

校园英语·下旬 2018年11期

【Abstract】Wrap up strategy is one of collaborative strategies. Wrap up is a very beneficial strategy in teaching reading. It is a reverse thinking strategy, which can help all the students read from flounderingly to fluently and gain the gist of the article quickly, no matter whether the students are high level students or average students.

【Key words】Wrap up strategy; collaborative strategies; reading


1. Introduction of one of collaborative strategies--Wrap Up Strategy

Friend and Cook describe interpersonal collaborative as “a style for direct interaction between at least two coequal parties voluntarily engaged in shared decision making as they work toward a common goal” (1996, 6). So if the common goal that is to help students read from flounderingly to fluently and gain the gist of the article quickly, that is to say, the collaborative strategies are put into use of reading, the strategies are called collaborative strategic reading or CSR. Basically speaking, CSR consists of four strategies: preview, click and clunk, get the gist and wrap up. Wrap up is a very beneficial strategy in teaching reading. It is a reverse thinking strategy. Students actively read and gain the most significant ideas of the article. In consequence, they can raise several questions and they can better understand what they have just read.

2.Wrap Up Strategy in reading class

Every class consists of different levels of students. Some may be good at studying; some may be intermediate; others may be struggling in their study. A teacher needs to divide the students into several groups. And each group is made up of the three levels of students. In that case, they can cooperate and help each other.

Take English and Its History (an article in Module 6 Unit 2 of Oxford English textbook for Chinese high school students ) for example. The teacher can organize while-reading as follows.

Above all, students are divided into three groups. One high level student works as the group leader, and the other students cooperate to attend the class under the guidance of the leader. Struggling students, with the help of higher level students, can also find the answer. So they may not lose heart. Finally, the teacher will check their results and give them feedback.

The teacher can teach students to wrap up the reading material by handing each group a piece of paper. The rules about how to use the paper are clearly explained by the teacher. Students need to read the text carefully individually first. And then they work together to formulate questions. The questions can be ranked from easy to hardest. ( The way of teaching is adapted from Sylvia Gleasons class.)

Easy : The questions can be raised by the students who are struggling in learning English. And the answers are designed to be easy to answer and find from the text. Students dont need to change the sentences to answer. Maybe the answers are just one word or two.

Hard: The questions can be generated by intermediate students. These questions need students to read the whole text carefully and then they can find the answers. Or they need to combine several pieces of information together to find the answer.

Hardest: The answers can not be found from the text directly, which requires students to understand the text well. So the questions need raising by high level students.

Students in a group write their questions on the paper . Each student may have a chance to raise a question or two. So the struggling students may find a place in their group, which can inspire them to learn more. And higher level students can also show what they know. They may be more motivated when they help struggling students and feel needed. When finishing raising questions, students exchange their paper with other groups. Now, they need to work together to answer the questions the other groups raise. And then they exchange again until they answer all the questions other groups raise. In addition, the teacher then systematically analyzes the text to the students so that the students can understand the text better on the basis of their first task successfully finished.

3. Conclusion

Wrap up strategy can encourage all the students to take part in the class and also help them to integrate the knowledge by themselves. With the help of the group leader and the teacher, it can contribute to students ability of autonomous learning. Generally speaking, they can make great progress as long as they are willing to learn. So, all in all, a good method is a must. Wrap up strategy is the good method.


[1]Judi Moreillon.Collaborative Strategies for Teaching Reading Comprehension[M].Chicago: American Library Association,2007:4.

[2]Nicholas D.Young,Christine N.Michael & Teresa Allissa Citro. From Floundering to Fluent Reaching and Teaching Struggling Reders [C] Lanham, Boulder,New York & London:Rowman & Littlefield,88.


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