杨曦光,于 颖
杨曦光1,于 颖2※
(1.东北盐碱植被恢复与重建教育部重点实验室,东北林业大学盐碱地生物资源环境研究中心,哈尔滨 150040; 2. 东北林业大学林学院,哈尔滨 150040)
土壤含水率是土壤水循环研究中不可或缺的参数,已广泛应用于土壤水分的监测。土壤光谱特性的研究是土壤含水率光学遥感定量反演的基础。该研究首先通过野外调查收集土样;然后,在实验室条件下制备不同水分梯度的土壤样品,并利用便携式地物光谱仪采集不同水分梯度土壤样品的反射光谱;最后,通过试验光谱数据分析建立一个基于指数函数的土壤含水率遥感反演模型,并对结果进行精度评价。结果表明,基于指数函数的土壤含水率反演模型可以较好的反演土壤水分特征,在640 nm处土壤含水率的估计值与真实值之间的决定系数为0.7062,RMSE为3.49%。相关研究为表层土壤含水量的遥感监测提供新方法和新思路。
0 引 言
1 数据与方法
1.1 土壤数据
研究区位于黑龙江省安达市。在研究区内随机设置了20个野外采样点,收集表层(<10cm)的土壤样品,并用GPS记录采样点坐标。收集样品的土壤类型分别为盐碱土、草甸土、黑钙土、风沙土、沼泽土和水稻土。土壤样品质地为壤质黏土至砂质黏壤土,含黏粒为10%~35%。将不同采样点收集的样品经研磨、风干并过2 mm筛子后混合,然后将混合样品均分成16个独立样品,装入直径为5 cm的土壤盒中。目的是获得土壤结构和属性近似相同的样品,以降低其他土壤因素对反射光谱的影响。再对样品滴淋不同质量的蒸馏水,以获得不同含水率的土壤样品[12,19]。利用烘干法获得样品的含水率数据,测量条件及烘干法操作流程见文献[27]。
1.2 光谱数据采集
利用SVC-1024i便携式光谱仪进行样品反射光谱的测量。实验室光源(Lowel Light Pro., JCV 14.5 V–50 WC)以45°入射角在距样品20 cm的位置照射在样品上,便携式光谱仪在距样品3 cm处测量天顶方向的土壤反射光谱,每个样品测量10次并取平均,以降低仪器和环境噪声[12]。整个测量过程在暗光实验室进行,以避免环境散射光对测量结果的影响[19]。
1.3 研究方法
土壤水分对其反射光谱的影响可以通过指数模型式 (1)来描述[19]。
2 结果与分析
2.1 土壤水分含量对土壤光谱的影响
土壤水分作为土壤的重要组成部分,对土壤的整体反射光谱产生明显的影响。从图1中,可以看出,土壤的反射光谱会随着土壤含水量的不同呈现出明显的差异。由于水分对光谱的吸收,使得土壤反射光谱会随着土壤含水量的增加而降低。而在1 400、1 900和2 200 nm等特定的水分吸收带处,土壤反射率下降尤为明显。这种变化主要是由于土壤中水中羟基集团震动形式决定的[24]。Baumgardner等[28]发现,当土壤含水量增加时,土壤的反照率将会降低,在1 400和1 900 nm处的吸收峰面积会增加。含水量高的土壤反射光谱在1 400和1 900 nm附近吸收峰的深度及面积都要大于含水量低的样品在这2个吸收峰对应的值[29]。但当土壤含水率达到田间持水率之后,反射光谱就不会再随着土壤水分增加而降低了。Muller等[30]研究表明,如果土壤含水率持续增加直至达到田间持水量后,土壤颗粒表面会形成水膜并发生镜面反射,使得土壤反射光谱随着含水量的增加不但不持续降低,反而有所上升。而土壤湿度从干燥态演变到风干态时,土壤发射光谱变化不显著[12]。
图1 不同含水率对应的土壤反射光谱
2.2 衰减系数求解
注明:纯水吸收系数是基于Hale and Querry数据绘制[31]。
图2虚线部分为利用拟合数据计算的350至2 500 nm的衰减系数()。从图2可以看出,土壤含水率对1 300 nm之前各波段土壤反射光谱的影响近似相同且吸收很小。此后,随着波长的增加,土壤水分对土壤反射光谱的影响增强。在1 300至1 600 nm和1 800至2 100 nm之间有2个明显的吸收峰,吸收峰的中心分别位于1 450和1 930 nm,且1 930 nm处的吸收峰的吸收强度要强于1 450 nm的吸收峰。在2 200 nm之后,土壤水分对土壤反射光谱的影响呈现趋势增加。随着含水量的增加,其对土壤反射光谱的吸收增强。
利用纯水的吸收系数作为指标与拟合的衰减系数()进行比较。从纯水的吸收系数曲线中可以看出,在1 300 nm之前纯水对辐射能量的吸收在各波段近乎相同;在1 300 nm之后,纯水对辐射能量的吸收随着波长的增加而增加;在1 450和1 930 nm有2个明显的吸收峰,并且1 930 nm的吸收峰强于1 450 nm的吸收峰;2 200 nm之后,纯水对辐射能量的吸收呈现趋势增加(图2实线)。通过比较,衰减系数()与纯水的吸收系数随波长的变化曲线形状相似,描述的水分对辐射能量的吸收规律相似,特别是在1 450和1 930 nm的强吸收峰的位置拟合结果吻合较好,说明衰减系数()可以很好的描述出土壤水分对辐射能量的吸收特征。
2.3 模型反演精度
当衰减系数()求解之后,给定不同含水率的土壤反射光谱()之后,就可以利用公式(3)求出土壤反射光谱()对应的土壤含水率。只要给定一个特定波段的反射率,利用对应的值都可以计算出土壤的含水率。因此,对于一个土壤样品的一条光谱曲线从350~2 500 nm可以计算出若干个土壤湿度的估计值,而实际需要的只是与样品真实值最接近的一个值。因此,利用本文的模型计算了16个土壤样品在不同波段处的湿度值,并与真实值进行比较,用平均误差和均方根误差评价不同样品在350~2 500 nm不同波段处的预测精度。
图3是利用不同波段处土壤含水率的估计值与真实值计算的均方根误差(RMSE)结果图。统计表明,RMSE的最大值为12.65%,最小值为3.49%,平均值为5.48%。从图中可以看出,RMSE的值从350~2 500 nm呈现不规则变化。在350 nm处,RMSE的值为7.41%,而后随着波长的增加,RMSE降低。500~1 250 nm之间,RMSE的值比较稳定,介于3.49%~4.13%之间。1 250 nm之后RMSE的值呈现增加的趋势,在1 450 nm处RMSE有一峰值为7.57%,之后RMSE有小范围的降低,在1700nm之后呈现波动性的增加,在2050nm处RMSE有一峰值为8.04%。图4为波长640 nm处估算的土壤含水率与真实值之间的散点图。640 nm处估计值与真实值之间的决定系数为0.7062,RMSE为3.49%。
表1 土壤含水率估算精度统计结果
图3 RMSE计算结果
图4 640 nm处土壤含水率估计值与真实值之间的拟合曲线
3 结 论
1)土壤水分会增加其对辐射能量的吸收,使土壤反射光谱整体降低,并且在1 400和1 900 nm呈现2个明显的吸收峰,吸收峰的深度与土壤含水量高度相关。试验控制的光谱测量数据可以较好的描述土壤水分对土壤反射光谱的影响,同时尽可能的降低其他土壤因素对反射光谱的影响,降低分析难度。
3)利用本文光谱分析法的土壤含水率遥感估算模型可以实现土壤含水率的定量监测。在640 nm处土壤含水率的估计值与真实值之间的决定系数为0.706 2,RMSE为3.49%。
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Remote sensing inversion of soil moisture based on laboratory reflectance spectral data
Yang Xiguang1, Yu Ying2※
(1.()(),150040,; 2.,,150040,)
Soil moisture is one of the important components of soil and plays an important role in the material and vegetative nutrient transport process in the soil system. Soil moisture is also an essential soil physical parameter in the study on water cycle in ecological system, and a key variable of drought monitoring, soil erosion and surface evaporation studying. Therefore, soil moisture monitoring is very important. Remote sensing technology has been applied to soil moisture monitoring with its advantage of high efficiency and rapidness. The soil hyper-spectral ground experiment and the soil hyper-spectral characteristics are the basis for the inversion of soil moisture. In this paper, soil samples collected in field were mixed to achieve the purpose of keeping approximately constant soil properties. Then mixed soil sample was divided into 16 independent samples in order to ensure that the effects of soil properties on reflectance of each soil sample were at the same level, such as soil organic matter, soil texture, and soil salinity. After that, the samples were slowly irrigated with distilled water to get different levels of moisture. And the spectral data of each sample were measured at the same time under laboratory conditions. Based on this dataset, a remote sensing inversion model of soil moisture content based on exponential function was established and the parameters of model were fitted by using the experimental spectrum data. Fitted parameters illustrated the effects of soil moisture on soil reflected energy at each single band from 350 to 2 500 nm. A larger value of the fitted parameter indicated that more energy was absorbed by water and less energy was reflected. Result showed that there were 2 peaks near 1 400 and 1 900 nm after a steady trend less than 1 300 nm. And this fitted result was consistent with the absorption coefficients of pure water. It indicates that the exponential model with physically definable parameters can be used to describe the characteristics of soil reflectance changing with soil moisture conditions. Then this inversion model was used to estimate the soil moisture based on laboratory spectral data. The accuracy varied with soil moisture level, and it was lower for samples with soil moisture larger than 32.75% and lower than 5.52%. When soil moisture was 32.75%, the maximum absolute error and the minimum absolute error were 134.89% and 25.44%, respectively. When soil moisture was equal and lower than 5.52%, the maximum absolute error was larger than 200%. The estimation accuracy was better when the soil moisture was between 5.52% and 32.75%. The mean absolute error was less than 30% and the maximum absolute error was 83.81%. The determination coefficient and RMSE (root mean square error) between estimated and measured soil moisture content at 640 nm were 0.706 2 and 3.49%, respectively. The results indicate that the inversion model based on the exponential function can be used for soil moisture content estimation with good accuracy. This work provides new methods and ideas for monitoring topsoil moisture content by using remote sensing technology.
soil moisture; remote sensing; models; exponential function; inversion model; hyperspectral remote sensing
TP79; S15
于 颖,女,辽宁省大连人,博士,副教授,主要从事定量遥感及GIS研究。Email:yuying4458@163.com