埃 及 疑 案


英语世界 2017年5期


埃 及 疑 案


Mystery in Egypt

On his first day in Thebes1埃及古城,现是埃及中部的卢克索,这里可以比作“埃及的西安”,古埃及的新王国时期就定都于此,那个时候叫底比斯,法老们在此留下了大量的神庙、墓葬。, Oliver spent three hours at the tomb of an unidentified2unidentified不明的;未确认的。Egyptian prince.He’d come to Egypt with Sir Percival Wethersby. From his perch3perch〈非正式〉高处。on a broken crate, Oliver carefully copied the paintings on the wall. The air stank of4stink of散发出…的气味。mildew5mildew霉菌。, and his stumpy6stumpy短而粗的。candle let off7let off放出。more smoke than light. Oliver drew because he loved to, and because Sir Percival was his mother’s uncle.

[2] Oliver’s father had died years ago,and his mother had passed away when he was 10. Sir Percival was Oliver’s only relative. When Sir Percival wanted something, he got it. And he wanted Oliver’s drawing talent. Oliver’s illustrations would help him sell artifacts in Egypt.

[3] “Not bad,” Sir Percival said, examining Oliver’s sketch, “Make the red a tad bit8a tad bit一点点。brownish. See there,” He pointed to the woman’s basket. “The red isn’t quite right. I want these copied exactly.”

“I’ll fi x the red, Sir,” Oliver said, “But I’ll need better light.”

Sir Percival called outside to his paid Arab servant, “Beni! Bring more candles.”

[4] Oliver stood and stretched his back. He’d been crouched9crouch蹲伏。all day, leaning over his drawing to get every detail right. With a rag, he cleared away the dirt on a ledge10ledge(平窄的)壁架,横档;岩礁。chiseled11chisel凿。out of the wall. He leaned against it. CRACK!Suddenly he was on the ground. A cloud of dust and the stench of ammonia surrounded him.

“What’s this?” Beni said from behind. As the dirt settled and the old Arab lifted his candle, both could see the entrance to a tunnel. “A new tomb!”Beni exclaimed. “I’ll get Sir Percival.He’ll want to see inside fi rst.”

Oliver grabbed the candle and poked his head inside the tunnel. He inched122 inch一点一点地移动;慢慢靠近。forward, feeling his way133 feeling one’s way(在黑暗中)摸索着走。to make sure there wasn’t a chasm below. Ten feet in,he came to a room.

[5] He shone the candle around the cavern14cavern巨穴。and found a cof fi n, some vases,chairs, pots and three statues. He blew the black dust off one fi gure—a wooden woman, carved and painted. A decora-tive collar circled her neck. Colorful beads surrounded white and yellow fl owers molded out of clay. The workmanship dazzled Oliver’s artistic soul.

“Get out of there, you scoundrel!” Sir Percival snapped, his head popping into the cavern.

“I didn’t touch anything,” Oliver said, “Honest.”

“Tommyrot15tommyrot废话;胡说。,” Sir Percival said, “I’ll take a look around here myself. Give me that candle.”

Oliver crawled back through the tunnel in the dark.

Missing Person

[6] Some hours later, Oliver was allowed back inside the tomb. All the artifacts were covered in sheets except the cof fi n. Sir Percival was kneeling by it.The stone covering had been set aside.“Take special care to copy these inscriptions exactly.” He pointed to some Egyptian writing on the wooden cof fi n and then lifted the lid. “Tommyrot! The body is gone!”

[7] Oliver knew that a missing mummy was odd. Tomb raiders166 raider盗墓者。usually took everything except the mummy,leaving the body for fear of a curse.

“Beni, guard this tomb,” Sir Percival said, “This is 1901, but tomb raiders are still alive and well. I can’t afford to let anyone steal this cof fi n. Bones or no bones, this could belong to a lost king.”

Even after Oliver crawled into his bed that night, tucked away in the corner of Sir Percival’s tent quarters, he continued to draw. The image of the collar wouldn’t leave his mind. He sketched it from memory.

[8] Oliver accompanied Sir Percival to the Museum at Cairo the next day.Mr. Azur, a short, balding curator, greeted them cheerfully. He studied Oliver’s sketch of the coffin. “Most beautiful,”Mr. Azur said, “The sarcophagus17sarcophagus石棺。and the cof fi n, they were not disturbed?”

“Well,” Sir Percival said, “at first everything appeared fi ne. But the mummy! I’m afraid the bones are gone.”

[9] The knowledge seemed to please Mr. Azur rather than annoy him. “This is most wonderful. Look!” He pointed at the drawing of coffin. “This says‘Zaphenath-paneah.’ It is another name for Joseph18Joseph约瑟,圣经故事里他是雅各的儿子,被卖到埃及,后来由于给法老解梦应验而受到重用,并帮助埃及战胜饥荒。, the Hebrew19Hebrew希伯来人,犹太人北方闪米特民族的一员或后裔,自称是亚伯拉罕、以撒克和雅各的后代。of the Old Testament who became Pharaoh’s second-in-command and saved Egypt from famine. The Bible records that Moses took Joseph’s bones out of Egypt right before the Exodus20Exodus以色列人出埃及事件。.”

Oliver’s hands began to tremble.

“We shall see this tomb, yes?” Mr.Azur said, putting on his hat.

Tomb Raiders!

[10] The fi rst sign of disaster was the unfamiliar green truck parked near the site at Thebes. Beni lay facedown in the sand, his hands tied behind his back.A man wearing a black mask jumped out from behind the truck and pointed a ri fl e at Sir Percival’s chest. “Everybody get down,” the gunman said. “and you won’t get hurt.”

Soon the three were tied in the same position as Beni. Oliver watched, blinking sand from his eyes, as six masked men loaded the chairs, vases, cof fi n and statues into the truck, He said a silent goodbye to Joseph’s coffin as the ancient cargo rolled away.

[11] Several uneventful weeks passed until Sir Percival brought Oliver to a new site in the cliffs—a pit tomb. The cave was accessible only by climbing down a 30-foot rope.

“This is my new discovery,” Sir Percival said when they reached the bottom. His candle lit a room filled with a potpourri21potpourri杂烩;集锦。of artifacts. “I think this was s storage chamber.” Oliver looked around. His eyes fi xed on a statue of a woman wearing an ornate collar.

“This is from Joseph’s tomb!” Oliver blurted. “I recognize every detail.”

“Tommyrot!” Sir Percival said. All Egyptian collars look alike.”

“No, it’s the same. I remember the blue and yellow—”

“I never should have let you in that tomb!” Sir Percival said. “Forget you saw it!”

“But that’s a lie. You stole your own discovery and moved it here. Why?”

“Money.” Sir Percival said, pulling his pipe out of his pocket. “Joseph’s coffin is worth too much to leave in a museum. Today my contract with the museum ends. Now I’m free to keep these artifacts. What difference is it to you?”

“The difference between right and wrong,” said Oliver.

Sir Percival stuffed his pipe with tobacco, “Be reasonable, and do as I say.”

[12] I’ll do what’s right, Oliver thought. He sprang up, grabbing the rope with a tight grip and twisting his ankles around the bottom. “You’ll not make it, boy,” Sir Percival said, stepping forward. “I’ll pluck you from that rope like an apple off a tree.”

Oliver looked up at the opening and prayed for strength. He began to climb,hand over hand. Suddenly a brown blur swooped22swoop俯冲。down from the opening.

He could hear Sir Percival muttering, followed by more whirring23whirr呼呼地飞或旋转的声音。and a screech24screech尖叫声。. Oliver recognized the call of an eagle owl.

Oliver continued to shimmy25shimmy摆动。up the rope. In one great heave, he reached the ledge and hoisted26hoist提起,拉起(重物)。himself up.

“Get me out of here,” Sir Percival yelled.

“No way,” Oliver said, pulling up the rope.

“He wasn’t talking to you, Kid,”Beni said, grabbing Oliver from behind.

Pit of Despair

[13] After forcing Oliver back down the rope, Sir Percival removed all the artifacts and left him there with no food,no water and no light. For two long days, Oliver sat in the pit tomb praying.

He listened to snakes slithering27slither(蛇等)蜿蜒地滑行。by day, the beat of bats’ wings at night.

[14] When he was about to give up hope, Oliver heard a familiar whirring.He stared at the hole and wished for the owl to come back. But this time the whirring wasn’t the owl; it was a car.

Oliver heard footsteps. “Oliver, you are down there, yes?”

“Yes,” Oliver said, his voice a mere croak28croak低沉而沙哑的声音。.

Mr. Azur lowered a rope ladder and descended into the pit. He gave Oliver some water.

“How did you know?” Oliver asked,water dribbling29dribble滴落。down his chin.

“Sir Percival came and showed me the collar,” he said, “But I’d seen your sketch of it. It was with the original drawing of Joseph’s cof fi n. I knew then Percival had cheated us.”

“Where is he now?” Oliver asked.

“Deported,” Mr.Azur said, “Your great-uncle is no longer welcome in Egypt.

“How did you find me?”

“Beni told us where you were. He is not so bad as Sir Percival.”

“You know, Sir Percival is my only family,” Oliver said.

“Then you can live with me and draw, yes?” Mr. Azur said. “You remind me of another young foreigner who was left for dead in a pit. He did what was right at great expense to himself.But God helped him and brought good things to Egypt.”

“Who was that?” Oliver asked.

“Zaphenath-paneah,” Mr. Azur said.“Joseph.” ■

奥利弗来到底比斯的第一天,就在一位身份不明的埃及王子的坟墓里待了三个小时。他刚同珀韦瑟斯比的珀西瓦尔爵士一起来到埃及。奥利弗蹲在一个破旧的板条箱上,仔细临摹墙上的画。四周弥漫着发霉空气的味道, 那根短粗蜡烛散发的烟比发出的光还多。奥利弗在这里画画不仅因为他喜欢绘画,还因为珀西瓦尔爵士是他妈妈的叔叔。

[2]奥利弗的父亲几年前死了, 母亲也早在他十岁时离世。珀西瓦尔爵士是他唯一的亲人。珀西瓦尔总是得偿所愿。他需要奥利弗的绘画才能,奥利弗的画可以帮助他在埃及贩卖工艺品。













[6]几小时后,奥利弗被准许重新进入墓室。除了棺材,所有东西都用布单罩着。珀西瓦尔跪在棺材旁,石盖已经被挪开。珀西瓦尔指着一些写在木棺上的埃及文字吩咐着:“仔细临摹这些铭文,都得写得一模一样。”然后他打开了棺盖:“荒唐! 尸骨不见了!”

[7]奥利弗知道木乃伊很少失踪。盗墓贼通常盗走除木乃伊外的所有东西, 因为害怕木乃伊的诅咒。

“贝尼,守着这墓。”珀西瓦尔说 ,“这是1901年出土的文物,现在盗墓的还很猖獗。不管棺材里有没有尸骨,我不能让任何人偷走这个棺材。这可能属于一个不为人知的国王。”











































“Zaphenath-paneah,”阿祖尔先生说,“约瑟。” □

