Ten years ago, Steve Jobs unveiled the original iPhone during his keynote address at Macworld 2007. More than just a new product, the new device launched a radical new computing platform and rapidly accelerated the sophistication1sophistication 复杂,高水平。of mobile computing.
[2] 乔布斯称苹果手机为“一个可触摸操作的宽屏iPod,一部革命性的移动手机,一台突破性的网络设备”。开始的时候,他暗示苹果公司打算推出三款新产品,后来才透露公司真正要推出的是一款三合一新产品,一款能够兼顾iPod媒体播放器并且具备强大联网计算功能的高端手机。
Why iPhone was a big deal: an iPod heir
[2] Jobs introduced iPhone “a widescreen iPod with touch controls, a revolutionary mobile phone and a breakthrough Internet device,” coyly suggesting at fi rst that Apple was set to introduce three new products. He then revealed that he was actually describing one new product: a mobile phone with the sophistication to act as both an iPod media player and as a powerful networked computing device.
[3] The genius of the iPhone was that it irreducibly2irreducibly 不能减少地;不能简化地。combined multiple families of technology that Apple uniquely possessed, making it difficult for competitors to copy.
[4] By the end of 2006, Apple’s half decade of iPod development had reached an impressive level of operational sophistication involving case, battery, display, storage and controller designs combined in a package that was then mass produced by the tens of millions and sold at a sustainable3sustainable 可持续的。profit globally.
[5]除了iPod的硬件部分,苹果公司还研发出一套生态系统,于iTunes内部销售音像内容,推出了最早的一批移动软件iPod Games。包括大型媒体公司在内的其他公司基本未能开发出能与iTunes抗衡的产品。
[5] Alongside iPod hardware, Apple had also developed an ecosystem within iTunes for selling music and video content and the beginnings of mobile software with iPod Games. Other companies―including big media firms―had largely failed in their own efforts to build anything like iTunes.
[6] 2004年,一些权威人士开始思考苹果公司是否应该放弃电脑部分业务而专攻各种iPod产品,然而有这一想法的人大多都浑然不知苹果电脑操作平台对于苹果手机(即将取代iPod)的重要意义。
Why iPhone was a big deal: a macOS heritage
[6] By 2004, some pundits4pundit 专家,权威人士。began musing5muse沉思;冥想。that the company should probably just throw away the Macintosh and focus on iPods. However, that observation was blindly ignorant of how valuable the Macintosh platform would become to the iPod’s replacement.
[7] Essentially, iPhone was a scaled down, ultra mobile Mac that could run powerful software, enabling it to act as an iPod, as a phone and also run new mobile applications, such as the company’s Safari browser, Mail, Calendar, and its new Maps client that loaded images from Google Maps and presented them on an effortlessly scrollable and scalable view with pinned locations.
iPhone was the NeXT iMac
[8] Apple’s acquisition of NeXT envisioned6envision 展望,想象。that NeXT’s sophisticated software (which among other things made it far easier to develop and maintain apps) could be combined with Apple’s existing ability to design, mass produce and sell computing hardware.
[9] 2001年,苹果公司推出了自己的Mac OS X操作系统,并迅速发布了一系列新软件,与此同时还推出了新版iPod并开始扩建其iTunes媒体帝国。微软公司当时不仅没有生产出能够与iPod抗衡的产品,并且直到2006年Vista面世才为Windows系统推出自行研发的高级图形合成引擎。
[9] Apple introduced macOS X7苹果公司为麦金塔电脑开发的专属操作系统。Mac OS X于1998年首次推出,并从2002年起随麦金塔电脑发售。in 2001 and rapidly iterated8iterate 重复,反复申明。a series of new software releases, even as it also launched its new iPod and began building out its iTunes media empire. Microsoft not only struggled to match the iPod, but also failed to introduce its own advanced graphics compositing9composite 混合成的,综合成的。engine for Windows until Vista arrived in 2006.
[10] While Microsoft spent all those years trying to catch up to what Apple was delivering, it failed to predict that Apple itself was working on greaterthings that it had been announcing and releasing to the public.
[11] Shortly after Microsoft belatedly10belatedly 延迟地。introduced its new version of Windows that it had been talking about in public for years (“Longhorn”), Apple prepared to release its secret work on a rapidly advanced new hybrid of the iMac in an iPod sized form-factor: iPhone.
[12] 2006年,苹果公司已清楚地证明了销售一体化产品(如苹果电脑和iPod)也能获得利润。而当苹果手机一经推出,当年内即迅速将微软Windows Mobile系统击败。
[12] By 2006, Apple had clearly proven that money could be made from selling integrated products: Macs and iPods. When it introduced iPhone, it rapidly blew Windows Mobile out of the water11blow out of the water (绝对性地)击溃对手。before the end of that same year.
[13] One primary reason: Apple had applied some of the same video game tricks that had rendered macOS X animated and “lickable” in the development of iPhone software, giving it an instantaneous12instan-taneous 即刻的,瞬间的。response to fi nger touches and lag free13lag free 无延迟。performance in scrolling. This made existing smartphones look archaic in comparison, from Nokia’s Symbian to Palm OS14一个电脑操作系统,为Palm公司制造的Palm系列手持个人数字助理(PDAs)提供一个软件平台。PDA即personal digital assistant,风行于20世纪90 年代。to BlackBerry.
iPhone caught multiple industries fl atfooted
[14] Apple’s ability to pull off hard- ware and software magic with iPhone was closely related to its ability to tightly integrate its advanced software to the hardware capabilities of the new device. Despite being slow and limited by modern standards, the original iPhone packed far more processing power and RAM than existing smartphones.
[15] At the same time, Apple also accounted for hardware limitations through the use of clever tricks, such as capturing photo data before the user touched the shutter, resulting in the appearance of photo capture faster than the hardware was actually capable of doing.
[16] This not only delighted users with functional, desirable novelty, but it confounded15confound 挫败;使混乱。competitors. All of the smartphone platforms that existed when iPhone was released were effectively knocked out of business16out of business 破产,失业。within the next three years as they grappled with maintaining their existing products while scrambling to catch up with what Apple had released.
[17] The mass failure of every other mobile platform left an opening for Google’s Android, which promised to offer a Windows-like platform for third party hardware makers that would give them a product that looked and worked like an iPhone. However, that proved to be far more difficult than planned, largely because of Apple’s advantages in tight integration.
[18] Beyond phone makers, the general purposing computing platform of iPhone also helped virtually erase other entire industries, ranging from point and shoot cameras, to GPS navigators, to standalone accessibility devices.
iPhone monopolizes17 monopolize 独占,垄断;拥有专卖权。 the premium market
[19] Leveraging its access to advanced proprietary technology, Apple designs and sells ultra premium iPhones with an Average Selling Price consistently near $650. Commodity Android smartphones have an ASP18=average selling price平均售价。that’s now close to $200, making them barely profitable for most manufacturers.
2014年,苹果推出了最新款高端机型6 Plus,导致三星高端平板手机的销量惨淡。
[20] The only company selling more smartphones than Apple is Samsung, but the majority of the phones it sells are low or middle tier models that don’t make much money. As a result, despite selling around twice as many units, Samsung earns a fraction of the pro fi ts Apple does, even though Samsung sources much of its own components internally.
In 2014, Apple released iPhone 6 Plus as a new premium tier model, devastating19dev-astate毁灭;毁坏。the high end of Samsung’s phablet phone sales.
What’s next for iPhone
[21] After ten years of defending itsiPhone sales from competitive threats, Apple is in the enviable position of expanding its R&D and acquisition targets while facing sharply limited direct competition. Its old platform rival Microsoft is now an enthusiastic iOS apps partner.
[22] However, Apple clearly faces threats of its own. Demand for smartphones has largely peaked in the West, and in many other emerging markets there are low end offerings that potentially threaten to disrupt20disrupt 破坏;使瓦解。mass market demand for premium smartphones.
[23] It could be that in the future, Apple may need to reinvent the iPhone into a new form factor to match the demands of users as technology shifts. While buyers currently appear to be trending toward phones with larger screens, it could be that wearables―or multiple wearable devices―could someday take the place of today’s smartphone.
[24]过去十年中,苹果已将手机改装为两款其他产品,先是iPod touch,然后是大一点的iPad,这种尺寸较大的iPad操作更简单,移动性也更强,能够承担许多传统电脑才能完成的任务。和手机一样,iPad也完全占据了平板电脑的高端市场,获取了大部分利润。
[24] Over the last decade, Apple has already remodeled the iPhone into two other products: first iPod touch, then a larger iPad capable of assuming many of the tasks of conventional PCs with less complication21complication 混乱;错杂。and greater mobility. Like iPhones, iPads have completely dominated the premium market for tablets and taken most of the available pro fi ts.
[25] Technology developed for iPhone has also made its way into Apple’sMacs, and has been used to develop new products such as Apple TV and Apple Watch.
[26]就算人们对手机规格和外形的需求没有重大改变,苹果手机也会向更加复杂的方向发展,会配置新的传感器、摄像头、显示屏、越来越好的无线网络设置和以新方式进行交流、采集、生产与消费内容和信息的新型软件。 □
[26] Even without a major shift in demand for new form factors and shapes, iPhones will also continue to get more sophisticated, with new sensors, cameras, displays, incrementally22incrementally 逐渐地。better wireless networking, and new software features for communicating, capturing, creating and consuming content and information in new ways.
Ten Years of iPhone: Past, Present and Future
ByDaniel Eran Dilger