Preparing for a business meeting requires a working knowledge of the information to be discussed or presented, careful attention to all details on the printed material to be distributed, and perhaps a gift. This gift is a social gesture1gesture举止;做法。that may be expected in some countries, and could be considered a bribe in others. Knowing the gift guidelines for the country you’ll be visiting will help make your meeting a success.
[2] Some multi-national companies and some governments have very strict policies regarding their employees accepting gifts. To avoid creating a problem, it’s imperative you learn the policies for the companies you do business with.
[3] Countries like Malaysia and Paraguay, concerned with corruption, frown upon22 frown upon不赞成。any gift that could be construed3construe理解;把……认作。as a bribe. In Malaysia you wouldn’t give a gift until you had established a relationship withthe person. In Singapore, government employees are not allowed to accept gifts, and the United States limits the acceptable dollar value to $25.
[4] However, in some countries like Japan, Indonesia and the Philippines, exchanging gifts is strongly rooted in tradition. Part of the tradition is the gracious4gracious和蔼可亲的;有礼貌的。style used to present and receive them. It’s important to plan time and focus on the process.
[5] It’s very important in Asia and the Middle East to only use your right hand, or both hands, to offer or accept a gift. In Japan and Hong Kong, China, use both hands.
[6] In Singapore a recipient may“graciously refuse three times” before accepting your gift. In Indonesia, small gifts are given on a frequent basis.
[7] Always be cognizant of religious laws when selecting gifts. For instance, pork is prohibited in the Jewish and Muslim religions, so you wouldn’t select a gift made from pigskin. As in India, don’t offer a gift made from cowhide. Another prohibition for the Muslim faith is alcohol.
[8] A standard to keep in mind for any gift you select is quality. Choose quality items that are not ostentatious5ostentatious摆阔的;铺张的。. If you have gifts with your company logo, it’s better if the logo is discreet6discreet小巧的;不显眼的。.
[9] Hosting a meal at a nice restaurant is always a good business practice. A fi ne dinner is a wonderful way to give a “gift to your hosts”, to show your guests you appreciate the business relationship you have with them, and an opportunity to build rapport7rapport融洽;和谐。. People in Brazil, England, Panama, and Peru enjoy being invited guests for a meal, and the Greeks look forward to an evening fi lled with dining. In China, plan a banquet, especially if you are being honored with one.
Countries in which a gift is expected:
Europe—Czech Republic, Poland, Russia, Ukraine
Latin American—Bolivia, Columbia, Costa Rica
Pacific Rim—China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, and Thailand
Countries in which a gift is not expected on the fi rst visit, but would be expected on a subsequent visit:
Europe—Portugal, Spain
Latin American—Brazil, Chile, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Venezuela
Paci fi c Rim—Malaysia, Singapore
Scandinavia—Finland, Norway
Countries in which a gift is not expected,or gifts are less frequent exchanged:
Europe—England, France, Hungary, Italy, Denmark
Latin America—Uruguay
Saudi Arabia
United States
Cultures with detailed rituals for the ceremony of gift giving are the Japanese and the Chinese. And Nomadic cultures in the Middle East have a tradition of hospitality to travelers, while Latin cultures consider all relationships as personal. So any country with a population from these cultural backgrounds will exchange gifts as a normal part of building relationships and doing business.
General world wide gift categories
There are some countries in which a small gift is expected at the first meeting. These include Japan, Indonesia, Philippines, South Korea, Bolivia, Columbia, Costa Rica, Russia, Poland, and Ukraine.
And in other countries you don’t want to give an item with your company logo. These are Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain.
Sharp Objects
In many cultures, items with a sharp edge symbolize the severing ofa friendship or relationship. In these cases, you wouldn’t select a knife, pair of scissors, or a letter opener for a gift.
Locally Produced Product
If you’re doing business in a country known for producing a particular product, local pride and quality dictate that you wouldn’t offer that item as a gift, especially if it were manufactured elsewhere.
Good examples are: leather and wine in Argentina; leather in Brazil and Uruguay; beer and wine in Germany; wine in France and Italy; vodka in Russia and Poland; scissors in Finland; and silver in Mexico, because it’s considered too common.
Electronic Gadgets and Office Accessories
Business gifts that are useful for a business person, whether an executive or a staff member, are electronic items such as laser pointers, calculators, and address books.
Desk and office accessoriesthat make good gifts include fine quality pens, or pen and pencil sets, business card holders, good leather briefcases or leather organizers for use in the office or in a briefcase.
If the person smokes cigarettes, a nice cigarette lighter could be given.
A quality bottle of liquor or wine always makes a good gift for someone who drinks alcohol, unless the personlives in a region noted for producing the product.
Universally, this is a good choice. There are many fi ne quality chocolates that make exquisite gifts for a business meeting, for taking with you to someone’s home as a hostess gift, or for a thank you to a staff person who’s helped you on a project. Because it can be boxed in various sizes, it also works if you need a gift for a large group.
There’s even kosher8kosher符合犹太教规的洁食。chocolate for you to give to your Jewish business associates and clients.
若干文化中,特定颜色或类型的花卉具有浪漫爱情或肃穆葬礼的关联意义,不能送给女主人。红玫瑰往往寓意浪漫关系。殡葬经常与白色或紫色的花朵关联,百合或马蹄莲、菊花、鸡蛋花、白玫瑰、万寿菊、康乃馨、石南花都可以。在一些拉丁语系国家,黄色的花象征轻蔑的态度。 □
Flowers can be frequently used as a gift, especially if you’ve been invited to someone’s home. You may want to bring fl owers with you to the house, send them prior to the dinner party, or have them sent the following day as a ‘thank you’.
In some cultures a particular color or type of flower is associated with romance or funerals, and would not be chosen to give a hostess. Red roses are frequently considered romantic. Funeral associations frequently occur with lilies or calla lilies, chrysanthemums, Frangipani, white roses, marigolds, carnations, heather, and white or purple fl owers. In some Latin countries, yellow fl owers symbolize contempt.
International Business Gift Giving
ByKimberley Roberts