The Causes and Suggestions of Haze Weather in Chengdu
【Abstract】In recent years, although industry in China has achieved rapid development, it also has brought about a number of environmental problems, such as the haze, which has gained an increasing concern in the whole society. The thesis presents certain Topographic and economic reasons, and comes up with some suggestions about how to reduce and tackle the haze in Chengdu.
【Key words】haze; causes; suggestions; pollution
I. Introduction
With the development of economy and industry, the haze is becoming more serious and threatening the health of people. It is necessary for us to deal with the haze and improve peoples life quality. Although the haze correlates with abnormal climate, it is mainly caused by human activities, including unreasonable industrial structure, high fossil fuels consumption, and intensive highway transportation. Chengdu, as one of the most population and prosperous regions in Sichuan Basin, considers fossil fuels as the primary energy resources, which causes great polluted emission. As a result, Sichuan Basin becomes one of the fourth highest incidences of haze regions. Considering the popularity and negative influence of haze in Sichuan Basin, especially Chengdu, it is very important that our government takes the scientific and rational policies to reduce haze pollution and promote ecological civilization construction. In this thesis, the author will analyze the causes of haze in detail and give some suggestions to reduce the haze to some extent.
II. Situation and causes of the haze
1. Situation of the haze
In the past few years, the haze has become more severe, and the incident days of haze have increased in most provinces, which badly affect peoples health. According to the data of “Statistical bulletin of national economy and social development in Chengdu”, it shows the haze in Chengdu gradually intensifies while it tends to reduce in 2014 (Table1). From the table, it presents the air quality standard days has been decreasing greatly from 2011 to 2013, and it is worrying because it relates with our health and industrial structure. With too high haze, it can show that industrial structure is unreasonable and need further adjustment. Fortunately, in 2014, the situation starts to improve, and the air quality standard days are more one days than in 2013.
2. Causes of the haze
2.1 Topographic factors
Chengdu is located in the western Sichuan Basin, covering an area of 12121 square kilometers, and from wind direction, static wind is the most common wind direction, followed by the north wind in June, July, and August each year and the northeast wind in the rest of months, which is bad for the spread of pollutants (Dai, Tang, & Zhu, 2016). Besides, Chengdu consists of a large number of rivers where water vapor is very abundant, which causes higher relative humidity and is easy to form fog and haze (Liu & Chen, 2016). At the same time, Chengdu is one of the most developed areas in China, including a great number of industrial development zones and bringing about a great amount of pollutants. Therefore, it concludes little wind speed, large relative humidity and industrial development zones cause the limited atmospheric environmental capacity and provide natural conditions for the formation of fog and haze.endprint
2.2 Economic factors
Apart from the abnormal climate, economy and human activities also can lead to the incidents of fog and haze. In order to further analyze the causes of haze, according to the data of “Statistical bulletin of national economy and social development in Chengdu”, Table2 is provided and shows the changes of population, GDP, total energy consumption, vehicle, and urbanization in Chengdu from 2011 to 2014.
From Table2, the population, GDP, total energy consumption, vehicle, and urbanization level in Chengdu has been increasing from 2011 to 2014. According to Table1, the haze becomes gradually more serious from 2011 to 2013 except 2014. It is possible to induce the relationship between these economic factors and haze. The larger population, higher urbanization level and GDP make us lead a better material life. Nowadays, as our economic level improves, the public transportation is more convenient and even people have more money to buy private cars, which make our life more comfortable. However, these vehicles produce more emissions and bring about numerous environmental problems, air quality is much poorer and the haze has a negative impact on peoples health. Whats more, total energy consumption is improving each year, and the consumption of coal is one of the most polluting industries in city (Xie Yanhui, 2014). In addition, many industries still use old technological equipment with high energy consumption and emission, and make industrial emissions of pollutants regarded as the direct cause of haze formation (Zhou, 2015). It not only produces environmental pollution, but also is harmful to the sustainable development. If economic development is totally at the cost of our health, it is unreasonable to promote our life quality. Therefore, it is necessary to regulate industrial structure and reduce the energy pollution emissions.
III. Suggestions of the haze
1. Adjustment of internal structure in three major industries
Chengdu, as one of the most popular areas in China, we must take the advantages of Chengdu in the western region, adjust intelligently the internal industrial structure, develop primarily and support tertiary industry, such as, information, new energy vehicles, creative industry and so on. These industries cause little environmental pollution and still can promote the development of economy, which is necessary to enlarge the booming of the new industrial construction. The relative departments of our country are able to reorganize the industrial construction of high-pollution industries, it is important to introduce new technological equipment and approaches, and reduce their pollution emission. As far as agricultural development, it is necessary to introduce some scientific farming equipment instead of the old ones and provide lots of advanced methods to improve agricultural production. At present, new countryside constructions are conducted, and it can enhance both peoples life quality and economic development of countryside. All these measures can be used to reduce air pollution and haze, and improve our life quality.endprint
2. Controlment of population density
Chengdu, as the capital city in Sichuan, possesses excellent educational resource and brings many schools together, from kindergarten to universities. Most graduates from university try to find jobs and live in Chengdu in order to promote career development. Besides, some people from the town and countryside also get ready to work and even live in Chengdu all the time. It brings about large population density, which has an influence on haze pollution. That is because the more population the city is, the more housing, household appliance, and public vehicles people demand (Shao, Li, Cao, & Yang). They can increase energy consumption and cause plenty of pollution emissions. Whats more, people are richer and can afford to buy private cars, which cause traffic jam and more pollution gas emitting into the air. It is harmful to our health, as a result, it is important to adjust and control the emissions of vehicles and population density. As far as the vehicle, it should encourage people to use new energy vehicles and reduce the emissions of vehicles. At the same time, it is necessary to develop increasingly public transportation, make people enjoy a convenient life, and reduce the number of private cars. As for population density, it is possible for government to take some measures to reduce population density, such as creating more jobs and refine the present living condition in town and countryside. It can attract some people to work in town and countryside, and reduce the pressure of population in city.
3. Strengthen institutional and consumer responsibility for environmental protection
Environmental pollution is caused by the low environmental protection awareness of people. Because a lot of people are short for education in the past, they are unaware of protecting environment and fall into the habit of littering litter. In China, the social responsibility between the enterprise and consumer is almost zero, which exacerbates the difficulties of clean energy development and strengthens a large area of haze pollution (Wei & Ma, 2015). The government can help to construct the enterprises the system of social responsibility and make them realize the importance of protecting environment and use less emission energy. On the other hand, the government can give publicity to environmental protection culture and awareness among people in Chengdu, let them know the harm of air pollution and haze, and improve their environmental protection awareness. When people buy some needs, they are able to use environmentally-friendly bags instead of plastic ones, which can save energy for making plastic bags. If all of us protects environment, our society will be more beautiful and our health will be guaranteed.
[1]Xie Yanhui.(2014).The hazy world of coal.World of Chinese, 4,54-57.
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