英国剑桥大学博士、教授兼作家尼古拉斯·柯瑞思(Nicholas Chrimes)撰写的《乌镇:中国古镇的“世界闻名”之路》一书的中文版,在2017年12月举行的第四届世界互联网大会期间由浙江大学出版社出版。
最后,柯瑞思借18世纪末期英国哲学家和政治家爱德华·伯克(Edward Burke)在其《反思法国大革命》(又译为《法国革命论》)中的一句话:“社会就是过去、现在以及未来之间的一个契约。”——表达了他自己的看法。他认为,只有做到保护过去、容纳现在并且拥抱未来,才能保证一个社会的价值观长久地传承下去。乌镇现在所做的一切,不论看起来多么朴实无华、微不足道,其实都是在为这三个维度作出难能可贵的贡献。
“我的家乡附近有个名叫萨夫伦沃尔登(Saffron Walden)的迷人市镇,就是这样总被历史所遗忘:据说2000多年前,古罗马人都不愿意在那里停留,而是把营地扎在了它两侧的大切斯特福德和剑桥。乌镇显然不是这样。”柯瑞思说,南望南宋古都临安(现在的杭州),东临上海,乌镇一直都与中国各朝各代的纷争、起义、叛乱,与中国的饮食传统、园林、文学以及社会风俗等有直接的联系。读懂了乌镇,也就读懂了中国文化的一大部分。
The Chinese version of , written by Nicholas Chrimes, will be published by Zhejiang University Press during the annual World Internet Conference to be held in December 2017 in Wuzhen, the permanent venue for the international event.
Over the past five years, the scholar and writer from Cambridge, UK, has spent, on and off, 12 months in China, giving lectures on UK culture, education, and art history at universities. He was approached by Zhejiang University Press to write a book about Wuzhen, a town of canals on the Grand Canal of China with a long history of culture, trade and tradition in northern Zhejiang.
In January 2017, Qi Xiao, an employee with the publishers center for international cooperation and liaison, accompanied Chrimes to visit Wuzhen. Qi had studied abroad and worked as a journalist. With his experience at home and abroad, he is aware that many people beyond China look at the country through tinted glasses and that China often looks distorted from afar due to prejudice and ignorance and that incorrect ideas about China would not go away easily. He is aware that some peoples opinions of China are based on selected facts. What makes Nicholas Chrimes stand out is, unlike some outsiders, he would like to take a look at things in China to acquire facts about Wuzhen, Zhejiang and China. The scholar from Cambridge, UK chooses to learn about the facts of China and allow these facts to modify his opinions.
What Chrimes saw and heard in Wuzhen appear in the book. In the book, Chrimes describes his impressions of the ancient water town: streets paved with pebbles and flagstones, stinky tofu and other local delicacies, graceful paper fans, a night boat tour through the labyrinth of rivers across the town, and architecture.endprint
In the opinion of the author, Wuzhen owes its new fame and attractions to the well restored houses in the traditional architectural style. The restoration makes it easier for foreigners to understand the history and culture of Wuzhen. He claims that adjectives such as poetic, lyrical, beautiful describe Wuzhen aptly: the water courses, narrow lanes, houses of wood, temples and gardens appeal to tourists of all ages. For those who embrace Muses, Wuzhen is encouraging. The author compares Wuzhen with counterparts in the west so as to enable understanding.
Chrimes tries to treat Wuzhen as an embodiment of China. In the second part of the book, he examines various aspects of China through the perspective of Wuzhen. In one section, the Great Wall and Wuzhen are discussed together; in another section, he talks about Chinese food in general and delicacies of Wuzhen in particular; he addresses subjects on education, culture, womens social status, marriage customs, diverse ancient faiths, religions in the perspectives of the country and the town. Through comparisons with and contrasts to the things with which he grew up with as a westerner, the author writes about Wuzhen and China.
Nicholas Chrimes had three basic ideas to address in writing about Wuzhen. He knows pretty well how people back home in UK would engage in seemingly endless debates about a restoration project and often make it almost impossible. The way Wuzhen was restored 20 years ago from desolation to a tourist attraction is a very interesting success case worth scrutinizing. The second idea popped up during his January visit to Wuzhen. Looking around in the town of rivers, he became aware that the town embodied fundamental changes China had seen over the last few decades and that Wuzhen was by no means a beautiful town in a remote province overlooked by history. The third idea came from his look into himself: as an Englishman with a good education and a broad mind, he knew little about Chinese culture. In general, he thinks the book may help correct the situation that China knows more about the world than the world knows about China.
“As China develops more and engages in more cultural exchanges with the rest of the world, there will be more westerners like Chrimes. We would like to invite more to help us tell Chinas stories,” suggested Qi Xiao with Zhejiang University Press.endprint