● 市政府外事侨务办党组书记、主任吴康明带队到奉节县平安乡茨竹村调研脱贫攻坚工作
● 威尔士政府对外关系部主任歌德金来渝访问
11月8日—9日,英国威尔士政府新任对外关系部主任歌德金率团来渝访问,市政府外事侨务办副主任王雯与歌德金进行了工作会谈。王雯表示,重庆与威尔士自2 0 0 6年建立合作关系以来,交往频繁,在多个领域开展了务实、有效的合作。未来希望两地进一步巩固传统友谊,并深化两地在商贸、物流、科技创新、文教、旅游、体育等方面的交流与合作。
● 唐文与日本驻重庆副总领事斋藤宪二工作会谈
1 1月7日,市政府外事侨务办副主任唐文在市外事大楼与日本驻重庆副总领事斋藤宪二举行工作会谈,双方就近期工作计划进行了沟通。斋藤宪二通报了日本驻重庆总领馆计划在2 0 1 8年举办庆祝日本驻重庆总领事馆建馆2 0周年暨《中日和平友好条约》签署4 0周年系列活动,以及相关活动设想,希望得到市政府外事侨务办的支持。唐文表示,日本是重庆直辖后在渝设立领事机构的第一个国家,市政府外事侨务办将积极配合日本驻重庆总领事馆在渝举办相关活动,进一步加强双方沟通协调,深化我市与日本的友谊与务实合作。
● 京都府日中友协代表团来渝访问
● 诺丁汉大学代表团来渝访问
1 1月8日,英国诺丁汉大学副校长尼克·迈尔斯率团来渝访问。代表团与市卫生计生委、重庆医科大学附属第一医院、重庆医药高等专科学校举行了工作会谈,就医学大数据、卫生经济学、医护高端人才培养、在线医学教育、重大非传染性疾病防控等领域的交流与合作进行了探讨。双方表达了深入推动在上述领域合作的积极意愿,并将保持进一步的沟通对接。
● “iChong qing”,多国驻渝蓉总领事馆参与“2017重庆与世界嘉年华”
11月17日—12月17日,“2017重庆与世界嘉年华”系列活动在渝北区嘉州商圈精彩上演。品世界文化,尝多国美食,让市民感受重庆文化与世界文化的碰撞与融合。“2017重庆与世界嘉年华”主题为“iChongqing”,意为“爱重庆”,即感受重庆美好生活。本次活动包括重庆时光穿越秀、重庆老字号多媒体展览、重庆非遗展及表演、万国美食汇及多国美食碰撞、奇幻3 D画等,英国、菲律宾、匈牙利、荷兰、意大利等国驻重庆总领事馆,澳大利亚驻成都总领事馆携本国文化风情参加,通过各种视觉感官、互动体验呈现重庆与世界的美好融合。
Wu Kangming, the Party Secretary and Director of the Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Of fi ce of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government, Led an lnvestigation of Poverty Alleviation in Cizhu Village, Ping’an Township, Fengjie County
On November 2 to 3, Wu Kangming, the Party Secretary and Director of the Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government along with Zhang Yaqian, the member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director, and their party assisted in docking poverty alleviation work with Fengjie County Party Committee and Government and conducted in-depth investigations and studies on Cizhu village. Ling Fan, the Deputy Director of the General Office of the People’s Government of Chongqing Municipality and the work team captain stationed at Ping’an Township investigated with Xiang Yiping, the Chairman of the Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) of Fengjie County.
Wu Kangming and his party visited the poverty-stricken people and conducted on-the-spot inspections of the planting base of premna microphylla, the planting base of pepper and the construction of tourism planning in Cizhu village. Wu Kangming detailed understanding of their production and living conditions in the poor households, and asked the fi rst secretary stationed in Cizhu village to be a good liaison tie to help the poverty alleviation work of pair-assistance, and to work together with the village cadres to get a thorough understanding of poverty alleviation at Cizhu village, conducting the poverty alleviation policies precisely to each individual household, carrying out well on everything, striving to get rid of poverty and set out on a road to prosperity.
At the symposium, Zou Yuanzhen, the Secretary of the Ping’an Township Party Committee, introduced the situation of poverty alleviation in the whole town. The first secretary of our office stationed in Cizhu villlage, Zhao Yin, made a report about the work since he worked here. Wu Kangming stated that the main purpose of this investigation is to achieve effective docking work with the rural working team, and further understand the implementation of poverty alleviation work in Cizhu village, and lay the foundation for further poverty reduction work. It is an important work for the entire Party and an important political task for the whole city to shake off the poverty. The Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government will resolutely implement the unified deployment of Chongqing Municipal Government, actively participate in poverty alleviation and constantly improve the program of assistance and support to the poor, make a full use of the resources of foreign affairs, overseas Chinese affairs,Hong Kong, Macao, friendship associations, mobilize the power of all units and whole systems to help Cizhu village win the fi ght against poverty.
The Director of the Ministry of External Relations of the Welsh Administration Goldkin Visited Chongqing
On November 8 to 9, Goldkin, the newly appointed Director of the Ministry of External Relations of the Welsh Government of the United Kingdom, led a delegation to visit Chongqing. Wang Wen, the Deputy Director of the Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government held a working talk with Goldkin. Wang Wen said that since Chongqing and Wales established their cooperative relations in 2006, they have enjoyed frequent contacts and pragmatic and effective cooperation in various fi elds. In the future, it is hoped to consolidate traditional friendship and deepen exchanges and cooperation in commerce, logistics, technological innovation,culture and education, tourism and sports etc. between two sides.
Goldkin congratulated Chongqing on its achievements in development and was delighted with the achievements made by the cooperation between Wales and Chongqing. He believed that the two regions will have a very good prospect of cooperation in the future and was ready to work with Chongqing to further deepen cooperation in the above areas so as to bene fi t the people of both sides.
Japan-China Friendship Association Delegation of Kyoto Prefecture Visited Chongqing
On November 8, a delegation of 7 members of the Japan-China Friendship Association of Kyoto,headed by Yoko Goto, the Executive Director of Japan-China Friendship Association of Kyoto, made a friendly visit to Chongqing. Yang Daqing, the Vice President of Chongqing Friendship Association met with these guests. Yang introduced the economic and social development of Chongqing and the exchange and cooperation with Japan in Chongqing and hoped to strengthen the exchanges and cooperation between the two associations. The members of the delegation said that this was the first time to come to Chongqing and were very impressed with the development of Chongqing, and hoped to strengthen the communication with Chongqing in the future.During their stay in Chongqing, the delegation also visited Chongqing Furen High School and hoped to promote exchange of visits between young people from both sides.
Tang Wen Held a Working Meeting with Saito Kenji,the Deputy Consul General of Japan in Chongqing
On November 7, Tang Wen, the Deputy Director of the Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government, held a working meeting with Saito Kenji, the Deputy Consul General of Japan in Chongqing in Chongqing Municipal Foreign Affairs Building. Both parties communicated on their recent work plans. Saito Kenji announced that the Japanese Consulate General in Chongqing planed to hold a series of activities to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Consulate General of Chongqing in Chongqing in 2018 and the 40th anniversary of the signing of Treaty of Peace and Frendship Between the People’s Republic of China and Japan, and hoped to get the support from the Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Of fi ce of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government.Tang Wen said that Japan was the fi rst country to establish consulate in Chongqing after Chongqing has been the municipality under the central government. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government will actively cooperate with the Japanese Consulate General in Chongqing to hold related activities in Chongqing, further strengthen bilateral communication and cooperation, deepen friendship between two sides.
“iChongqing”, the Consulate General of Many Countries in Chongqing and Chengdu Participated in the “2017 Carnival of Chongqing and the World”
During November 17 to December 17, a series of events related “2017 Carnival of Chongqing and the World” are wonderfully displayed in Jiazhou CBD of Yubei District. Citizens can feel the culture collision and integration between Chongqing and the world through enjoying world culture and tasting the food of many countries. The theme of “2017 Carnival of Chongqing and the World” is “iChongqing”, which means“Love Chongqing”, that is, to experience a better life in Chongqing.The events include Chongqing Time Travel Show, Chongqing Timehonored Multimedia Exhibition, Chongqing Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition and Performance, Gourmet Meeting and Multinational Food Festival, and 3D Fantasy Art Show etc. The British, Philippines,Hungary, Holland, Italy Consulate General in Chongqing, along with the Australian Consulate General in Chengdu participate in the carnival with their own culture and customs . A good integration of Chongqing and the world is presented through a variety of visual sense and interactive experience.
Delegation from University of Nottingham Visited Chongqing
On November 8, Nick Miles, the Vice Chancellor of University of Nottingham, led a delegation to visit Chongqing. The delegation held working talks with the Chongqing Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission, the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University and Chongqing Medical and Pharmaceutical College, discussing major issues on medical big data, health economics,training of high-end health professionals, online medical education, prevention and control of major non-communicable diseases and other areas of exchanges and cooperation. Both sides expressed their willingness to further promote cooperation in the above areas and will maintain further communication and cooperation.
(Tr. by Xue Xiaohong)