文/威廉·布兰尼金 译/田虔虔 审订/钱多秀
文/威廉·布兰尼金 译/田虔虔 审订/钱多秀
Night is falling on South Omaha2奥马哈是美国内布拉斯加州最大的工商业城市,是道格拉斯县的县治所在,临密苏里河岸。,and Maria Jacinto is patting tortillas33 tortilla墨西哥传统食物,玉米粉不发酵制作的薄饼,可以随意搭配配料、酱料食用。for the evening meal in the kitchen of the small house she shares with her husband and five children. Like many others in her neighborhood, where most of the residents are Mexican immigrants, the Jacinto household mixes the old country with the new.
[2] As Jacinto, who speaks only Spanish, stresses a need to maintain the family’s Mexican heritage, her eldest son, a bilingual 11-year-old who wears a San Francisco 49ers4又称旧金山淘金者队,是一支美国国家橄榄球联盟(NFL)球队,成立于1946年,曾五次赢得超级碗冠军。jacket and has a paper route, comes in and joins his brothers and sisters in the living room to watchThe Simpsons5《辛普森一家》是美国福克斯广播公司出品的一部动画情景喜剧,通过展现霍默、玛姬、巴特、丽莎和麦琪一家五口的生活,讽刺性地勾勒出了居住在美国心脏地带人们的生活方式。.
[3] In many ways, the experiences of the Jacinto family are typical of the gradual process of assimilation6assimilation吸收;接受。that has pulled generations of immigrants into the American mainstream. That process is nothing new to Omaha, which drew waves of Czech, German and Irish immigrants in the early 1900s.
[4] American culture remains a powerful force―for better or worse―that in fl uences people both here and around the world in countless ways. But several factors have combined in recent years to allow immigrants to resist, if they choose, the Americanization that had once been considered irresistible.
[5] In fact, the very concept of assimilation is being called into question as never before. Some sociologists argue that the melting pot7“熔炉”常被用来比喻美国、加拿大及巴西等异质性国家,拥有不同文化背景的移民“熔化”到这些国家的各个种族和民族,彼此渗透交流,最后同化形成一种新的、具备向心力的文化。often means little more than “Anglo conformity”8“盎格鲁化”是民族社会学的一个专业词汇,是指英国向北美移民开始实行的移民政策,即无论文化背景,无论国家,移民要想在美国生存,成为美国公民,就必须盎格鲁化,即使用英语、遵守盎格鲁-撒克逊传统规范、价值观、社会制度,这是由政府推行的、不间断的、完全的族群同化的过程。and that assimilation is not always a positive experience―for either society or the immigrants themselves. And with today’s emphasis on diversity and ethnicity, it has become easier than ever for immigrants to avoid the melting pot entirely.Even the metaphor itself is changing,having fallen out of fashion completely with many immigration advocacy9美国的移民支持团体多为非盈利组织,为移民提供咨询、手续办理等服务和帮助。and ethnic groups. They prefer such terms as the “salad bowl” and the “mosaic,”10相较于“熔炉”,“沙拉拼盘”和“拼花图案”喻指多元文化相互碰撞交流,但保留原有独立性和分离性,兼收并存,不以形成新文化为目的。metaphors that convey more of a sense of separateness in describing this nation of immigrants.
[6] Not only in Omaha but in immigrant communities across the country,there is a process often referred to as“segmented”11segmented分割的,分段的。assimilation, in which immigrants follow different paths to incorporation122 incorporation掺入,并入。in U.S. society. These range from the classic American ideal of blending into the vast middle class,to a “downward assimilation” into an adversarial13adversarial对立的;敌对的。underclass, to a buffered14buffer缓冲;缓和。integration into “immigrant enclaves15enclave飞地(某国或某市境内隶属外国或外市,具有不同宗教、文化或民族的领土)。.”Sometimes, members of the same family end up taking sharply divergent16divergent分歧的;背道而驰的。paths, especially children and their parents.
[7] The ambivalence177 ambivalence矛盾;两重性。of assimilation can cut both ways. Many native-born Americans also seem to harbor18harbor感到。mixed feelings about the process. As a nation,the United States increasingly promotes diversity, but there are underlying concerns that the more emphasis there is on the factors that set people apart, the more likely that society will end up di-vided.
[8] Recent data shows that Latinos has gone from just 7 million to the country’s biggest minority in just two generations. In many places, new Hispanic immigrants have tended to cluster19cluster群聚。in “niche” occupations20近年来美国工作市场日趋灵活、不稳定性增加,人口日益增长的西班牙裔移民多教育水平低、缺乏专业技艺,因此“适合”他们的职业多为低薪、无须高等专业技术或知识。, live in segregated neighborhoods and worship in separate churches.
[9] Their heavy concentrations21concentration密集度。in certain parts of the country, their relatively close proximity22proximity邻近。to their native lands and their sheer numbers give this wave of immigrants an unprecedented23unprecedented前所未有的;没有先例的。potential to change the way the melting pot traditionally has worked. In effect,that allows Mexican Americans to “perpetuate24perpetuate永远保持。themselves as a separate community and even strengthen their sense of separateness if they chose to, or felt compelled to,” said David M. Kennedy,a professor of American history at Stanford University.
[10] To be sure, assimilation today often follows the same pattern that it has for generations. The children of immigrants, especially those who were born in the United States or came here at a young age, tend to learn English quickly and adopt American habits.Often they end up serving as translators for their parents.
[11] But there are important differences in the way immigrants adapt these days, and the in fl uences on them can be double-edged25double-edged同时有好坏两方面影响的。. Gaps in income,education and poverty levels between new immigrants and the native-born are widening, and many of the newcomers are becoming stuck26stuck无法摆脱的。in dead-end27dead-end没有前途的。jobs with little upward mobility28upward mobility(个人、社会群体、阶层)向更高层社会的流动。.
[12] Previous waves of immigrants also arrived unskilled and poorly educated. Although the children of these low-income, poorly educated immigrants may grow up fluent in English,acquire more education than their parents and assimilate in other ways,research shows that “they will lag well behind other students, particularly in college attendance,” said Georges Vernez, director of the Center for Research on Immigration Policy at the RAND Corp29兰德公司是美国一家非盈利全球智库,先以为美国军队提供综合性战略研究及分析著称,继而又扩展到内外政策各方面,逐渐发展成为一个研究政治、军事、经济科技、社会等各方面的综合性思想库。. “Today, for instance,native-born Hispanic youths are 30 percent less likely to go on to college after high school and three times less likely to graduate from college than non-Hispanic white students.”
[13] Since the children of immigrants tend to adapt much faster than their par-ents, the result is often tension and divisions within families. Immigrants who arrive as adults to escape poverty tend to view their lives here as an improvement over what they left behind, but their children often compare their circumstances to those of other Americans and fi nd themselves lacking30lacking缺乏;不足。.
[14] Some gravitate31gravitate吸引。toward a growing gang culture32gang culture帮派文化。帮派(gang)是指一群互相认同的人组成的团体,有明确的领导和内部结构,通常在某一社区宣布主权,进行非法或暴力活动。帮派文化在崇尚自由的美国根深蒂固。that offers them an identity and an outlet for their alienation33alienation异化又称社会异化,是一个社会学概念,用来描述与社区、工作环境中的他人缺乏认同和融合的社会关系或个人心理状态。, according to researchers. In many cases, argues University of Nebraska sociologist Lourdes Gouveia, the problem is not a lack of assimilation to American culture, but too much of it.
[15] “An attachment34attachment依恋,一种表达喜爱或忠诚的情绪联系,存在于人与人之间或人与环境、团体之间。to one’s home country, culture and language can be very positive” for immigrant children in U.S. schools, contends Gouveia. These attachments “help maintain a sense of identity and self-respect when the family drops in status,” as often happens when foreigners immigrate. As a result, the Venezuelan-born Gouveia said, students who are the least “assimilated” often do better in school than other immigrants and sometimes top even the native born.
[16] The United States should not be abandoning a concept―the Melting Pot―that has served the country well for generations, helping to maintain unity through two world wars. The elaboration35elaboration详细阐述。of an American political culture that guarantees freedoms but also respects diversity is inevitably a challenge in an era when so many people of such different backgrounds are coming together.
[17] Noting the increased ethnic diversity in the United States and other advanced countries due to rising immigration, Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam said the consequence in the long run, “successful immigrant societies will create new, cross-cutting36cross-cut横切,交错;跨领域。forms of solidarity and more encompassing37encompass包含,包罗万象。identities and at the end we shall see that the challenge is best met not by making ‘them’ like ‘us,’ but rather by creating a new, more capacious38capacious气度宏大的。sense of ‘we.’” ■
[17]由于移民趋势上升,美国及其他发达国家的民族多样性日益加强。哈佛大学政治科学家罗伯特·帕特南谈及其长期影响:“成功的移民社会创造出新的相互影响的团结形式以及更具包容性的认同感,最终我们将看到,面对挑战,最好的方法不是让‘他们’像‘我们’,而是创造全新的、内涵更丰富的‘我们’。” □
Immigrants Shunning1Idea of Assimilation
ByWilliam Branigin
1 shun避开;排斥。