunisia.Later, due to financial shortage, the company disbanded.The creation of contemporary dance in Tunisia was only preliminary before the revolution;it was not even creation in the real sense.It was a marginal niche art.Its progress was deterred by many issues, including the lack of social recognition, financial resources and venue.In fact, Tunisia’s contemporary dance took off after the “Jasmine Revolution.”

ll.The rise of contemporary dance after the “Jasmine Revolution”

After the outbreak of the “Jasmine Revolution” in 2010, Tunisia experienced a difficult transition lasting several years, the “post-revolution” period.During this period, as the Interim Government lacked experience in country administration, insecurity, political crisis and economic downturn hit the country and the people, so the promises of the revolution were unfulfilled.However,the people kept a positive attitude towards the revolution.The cultural and art communities, for example, believed that the revolution has liberalized artists.Days are gone when political and religious white horror prevailed, and artists lived in fear.They were monitored and could be blacklisted any time facing the risk of being persecuted.The revolution broke the spell of the authoritarian rule,which has stimulated the artists’ creative power.Young dancers gradually became active, more and more often engaged in dance parties, promotional and exchange activities.Dance has never been so visible in the country.At the Hammamet International Arts Festival in 2013, the opening performance highlighted contemporary dance,which was unprecedented and amazing to the audience.

lll.Characteristics of Tunisian contemporary dance

1.Europeanization of technique and concept

Although Tunisia has a long history, it has no traditional dance.In fact, there is no written record of dance in the Islamic culture.Arabic belly dance is a tourist entertainment; it is not an art at all.Therefore,many dance fans travel to Europe where they can receive systematic and advanced dance education and training.A few years later, they would become Europeanized dancers and choreographers, as they’ve learned the European way of dance both in terms of technique and concept.As Tunisia was once a French colony, France has a close relationship with Tunisia and has given a great support for the growth of contemporary dance in Tunisia.Therefore,from the concept of dance to style or technique, Tunisia’s contemporary dance has taken very much from Europe,so it is a branch of European contemporary dance.As a result, contemporary dance represents modernity in Tunisia, an Arab country.Although the scale of contemporary dance in Tunisia is very small, with merely dozens of members, it has extensive connections with Europe and the rest of Africa, as part of Tunisia’s inclusive and open culture.This open, avant-garde,inspired and ambitious young community emerged soon after the Jamine Revolution that overthrew the autocratic rule, with a close connection with the ideological and cultural trends of the society in which they live.

2.Localization of ideology and close connection with society

While Tunisia’s young dancers embrace the techniques and concepts of Western contemporary dance, they are 100% native in ideology.In the post-revolutionary period,the native ideology is reflected in the following aspects:

(1) The revolution as a recurrent motif.This historic political revolution has fueled the creative urge.The revolution has become the motif of many works,which reflects the influence of the revolution and the artists’ concern with the fate of the country and the people.For example, in a dance entitled “Collapse of the Snow Mountain”, the snow mountain is the metaphor of the long history of Tunisia, and the collapse of the snow mountain symbolizes the fall of Tunisia’s national identity, reflecting the helplessness of the Tunisian people in the wake of the revolution.

(2) Citizen artists.An obvious feature of Tunisia’s contemporary dance is that the artists see themselves as citizens and engage in direct dialogues with the community during the turbulent period through their works.Morris Beja once said, “Dance is no longer telling stories: it speaks!” Tunisia’s choreographers often embed their personal ideas and aspirations into their works.For example, some examine the relationships between material and spiritual needs, and some argue that ordinary citizens should assume their social responsibility.Ms.Nawel Skandrani draws attention to the importance of water and the environment in her ballet “Water for Life.” Choreographer Saida once organized a dance seminar entitled “Emancipation of Mind and Emancipation of the Body” to explore the relationships between ideology and dance.

(3) Social enlightenment and communication.Although the Jasmine Revolution inspired contemporary dance in Tunisia, contemporary dance is far from being accepted by the traditional Islamic society where prejudice against dance is deeply rooted.Very often,choreographers have created good works but cannot find actors.To remove the social prejudices against dance, young dancers have worked hard to improve social recognition and understanding, trying to make dance play a bigger social role.For example, in 2013, the Dance Thinking & Art Program Association was established.In another example, during the Tunisian International Dance Festival 2012, the National Dance Association launched the “Red Light Action” to raise the awareness of traffic safety.They have the red light on at multiple traffic intersections at the same time, and then dancers would open the door of cars stopped by the red light and invite the drivers to dance at the interval of the red light, and some would also invite passers-by to dance on the sidewalk.Their slogan is: Just stand up! In this way,enlightenment is done through dance, and dance may in turn win community support.In short, contemporary dancers in Tunisia are concerned with the community and public wellbeing.They have a strong sense of social mission.They may ask from time to time: What is the social significance of dance? They believe that dance is a cultural right of the public.Dancers have the obligation to share this right with the public.In this sense, young contemporary dancers do not regard themselves as artistic elites on the stage but play the role of social workers and dance promoters.Their efforts finally earned the official support: in 2013 the Tunisian Ministry of Culture granted fiscal support for 10 dance projects, which was the first governmental investment in dance.It indicates that dance has earned a position along with various other art categories in Tunisia.


Humans in different regions of the world are at different levels or stages of development.While the artists of some developed and advanced countries enjoy art for art’s sake, contemporary dance in the Arab world, like the people there, is fighting for survival.Contemporary dance has a long way to go in this country.But the strong resilience of contemporary dance in Tunisia that rose after the revolution will eventually break down religious restrictions and cultural barriers, and therefore overcome funding shortage.


Tunisia, Jasmine Revolution, contemporary dance

