

生态学报 2017年21期


1 鲁东大学生命科学学院, 烟台 264025 2 鲁东大学学报编辑部, 烟台 264025



1 鲁东大学生命科学学院, 烟台 264025 2 鲁东大学学报编辑部, 烟台 264025



青藏高原是世界上海拔最高、面积最大的高原,具有丰富的物种多样性,是全球25个生态热点之一,有超过12000种植物生长在青藏高原及其邻近地区[1- 2]。由于高海拔和干旱等极端环境的存在,导致该地区生态系统对环境变化及人类活动非常敏感[3],已有1000多种植物被列为濒危物种[4]。过去,青藏高原地区居民依靠野生植物资源获得收入,导致野生资源过分采挖,由于环境恶劣,致使这些物种很难恢复,从而引起一系列生态问题。

唐古特大黄(RheumtanguticumMaxim. ex Balf.)是蓼科(Polygonaceae)大黄属植物,主要分布在青藏高原地区,其根入药,具有通便、抗炎等功效,是传统的中藏药材[5]。由于青藏高原地区的野生资源品质较高,出口到日本、韩国和其他地区[6]。近几年由于经济利益的驱使导致人类过度采挖,使得唐古特大黄野生分布区急剧减少,因而被列入濒危物种名单[4]。

根据实地调查,发现大黄野生资源已经非常稀少,对其野生居群的保护迫在眉睫。居群遗传多样性研究对濒危物种的保护具有重要意义[7- 9],相关研究工作也已逐步开展,如Chen等[10]、Hu等[11]和Wang等[12]分别利用SSR、ISSR和基因片段trnL-F对唐古特大黄进行了遗传多样性的分析,迄今为止,尚未见利用trnS-G序列研究其遗传多样性的报道。叶绿体基因片段trnS-G序列因其具有较快的进化速率和较高的遗传变异等特点,已被广泛应用到物种遗传多样性和种内种间基因交流的研究中[13-14]。因此,研究选择trnS-G序列对唐古特大黄物种多样性水平及居群间的基因流进行了研究。本研究重点探讨以下问题:1)唐古特大黄的遗传多样性水平;2)唐古特大黄居群的遗传结构;3)通过多样性水平调查,为该物种的遗传保护提出合理建议。

1 材料与方法

1.1 实验材料


1.2 DNA提取,扩增及测序

采用改良的CTAB法[15]从干燥的唐古特大黄叶片中提取基因组DNA。利用Hamilton[16]设计的‘S’ (5′-GCCGCTTTAGTCCACTCAGC- 3′)和 ‘G’ (5′-GAACGAATCACACTTTTACCAC- 3′)引物进行PCR扩增,扩增体系为:25 μL体系,包括40 ng模板DNA,17.5 μL无菌水,2.5 μL 10×Taq 酶缓冲液,0.5 μL 10 mmol/L dNTPs,5 μmol/L引物各1.25 μL,1 U DNA Taq酶。扩增程序为:94 ℃预变性4.0 min;94 ℃变性1.0 min,51℃退火50 s,72 ℃延伸1.75 min,循环38次;最后72 ℃延伸8 min。PCR产物用1.0%的琼脂糖凝胶进行电泳检测,采用纯化试剂盒进行纯化(购自上海生工),然后送至北京六合华大基因公司进行核苷酸序列分析。

图1 唐古特大黄样本分布图Fig.1 The samples distributions of R. tanguticum

1.3 数据分析

用Clustal X软件[17]进行序列比对并进行手工校正。在进行单倍型分析时,插入缺失和碱基替换作相同处理。利用DnaSP5.1软件[18]计算居群的单倍型多态性(Hd)、核苷酸多态性(pi)和物种水平居群间的平均基因流(Nm)。采用PERMUT软件[19]计算居群内平均遗传多样性(Hs)、总遗传多样性(Ht)和居群遗传分化系数(GST)。应用Arlequin3.1软件进行分子变异分析(AMOVA)[20],并进行1000次随机抽样的显著性检验。采用TFPGA软件对遗传距离矩阵和地理距离矩阵进行mantel检测,并进行1000次随机置换的显著性检验。另外,采用MEGA 6.0的邻接法NJ(Neighbor-Joining)进行聚类分析,建立无根系统发育树[21]。采用NETWORK 4.6.1软件[22]中的中点连接法进行种内谱系的单倍型网络分析,并用溯祖理论来推测单倍型间的亲缘关系。

2 结果

2.1 CpDNA序列变异和单倍型分布

87个样本获得的trnS-G序列长度在944—954 bp之间,校正后总长度为965 bp。共检测到23个核苷酸变异位点,其中10个是碱基缺失或插入造成的突变位点,13个为核苷酸置换位点(表2)。

表1 用于实验的珊瑚菜材料及其来源

基于这些核酸突变,在9个居群的87个样本中共发现4种单倍型H1—H4(表3,图2),这些单倍型的代表序列均提交到GenBank数据库(表3)。H1单倍型是Pop4居群特有单倍型,包含7个样本;H2单倍型分布在Pop3和Pop8两个居群,共16个样本;H3是分布最广泛且最丰富的单倍型,分布在5个居群(Pop1、Pop2、Pop5、Pop7和Pop9),共48个样本,占采样总数的55.17%;H4单倍型出现在Pop3和Pop6 这两个居群,分别包括7个和9个样本(表3)。

表2 唐古特大黄4个单倍型变异位点信息

表3 各居群的单倍型分布数目

图2 NETWORK单倍型网络图 Fig.2 Haplotype relationship constructed by the software NETWORK 图中圆圈代表单倍型,H代表检测到的单倍型,mv代表缺失的单倍型


2.2 遗传多样性分析


2.3 遗传结构分析


图3 基于遗传距离构建的唐古特大黄居群聚类分析图 Fig.3 NJ dendrogram based on genetic distances of R. tanguticum


3 讨论

3.1 唐古特大黄的遗传多样性



3.2 唐古特大黄遗传结构



3.3 唐古特大黄遗传多样性保护


4 结论

本研究基于叶绿体基因片段trnS-G 的序列变异对9个唐古特大黄野生居群的遗传结构进行了分析,结果表明该物种具有较高的遗传多样性,遗传分化主要来自于居群间,居群间的基因流较低。产生这种遗传结构的原因可能与唐古特大黄特殊的高山生境和人类活动的干扰有关。为保护唐古特大黄的遗传多样性,建议对其所有的野生居群进行就地保护,并采集和保存种子建立异地种质资源库,开展异地繁育等保护工作。


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WANG Ailan1, LI Weiwei2,*


Rheumtanguticum(Polygonaceae), an endangered traditional Chinese and Tibetan medicines, is distributed in the Tibetan Plateau. To investigate endangered reasons and protect the wild resources, we collected 87 individuals fromnine populations ofR.tanguticum, and estimated the genetic diversity of this speciesbased on the cpDNAtrnS-G region.The results showed that there was high genetic diversity within this species. The length of the totaltrnS-G region of the 87 individuals ranged from 944 to 954bp, and covered 965 nucleotide positions after being aligned. Variations were detected in 23 nucleotides, including 13 nucleotide substitutions and 10 indel sites. On the basis of these nucleotide mutations, a total of four nucleotide haplotypes (H1—H4) were identified. The development of a parsimony network showed that the four haplotypes made up a shallow star genetic tree. Haplotypes H1, H2, and H4 were located at the tips of the network, representing recent haplotypes.Haplotype H3 and three missing haplotypes were in the center of the star network.Moreover,since haplotype H3 had the highest frequency, it was identified as an ancestral haplotype.The total diversity (Ht) among the individuals collected was 0.694, indicating a high genetic diversity. In addition, a high level of population differentiation was observed (GST=0.960), as determined by PERMUT analysis, showing 95.97% genetic differentiation between populations, whereas the remainder of the total genetic variation (4.03%) was attributed to within-population diversity (Hs=0.028). AMOVA analysis (FST=0.9631) also indicated that the genetic diversity among populations was greater than that within populations. The value for gene flow was fairly low (Nm=0.01), indicating a limited gene flow between populations, which is consistent with the findings of PERMUT and AMOVA analysis.The NJ tree of populations based on genetic distance revealed three supported groups. However, populations with close geographic distance did not cluster together, indicating that there was no direct relationship between the geographic distances and genetic distances of the nine populations, which was confirmed by the Mantel test(r=0.2461,p=0.2060). The high genetic diversity of the examined populations is probably associated with the long evolutionary history and life history ofR.tanguticum.The large genetic differentiation between populations might be related tothe alpine geographical environment and human activity. Therefore, we suggest that more wild populations with high genetic diversity should be protected by an in-situ conservation program at sites distant from human activity. We also recommend the collection and conservation of seeds from populations with rich genetic diversity for the ex-situ conservation of genetic stocks and their propagation. These conservation measures will certainly provide the basic resources required to increase the number of populations of this species and extend its range of distribution.

Rheumtanguticum;trnS-G region; genetic diversity; gene flow


2016- 08- 09; < class="emphasis_bold">网络出版日期

日期:2017- 07- 11

*通讯作者Corresponding author.E-mail:


王爱兰,李维卫.青藏高原濒危植物唐古特大黄的遗传多样性.生态学报,2017,37(21):7251- 7257.

Wang A L, Li W W.Genetic diversity of an endangered species,Rheumtanguticum(Polygonaceae), on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.Acta Ecologica Sinica,2017,37(21):7251- 7257.

